Ivydene Gardens Top Fruit - Cherry Gallery: |
"Grow Your Own Fruit" Ken Muir
You can select one of 1 Cherry by clicking on the thumbnail in
or by clicking on the Cherry Tree Name in the list below.
To ensure that the cherry blossom is pollinated by the bees, then another cherry tree from the same or adjacent flowering group ( Group A with Group A or B, Group B with Group A or Group C, etc ) should be present within a short distance.
Nurseries that grow and sell plants to the Public:- Ken Muir Ltd, Honeypot Farm, Rectory Road, Weeley Heath, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex. CO16 9BJ. Tel: 08707 479111. Email: info@kenmuir.co.uk. Website: www.kenmuir.co.uk grow soft fruit and top fruit plants. They provide a 175 page handbook packed with the most up-to-date comprehensive information on all aspects of fruit growing free with the first fruit stocks order (Grow Your Own Strawberries will be supplied instead with your order of strawberry plants). Trees for Life, Frank P. Matthews, Berrington Court, Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire. WR15 8TH. Tel: 01584 810214 Email: enquiries@fpmatthews.co.uk Website: www.frankpmatthews.com grow soft fruit and top fruit plants. Marshalls, S.E. Marshall & Co, Alcondbury Weston, Huntingdon, Cambs. PE28 4HY. Tel: 01480 443390. Website: www.marshalls-seeds.co.uk sell seeds and plants. |
Since April 2007, I am requesting the donation of the following colour photographs of cherry trees for display in this section:-
Each main photograph will be displayed in a 150 x 150 pixels graphic item. Each thumbnail photograph will be displayed in 50 x 50 pixels graphic item. Freeway allocates 72 pixels per inch. The photographs require to be in JPEG Format and sent to Chris Garnons-Williams at 1 Eastmoor Farm Cottages, Moor Street, Rainham, Kent, ME8 8QE England. Please give the Latin name of the plant and your contact details (It would be preferable that it is either your website or email address rather than your phone number). These will then appear with the relevant photograph. If you happen to be a Nursery, then this link could provide a means for people to get that cherry tree. I do recognise that the information concerning the plants that a nursery grows and sells is securely held within the grasp of the staff of that nursery, but someone should tell you that for you to be able to sell your plants; the public would appreciate more information than simply its name and its price, plus you do not even pay me to advertise your products! |
Recommended Plants for Wildlife in different situations
From the Ivydene Gardens Box to Crowberry Wild Flower Families Gallery: |
The Bumblebee Pages website is divided into five major areas:
FORCED INDOOR BULBS in Window Box Gardens. |
Theme |
Plants |
Comments |
Thyme |
Thymus praecox, wild thyme Thymus pulegioides Thymus leucotrichus Thymus citriodorus |
Thymes make a very fragrant, easy to care for windowbox, and an excellent choice for windy sites. The flower colour will be pinky/purple, and you can eat the leaves if your air is not too polluted. Try to get one variegated thyme to add a little colour when there are no flowers. |
Herb |
Sage, mint, chives, thyme, rosemary |
Get the plants from the herb section of the supermarket, so you can eat the leaves. Do not include basil as it need greater fertility than the others. Pot the rosemary up separately if it grows too large. |
Mints |
Mentha longifolia, horse mint Mentha spicata, spear mint Mentha pulgium, pennyroyal Mentha piperita, peppermint Mentha suaveolens, apple mint |
Mints are fairly fast growers, so you could start this box with seed. They are thugs, though, and will very soon be fighting for space. So you will either have to thin and cut back or else you will end up with one species - the strongest. The very best mint tea I ever had was in Marrakesh. A glass full of fresh mint was placed in front of me, and boiling water was poured into it. Then I was given a cube of sugar to hold between my teeth while I sipped the tea. Plant this box and you can have mint tea for months. |
Heather |
Too many to list See Heather Shrub gallery |
For year-round colour try to plant varieties that flower at different times of year. Heather requires acid soils, so fertilise with an ericaceous fertilser, and plant in ericaceous compost. Cut back after flowering and remove the cuttings. It is best to buy plants as heather is slow growing. |
Blue |
Ajuga reptans, bugle Endymion non-scriptus, bluebell Myosotis spp., forget-me-not Pentaglottis sempervirens, alkanet |
This will give you flowers from March till July. The bluebells should be bought as bulbs, as seed will take a few years to flower. The others can be started from seed. |
Yellow |
Anthyllis vulneraria, kidney vetch Geum urbanum, wood avens Lathryus pratensis, meadow vetchling Linaria vulgaris, toadflax Lotus corniculatus, birdsfoot trefoil Primula vulgaris, primrose Ranunculus acris, meadow buttercup Ranunculus ficaria, lesser celandine |
