Picture Folder Name Pages:- Since 14 June 2019 I have also started to put my own full-sized 4000 x 3000 digital Camera images into the relevant topics in this website again for use in the Public Domain - since there may be 9 or more to a page the resulting
Bedding Gallery has
Topic - Flower/Foliage Colour
Damage to Trees in Pavement in Madeira caused by the action of man during January/February 2019. Solution to holes in trees. Solutions to stop creating holes in trees. Solution to current problem on these mosaic pavements:- 166 trees in the pavements in a short section of a road in Funchal, Madeira are being slowly, starved, dehydrated, asphyxiated, poisoned by tarmac and concrete, burnt inside their hollow trunks, roots pounded by 40 ton lorries or shoes of pedestrians, and allowed to rot until killed off during February 2019 (see information in Problems with trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira in January/February 2018 Page, which appears to have had no effect) as shown by my 433 photos in the following pages within the Home Topic:-
Articles on
List of Pictures in a Picture Folder:- Plants and Plant Supports in Sissinghurst Castle Garden on 19 April 2013. Plant supports are erected in the spring to support the plants growing from underneath them. When those plants die down in the autumn, then these minor supports are withdrawn leaving the support posts if these were used to attach the minor supports to. Other plant supports are created for climbers and erected on walls, fences and posts. |
Page 1 of Plant Supports Chaenomeles x superba 'Knap Hill Scarlet' IMG 2135.JPG Chaenomeles x superba 'Knap Hill Scarlet' IMG 2136.JPG. Chaenomeles speciosa 'Sanguinea Plena' IMG 2002.JPG Chaenomeles speciosa 'Sanguinea Plena' IMG 2003.JPG Chaenomeles speciosa 'Sanguinea Plena' IMG 2004.JPG Clematis 'Asao' IMG 2044.JPG Clematis montana 'Marjorie' Clematis montana 'Marjorie' support system IMG 2018.JPG Climbing rose support next to pigeon loft IMG 2099.JPG hop. Humulus lupulus 'Fuggle' IMG 2092.JPG Page 2 Plants without Supports Acaena millefolia IIMG 2052.JPG Acaena millefolia IMG 2053.JPG Angelica archangelica IMG 2090.JPG Arabis alpina 'Snowcap' IMG 2107.JPG Butchers broom (Ruscus aculeatus) Camellia x williamsii 'J.C. Williams' Camellia x williamsii 'J.C. Williams' Cistus x corbariensis IMG 2108.JPG Cornus controversa 'Variegata' Cornus controversa 'Variegata' Daphne odora 'Aureomarginata' Page 3 Plants Without Supports Daffodils at Sissinghurst Daffodils at Sissinghurst Dianthus 'Musgraves Pink' Elaeagnus pungens maculata Elaeagnus pungens maculata Erysimum 'Chelsea Jacket' Erysimum 'Chelsea Jacket' Erysimum scoparias Erysimum scoparias Euphorbia myrsinites Euphorbia sikkimensis Page 4 Plants Without Supports Forsythia IMG 2109.JPG Galanthus 'Clare Blakeway-Phillips' Geranium sylvaticum 'Mayflower' Gymnocarpium dryopteris Helleborus argutifolius Helleborus foetidus Helleborus foetidus Herb garden at Sissinghurst Ipheion uniflorum 'Wisley Blue' Ipheion uniflorum 'Wisley Blue' Irrigation tap Hydrangea anomala subsp. Lonicera x brownii 'Dropmore Scarlet' Prunus x blireana Rosa bourbon 'Zigeunerknabe' with string support system Rosa centifolia 'Fantin Latour' Rosa centifolia 'Paul Ricault' Rosa climber 'Blossomtime' Rosa climber 'Blossomtime' Rosa climber 'Blossomtime' Rosa climbing 'Rose Mermaid' Rosa climbing 'Rose Mermaid' Page 6 Plants without Supports Knautia macedonica pink form Lamium orvala Ligustrum japonicum rotundifolium Lilium regale Lupinus 'Blue Jacket' Lysimachia ciliata 'Firecraker' Magnolia denudata Mahonia japonica Muscari botryoides 'Album' Narcissus bulbocodium Osmanthus delavayi Page 7 Plants without Supports Paeonia lactiflora 'Auguste Dessert' Paeonia lactiflora 'Auguste Dessert' Paeonia ludlowii Paeonia ludlowii Paeonia mlokosewitschii Paeonia 'White Wings' Paris polyphylla Phlomis russeliana Polystichum setiferum Divisilobum Group IMG 2050.JPG Primula 'Barnhaven Yellow Primula cowichan Amethyst Group Page 8 Plants without Supports Primula 'Blue Sapphire' Primula 'Blue Sapphire' Primula elatoir Primula guinevere Primula guinevere Privet hedge bench in white garden Pulmonaria augustifolia 'Mawson's Blue' Pulmonaria augustifolia 'Mawson's Blue' Pulmonaria officinalis 'Sissinghurst White' IMG 2112.JPG Pulmonaria officinalis 'Sissinghurst White' IMG 2113.JPG Pulmonaria rubra Page 9 Plants without Supports Pulmonaria