Picture Folder Name Pages:- Since 14 June 2019 I have also started to put my own full-sized 4000 x 3000 digital Camera images into the relevant topics in this website again for use in the Public Domain - since there may be 9 or more to a page the resulting
Foord garden flower slides Folder of 35mm 'Ektachrome' Transparency slides taken by Ron & Christine Foord of Rochester, Kent in England during the 20th century. Both have been Slides taken by Ron or Christine Foord have been scanned individually and converted by an F22MP 126PK Super 8 Slides & Negatives All-in-1 Film Scanner to JPEGS by Chris Garnons-Williams in the original size and as a thumbnail during 2020. Ron and Christine Foord HA94,HE95, When I have completed the conversion of all the slides from Ron and Christine Foord and inserted a relevant selection of the digitised images into the Photo Garden Flowers Galleries in some months time, then I will complete their text field in the thumbnail row starting with the
Number of Colours required to provide a practical means of roughly differentiating between flower colours, foliage colours and bark/stem colours of plants. Flower Colour:- There are 53 flower colours for All Flowers Colour Wheel and Rock Plant Flowers:- These 12 colour spokes of
Dark tone, mid-tone, pure hue followed by pastel colour:-
There are 7 flower colours:- Foliage Colour:- So as from 18 January 2021, I have decided to use the 53 colours of All Flowers Colour Wheel and Rock Plant Flowers above for the flowers and the foliage in the future combined with the 14 Flower Colours for the UK Native Wildflowers Wild Flower for the UK Wildflowers. I also intend to put the required plant into the respective pages of the Plant Colour Wheel Uses Gallery. |
List of Pictures in a Picture Folder:- Ron & Christine Foord took many photos of wildflower plants and stored them as Kodak 'Kodachrome' Transparency 35mm slides in the 1960-90s as well as these 10,000 of Garden Flowers. If they used other film, then the colour on the slides became sepia over a few years, whereas this did not occur with Kodachrome. The green perhaps got darker over a 50 year period. I am adding these scanned slides to my photos for sending to my website for use in the Public Domain starting in February 2020. |
Chrysanthemum 'Golden Orfe' Oct 78 Chrysanthemum 'Golden Orfe' Oct 78 Chrysanthemum maximum Aug 72 Chusquea couleou Chusquea couleou Chusquea couleou Sep 78 Cirsium spinosissimum 12 7 64 Cistus ladaniferus Jul 84 Cistus ladaniferus Aug 79 Cistus ladaniferus Jul 79 Cistus ladaniferus 07 85 Cistus purpureus 06 85 Cistus purpureus Cistus purpureus Jun 82 Cistus 'Sunset' Jul 71 Cistus 'Sunset' Jul 73 Cistus 'Sunset' Jul 73 Clematis lasurstern Jul 78 Clematis lasurstern Jul 84 Clematis lasurstern 07 85 Clematis macropetalla May 73 Clematis macropetalla May 70 Clematis montana Jun 84 Clematis montana 06 85 Clematis montana May 85 Clematis montana 'Alba' May 73 Clematis montana 'Alba' May 73 Clematis montana 'Alba' Jun 72 Clematis 'Nellie Mosa' at Hythe Clematis 'Nellie Mosa' at Hythe Clematis 'Nellie Mosa' at Hythe Clematis viticella minuet Oct 78 Clintonia alsinoides 23 5 70 at Wisley Clematis tangutica Aug 72 Clematis tangutica Aug 72 Clematis tangutica Clianthus dampieri May 76 Clianthus dampieri 13 6 62 Clianthus dampieri Jun 76 Clianthus dampieri Oct 76 Clianthus dampieri Clura muniata garden form Cobaea scandens 8 10 64 Cobaea scandens 8 10 64 Cobaea scandens flora alba Oct 78 Cobaea scandens flora alba Oct 78 Codonopsis clematidea Codonopsis clematidea Jul 70 Codonopsis clematidea Jul 73 Codonopsis clematidea Aug 70 Codonopsis clematidea Jul 71 Colchicum luteum Apr 70 Colchicum luteum Mar 70 Colchicum luteum Apr 71 Colchicum luteum Mar 72 Colchicum speciosum album Oct 78 Colchicum speciosum album Oct 78 Coleus blumei at Rochester 19 09 88 Coleus blumei at Rochester 19 09 88 Coleus blumei at Rochester 19 09 88 Commelina coelestris Conradinae verticulata 23 5 70 Convallaris majalis variegata Convolvulus cneorum Jul 84 Convolvulus cneorum Mar 74 Convolvulus cneorum 05 90 Convolvulus mauritannicus Jul 72 Convolvulus mauritannicus Convolvulus mauritannicus Convolvulus mauritannicus Sep 85 Cornus alba variegata May 86 Cornus canadensis May 70 at Wisley Cornus canadensis May 70 at Wisley Cornus kousa Jul 79 Cornus kousa Jul 79 Cornus sanguinea Oct 71 