These will give you flowers from May to October, and if you include the primrose, from February. Try to include a vetch as they can climb or trail so occupy the space that other plants can't. All can be grown from seed. |
White |
Trifolium repens, white clover Bellis perennis, daisy Digitalis purpurea alba, white foxglove Alyssum maritimum Redsea odorata, mignonette |
All can be grown from seed. The clover and daisy will have to be cut back as they will take over. The clover roots add nitrogen to the soil. The mignonette flower doesn't look very special, but the fragrance is wonderful, and the alyssum smells of honey. |
Pink |
Lychnis flos-cucli, ragged robin Scabiosa columbaria, small scabious Symphytum officinale, comfrey |
The comfrey will try to take over. Its leaves make an excellent fertiliser, and are very good on the compost heap, though windowbox gardeners rarely have one. |
Fragrant |
Lonicera spp., honeysuckle Alyssum maritimum Redsea odorata, mignonette Lathyrus odoratus, sweet pea |
The sweet pea will need twine or something to climb up, so is suitable if you have sliding windows or window that open inwards. You will be rewarded by a fragrant curtain every time you open your window. |
Spring bulbs and late wildflowers |
Galanthus nivalis, snowdrop Narcissus pseudonarcissus, narcissius Crocus purpureus, crocus Cyclamen spp. |
The idea of this box is to maximize your space. The bulbs (cyclamen has a corm) will flower and do their stuff early in the year. After flowering cut the heads off as you don't want them making seed, but leave the leaves as they fatten up the bulbs to store energy for next year. The foliage of the wildflowers will hide the bulb leaves to some extent. Then the wildflowers take over and flower till autumn |
Aster spp., Michaelmas daisy Linaria vulgaris, toadflax Lonicera spp., honeysuckle Succisa pratensis, devil's bit scabious Mentha pulgium, pennyroyal |
Bee Garden in Europe or North America |
Wildlife-friendly Show Gardens
Many of our gardens at Natural Surroundings demonstrate what you can do at home to encourage wildlife in your garden. Follow the links below to explore our show gardens, and when you visit, be sure to pick up a copy of our Wildlife Gardening Trail guide
From the Ode to the London Plane Tree by Heather Greaves:- They base this conclusion on several factors. For one thing, London planes have a very high leaf area per tree; that is, the London plane gives us a lot more pretty, shady, air-filtering, evaporatively-cooling leaves per single trunk than most other species in the city. In fact, according to the Forest Service, London planes make up just 4% of the city tree population, but represent 14% of the city's total leaf area. (Compare this with the virulently invasive tree of heaven [Ailanthus altissima], which constitutes 9% of the tree population but only about 4% of the total leaf area.) Also, because they tend to become very tall and have large canopies, London planes are our best trees for carbon storage and sequestration. They are holding on to about 185,000 tons of carbon (14% of the total urban tree carbon pool), and each year they sequester another 5,500 or so tons (about 13% of all the carbon sequestered by city trees each year). That makes them both gorgeous and highly beneficial: all in all, good trees to have around." |
Flack Family Farm:- |
Edible Plants Club website 'Sort out your soil' - A practical guide to Green Manures, and Frequently Asked Questions from the Receptionist Myrtle of Cotswold Grass Seeds. Saltmarsh Management Manual from the Environment Agency informs you about:-
Plants for moths (including larval food plants and adult nectar sources) from Gardens for Wildlife - Practical advice on how to attract wildlife to your garden by Martin Walters as an Aura Garden Guide. Published in 2007 - ISBN 978 1905765041:- |
Marjoram - Origanum officinale |
"In mid summer, our gardens awash with colourful seas of showy blooms, may appear to be a haven for bees. Over the last few decades there has been a garden centre boom in cheap and cheerful bedding plants or cultivars which produce ever more stunning flowers. The trouble is that many of them are of little or no use to honey-bees or bumblebees. Double blooms and many cultivars contain neither pollen nor nectar. Their sole purpose seems to be for us, for that glance across a splash of colour whilst we sip a cool summer drink. Outside our cities and gardens the situation is not much better; there has been a staggering decline in flower-rich hay meadows, wild spaces and wildflower leys. About 97% of our original flower-rich habitats have been lost in the past 60 years. And with these, fast disappearing from our landscapes, are flowering plants which have evolved over millennia alongside bees and in perfect symbiosis with them. These provide bees with the absolute ideal in terms of pollen, nectar and propolis, with different species flowering in succession throughout the year. Add to this, bees have their fair share of parasites and diseases; and for a final blow, a new generation of