Ivydene Gardens Rock Garden Plants Suitable for Small Gardens in Colour Wheel Gallery: Click on 1 of 48 Colours or 4 colours of Black in |
There are 3 sections of Rock Garden Plants compared in this Gallery:-
The Rock Garden Plants Database contains 17518 species with more than a thousand photos and is still growing. For each plant you will find known synonyms of its name, short description, territory and altitude of its natural location, size, color, bloom, if it is calciphile (Ca+) or calciphobe (Ca-), its type (rosette etc.), cultivation and propagation. |
The Rock Plant Flowers has plants suitable for a small rock garden with the same colour from 1 of the 53 colours of flower petal on the same page. The same colours as in the Flower Colour Wheel are used here. Each of the hundreds of Text Descriptions in the Index Pages gives you the:-
Note that EVERY page in this website is a Table, which can be copied to a Word-processing package and its rows or columns re-ordered or sorted to your personal requirements on your computer . |
All the rock garden plants who have flowers in this website will have their
in one of the following 52 Colour Wheel of Flower Petal Colour pages, where each of the 12 Colour Sections has been split into the 4 Colour Groups of:-
plus Black, Grey/Gray234, Grey/Gray 5 and Pure White 6. If the Flower Petal of the photo in the Cultivated Plant Description Page is Multi-Coloured, then it will be placed in the Multi-Coloured Row of a Colour Wheel - Flowers of Flower Petal Colour Page that appears to have the majority space of that colour on that petal. If the wildflower plant does not have its Plant Description Page yet, then the Botanical Name and Flower Month will link to its Family Page. Do not click on the thumbnail photos in this gallery as they do NOT LINK to the respective Plant Description Page. |
Some planting schemes for trough gardens from The Alpine Garden.
List of plants for The Peat Garden from the Alpine Garden.
Crocus pulchellus 'Inspiration' |
PlantPoints.com is a very useful website for finding plants and this is the email exchange that I had with them today:- "Dear Sir, Our site is a portal site with encyclopedic information about ornamental plants, is a nursery worldwide catalogue and finally include the availability of the plants that the nurseries have at any time. Additionally we give the ability for our members to give and get offers in a list of plants. Best Regards Ioannis Patlis
-----Original Message----- From: info@plantpoints.com [mailto:info@plantpoints.com] Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 8:47 AM To: info@plantpoints.com Subject: Φόρμα επικοινωνίας plantpoints EN Importance: High
Όνομα: Chris Garnons-Williams e-mail: chris@ivydenegardens.co.uk Επάγγελμα: retired gardener Χώρα: United Kingdom πόλη: Rainham Διεύθυνση: 1 Eastmoor Farm Cottages Τ.Κ.: ME8 8QE Τηλέφωνο: 01634780675 Κινητό: n/a Μήνυμα: I was looking for Acantholimon oliveri. As a hobby, I am continuing to create a small educational website www.ivydenegardens.co.uk, which attempts to show the public how to design, construct and maintain their own garden and choose plants using plant description pages and flower, foliage, form, fruit/seed and plants in flower beds comparison pages. It neither sells nor buys any product and I do not receive or give any commission for any product or service. Your website is very useful for the public throughout the world to find and then buy plants. Could you write a definition of your services with or without diagrams or photos, that I can include probably on the site map page of the Rock Garden Colour Wheel? Click on Colour Wheel in Topic Menu on top left of Welcome Page to get to the Colour Wheel Galleries, then click on Rock Plant Flowers 53 in the same Topic Menu to get to the site map of that Gallery." |
Some nurseries selling Alpines by mail-order in the UK and Japan:- "Ardfearn Nursery was established in 1987 by Jim Sutherland and his son Alasdair. With a life-long interest in plants, Jim has travelled the world collecting seeds - we still grow many of the plants he has collected from his travels to China, Nepal, Chile, Siberia, Europe... Situated on the southern shore of the Beauly Firth, the nursery is 3 miles from Inverness. Although we are famous for our alpines, we also grow a large number of plants and trees that are specifically grown for either their outstanding or unusual features, and their suitablity for our Highland conditions, and are particularly useful in many gardens. We attend Scottish Rock Garden Club shows, and Inverness' Farmers' Markets (held on the first Saturday of the month). 2013 saw the start of Alasdair and partner Sarah travelling to the shows - Jim and his wife, Agnes, have been very familar faces at the shows for many years, and it certainly took some time to persuade them to hand over the reins! "
"Harperley Hall Farm Nurseries is a specialist alpine and woodland plant nursery located 8 miles outside the City of Durham, in the North East of England. We specialise in alpine plants, as well as plants suitable for woodland or shady areas; many of which are either rare or unusual. We grow a range of perennials and shrubs. We’re also suppliers of specimen plants including large sized bamboo, palms, conifers and shrubs. We work with landscapers and garden designers and particularly enjoy helping enthusiasts creating new gardens. • Royal Horticultural Society recommended nursery • Alpine Garden Society recommended nursery We are regulary exhibitors at many of the major flower shows held throughout the year, including RHS Chelsea Flower Show and are again hoping to attend a number of shows in 2015. We will be opening the Garden here at the nursery under the National Gardens Scheme on Sunday 3rd May 2015 10am to 4pm, the nursery will also be open on that day."
