Ivydene Gardens Climber Plant Gallery: Orange Flowers in July |
Ramblers and Scramblers with Herbaceous Clematis or Non-Climbing Clematis |
CLIMB-ER SUN Jun-Jul and |
Ramblers and Scramblers with Herbaceous Clematis or Non-Climbing Clematis |
CLIM-BER 17 Rosa 'Mrs Sam McGredy' Climbing SUN Jun-Aug |
CLIM-BER 17 Rosa 'School-girl' SUN Jun-Aug |
Self-Clinging Climbers |
Self-Clinging Climbers |
Twiners |
Twiners |
Twiners |
Plants from |
Plants from |
Climber Height from Text Border for the 3 height sectors on a house wall or high wall |
Blue = 0-36 inches (0-90 cms) for the Base Plants |
Green=36-120 inches (90-300 cms) |
Red = 120+ inches (300+ cms) for the Higher Reaches Plants |
CLIMBER INDEX - Climbers for House Wall and other supports like garden walls, pergolas, tripods, shrubs, trees:-
Climbers for all support areas except House Walls:-
Further details of each are available in:-
Climber Soil Moisture from Text Background |
Wet Soil |
Moist Soil |
Dry Soil |
Flowering months range abreviates month to its first 3 letters (Apr-Jun is April, May and June). |
See in the table in the middle of this page for further details about |
Climber Name of plant from 3 Sector Vertical Plant System in flower in this colour in this month |
Flower Colour |
Flower Thumbnail |
Flowering Months |
Height x Width in inches (cms) - |
Climber Type and |
Comments |
Soft Violet-Purple |
144 x 144 (360 x 360) |
Twiner |
Flowers better if its roots are restricted. Poisonous if ingested. This plant is resistant to deer. |
Creamy-White to Buff-Yellow |
360 x 120 (900 x 300) |
Twiner |
Male / female Fuzzy Kiwifruit flowers occur on different plants and both sexes have to be planted closely for fruit set. |
Deep Red-Purple |
120 x 120 (300 x 300) in 5 years (360 inches - 900 cms - high eventually). |
Twiner |
Dark green above, blue-green below, tinged purple in winter. Pruning Group 11, after its spicily frag-rant flowers. |
Greenish-White |
Seeds |
June, July, August |
180 x 144 (450 x 360) |
Twiner |
It is a major invasive plant species in parts of the Eastern United States spread by birds consuming the seeds. |
Greenish-White |
June, July, August |
84 x 84 |
Twiner |
A neat and attractive climber useful for small gardens and pots. Any soil in sun or part shade |
White |
180 x 180 (450 x 450) |
Twiner |
The roots and leaves are edible - See Eat The Weeds. Hardy in the South of England, so train over a support on a wall or fence. |
White and Pink |
Flower Seed |
240 x 180 (600 x 450) |
Twiner |
"This species is considered to be poisonous to livestock (e.g. cattle), domestic animals (e.g. poultry and dogs) and humans." from Weeds of Australia by Queensland Government. |
Dark Coral-Red |
180 x 180 (450 x 450) |
Twiner |
Plants need support and look good scrambling over trellis or netting on a shady wall. I think it can withstand frost down to about -3C or -4C but no lower. |
Pale Green |
96 x 96 |
Twiner |
The blueberry is suited to warm sites or a conservatory. It is useful for areas where space is restricted. |
Lime-Green |
July |
96 x 96 |
Twiner |
Grown on a house wall for its small evergreen leaves and for the ornamental berries, that are produced in the autumn and last long into the winter. |
Red, Orange, Yellow |
180 x 72 (450 x 180) |
Twiner |
In frost-prone areas, grow in a cool greenhouse; elsewhere, use to clothe a pergola, arbour or house wall. |
Salmon, Yellow, Green |
96 x 72 |
Twiner |
The flowers in their cluster open sequentially so the entire plant is in flower for a long time. Red berries follow in autumn just before the entire plant dies down for the winter. |
Red |
96 x 72 |
Twiner |
Once it has flowered, it will go dormant below ground and reappear the following season |
White with |
120 x 120 (300 x 300) |
Scrambler |
Tips on growing Bougainvilleas in the UK from Cleeve Nursery. |
Orange-Red |
240 x 240 (600 x 600) |
Rambler |
Pruning Group 12 in late winter. It may take 2 or 3 seasons to estab-lish the main framework; tie in the shoots onto a Trellis or Wire frame support system of a wall or chainlink fence. |