insecticides originally developed in the 1990’s to protect fruit trees from aphid attack are, ironically, apparently harming bees. There is science-based evidence coming out of France which proves that many pesticides, in sub-lethal doses, are harmful to bees. Bees urgently need our help! Luckily there is much we can do: Think of bees when you garden. This is so easy because many of bees’ favourite plants are also culinary or medicinal herbs, wildflowers or fruits of every kind. Most of them are unadulterated species plants. These don’t just look good, they do us and the bees good too. We can provide many of these kinds of herbaceous perennials, shrubs and trees. The bees’ favourites are our priority Checklist for Plants for Bees There are a just a few keys points to remember when choosing plants for bees: • Approved by bees - Anecdotal evidence has been collected from all over the world, from many people, beekeepers, entomologists, wildlife enthusiasts and gardeners who have observed bees' foraging preferences. We are also planning scientific field studies for 2012 to confirm which garden plants do prove the most popular with our bees. • 100% safe for bees - Plants that are grown without the use of pesticides (especially neonicotinoids such as 'Clothianidin', 'Imidacloprid', 'Thiacloprid' or 'Acetamiprid') or other chemicals that may harm bees. Organic (or Biodynamic) plants are 100% safe for bees. • Species plants - You can't go wrong with natural, 'species' plants that have evolved with bees over millennia. Many artificially bred cultivers or clones, are sterile and often do not produce nectar (for example, the nectaries having been bred into extra petals). Though most fruit cultivars are fine. • Produces plenty of nectar or pollen - Some of the bees' favourite plants produce greater quantities of pollen or nectar than others - that is the kind of information we will try to include in our plant descriptions - especially after the scientific studies being carried out in our bee sancturay have concluded in 2012. • Flowers throughout the times of greatest need - There are certain times when pollen or nectar are needed: Early spring is a time of great need for pollen (which triggers egg-laying by the queen); All season from early spring to late Autumn nectar is needed, though there is a 'crisis period' from the end of June until September (in the South of the UK) when adult bees' numbers are at a peak and their need for nectar is vital. This summer period is one we should concentrate on providing copious amounts of nectar in our gardens." |
Ivydene Gardens Water Fern to Yew Wild Flower Families Gallery: |
Only Wildflowers detailed in the following Wildflower Colour Pages |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
1 |
Blue |
1 |
1 |
Cream |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
White A-D |
1 Yellow |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Flowering plants of |
1 |
Flowering plants of |
UKButterflies Larval Foodplants website page lists the larval foodplants used by British butterflies. The name of each foodplant links to a Google search. An indication of whether the foodplant is a primary or secondary food source is also given. Please note that the Butterfly you see for only a short time has grown up on plants as an egg, caterpillar and chrysalis for up to 11 months, before becoming a butterfly. If the plants that they live on during that time are removed, or sprayed with herbicide, then you will not see the butterfly. |
Plants used by the Butterflies follow the Plants used by the Egg, Caterpillar and Chrysalis as stated in |
Plant Name |
Butterfly Name |
Egg/ Caterpillar/ Chrysalis/ Butterfly |
Plant Usage |
Plant Usage Months |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
10 days in May-June |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
- |
Egg, |
1 egg at base of plant. |
Late August-April |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
- |
Egg, |
1 egg laid on underside of leaflets or bracts. |
7 days in June. |
Egg, |
1 egg laid on underside of leaflets or bracts. |
7 days in June. |
Egg, |
1 egg laid under the leaf or on top of the flower. |
7 days in August. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
10 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
2 weeks |
Cabbages - Large White eats all cruciferous plants, such as cabbages, mustard, turnips, radishes, cresses, nasturtiums, wild mignonette and dyer's weed |
40-100 eggs on both surfaces of leaf. |
May-June and August-Early September. 4.5-17 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of leaf. |
May-June and August. 7 days. |
Cabbages:- |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of leaf. |
July or August; hatches in 3 days. |
Cabbages:- |
Egg, |
1 egg laid in the tight buds and flowers. |
May-June 7 days. |
Cherry with |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
- |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
10 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