"Kevock Garden was first planted over 40 years ago. The major development was done by Sir John Randall, an enthusiastic horticulturalist. His early plantings of trees are now mature, giving structure and form, and many of the rhododendrons, magnolias and camellias are substantial, flowering profusely in early summer. At 77 he was unable to cope with the steep slope, and in 1983 we moved in. We reclaimed treasures from the undergrowth, and then, with a particular interest in rare alpines, started to build rockeries, terracing parts of the slopes. Many of the first plants were grown from seeds from the Scottish Rock Garden Club and Alpine Garden Society but now we draw on many sources, testing introductions in the garden. The garden is open every year as part of the Scotland's Gardens programme and, by appointment only, to groups. We have very interesting weeds. Plants multiplied dramatically in the garden and we found seedlings of unusual plants in the paths and lawns. There were branches to be pruned and clumps to be split. We didn't have the heart to throw things away, so we started to pot up our oddments to sell to visitors to the garden - and that is how Kevock Garden Plants was born. And then it grew - and grew. You can see the present nursery site development, which started in 2002. Now there is a team of people working with us. Kevock Garden Design was started to provide a comprehensive service to those who want to have interesting planting schemes, with colour in all seasons, in their own gardens."
"Slack Top Nursery is one of the UK's top five specialist growers of Alpines. It is a small nursery, but with a very extensive range of interesting alpine plants, perfect for traditional or contemporary containers, terraces, window boxes and other garden settings. We also offer expert advice on plants for all garden situations – from damp shade to full sun and all things in between! All plants are grown here on the nursery, and we carefully select the varieties that do best in our sometimes ‘testing’ climate. Whether it be foliage or flower, compact form or hardiness, you can be sure of something a bit different that will do really well for you. Situated at 900ft in the Pennines, the tough climate means tough plants that readily establish when planted out. We also make all our own compost, resulting in far stronger plants. The naturalistic garden, begun in 1980 and spanning approximately a quarter acre, has a beautiful setting overlooking moors and woodland. It is probably one of the best in the UK and features rock and scree beds, a 100ft planted wall, ponds, a large crevice bed plus many interesting containers and troughs. The season is late with us, so the garden is often at its best between May and August, however the sales displays are stocked from March, and the range is constantly changing. Most of the plants growing in the garden are also for sale in the nursery. Accessibility – please note that the garden is on a slope with stone paths and steps, so unfortunately not all of it is easy to access in a wheelchair, but we will make every effort to assist."
"Timpany Garden is a garden of some 20 acres, much of which has been created in the last few years. The older part of the garden, extending to approximately 3 acres has been under continuous development since 1973 when three small fields were acquired and a shelter belt established. The natural divisions still remain and now comprise about an acre of lawn, herbaceous borders and beds, shrubs and rockery, about one and half acres planted as an arboretum, small areas of woodland, and a cottage garden containing many rare and unusual plants. The new gardens have been under development since 1992; several acres have been planted with predominantly broad-leaved trees and a new arboretum is being established. There is a new herbaceous border and recent plantings of rhododendrons and other shrubs. The garden is located in the Drumlin Country of Co. Down in an old flax-growing area. Two disused lint holes (in which the flax was retted) have been excavated and are now wild-life ponds, stocked with native fish. In the last few weeks of October 2006, we have had two more interesting visitors to the pond, a pair of otters. Welcomed with mixed blessing, they do seem to enjoy themselves, splashing around and generally showing off, what with herons, who also come in pairs, how long will the fish stocks last!! There are extensive walks, for energetic visitors, through both the old and new gardens, through the new woodland and around the ponds. There is also a picnic area adjacent to the car-park and a nursery in which plants can be purchased. The gardens are well worth a visit in February and March to see the Snowdrops, Hellebores, Anemone nemerosa, Erythronium , Trilliums, hardy orchids it is also the time to see the rockgarden coming into bloom. Following the spring, we come into summer and the cottage garden begins to put on a show with its array of colourful herbaceous plants. Many have been selected to attract butterflies and insects, and as a result, it is an haven for birds to visit , and after the long hot summer comes autumn, with all the wonderful leaf colours on some of our specimen trees, like Cercidiphyllum, Parrotia, Sorbus (colour & berries) Beech, Oak, Acer and many more delightful colourful shrubs and trees. We can now offer tea and coffee to visitors to the garden and nursery. There will also be Tours of the Garden for Groups coming to visit."