saccharata 'Fruhlingshimmel' IMG 2040.JPG Pulmonaria saccharata 'Fruhlingshimmel' IMG 2039.JPG Pulsatilla officinalis 'Pasque Flower' Rhododendron oreotrephes Rhododendron oreotrephes Rhododendron oreotrephes Rosa gallica 'Duchesse de Montebello' Rosa moyesii Rosa 'Roxburgs' with chipped wood mulch IMG 2098.JPG Sanguinaria canadensis Schizostylis coccinea 'Alba' Rosa damask 'Ispahan' Rosa damask 'Ispahan' Rosa 'Wolley Dod' with string supports Rose supported on dead tree Rose tripod support system Sweet peas with branch support system IMG_2134.JPG Twiggy Support System Page 11 Plants without Supports Spring flowering bulbs Spring flowering bulbs Spring flowering bulbs Tansy tanacetum vulgare Trillium sessile Trillium sessile Tulipa 'Diana' and Tulipa 'Maureen' Tulipa 'Orange Emperor' Tulipa 'Orange Emperor' Veronica longifolia 'Fascination' Page 12 Plants without Supports Veratrum nigrum Veratrum nigrum What gardening team do at Sissinghurst IMG 2143.JPG Page 13 Recommended Rose Pruning Methods Rosa - it displays 3 distinct habits of growth and flowering. Pruning related to Growth and Flowering (I give the pages within each of the sections for the roses in that section, which are detailed in those pages by Peter Beales Roses - An illustrated encyclopedia and grower's handbook of species roses, old roses and modern roses, shrub roses and climbers by Peter Beales. First published in 1992 by Harvill. ISBN 0-00-272178-3):-
Plant Labelling - A suggestion for plant labelling to help visitors A different solution is that each gardening member of the RHS staff at Wisley be provided with Large White Plastic Angled-Head Labels which are 20 inches (50 cms) in height with a 6 x 4 inch (16 x 10 cms) writing surface and a Marker pen with Black ink to provide a good temporary label for the above broken label (in Lost Flowers page) or for missing labels. If you are concerned about these labels going on "Walkabout", then insert another white label behind the plant and make it invisible to the public. |
Site design and content copyright ©August 2019. |
Ivydene Gardens Photo Sissinghurst Plants Gallery:
Row 1 has the Pass-Through Camera image of Thumbnail image named in Row 2 Row 2 has same image reduced to fit the image frame of 160 x 120 pixels as a Click on either image and drag to your desktop. Copying the pages and then clicking on the images to drag them may not work. |
Plant without Supports of |
Plant without Supports of |
Plant without Supports of |
Plant without Supports of |
Plant without Supports of |
Plant without Supports of |
Plant without Supports of |
Plant without Supports of |
Plant without Supports of |
Plant without Supports of |
Plant without Supports of |
How Soil Works in the Category Archives: Flowering House Plants of Houseplantsguru. com:- "Nature’s plan is to build up the humus year after year and this can only be done by organic matter. There is need Every flower crop grown reduces the organic content of the ground. Every piece of work done helps to break down Using Compost Garden owners proposing to dig their land shallowly in preparation for flower growing, should realize the It is when the organic content of the soil has been helped in this way, that the gardener dares to add plant foods Minimum Digging Flower growers must realize that proper soil treatment is the first essential to success. The millions and millions Liming Lime should be regarded as an essential except in very definite cases where acidity is demanded, e.g. the Lime not only prevents soil from being acid but it ‘sweetens’ it, as well as playing its part as a plant food. Generally speaking it should be applied at about 245 g/m2 (7 oz per sq yd). It should not be dug in, as it |
The following is the opinion of Chris Garnons-Williams to the above:- If you walk through an old wooded area, which is not intensively managed, you will see dead leaves on the So, do not dig the manure, wool shoddy, vegetable refuse or hop manure or anything else in. Leave it on top The topsoil is full of organisms, either the waste products from are used by another or they are. If you turn So why do you not use the companion planting cultivation method as further detailed in Companion Planting? "Spinach is sown in spring in rows 50cm apart over the whole vegetable garden area for the following
This could be used in the flower beds as the system between the permanent plants of trees, shrubs |