6 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
(Common CowWheat, Field CowWheat) |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 16 days in June. |
Currants |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 20 days in July. |
Dog Violet with |
Egg, |
1 egg on oak or pine tree trunk |
15 days in July. |
Dog Violet with |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf or stem. |
Hatches after 15 days in May-June. |
Dog Violet with |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf or stem. |
Hatches after 10 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
False Brome is a grass (Wood Brome, Wood False-brome and Slender False-brome) |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
... |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 20 days in July. |
Egg, |
1 egg laid on underside of leaflets or bracts. |
7 days in June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf or stem. |
Hatches after 10 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg laid under the leaf or on top of the flower. |
7 days in August. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. 5 or 6 eggs may be deposited by separate females on one leaf. |
14 days in July-August. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg laid in the tight buds and flowers. |
May-June 7 days. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 20 days in July. |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
1 then |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg at base of plant. |
Late August-April. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
10 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
2 weeks |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
6 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of leaf. |
May-June and August. 7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. 5 or 6 eggs may be deposited by separate females on one leaf. |
14 days in July-August. |
Narrow-leaved Plantain (Ribwort Plantain) |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 16 days in June. |
Narrow-leaved Plantain (Ribwort Plantain) |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 16 days in June. |
Nasturtium from Gardens |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of leaf. |
May-June and August. 7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg on tree trunk |
15 days in July. |
Mountain pansy, |
Egg, Chrysalis |
1 egg laid under the leaf or on top of the flower. |
7 days in August. 3 weeks in September |
Egg, |
1 egg on tree trunk. |
15 days in July. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 20 days in July. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
- |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
Egg, |
1 egg laid under the leaf or on top of the flower. |
7 days in August. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 16 days in June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
2 weeks |
Trefoils 1, 2, 3 |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
6 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
- |
Egg, |
1 egg laid on underside of leaflets or bracts. |
7 days in June. |
Violets:- |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of leaf or on stalk. |
July-August for 17 days. |
Violets:- |
Egg, |
1 egg on stem or stalk near plant base. |
July to hatch in 8 months in March. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
2 weeks. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. 5 or 6 eggs may be deposited by separate females on one leaf. |
14 days in July-August. |
Willow |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 20 days in July. |
Plants used by the Butterflies |
Plant Name |
Butterfly Name |
Egg/ Caterpillar/ Chrysalis/ Butterfly |
Plant Usage |
Plant Usage Months |
Asters |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
Runner and Broad Beans in fields and gardens |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
April-June or July-September. |
Aubretia in gardens |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June or August till killed by frost and damp in September-November |
Butterfly |
Eats sap exuding from trunk. |
April-Mid June and Mid July-Early September for second generation. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
20 days. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June |
Holly Blue |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
April-Mid June and Mid July-Early September for second generation. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October. |
Buddleias |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October. |
Wood White |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June. |
Cabbage and cabbages in fields |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
April-June or July-September. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
July-October |
Adonis Blue |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
1 Month during Mid-May to Mid-June or during August-September |