"YUZAWA ENGEI in Japan is a small family nursery which cultivates various plants making use of climate of LAT.43°N . In this web-site, we are offering the plants including Japanese rare ones to overseas. We are not wholesale nursery and there is no wholesale list. YUZAWA ENGEI 〒061-2275 200-6 Toyama, Minami-Ku Sapporo-Shi, Hokkaido TEL.+81-(0)11-596-1779 FAX.+81-(0)11-596-1775 Because we can't speak foreign languages, the phone will be talken only in Japanese. To accept your order by E-mail is the best way. But if you don't have E-mail address, we can accept your order via Fax. Plant Sales:- Seed Sales:- |
Rock Plant Colour Wheel - Flowers Link Map Click on Number in Colour Wheel or Black sections below:- |
Some abbreviations have been used in compiling the list of Rock Plants for small gardens in order to make it possible to provide all the required information at a glance in a condensed form. |
Name |
First is the name of the genus to which the plant belongs which is given in capitals. Under the generic name the names of the species and varieties are recorded. Link to photos, cultivation details or mail-order business that sells it. Link in *** to Rock Garden Colour Wheel Page with photo of the plant at bottom of page. Then, More Photos Page links to further photos / description in its Rock Plant Photos Gallery Page. |
Suitability |
Details of which container to grow the plant in:-
Type |
Abbreviated to:-
followed by
Height and Spread |
The approximate height is given first in inches, followed by the approximate spread, when mature. 1 inch (") = 25.4 millimetres (mm) |
Soil |
The figures A, B, C and D denote that the plant in question requires one of the following soil mixtures:-
which may be followed by Where no additional letter is given, the plant will thrive under either condition. |
Position and Protection |
The following terms and abbreviations used singly or in combination will minimize the risk of planting in an unsuitable spot:-
Flower Colour, Nearest Colour Wheel - Flowers Colour and Months of Flowering |
These 3 columns are self-explanatory;
A double entry such as |
Propagation |
A general idea to the best method of increasing the stock:-
may be followed by
A combination of the above will denote that the plant can be increased by all the methods which those abbreviated letters stand for. |
Propagation Seed Composts |
"I am giving 3 types of composts which will be numbered 1, 2 and 3 so that they will not be confused with the potting mixtures. The number of the compost will be noted under the heading of propagation in the list of plants. These are not offered as the only types in which seedlings may be grown, but they have proved their worth over many years. As it will only be on rare occasions that a bushel of compost of any one of the seed mixtures will be required, I will give the size of the box which can be constructed easily to hold a quarter of a bushel, an amount more in keeping with the average amateur's need. The inside measurements of the box, which is best made of wood are 10 by 10 x 5.5 inches deep (25 by 25 x 13.25 cms). By doubling the depth a half bushel measure is available. Compost 1
and well mix the whole together dry. Afterwards to this is added
to each bushel of compost. If this mixture is to be used for plants which are lime haters, the chalk should be omitted.
Compost 2
Compost 3
Both composts 2 and 3 need a very fine sprinkling of superphosphate of lime, just under 0.5 ounce for a quarter of a bushel of mixture or to be more precise 3/8 of an ounce. The superphosphate is needed by the seedlings in their early growth. In fact it is essential as a plant food as soon as the seed starts to germinate, so it must be mixed with the composts, not applied afterwards. " from Collector's Alpines by Royton E. Heath published in 1964 by Collingridge Limited. |
Site design and content copyright ©October 2010. Page structure amended November 2012. Rock Plant Photos Gallery added August 2013. Topic Menu amended July 2015. Chris Garnons-Williams. DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services are not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site. |
The Alpine Garden Society is producing an Online Encyclopaedia:- If while you are on The Alpine Garden Society Plant Encyclopaedia Page that you click on the
information about that and its cultivars will appear on its own page. It would appear that many of the plants detailed in this Gallery and the Rock Plant Photos Gallery are further detailed in that Encyclopaedia. "The printed AGS Encyclopaedia of Alpines was published in 1993 and was heralded as "the standard reference in its field for many, many years to come". As part of the process of developing an online version of the Encyclopaedia, the original text has been scanned and converted into a website version that can now be continually updated and extended. AGS members can also make contributions (text or images) about their favourite genera and species and we hope that many of you will do this. Work is progressing on improving the range of images used to illustrate the encyclopaedia and on rectifying omissions in the original volumes. This will be an ongoing project for the foreseeable future. The Saxifraga section of the Plant Encyclopaedia is funded by the David Harding Foundation in memory of Winton Harding. At the bottom of this page, you can find the Introduction to the Original Printed Encyclopaedia.