Corokia cotoneaster May 73 Coronilla emerus May 71 Coronilla minima Coronilla minima Jun 73 Coronilla vaginalis 12 5 71 Coronilla vaginalis 12 5 71 Coronilla vaginalis 12 5 71 Cortaderia selloana Pampas Grass Cortaderia selloana Jul 76 Cortusa matthiola 15 7 64 Cortusa michelii 15 7 64 at Cortusa michelii 15 7 64 Corydalis ambigua Apr 80 Corydalis ambigua Apr 80 Corydalis cashmiriana May 72 Corydalis cashmeriana Oct 70 Corydalis cashmeriana Sep 70 Corydalis cashmeriana Sep 70 Corydalis cashmeriana Oct 70 Corydalis cashmeriana Sep 70 Corylopsis sinensis 26 3 67 Corydalis flexuosa Corydalis flexuosa Corydalis solida Apr 82 Corydalis solida May 73 Corydalis solida Corydalis solida Cotinus coggygria 2 20 84 Cotoneaster horizontalis Jun 71 Cotoneaster horizontalis Oct 77 Cotyledon oppositifolia Courtleya lutea 14 9 68 Courtleya lutea 14 9 68 Courtleya lutea 14 9 68 Crataegus tanacetifolia at Kew 13 6 62 Crinum powellii Sep 80 Rochester Crinum powellii 08 92 Crinum powellii 08 91 Crinum powellii 08 89 Crocosmia x crocosmiflora Crocus albiflorus 15 5 71 Crocus 'Bluebird' 26 4 70 Crocus 'Bluebird' Apr 70 Crocus 'Bluebird' Apr 70 Crocus 'Bluebird' Crocus chrysanthus 'E.A.Bowles' Crocus chrysanthus 'E. A. Bowles' Mar 70 Crocus chrysanthus 'E. A. Bowles' Mar 72 Crocus chrysanthus 'Saturnus' Mar 85 Crocus chrysanthus 'Saturnus' 03 91 Crocus chrysanthus 'Snow Bunting' Crocus chrysanthus 'Snow Bunting' Crocus chysanthus 'Warley White' 03 91 |
Plant Labelling - A suggestion for plant labelling to help visitors A different solution is that each gardening member of the RHS staff at Wisley be provided with Large White Plastic Angled-Head Labels which are 20 inches (50 cms) in height with a 6 x 4 inch (16 x 10 cms) writing surface and a Marker pen with Black ink to provide a good temporary label for the above broken label (in Lost Flowers page) or for missing labels. If you are concerned about these labels going on "Walkabout", then insert another white label behind the plant and make it invisible to the public. |
Site design and content copyright ©February 2020. |
Picture Folder Name Pages:- Damage to Trees in Pavement in Madeira caused by the action of man during January/February 2019. Solution to holes in trees. Solutions to stop creating holes in trees. Solution to current problem on these mosaic pavements:- 166 trees in the pavements in a short section of a road in Funchal, Madeira are being slowly, starved, dehydrated, asphyxiated, poisoned by tarmac and concrete, burnt inside their hollow trunks, roots pounded by 40 ton lorries or shoes of pedestrians, and allowed to rot until killed off during February 2019 (see information in Problems with trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira in January/February 2018 Page, which appears to have had no effect) as shown by my 433 photos in the following pages within the Home Topic:-
Articles on
The day after I arrived in Funchal in January 2020, I spoke to Rita in Owner Relations and she sent an email. Not knowing about the efficiency of the local or main government, I spoke to the reception staff and they told me that Funchal was a Municipality with its own local government with its offices in Funchal. So I took the bus into town and went round the Municipality Offices until I was escorted to a building where you could ask questions in the A group pay bills in the B group and do something else in the C group. Speaking to an official in the A group, I managed to convince him that I had more details about the tree problems on my website, so as to overcome his response of getting me to send an email. He presented a piece of paper with Eng Francisco Andrade, Est. Marmeiros, No 1, Jardins & Espaces Verdes on it. I handed this to a taxi driver and arrived. I spoke with an english-speaking colleague of his and then he very kindly agreed to talk to me with his english-speaking colleague:-
The population of Funchal is 111,892. No wonder that Cedadrive is expensive for such a small population. So, what can they use that is produced in Madeira, since the transport cost of a container from Portugal is 2000 euros (that figure was given me by an employee of a large builder's merchant, and I saw 2 containers being unloaded at their yard, which were not large ones). So I took a taxi to a builders merchant (might be Ferreirae in the upper regions of Funchal).