Bright Red with |
360 x 120 (900 x 300) |
Rambler |
Good against a non-house wall or up a support as a stand alone specimen. The stems self cling to walls as they produce arial roots that grip to surfaces. |
Yellow |
August, September |
360 x 120 (900 x 300) |
Rambler |
Use on fences, arbors, trellises, walls. Also may be grown along the ground to camouflage rock piles or old tree stumps. Good vine for hot, dry sites. |
Salmon-Red |
360 x 120 (900 x 300) |
Rambler |
Support with Trellis or Wire frame onto a garden wall or fence. Can be grown through a tree. |
Green |
360 x 300 (900 x 750) |
Conservatory Twiner |
Pruning Group 11, in spring. Half-hardy - climber can withstand temperatures down to 0 degrees Centigrade. An excellent plant for a north facing wall |
Clematis "All Clematis need a deep rich loam and they like lime. On thin soils, calcareous types included, they are a failure. Heavy clay is excellent if it is broken up and mixed with weathered ashes and leafmould. Dig the soil deeply and add plenty of old, well-rotted cow manure. The best time for planting is September and October, the preparation of the soil being done in the spring. The following March cut them back drastically to a bud within 6 inches (15 cms) of the base. This initial treatment of all types of Clematis encourages strong, healthy growth. Similarly, pinching out the tips of too vigorous shoots encourages them to branch and flower, but it should not be done later than June." from Climbing Plants and Some Wall Shrubs by Douglas Bartrum (Published by The Garden Book Club in 1968). Plant the top of the rootball about 3" (3 inches = 7.5 cms) below the soil surface to reduce risk of clematis wilt, and water well.
Climbing Cultivation Group:-
The International Clematis Society was formed in 1984 by Raymond Evison. The membership now covers 27 countries, providing the world-wide interest and appeal for this fascinating genus. Members come from many different cultures - from China and Japan, from Poland, Latvia and Estonia, from Germany, Great Britain and Sweden, from Australia, USA and Canada, making the Society truly international. In December 2015 the following mail-order nurseries sold some of these Clematis:-
Group 1 |
White |
204-276 x 192 |
Twiner |
Note that some forms of armandii may be toxic to animals, especially dogs. Requires shelter from cold winds. |
Group 1 |
White with |
120-144 x 60 (300-360 x 150) |
Twiner |
Evergreen foliage which turns to bronze or purple in the winter months. Flowers with Lemon-scented fragrance. |
Group 3 |
Violet-Blue |
60-120 x 36 (150-300 x 90) |
Twiner |
Grow marsh clematis through shrubs, on trellises or in damp areas by ponds or streams |
Clematis x Group 3 |
Purple-Blue |
60-84 x 36 (150-210 x 90) |
Herbaceous |
Very good for growing through more delicate shrubs as it is easy to remove the prunings without damaging the host. |
Group 3 |
White |
240 x 36 (600 x 90) |
Twiner |
Plant near a patio or deck and enjoy its fresh fragrance!The lower parts of the stem are bare, so a lavender in front of it would be suitable to hide this bareness. |
Clematis florida |
White with |
84 x 36 |
Twiner |
A mature plant of it climbs into a tree and sends down long streams of its unique paired flowers. |
Clematis |
Blue |
72-120 x 36-72 (180-300 x 90-180) |
Twiner |
The Rosa 'Marechal Niel' (yellow) is mostly grown on walls. It is a fine companion for some of the deep purple-flowered Clematis. The plants do best on walls facing west. |
Clematis |
Clematis 'Asao' |
Pink |
84-120 x 36 (210-300 x 90) |
Twiner |
The foiage often takes on a bronzy color. After first flowering with its strong sweet scent; it can be cut back, fed and watered to get a good second show. |
Clematis |
Red or |
78-120 x 36 (195-300 x 90) |
Twiner |
Named after the raiser's secretary in 1949 and it belongs to the Clematis patens (patens means spreading: the epithet refers to the wide-spreading sepals of the flower) Group |
Clematis |
Mauve-Pink |
96-120 x 36 (240-300 x 90) |