Pale Clouded Yellow |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June or August till killed by frost and damp in September-November |
Cow-wheat |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
June-July |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
April-Mid June and Mid July-Early September for second generation. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
3 weeks between May and September |
Germander Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys - Birdseye Speedwell) |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
June-July |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
30 days in May-June. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-September |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
May-June for 18 days. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
1 Month. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October. |
Painted Lady |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
July-October. |
Marigolds in gardens |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June or August till killed by frost and damp in September-November |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
1 Month during Mid-May to Mid-June or during August-September. |
Michaelmas Daisies |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
April-June or July-September. |
Narrow-leaved Plantain (Ribwort Plantain) |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
June-July |
Nasturtiums in gardens |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
April-June or July-September |
Butterfly |
Eats sap exuding from trunk. |
April-Mid June and Mid July-Early September for second generation. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
June. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
July-October. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
July-May |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
7 weeks in July-August. |
Comma |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
3 weeks between May and September |
Trefoils 1, 2, 3 |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
1 Month during Mid-May to Mid-June or during August-September |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
20 days in August. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
June-July |
Apple/Pear/Cherry/Plum Fruit Tree Blossom in Spring |
Butterfly |
Eats Nectar |
April-May |
Rotten Fruit |
Butterfly |
Drinks juice |
July-September |
Tree sap and damaged ripe fruit, which are high in sugar |
Butterfly |
Hibernates inside hollow trees or outhouses until March. Eats sap or fruit juice until April. |
10 months in June-April |
Wild Flowers |
Large Skipper |
Butterfly |
Eats Nectar |
June-August |
Links to the other Butterflies:- Black Hairstreak |
Topic - Wildlife on Plant Photo Gallery. Some UK native butterflies eat material from UK Native Wildflowers and live on them as eggs, caterpillars (Large Skipper eats False Brome grass - Brachypodium sylvaticum - for 11 months from July to May as a Caterpillar before becoming a Chrysalis within 3 weeks in May) chrysalis or butterflies ALL YEAR ROUND. |
Wild Flower Family Page (the families within "The Pocket Guide to Wild Flowers" by David McClintock & R.S.R. Fitter, Published in 1956 They are not in Common Name alphabetical order and neither are the common names of the plants detailed within each family. The information in the above book is back-referenced to the respective page in "Flora of the British Isles" by A.R. Clapham of University of Sheffield, |
When you look at the life history graphs of each of the 68 butterflies of Britain, you will see that they use plants throughout all 12 months - the information of what plant is used by the egg, caterpillar, chrysalis or butterfly is also given in the above first column.
THE LIFE AND DEATH OF A FLAILED CORNISH HEDGE - This details that life and death from July 1972 to 2019, with the following result:- End note, June 2008. I hear spring vetch has been officially recorded somewhere in West Cornwall and confirmed as a presence in the county, so perhaps I can be permitted to have seen it pre-1972 in the survey mile. I wonder where they found it? It's gone from hedges where it used to be, along with other scarcities and so-called scarcities that used to flourish in so many hedges unrecorded, before the flail arrived. I have given careful thought to including mention of some of the plants and butterflies. So little seems to be known of the species resident in Cornish hedges pre-flail that I realise some references may invite scepticism. I am a sceptic myself, so sympathise with the reaction; but I have concluded that, with a view to re-establishing vulnerable species, it needs to be known that they can with the right management safely and perpetually thrive in ordinary Cornish hedges. In future this knowledge could solve the increasingly difficult question of sufficient and suitable sites for sustainable wild flower and butterfly conservation - as long as it is a future in which the hedge-flail does not figure.