Online Encyclopaedia Project Development Stages Stage 1: Scan text from existing paper encyclopaedia. This was done some time ago and the end result was a structured pdf file containing all the original text and images. Scanning old text like this is fraught with problems and there were many issues to be sorted out before the scanned text could be used to create an online version of the encyclopaedia.
COMPLETED Stage 2: Design online version of encyclopaedia. This involved the design of a database to hold the data for the encyclopaedia and the screen layout and programs for presenting the information to the user. COMPLETED Stage 3: Clean up scanned text. This was a very tedious job. There were not only mis-scanned words ('Hardy'='Flardy'), but also places where the structure of the text was wrongly construed. This would have resulted in many species being missed and spurious species being created during the import Stage. COMPLETED Stage 4: Import final cleaned up scanned text into online version. It still needs careful proofreading as there are lots of one-off mis-scans that couldn't be easily detected at Stage 3. COMPLETED Stage 5: Provide good editing and access permission facilities for online version This is important as the proofreaders will be given editing permission for the genera they will cover and will want to make corrections as easily as possible. IN PROGRESS Stage 6: Proofreading of imported text and suggestions for omissions that need rectified.. This requires a large team of volunteers, each taking responsibility for one or more genera. Many people have already offered their services. IN PROGRESS Stage 7: Incorporate line drawings from original encyclopaedia These were all drawn by Christine Grey-Wilson and were an invaluable aid to identification within a genus. They were scanned at the same time as the original text but now need extracted from the scans and incorporated in the online version. IN PR0GRESS (see Saxifraga hirculus for an example) Stage 8: Incorporate images from original encyclopaedia. Original images from the paper encyclopaedia also need extracted and incorporated in the online version. PENDING Stage 9: Incorporate images from AGS website. This is working, but needs the images on the main AGS website to be better indexed so that an appropriate image with appropriate permission can be identified easily for use by the encyclopaedia. There are about 20,000 images on the main AGS website and another 4,000 or so in the Show results section which is separate - a tremendous resource. IN PROGRESS Stage 10: Incorporate supplementary material that was commissioned for a planned paper supplement. This material was on obsolete discs and an attempt has been made to retrieve the files from these discs. Some has been successfully retrieved and will be incorporated in the online encylopaedia. PENDING Stage 11: Develop a mechanism for AGS members to contribute to the encyclopaedia. This is being developed around the existing discussion facilities on the main AGS website. Members can submit their own growing tips and pictures to this more informal area of the encyclopaedia. This mechanism has been implemented. We need to add a facility for suggested new material to be approved and incorporated in the 'official' encyclopaedia. IN PROGRESS
Original Encyclopaedia Introduction by Chris Brickell Many individual gardeners were keenly, some almost obsessively, interested in alpine plants and rock gardening prior to the formation of the Alpine Garden Society in 1929. The enthusiasm engendered by the establishment of an organised society devoted to alpines, however, acted as a catalyst for devotees of the mountains and alpine plants to pursue their passion in the company of like-minded people and to pass on their expertise and knowledge to other gardeners who, in return, became alpine addicts. By the beginning of World War 2 membership of the AGS was 2,000 and after the war steady and sustained growth was achieved with the formation of local groups and a series of publications devoted to alpine plants being published by the Society. During the last ten years there has been a considerable upsurge in membership, now standing at 13,000 and a continuing demand for more and more detailed information on alpine plants. It is, therefore, both timely and very appropriate that our Society should have taken the decision to publish what is undoubtedly the most comprehensive, informative and accurate reference work on alpine plants that has ever been produced to date anywhere in the world: the Alpine Garden Society's Encyclopaedia of Alpines. Many alpine gardeners use Reginald Farrer's classic The English Rock Garden (1919) plus Sampson Clay's supplement The Present Day Rock Garden (1937) as a basic reference work, but inevitably with new plants tumbling into cultivation from all over the world, they now fall far short of our requirements. Recent AGS monographs on various genera have satisfied partially the thirst for knowledge of alpine and rock garden plants but the need for information on a world-wide basis has been apparent for some years. It was first discussed by the AGS Committee in the early 1980s and in 1985 it was decided to launch the Encyclopaedia Project. Kenneth Beckett was appointed Editor in 1986 and began the daunting task of planning the work and persuading knowledgeable AGS members to contribute accounts of genera of which they had particular expertise. The inclusion in the Encyclopaedia of just under one thousand genera of alpines known to be in cultivation, or to have been in cultivation, from the world's mountain flora is a remarkable achievement. Ken Beckett is to be congratulated and warmly thanked by all interested in alpine and rock garden plants for his extraordinary diligence, persistence and scholarship in preparing this outstanding reference work for publication. It should also be recorded that Ken Beckett further undertook to write more than half the accounts himself; a major achievement by any standards by an Editor of such a detailed and comprehensive work. The very important contributions made by AGS members, the design of the publication by John Fitzmaurice and overall production by Christopher Grey-Wilson, the Society's Editor, have all added greatly to the authority of the most ambitious publishing project yet undertaken by The Alpine Garden Society. Its coverage in two volumes is unequalled and there is no doubt in my mind that it will remain the standard reference in its field for many, many years to come." from information copied on 16 March 2015. |
Vancouver Island Rock and Alpine Garden Society is a club of plant lovers living near Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, who visit, study, photograph, draw and grow alpine plants, bog dwellers and woodlanders, whether native or exotic. We encourage the propagation and distribution of plants.