Twiner |
Bees Jubilee is a compact plant that is suited for containers. It makes an excellent cut flower and the seedheads are beautiful too! |
Clematis |
Silvery-Mauve |
72-96 x 36 (180-240 x 90) |
Twiner |
Needs plenty of support for the heavy flowers but will grow in sun or shade. Light prune in the winter, stems can be reduced after first flowering at which time feed and water to get a good second show. |
Clematis |
White |
60-144 x (150-360 x ) |
Twiner |
Fully double 5" flowers are produced on this compact vine in early and late summer. Suitable for containers. Early flowers may be touched with green. |
Clematis |
Lavender Blue |
84-156 x 36 (210-390 x 90) |
Twiner |
It booms profusely and is very vigorous. Clematis of the Month for May 2004. The variety has received the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. |
Clematis |
Light |
96-120 x 36 (240-300 x 90) |
Twiner |
This Clematis of the Month is a dependable grower to 8'-10' (2.5-3m). It is ready to bloom early even if it has been heavily cut back, and able to keep the flowers coming over many weeks. |
Clematis |
Mauve |
72-120 x 12-36 (180-300 x 30-90) |
Twiner |
Planted in the shade, the blossoms last for weeks instead of days. When growing it against a north-facing wall or fence, paint the surface a light color to reflect sunlight back to the plant. |
Clematis 'Niobe' |
Rich Deep Red |
96-120 x 36 (240-300 x 90) |
Twiner |
Awarded the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit in 1993. Niobe is a heavy bloomer from late spring to late summer. |
Clematis 'Piilu' The name means "little duckling" |
Light Purplish-Pink |
60-84 x 60 (150-210 x 150) |
Twiner |
Blooms top to bottom of plant. Early season blooms are double and later are single. Flowers heavily even on young plants. It is extremely winter hardy, to Zone 2 they say. |
Clematis |
Group 3 |
Pink |
60-84 |
Herbaceous |
Awarded an RHS Award of Merit in 1995 and a British Clematis Society Certificate of Merit in 1998. Vigorous non-climber that bears handsome midsized bells over a long period. |
Group 3 |
Pale Blue marked with Blue-Purple veins |
60 x |
Non-Climber |
Grow through low shrubs but not in Pots. The tight group of stamens have white filaments and blue anthers making it look like it was dipped in blue paint! |
Group 3 |
Purple-blue |
60-84 x (150-210 x ) |
Herbaceous |
Grow in a Pot and in beds of bush roses, through open shrubs, small deciduous trees or obelisks. Clematis of the Month for August 2003 which details its companion plants. |
Group 3 |
Violet-Blue |
96 x 36 |
Twiner |
A heavy bloomer and sturdy grower, developed by Frank L. Skinner of Canada. Tough and resilient. |
Group 3 |
Violet-Blue fade to |
36-120 x 36 (90-300 x 90) |
Herbaceous |
It is tough and reliable; scramb-ling through low shrubs and herbaceous plantings. An excellent long lasting cut flower. |
Clematis |
Group 3 |
Deep Blue fades |
120-168 x 36 (300-420 x 90) |
Twiner |
It has received the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. Try growing it with a white or yellow rose! |
Group 3 |
Mauve |
120-168 x (300-420 x ) |
Twiner |
Bronze-flushed juvenile foliage becomes Light Green |
Group 3 |
Pale Blue with |
120-168 x (300-420 x |
Twiner |
Bred by Father Stefan Franczak of Poland, i: it is a hardy, sturdy grower, tolerant of a wide variety of conditions, as well as being a prolific bloomer. |
Group 2 |
Crimson red, |
108 x 36 (270 x 90) |
Twiner |
Grow with Shrubs and Roses or in Pots. Clematis of the Month for September 2000. |
Group 3 |
Pale Pink edged in |
78-96 x (195-240 x ) |
Twiner |
Very free flowering. Grow to clothe a wall, arbour, trellis or pergola. |
Clematis Group 3 |
Pink, strongly |
72-96 x 36 (180-240 x 90) |
Twiner |
Clematis of the Month is extraordinarily floriferous, tough and vigorous. Easily the most popular pink clematis. |
Group 3 |
Red-Pink with |
36-120 x (90-300 x ) |
Twiner |
Grow to clothe a wall, arbour, trellis, pergola or in a large pot. |
Group 3 |
Red-Purple |
120-180 x 12-36 (300-450 x 30-90) |
Twiner |