CHECK-LIST OF TYPES OF CORNISH HEDGE FLORA by Sarah Carter of Cornish Hedges Library:-
Titles of papers available on www.cornishhedges.co.uk:-
THE GUILD OF CORNISH HEDGERS is the non-profit-making organisation founded in 2002 to support the concern among traditional hedgers about poor standards of workmanship in Cornish hedging today. The Guild has raised public awareness of Cornwall's unique heritage of hedges and promoted free access to the Cornish Hedges Library, the only existing source of full and reliable written knowledge on Cornish hedges." |
To ensure that the cherry blossom is pollinated by the bees, then another cherry tree from the same or adjacent flowering group ( Group A with Group A or B, Group B with Group A or Group C, etc ) should be present within a short distance. The list of Cherry Trees is in alphabetical order with the . |
Acid/Sweet Taste |
Flowering Group |
Month of Picking in UK |
Cherry Type |
Cherry Name INDEX link to Cherry Description Page |
Sweet |
D |
August |
Eating |
Penny is available in USA and UK from Orange Pippin Trees |
Penny is self-sterile and in Pollination Group D. It is polllinated by:- |
Cherry Name with link to mail-order nursery |
Sweet |
C |
July |
Dessert |
Sweet |
C |
July |
Dessert |
Elton Heart |
Sweet |
D |
July |
Dessert |
Sweet |
E |
July |
Dessert |
Sweet |
E |
July |
Dessert |
Gauger Bigarreau |
Sweet |
C |
July |
Dessert |
Sweet |
D |
July |
Dessert |
Duke |
C |
July |
Culinary |
May Duke |
Sweet |
C |
July |
Dessert |
Sweet |
D |
July |
Dessert |
Merton Crane |
Sweet |
E |
August |
Dessert |
Merton Late |
Sweet |
C |
June/ July |
Dessert |
Merton Premier |
Sweet |
D |
July |
Dessert |
Sweet |
C |
July |
Dessert |
Sweet |
D |
July |
Dessert |
Sweet |
D |
July |
Dessert |
Sweet |
E |
July |
Dessert |
Turkish Black |
Sweet |
C |
July |
Dessert |
Sweet |
D |
July |
Dessert |
Sweet |
C |
July |
Dessert |
Site design and content copyright ©April 2007. Page structure amended November 2012. Chris Garnons-Williams. DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services are not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site. |
The following Extra Index of Wildflowers is created in the Borage Wildflower Gallery, to which the Wildflowers found in the above list will have that row entry copied to.
When the following Extra Index of Top Fruit - Cherry is created in this Gallery, to which the Top Fruit - Cherry found in the above list will have that row entry copied to.
Having transferred the Extra Index row entry to the relevant Extra Index row for the same type of plant in a gallery below; then
Site Map of pages with content(o)
For further details of
Pear and
Top Fruit Plants Page
Remaining Top Fruit Plants Page
Apple Gallery
Cherry Gallery
Pear Gallery
Other Colours
7 feet Patio Tree
7 feet Bush
10 feet Bush
10 feet Fan
10 feet Half Standard
(o)Maiden Gisela 5 for training
(o)Maiden Colt for training
Maiden F.12.1 for training
10 feet Bush
10 feet Half-Standard
Other Colours
Garden Pictures
Copied from Ivydene Gardens Extra Pages of Plants |
"Grow Grafting Service – A specialist service unique to Brogdale. Brogdale is the home of the national fruit collection and Grow is the on site specialist nursery and garden centre that for many years have accessed the collection to produce heritage apples and pears from the thousands of varieties on offer. For a lot of customers the desire to own a heritage variety stems from tasting the fruit at one of our festivals or a resonant memory from there past. People recognise that within the spectrum of fruit flavours we are exposed to just a small portion when purchasing fruit from commercial sources like supermarkets. Another reason to access this process is create area specific orchards, most counties and countries have locally bred fruits and it is wonderful to re-establish this link. Also we provide a service to graft from a tree you want to preserve, last year (2012) nearly 600 trees were ‘duplicated’ for a variety of customers. Sometimes the trees were of an unknown variety but obviously had personal significance; an added advantage was to start afresh as a young tree with a modern rootstock." from Grow at Brogdale. |