List of Desirable Plants (from Vancouver Island Rock Asterisks following entries in the list denote plants known to the author from local gardens. Double asterisks indicate species which have done particularly well in the author's rock garden which is located mostly on south-facing slopes. No, or only short-term experience is available for the unmarked species, but they are expected to perform well and should be tried wherever obtainable.
Small size plant in Flower Colours
Miniature size plant in Flower Colours
Small Size plant flower in Month
Miniature Size plant flower in Month
including those from the Camera Photo Galleries as detailed in row 3 of the Topic Table on the left.
Click on the centre of each thumbnail in the following flower colour month pages to transfer to the description of that plant in a Camera Photo Gallery Page:-
Dark Tone or Shades
(Colours mixed with Black)
(Colours mixed with Grey)
Pure Hue
(the Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Colour named)
(Colours mixed with White)
(o)Rock Plant: A
(o)Rock Plant: B
(o)Rock Plant: C
(o)Rock Plant: D
(o)Rock Plant: E
(o)Rock Plant: F
(o)Rock Plant: G
(o)Rock Plant: H
(o)Rock Plant: I
(o)Rock Plant: J
(o)Rock Plant: K
(o)Rock Plant: L
(o)Rock Plant: M
(o)Rock Plant: NO
(o)Rock Plant: PQ
(o)Rock Plant: R
(o)Rock Plant: S
(o)Rock Plant: T
(o)Rock Plant: UVWXYZ
Early Bloom in the Rock Garden.
Summer Bloom in the Rock Garden.
Late Bloom in the Rock Garden.
Rock plants of Creeping and Trailing Habit.
Rock plants with Evergreen Foliage.
Rock Plants with Silvery or Variegated Foliage.
Rock plants needing the protection of Sheet of Glass in Winter.
Plants for sunny sites in the Wall Garden.
Plants for Shady Sites in the Wall Garden.
Plants for a Dry Site on a Wall.
Plants for a Moderately Dry Site on a Wall.
Plants for a Moist Site on a Wall.
Plants for Positions on Top of Walls.
Plants to Hang Down from the Upper Parts of a Wall.
Website Structure Explanation and User Guidelines
Some Good Rock Plants
with Some Plants that Thrive on the Moraine
Plants for the Miniature Rock Garden
with Some Bulbs and Tubers for the Rock Garden,
Some Bulbs for the Alpine House and
Bulbs and Tubers suitable for Naturalizing in Grass
Shrubs for the Rock Garden
with Rounded, Pyramidal, and Erect Growth. Then, Heath-like Lime Haters and last is Trailers and Prostrate Shrubs. Next Table has Gentiana for the Rock Garden followed by Pinks (Dianthus) for the Rock Garden
Moisture-loving Trees and Shrubs for Bog or Water Garden
with Conifers (Dwarf) and Ornamental Grasses for the Rock or Marsh Garden
Plants for Wall Garden
with Plants for the Paved Garden
Plants for the Bog Garden
with Alpine Primulas for the Rock Garden,
Alpine Primulas for the Bog Garden and
Campanulas for the Rock Garden
The Moraine or Scree Garden - Many of the alpines will not prosper in the ordinary rock garden. They require that the natural conditions under which they live in the wild state shall be copied as nearly as possible in the rock garden. The plants to which we refer grow on mountain slopes covered with loose stones, where the melting of the snow during summer provides them with plenty of ice-cold water and where a blanket of snow protects them during the winter. The conditions we must endeavour to reproduce are, therefore: adequate moisture for the roots in summer while the plants are growing, but at the same time good drainage:
and secondly, protection from damp in the winter. The moraine is intended to provide these requirements, and can be made quite cheaply anywhere in the rock garden. Plants requiring very diverse kinds of soil may thus, with great effect, be grown in close proximity.
Making the Moraine
An ideal and natural position for the moraine would be in the sun at the lower end of a miniature valley between 2 rocky spurs, the gorge gradually expanding into a flat bed of scree with occasional boulders strewn over it. The extent of the moraine will vary in proportion to the size of the whole rock garden. If the latter is large, the moraine may cover an area of many square yards (square metres); on the other hand, it may be nothing more than a small, well-drained pocket or crevice filled with moraine mixture in which a single specimen is grown.