Suitable for pots if hard pruned, otherwise grow on Trellis. Ernest Markham - William Robinson's Head Gardener at Gravetye Manor in Sussex - was the author of books on clematis. |
Group 3 |
Deep Purple with |
120-168 x 36 (300-420 x 90) |
Twiner Rosa 'New Dawn' |
The rich purple, 5 inch flowers appear in profusion in early summer and can keep coming all summer long! This is great on a trellis or grown in combination with New Dawn Climbing Rose. |
Group 3 |
Bright Red to |
96-204 x 36 (240-510 x 90) |
Twiner |
Best grown through an evergreen shrub, as lower foliage becomes scorched by late summer. Requires Group 3 pruning. |
Clematis montana - Montana means growing in mountainous places. Clematis montana varieties must be planted to climb a high tree or over a long veranda or a wall. They are not suitable for drastic 'shaping'. |
Group 1 |
White |
360 x 96 (900 x 240) |
Twiner |
The Great Indian Clematis is fragrant. Very vigorous Climbers |
Clematis montana grandiflora 'Alba' Group 1 |
White |
252 x 252 (630 x 630) |
Twiner |
White Clematis is scented and a very vigorous climber, which is ideal for covering fences, garden walls and pergolas. |
Clematis montana Group 1 |
Pink double |
240-360 x (600-900 x ) |
Twiner |
These climbers can cover an Arbour, the pink Clematis growing up one side and the purple-leaved Vine Vitis flexuosa parvifolia up the other. |
Group 1 |
Pink and paler Pink |
276-396 x 120 |
Twiner with |
Vanilla-scented pale pink flowers in abundance in spring with some repeats in late summer. Rich dark foliage compliments the flowers and looks great all summer. |
Clematis montana var fasciculiflora Group 1 |
Bell-shaped Cream |
168-204 x (420-510 x ) |
Evergreen |
Flowers are carried in bunches (that's what the name means - flowers in bunches!) in March, they are sweetly scented. It has a habit of renewing it's leaves while flowering. |
Clematis tangutica |
Group 3 |
Yellow |
168-204 x 96 (420-510 x 240) |
Twiner |
Excellent for training on a low wall - up one side and down the other. Or grow on a bush like Buddleia davidii, whose mauve flowers are at their best when the silky seed-heads of the Clematis begin to form. |
Group 3 |
Creamy-White |
120-156 x (300-390 x ) |
Twiner |
Small, creamy white, outward facing flowers with red-purple stamens. |
Clematis |
Group 3 |
Reddish-Pink |
120-156 x 36 (300-390 x 90) |
Twiner |
Very free-flowering. Wonderful colour and a prolific bloomer, easy and reliable. |
Group 3 |
White with Green-tipped tepals |
96-120 x 36-72 (240-300 x 90-180) |
Twiner |
Vigorous and free-flowering. The variety has received the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. |
Clematis AVANT Group 3 |
Red with pale pink |
96-120 x (240-300 x ) |
Twiner |
Grow to clothe a wall, arbour, trellis or pergola. |
Group 3 |
Pink with darker |
120-144 x 36 (300-360 x 90) |
Twiner |
A 'Bal Maiden' was a female surface worker (usually a widow) in Cornish tin mines. Grow through small shrubs but not in pots. |
Group 3 |
Pinky-Blue or |
96-120 x 36 (240-300 x 90) |
Twiner |
"If I could only have one clematis in my garden this would unhesitatingly be my choice." |
Group 3 |
Dark Purple |
120-168 x (300-420 x ) |
Twiner |
These rich dark purple slightly nodding flowers are ideal for a free standing trellis, but they will also look striking blooming from a light colored shrub or conifer. |
Group 3 |
Deep Blue-Violet fades to |
120-168 x (300-420 x ) |
Twiner |
Full Sun with Any Aspect. Hard prune in spring, it will reach 3M. |
Group 3 |
Brick-Red |
120-168 x (300-420 x ) |
Twiner |
Full Sun or Part Shade, so grow through a medium height evergreen shrub. |
Group 3 |
Lilac-Purple with Creamy-White bar |
120-168 x (300-420 x ) |
Twiner |
Grow to clothe a wall, arbour, trellis or pergola. |
Group 3 |
Carmine to |
120-168 x (300-420 x ) |
Twiner |
Named 'Carmencita' because this clematis reminded Magnus Johnson of "dark-eyed Spanish beauties". Excellent on a stone wall or on an obelisk. |
Group 3 |
White with a |
96-120 x (240-300 x ) |
Twiner |