Choosing a top fruit tree instead of a tree from the tree list provides you with a plant of a size that is suitable for most current gardens. These trees also produce edible fruit. |
The size of the tree required |
This is controlled by the fruit tree rootstock chosen. Apples from Very Dwarfing on M27 at 5-6 feet ultimate height to Very Vigorous on M25 with 25-30 feet ultimate height. Ultimate heights for other fruit trees given in their header row. |
Varieties for ease of management |
Choose varieties with good disease resistance |
Earlies, mids, lates. |
Choose varieties that can be eaten from August, or store well until Spring. |
Triploids |
Triploids will require 2 other pollinators. |
Dwarfing trees |
These need the best soil and a permanent stake. |
Trained top fruit trees |
If space is limited and a 'sunny' wall or fence is available, 'trained' forms of top fruit tree such as cordons, espaliers and fans are ideal. |
Best time to plant |
The best time to plant is during the dormant season from mid-November to mid-March. Bare rooted plants have to be planted at this time, with no competition from other plants for 2 feet radius from their trunk - I was asked in August 2017 to look at some plum trees grown on a slope within a lawn after 2 days of heavy rain. One had dead branches and the others dehydrated fruit. With the owner's permission, I (as a retired garden designer, garden constructor and maintenance man during 21 years before I retired due to heart failure and various other medical complaints) dug into the lawn with a trowel and pulled the turf back to show that the ground underneath was bone dry. I suggested that the turf be removed using a fork to reduce damage to the tree roots; to 36 inch (90 cms) radius from each trunk, then when the grass was cut to apply it as a mulch in the exposed soil, and perhaps grow only bulbs in that mulched soil. Having rested from my no-charge-labour of pulling up a 3 inch (7.5 cms) width of turf, I then pushed it back into its place, before wearily dragging my carcase off the premises. One large tree can lift up to 100 gallons of water out of the ground and discharge it into the air in a day. Tree roots do not grow very deep. Most tree roots are in the top 12 inches of soil. Tree roots often extend two to three times the width of the tree canopy.
Site |
The ideal site would be a well sheltered South facing slope. More vigorous rootsocks have more root to provide better anchorage on exposed sites. All fruit trees need good light to produce good quality fruit, and a site facing South or West is best. However, Pears and Apples will fruit when facing East. Morello Cherries and Cooking Apples will all produce some fruit on a site facing North. |
Soil "Grow Your Own Fruit" by Ken Muir, Honeypot Farm, Weeley Heath, Clacton-On-Sea, Essex. CO16 9BJ Tel: 01255 830181 provides the information on cultural practices in a clear and concise manner, as does "The RHS Encyclopedia of Practical Gardening FRUIT" by Harry Baker ISBN 1 85732 905 8. Pollination
Top Fruit Tree Form. Tree Form refers to the way in which the tree has been trained:-
Keepers Nursery of Gallants Court, East Farleigh, Maidstone, Kent ME15 0LE (Tel: 01622 726465 Fax: 0870 705 2145) produce over 600 varieties of fruit trees. Their website www.keepers-nursery.co.uk can provide further details including colour photographs of most of the following trees in this page. The following bare-root trees from 'Grow' at Brogdale Farm, Brogdale Road, Faversham, Kent. ME13 8XZ (Tel: 01795 531 888) would be supplied between November and April, which is their time for lifting and planting bare-root trees, through Brogdale Horticultural Trust at www.brogdale.org. One of the largest collections of apples in the world! |
Apple Rootstock Ultimate Height |
M27 5-6 feet |
M9 8-10 feet |
M26 10-15 feet |
MM106 14-18 feet |
M25 25-30 feet |
Uses |
Vertical cordons, |
Oblique cordon, |
Oblique cordon, |
Double Cordon., |
Standards |
Fruiting in |
2-3 years |
3-4 years |
3-4 years |
4-5 years |
6-7 years |
Full cropping |
4-5 years |
5-6 years |
5-6 years |
7-8 years |