To construct the moraine, dig out about 30 inches (75cms) of the soil and make the bottom of the basin or trench slope slightly towards the front: the slope must not be too steep or the moraine will become over-dry in summer. The lower 10 inches (25cms) must be made water-tight by means of puddling with clay or by means of cement. Make an outlet in front, which when closed keeps about 10 inches (25 cms) of water, but not more, in the lowest parts of the basin, while when the outlet is open no water can remain in the basin. Now cover the bottom of the trench with about 10 inches (25 cms) of rubble, stones, or any material that will afford good drainage. Above this place another 6 inches (15 cms) or so of smaller stones roughly 2 inches (5 cms) in diameter; these will fill the gaps between the larger stones and prevent the small grit above from sinking through and blocking the drainage. The hollow is then filled up with a mixture of stone chips and gravel. Over this again is thrown a covering, an inch or so (2.5 cm) in thickness, formed of a mixture of equal parts of ordinary garden soil, leaf mould, and small stone chips similar to those used in frosty weather for sprinkling on wood-paved roads. Limestone or sandstone chips are excellent and easily obtained; flint chips should not be used, as they do not conserve moisture. Place a few boulders in the moraine to break up the surface and to give the plants some protection. A natural trickle of water may be led into the top of the moraine, or each day sufficient moisture may be given from a watering-can to cause an overflow from the outlet at the bottom. From November to May, when no additional moisture is needed in the moraine, the outlet should be left open.
The overflow from the moraine may be led into a small pool, which will add great charm to the rock garden, and is easy to construct while the garden is being made. In it may be grown rushes and small water plants, while the overflow from it will provide an excellent situation for bog plants or for any alpines loving plenty of moisture. When planting, the gardener should remember the conditions under which each plant lives in its native state, and should set it in the rock garden accordingly. Many plants that have proved failures in the rock garden proper will, on transplantation to the moraine, flourish.
The inhabitants of the moraine are not so rampant as many alpines grown in the rock garden proper, but for all that, the more vigorous should be kept in check. A light top-dressing of equal parts of loam, leaf-mould, and stone chips will be required in spring and again in early autumn.
Protection of Plants in Winter
Plants whose leaves are covered with fluff or down are, when in their natural haunts, usually protected from damp during the winter by a coat of snow. When they are grown out of doors in England, they must, therefore, be given a covering of glass during the winter months: that is, from the middle of October to the beginning of March. When the plant is a small one nestling in a crevice between the rocks, it is often possible to cover it with a sheet of glass resting on the surrounding rocks; but when this cannot be done, 4 pieces of stiff galvanized wire should be inserted firmly in the ground and bent over at the top to hold the glass plate securely in position over the plant. If the weather is especially severe or the plant very delicate, 4 additional pieces of glass may be set in the soil and supported by the wires so as to form 4 walls protecting the plant. Sufficient space between the glass roof and the tops of the 4 walls should be left for adequate ventilation (but not enough to admit the rain or snow) or the plants will be liable to damp-off. Hand-lights and bell-glasses may also be used, but in all cases adequate ventilation should be provided. The frost will often raise the plants from the soil, especially those planted the previous autumn. In spring, therefore, each plant should be carefully scrutinized, and, if necessary, gently pressed down into the soil. Dead leaves must be removed from around the plants, and a top-dressing of fine, sandy loam and leaf-mould should be sifted round and close up to the crowns.