Named after the Cornish village where Mr Pridham has his nursery. Proving a good doer the shiny leaves are very mildew resistant. |
Group 3 |
Pearly-Blue with |
96-120 x (240-300 x ) |
Twiner |
A vigorous grower, it is best suited to growing up a sturdy obelisk in a large herbaceous border, or being trained to grow through a tree or shrub. |
Group 3 |
Rose-Purple |
120-168 x (300-420 x ) |
Twiner |
t is very free flowering and will grow in any aspect.Raised at Roseland House in 2006 and named in 2007 as a result of a naming competition run by Cornish Blind association and a percentage of the sale price is donated to them. |
Group 3 |
Violet-Blue with |
120-168 x (300-420 x ) |
Twiner |
Named after the raiser.. Grow to clothe a wall, arbour, trellis or pergola. |
Group 3 |
Purple-Blue with Creamy-White bar |
120-168 x (300-420 x ) |
Twiner |
Full Sun with Any Aspect. Grow to clothe a wall, arbour, trellis or pergola. |
Group 3 |
Blue-Violet with |
96-120 x (240-300 x ) |
Twiner |
Named after a Polish heroine, this hybrid is a robust and prolific bloomer, and is a great companion for roses or to grow through shrubs for mid-summer color. |
Group 3 |
Pinkish-Violet |
84-120 x (210-300 x ) |
Twiner |
One of six cultivars taking their names from an Estonian nursery rhyme :- |
Group 3 |
Bell-shaped |
96-120 x (240-300 x ) |
Twiner |
Flowers heavily right through the summer. It can be grown on a trellis, combined with roses or allowed to climb through shrubs. Easy and prolific. It can get mildew, do plant in a well-ventilated site. |
Clematis |
Deep Purple |
120-180 x 60 (300-450 x 150) |
Twiner |
If the top third is removed straight after flowering a second flush will occur with flowers well into autumn. It's difficult to sing the praises of Clematis 'Etoile Violette' too highly. |
Group 3 |
White |
96-120 x (240-300 x ) |
Twiner |
Discovered in Hagelby Park, Stockholm, and introduced in 1998 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Swedish Clematis Society. It was named after the village where Carl Linne had his summer house. |
Group 3 |
Reddish-Mauve |
96-120 x (240-300 x ) |
Twiner |
Grow it through a Goldheart Ivy which looks good in late summer. |
Group 3 |
Rosy-Mauve |
96-120 x (240-300 x ) |
Twiner |
Bred by Bill Baker of Tidmarsh, Herne, England and named after his wife. Hardy and moderately vigorous. |
Group 3 |
Blue-Mauve |
84-120 x (210-300 x ) |
Twiner |
Found in the garden of Ute Kruse, Luneberg, Germany. Named after the wife of Herr Biedenkopf, premier statesman of Saxony. |
Clematis Group 3 |
White or |
120-168 x (300-420 x ) |
Twiner |
It has four to six white petals that are diamond shaped with a hint of blue and purple at the tips. The flowers on long stems have green tips and a wide bell shape that flattens out as they open. |
Clematis 'Madame Group 3 |
Wine-Red |
96-120 x (240-300 x ) |
Twiner |
Extremely long flowering season if kept well fed and watered. 1 of the best and most popular reds. |
Group 3 |
Dark Purple-Red |
72-96 x (180-240 x ) |
Twiner |
Mikelite is a Lithuanian girl's name. This color looks particularly nice with white - try pairing it with Climbing Iceberg Rose. |
Group 3 |
Light Blue with |
120-156 x (300-390 x ) |
Twiner |
Grow to clothe a wall, arbour, trellis or pergola. |
Group 3 |
Reddish-Purple |
120 x |
Twiner |
Clematis Pendragon was named for King Arthur's family from the medieval legends. It sports dusky reddish purple flowers by the hundreds on a mature specimen. |
Group 3 |
Rose-Pink |
72-156 x (180-390 x ) |
Twiner |
Flowers are abundantly borne in summer and are fragrant. Mine leans against a Pieris japonica whose juvenile red foliage highlights the pink of the integrifolia. |
Group 3 |
White tinged Blue |
120-288 x (300-520 x ) |
Twiner |
A native of Portugal and Western Spain, it has the most dainty little bluey-white nodding bell-shaped flowers. This 'wild' clematis is worthy of space in our gardens. |
Group 3 |
Purple veined White |
84-168 x 36 (210-420 x 90) |
Twiner |