So, if the local basalt mine created 10mm x 10mm rocks, these could be used as spacers:-
If you use boron from colemanite (The use of ores like colemanite has declined following concerns over arsenic content) and mix it with the black sand and seawater to fill the bottom section of cavities, it will kill off the rot in the trunk and stop the cavity being filled with waste. The arsenic will also stop ants from eating it. Then mix it with wallpaper paste to fill the top half of the cavity and you have sorted the cavity problem. Painting the cut ends with the boron prevents the end from rotting (Boric acid is more toxic to insects than to mammals, and is routinely used as an insecticide). I had forgotten that I did have the supporting literature about wound dressings (as used in my year at Hadlow College to get a HNC in Horticulture) in this course book:- It is unfortunate that with all the other responsibilities that the Funchal Municipality has that they will find it very difficult to locate the finance, resources or personnel to carry out whatever remedial work to over 3000 trees being monitored since September 2019 that the Tree Expert from Portugal recommends, especially if someone continues to remove the identity discs. |
Bedding Gallery has
Topic - Flower/Foliage Colour |
Ivydene Gardens Photo Garden Flowers 4 Gallery: |
Row 1 has the Pass-Through Camera image of Thumbnail image named in Row 2 Row 2 has same image reduced to fit the image frame of 160 x 120 pixels as a Click on either image and drag to your desktop. Copying the pages and then clicking on the images to drag them may not work. |
Chrysanthemum 'Golden Orfe' Oct 78 |
Chrysanthemum 'Golden Orfe' Oct 78 |
Chrysanthemum maximum Aug 72 Shasta Daisy Mayfield Giant |
Chusquea couleou Shoots on bamboo first year canes Oct 78 |
Chusquea couleou Shoots on bamboo first year canes Oct 78 |
Chusquea couleou Sep 78 Bamboo |
Cirsium spinosissimum 12 7 64 Spiniest thistle on Hoher Jpen |
Cistus ladaniferus Jul 84 |
Cistus ladaniferus Aug 79 Gum cistus |
Cistus ladaniferus Jul 79 Gum cistus |
Cistus ladaniferus 07 85 |
I have copied the archived post below, because what is stated there is extremely important, since Why you are continually losing the SOIL TEXTURE if you keep removing Soil Texture Addition of Humus, Sand and Stone to improve the structure of Clay Soil
ACID and ALKALINE SOIL - Soil with a high lime or chalk content is alkaline. When lime is not Neutral or nearly neutral (6.5-7.5) soils are ideal for most plants. At this pH level, nutrients are
The Soil Textural Triangle |
Types of Soil
Information in brackets in the 'Types of Soil' above comes from The climate in the South of England is temperate, with up to 20" of rainfall and a minimum |
Soils and their Treatment Soil Improvement Instead of digging it deeply or trenching the ground I have followed other systems as shown in The simplest private garden maintenance is the following from the
Have you ever been to an unmanaged forest and walked through it? - from "Litterfall, plant litter, leaf litter, tree litter, soil litter, or duff, is dead plant material, such as L - organic horizon characterized by relatively undecomposed plant material (described above). F - organic horizon found beneath L characterized by accumulation of partly decomposed H - organic horizon below F characterized by accumulation of fully decomposed organic matter Surface detritus facilitates the capture and infiltration of rainwater into lower soil layers. Soil litter So, what happens to the elements in the soil when it rains? The answer is detailed in
in soluble form for applying using a watering can, or it can be used as powder at 70 grammes Maxicrop Seaweed Meal or Maxicrop Calcified Seaweed can also be obtained from garden centres Small quantities of the
can also be found and then its stockist locator can find a garden centre close to you in the UK. The next section shows how the earthworm provides nutrients together with the nutrients in
Worms also burrow to great depths and open up the soil for air and water to penetrate, increasing