Topic |
Topic - Bulb Climber in |
Topic - Both native wildflowers and cultivated plants, with these
You know its Each plant in each WILD FLOWER FAMILY PAGE will have a link to:- |
All Flowers 53 with |
Plant Colour Wheel Uses Uses of Bedding |
Nursery of Nursery of Damage by Plants in Chilham Village - Pages Pavements of Funchal, Madeira Identity of Plants Ron and Christine Foord - 1036 photos only inserted so far - Garden Flowers - Start Page of each Gallery |
Topic - |
This table has been copied from P All2 Plants Index Gallery |
The following table shows the linkages for the information about the plants
Private Garden Design:- |
<---- |
Yes |
No |
Cannot be bothered. |
At Home with Gard-ening Area |
Balcony Garden or Roof Garden |
Grow flowers for flower arranging and vegetables on Balcony Garden or Roof Garden |
Pan Plant Back-grou-nd Colour |
STAGE 3b |
| |
| |
Outside Garden |
Pan, Trough and Window-Box Odds and Sods |
| |
Kinds of Pan Plants that may be split up and tucked in Corners and Crevices |
| |
| |
| |
| |
Trough and Window-box plants 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
Pan Plant |
| |
You need to know the following:- |
A) Bee Pollinated Plants for Hay Fever Sufferers List leads onto the |
Human Prob-lems |
Blind, |
Garden Style, which takes into account the Human Problems above |
Classic Mixed Style |
Cottage Garden Style |
. |
Naturalistic Style |
Formal English Garden |
Mediterranean Style |
Meadow and Corn-field |
. |
Paving and Gravel inland, |
Problem Sites within your chosen Garden Style from the above |
. |
Exce-ssively Hot, Sunny and Dry Site is suitable for Drought Resistant Plants |
Excessively Wet Soil - especially when caused by poor drainage |
Control of Pests (Aphids, Rabbits, Deer, Mice, Mole, Snails) / Disease by Companion Planting in Garden |
Whether your Heavy Clay or Light Sandy / Chalk Soil is excessively Alkaline (limy) / Acidic or not, then there is an Action Plan for you to do with your soil, which will improve its texture to make its structure into a productive soil instead of it returning to being just sand, chalk, silt or clay. |
. |
Problems caused by builders:- 1. Lack of soil on top of builders rubble in garden of just built house. |
In planning your beds for your garden, before the vertical hard-landscaping framework and the vertical speciman planting is inserted into your soft landscaping plan, the following is useful to consider:- |
Reasons for stopping infilling of Sense of Fragrance section on 28/07/2016 at end of Sense of Fragrance from Stephen Lacey Page. From September 2017 will be creating the following new pages on Sense of Fragrance using Scented Flora of the World by Roy Genders. |
| |
After you have selected your vertical hard-landscaping framework and the vertical speciman plants for each bed or border, you will need to infill with plants taking the following into account:- |
Sense of Fragrance from Roy Genders Flower Perfume Group:- |
Flower Perfume Group:- |
Flower Perfume Group:- |
Leaf Perfume Group:- |
Scent of Wood, Bark and Roots Group:-
Scent of Fungi Group:- |
Sense of Sight |
Emotion of |
Emotion of |
. |
Emotion of |
Emotion of Intellectual versus Emotional |
Sense of Touch |
Sense of Taste |
Sense of Sound |
STAGE 3a ALL , 3 AND 4 PLANTS INDEX GALLERIES with pages of content (o) |
Plant Type |
YZ |
Alpine in Evergreen Perennial, |
1 (o) |
1 (o) |
1 (o) |
1 (o) |
1 (o) |
Annual/ Biennial |
1 (o) |
1 (o) |
Bedding, 25 |
Bulb, 746 with Use, Flower Colour/Shape of |
Climber 71 Clematis, 58 other Climbers with Use, Flower Colour and Shape |
1 (o) |
Deciduous Shrub 43 with Use and Flower Colour |
1 (o) |
Evergreen Perennial 104 with Use, Flower Colour, Flower Shape and Number of Petals |
Evergreen Shrub 46, Semi-Evergreen Shrub and Heather 74 with Use and Flower Colour |
1 (o) |
1 (o) |
1 (o) |
Fern with 706 ferns |
1 (o) |
Herbaceous Perennial 91, |
1 (o) |
Rose with 720 roses within Flower Colour, Flower Shape, Rose Petal Count and Rose Use |
Sub-Shrub |
Wildflower 1918 with |
Finally, you might be advised to check that the adjacent plants to the one you have chosen for that position in a flower bed are suitable; by checking the entry in Companion Planting - like clicking A page for checking Abies - and Pest Control page if you have a pest to control in this part of the flower bed. |
STAGE 2 INFILL PLANT INDEX GALLERIES 1, 2, 3 Reference books for these galleries in Table on left |
Since 2006, I have requested photos etc from the Mail-Order Nurseries in the UK and later from the rest of the World. Few nurseries have responded.