Very eye-catching. The variety has received the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit. |
Group 3 |
Soft Pink |
120-156 x (300-390 x ) |
Twiner |
Grow to clothe a wall, arbour, trellis or pergola. |
Two-lipped |
360 x 360 (900 x 900) |
Conservatory |
This vigorous vine is prized for its trumpet-shaped flowers, which last over a long season, and its glossy, dark, evergreen leaves. Climbs trellises and arbors by tendrils, though needs support for walls. |
White or Yellow, |
144 x 144 (360 x 360) |
Herbaceous |
A brilliant rampant, climber which grows faster than any plant I know, to cover arches, tepees and walls before you can say Jack Robinson. |
Fragrant, Creamy- |
120 x 120 (300 x 300) |
Evergreen Twining |
Good on south and west walls but in milder areas may be grown on fences and sheds. min temperature -10c. |
Orange-Red |
120-180 x 120 |
Conservatory |
Outside for warmer areas, tie young shoots to sheltered South-Facing House-Wall Vine-eye and Wire or Trellis support system up to 6 feet. |
Carmine-Red |
120-180 x 120 |
Conservatory |
Eccremocarpus scaber was introduced to the UK from Chile in 1824. Naturally orange flowered, many different coloured forms now exist. |
Green or pale Purplish-Pink flower spikes |
240-360 x 240 |
Evergreen Self-Clinger |
Tie in to a support until the adhesive roots become established and can support the mature plant. Use on Chainlink Fence or 1 inch square timber of trellis as support, but not advisable on external house walls. |
Deep Yellow |
240 x 144 (600 x 360) |
Rambling Shrub |
Pruning Group 13 when trained on a wall. |
Fragrant, bright, |
120-240 x 180 |
Evergreen |
Pruning Group 12, after flowering. In frost-prone areas (minimum 0 degrees Centigrade) grow in a warm greenhouse or conservatory. |
Bright red, |
72 x 12 |
Perennial |
Plant tubers 4 inches deep in a pot with mixture of John Innes No. 2 and added grit in the early spring inside the building with access to full sunlight. Put pot with its plant support system outside from late May to middle of September. |
Yellowish-Green |
Flowers followed by fruits which are a very valuable winter food source for birds. |
October, |
144 x 96 (360 x 240) |
Self-Clinger |
Light Silvery-Green, variegated creamy White. Pruning Group 11. Suitable for sheltered wall, but not on a house wall as the climber can block guttering. |
Yellowish-Green |
Use on sheltered wall, but not on a house wall as the climber can block guttering. |
October, |
180 x 60 (450 x 150) |
Self-Clinger |
The American Ivy Society is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving the genus Hedera through education and promotion. |
Yellowish-Green |
Use on sheltered South-facing wall, but not on a house wall as the climber can block guttering. |
October, |
72 x 72 |
Self-Clinger |
Foliage is Pale Green in Shade, bright Yellow in full sun. |
Yellowish-Green |
Can also be used as ground cover or as a house-plant. |
October, |
72 x 72 |
Self-Clinger |
Foliage is Grey-Green variegated with Silver-Grey and Cream |
Yellowish-Green |
Ideal as a houseplant or on a low wall. |
October, |
36 x 24 |
Self-Clinger |
Foliage is Grey-Green with broad Yellow margins. |
Yellowish-Green |
Excellent wall ivy, but not on a house wall as the climber can block guttering. |
October, |
300 x 180 (750 x450) |
Self-Clinger |
Goldheart Ivy foliage is Dark Green, each with a central splash of bright Yellow. Tends to lose its variegation if grown as ground cover. |
Yellowish-Green |
A tough, reliable and vigorous climber ideal for growing in sun or shade up a wall or fence. |
October, |
72 x 60 |
Self-Clinger |
An evergreen, self-supporting ivy with bold dark green leaves, the edges of which are beautifully rippled. |
Yellowish-Green |
Useful and vigorous ground cover Ivy. |
October, |
360 x 180 (900 x 450) |
Self-Clinger |
Irish Ivy foliage is Dark Green. |
Yellowish-Green |
Excellent all-round ivy for a low wall, as ground cover or as a houseplant. |
October, |
36 x 24 |
Self-Clinger |
Lustrous Dark Green foliage with wavy, curled and crimped margins. |
Yellowish-Green |