with the aid of further information from other books, magazines and cross-checking on the internet. |
This table has been copied from The colours in the Rock Plant Colour Wheel on the left; like 'Red 12 is Blood Red', correspond to the same colour 'Blood Red' in the following table:- One of these colours is to be used in these galleries to provide as near a match to the colour of the respective flower petal or respective leaf found of each plant in the internet. |
White |
Silver or Gray 80 |
Fog or Gray 60 |
Dove Gray or Gray 40 |
Mine Shaft or Gray 20 |
Black |
Vitamin C from Orange-s |
Orange |
Red Necta-rine |
Green Spiritz |
Orange Buddha Gold |
Sun-glow Yellow |
Dim Yellow Peach |
Atomic Tang-erine-Orange |
Orang-elin |
Super Red |
Karaka Red |
Electric |
Green Just for Fun |
Madras Blue |
Green Grass Stain |
Mossy Green Rock |
Ralph Yellow |
Electric Yellow |
Wheat Brown |
Brown Tusc-any |
Dark Cherry Red |
Blood-red |
OU Crim-son Red |
Boston Univ-ersity Red |
Red |
Water-melon Pink |
Bright Red |
Lovely Lime Green |
Young Green Grape |
Green Past-ure |
Costa del Sol Green |
Anot-her Mossy Green |
Sum-mer Orange Break |
Golden-Yellow Fizz |
Brown Gold Line |
Brown Choc-olate |
Red Claret |
Red Lady-bug |
Pers-ian Red |
Red Nect-arine |
Deep Red Rose |
Pink Bikini |
Broad-way Pink |
Bright Green |
Light Green |
Slight-ly Opt-imistic Green |
Lacan-don Green |
Not Your Green |
Pale Yellow |
Unmel-low Yellow |
Rusty Brown Pelican |
Brown Nut-meg Wood |
Brown Copper Rose |
Red Fuzzy Wuzzy |
Seat-tle Orange Salmon |
Red Colin |
Mag-enta Cornu-copia |
Rose Pink |
Process Red Pagen-ta |
Slimer 2 Green |
Time to App-reciate Green |
Vihrea Green |
Esper-anza Green |
Distant Green Neon |
Pine Glade Yellow |
Canary-Yellow |
Brow-ser Brown Caram-el |
Brown Heat-land |
Faded Red Roses |
Light Pink Salmon |
Flex-eril Pink |
Faded Red |
Fresh Red Egg-plant |
Mag-enta Razzle Dazzle Rose |
Astro-turf Green - Empty |
Green Fabula Fabul-ae |
Verdun Green |
Lars-beck Green |
Pale Green |
Green Lime-ade |
Bone Yellow |
Peach-Orange |
Deep Orange Saffron |
Flat-pink |
Pink |
Forbid-den Mag-enta |
Mauve Red |
Dried Red Blood |
Red Bruisin |
Plain Red Jane |
Frankie The Green Lizard |
Lily Pad Green |
Green Wasabi |
Aurora Borealis Green |
Off-white Green |
Purple Lav-ender |
Dingy Mauve Purple |
I Dont Purple Now |
True Purple |
Royal Purple |
Purple Beet |
Pakis-tan Green |
Swamp Muck Green |
Irish Flag Green |
Green Bonsai |
High-land Green |
Weak Green |
Mag-enta Dev-otion |
Deeper Pink |
Mag-enta Shifts |
What Hur Violet? |
Purple Ameth-eyst |
Purple Cali-hoe |
Pine Green |
Her-man the Worm'n Green |
Star-bucks Green |
US Mint Greens |
Putt-ing Green |
Whisp-er Blue |
Baby Blue |
Dodger Blue |
Celest-ial Blue |
Laven-der Blue |
Mauve |
Ameth-yst Purple |
Gurple Purple |
Blue Plum Wine |
Mardi Gras Purple |
Deep Mag-enta |
Likely Green |
Fun Green |
Pen Green |
Winter-green |
Light Cyan Blue |
Um Sunken Pool Blue |
Dell Blue |
Blue Gray |
Praise Blue |
Blue-bell |
Purple The Symbol |
Blue Serene Spirit |
Violet |
The Purple Bands |
Grape Mag-enta |
Neon Avocado Green |
Minty (Bright Green) |
Near Lime Green |
Green Haze |
Aqua-marine Blue |
Blue Aqua |
Patina Blue |
Dark Mid-night Blue |
Dark-ening Blue Sky |
Cobalt Blue |
Blue Peri-winkle |
Blue Kimb-erly |
Purpl-ish Blue |
Anot-her Purple |
Purple Rasp-berry |
Pure Bright-ness Purple |
Spring Green |
Under The Blue Sea |
Crayola Green Sham-rock |
Cyan Blue Shift |
Lighter Turqu-oise Blue |
Gareen Light Green |
Rain-forest Green |
Skinny Blue |
Dar Powder Blue |
Royal Blue |
Sophie Blue |
Blue (pig-ment) |
Blue Steely Eyes |
A Blue Popple Eater |
Look to the Purple Sky |
Blue Safe |
Light Teal Blue |
Aphro-dite's Blue Robe |
Robin Egg Blue |
Gentle Green |
Blue Stone |
Green Dirty Oil |
Curious Blue |
Blue Mariner |
Blue |
Blue For You |
Navy Blue |
French Blue |
Mid-night Blue |
Put the Bass in the Blues |
Corn-flower Blue |
Green Mint to do that |
Sky Blue |
Blue Splish |
Pole Blue |
Iris Blue |
Blue Below |
Covie Blue |
Deep Blue |
Arrow Blue |
Azure Rad-iance Blue |
Kiblupa Blue |
Blue Electric |
Variegated |
Variegated |
Variegated 1 |