This compact and slow-growing climber can be used as a houseplant or in a rock garden. |
October, |
12 x 12 |
Self-Clinger |
Grey-Green foliage, variegated creamy-White |
White |
600 x 240 (1500 x 600) |
Self-Clinger |
Dark Green foliage turning Yellow in Autumn. Pruning Group 11 after flowering. |
IJ |
Pinkish-Red |
180 x 120 (450 x 300) |
Twiner |
Thin overcrowded growth after flowering. Grow over a garden but not a house wall. |
White |
June, July, August, September |
480 x 180 (1200 x 450) |
Twiner |
Very striking grown through a deep green yew hedge or over a garden but not a house wall. |
KL |
White that ages |
360 x 180 (900 x 450) |
Twiner |
Japanese Honeysuckle is ideal for covering a pergola, arch or boundary wall, or scrambling through robust shrubs and trees. |
White to Yellow, often Red-flushed |
264 x indefinite (660 x indefinite) |
Twiner |
A tall Holly (like Green Pillar) has been used as a host tree to the charming rose Rosa bracteata (the "Macartney Rose"), which has white, scented flowers, 3 inches wide; and the common Honeysuckle of our hedgerows, Lonicera periclymenum, with yellowish-white and pink tubular flowers; both planted on the north side of the tree, in shade, and allowed to clamber up into the sun. |
M |
N |
O |
Green |
July |
840 x indefinite (2100 x indefinite) |
Self-Clinger |
Grow through a large tree or use to cover a wall or fence. Bright Green in Spring and Summer turning dark red-purple in the autumn. |
Green |
July |
600 x indefinite (1500 x indefinite) |
Self-Clinger |
Mid Green in Spring and Summer turning brilliant red in the autumn. Mature specimens also provide an important habitat for insects and small birds. |
White, sometimes Pink-tinged, with Purple, Blue and White-zoned coronas |
360 x 120 (900 x 300) |
Twiner |
Passio is spanish for passion and floris is flower. It is one of the finest climbers for a pot. |
Q |
R |
Orange/Yellow |
240 x 240 (600 x 600) |
Conservatory |
A fast growing vine, with long trailing stems that stretch over 20 feet from the roots, and smother other plant life. |
Lilac to Purple-Blue |
240 x 60 (600 x 150) |
Scrambler |
Tie in stems of Chilean Potato Tree to horizontal wires or trellis. In early spring remove a third of the oldest stems to ground level. |
Blue-White |
240 x 120 (600 x 300) |
Scrambler |
Train onto a South-facing wall |
White |
240 x 120 (600 x 300) |
Scrambler |
Being Half-hardy to zero degrees centigrade indicates that it should be planted in June and removed after the first frosts in October. |
Creamy-White ages to Yellow |
240 x 120 (600 x 300) |
Twiner |
Frost Hardy to -5 degrees Cent-igrade, so put on South-facing wall. |
White |
336 x 144 (840 x 360) |
Twiner |
Glossy Dark Green turn Bronze-Red in Winter. Frost Hardy to -5 degrees Centigrade, so put on South-facing wall. |
Orange to Yellow |
60 x 36 |
Twiner |
Dormant during the summer, starts growth in early autumn, and water sparingly in autumn and winter. |
U |
VW |
Green |
July |
264 x 72 (660 x 180) |
Rambler |
Grow over a trellis, pergola, fence or South, East or West-facing house wall |
Green |
--- |
July |
600 x 312 (1500 x 780) |
Rambler |
Performing best in full sun, it's ideal for covering an unsightly fence or wall or for scrambling through an established tree. |
White |
May, June |
336 x indefinite (840 x indefinite) |
Twiner |
Japanese Wisteria can be trained onto a house wall, into a tree and over an arch or pergola. |
Mauve to |
336 x indefinite (840 x indefinite) |
Twiner |
Chinese Wisteria can be trained onto a house wall, into a tree and over an arch or pergola. |
White |
336 x indefinite (840 x indefinite) |
Twiner |
It can be trained onto a house wall, into a tree and over an arch or pergola. |
Then, these are the entries in the index from these other Pages after this notification.
Site design and content copyright ©April 2009. Page structure amended November 2012. Amended Index table on each page by adding thumbnails of flower and foliage November 2015. Added Index Pages October 2019. Chris Garnons-Williams. |