8-9 years |
Planting Distance |
5-6 feet |
8-10 feet |
10-12 feet |
14-18 feet |
30 feet |
Soil/Site |
Requires a good deep fertile loam, clean ground, Not for heavy (Clay) soils |
Requires a good deep fertile loam, clean ground, no competition from other plants. Not for heavy (Clay) soils |
Requires a good deep fertile loam. Not for heavy (Clay) soils |
Can tolerate heavier soils and more exposed sites. |
Will tolerate most sites and soils. Good pest and disease resistance. Not the tree to plant if space is limited. |
Stake |
Permanent stake |
Permanent stake |
for 5 years |
for 5 years |
for 5 years |
Apple Name |
Cooker/Dessert |
Pollination Group Number |
Tree Form Availability |
Pick month/ |
Description |
Adams Pearmain |
Dessert |
2 |
M9- Maiden, M25-Standard |
Pick Early October/ Keep Nov-March |
Red-Brown, with a rich aromatic, nutty flavour. Excellent keeper. Attractive blossom. |
Annie Elizabeth |
Cooker |
4 |
MM106-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep February |
Orange with a red flush. Large fruit with a sweet flavour. A good keeper and ideal for stewing. Remains popular with northern gardeners. Keeps shape when cooked. |
Ashmeads Kernel |
Dessert |
5 |
M9-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep February |
Connoisseur's choice. Attractive red flowers and green or yellow flushed fruit with a taste of Fruit Drops.Good cropping but erratic due possibly to cold Spring. |
Bardsey |
Dessert |
3 |
M25-Standard |
Pick October/ Keep January |
The 'sainted' apple found growing on Bardsey Island in Wales in 1998. This pink over cream, lemon scented apple is unique and very disease resistant. |
Beauty of Bath |
Dessert |
2 |
MM106-Maiden |
Pick August/ Do not Keep |
Bright red flush on yellow, pink stained flesh. Sweet and juicy when ripe. Overripe it will taste fermented. Can 'drop' before being ripe. |
Blenheim Orange |
Dessert/Cooker |
3 Triploid |
MM106-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep January |
Orange-red apple. Sweet nutty flavour. Good with cheese and for Apple Charlotte. Biennial in heavy fruit production. |
Bountiful |
Cooker |
2 |
MM106-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep November |
An apple that keeps its shape when cooked. Soft, juicy and sweet.Resistant to mildew. |
Braeburn |
Dessert |
4 |
MM106 |
Pick October/ Keep March |
Crisp, firm, aromatic fruit. Excellent all round quality, requires a sheltered sunny spot. |
Bramley |
Cooker |
3 Triploid |
M27-Bush |
Pick October/ Keep March |
The most popular cooker. Greenish-yellow with a strong acid flavour. Vigorous growth. First trees planted commercially in Kent in 1890. |
Charles Ross |
Dessert/Cooker |
3 |
M27-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep December |
Easy to grow eating apple. Best used early for cooking. Sweet flavoured with an orange red flush. Good chalk tolerance and scab resistance. A valued garden apple. |
Claygate Pearmain |
Dessert |
2 |
MM106-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep February |
Rich and aromatic with a nutty taste. Combines the qualities of Blenheim and Ribston. Flushed orange-red over greenish-yellow background. Good cropping. |
Court Pendu Plat |
Dessert |
5 |
M9-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep March |
Greenish-yellow flushed orange/red. Rich and fruity pineapple flavour. Good frost resistance and keeps flavour when stored. Among top ten Victorian dessert apples. |
Cox |
Dessert |
3 |
M26-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep January |
A very self-fertile form. For less than ideal Cox growing conditions. Spicy, honeyed, nutty, pear-like aromatic flavour. |
Cornish Aromatic |
Dessert |
4 |
M25-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep January |
Bright Red with russeting. Sweet, sharp pear drop and spice flavour. Light crop. |
D'arcy Spice |
Dessert |
3 |
M25-Standard |
Pick October/ Keep |
Bright green becoming gold with red flush. Hot, spicy nutmeg flavour. Erratic cropping. |
Devonshire Quarrenden |
Dessert |
2 |
MM106-Bush |
Pick August/ Keep September |
Dark, bright red-crimson fruit with distinct strawberry/wine flavour. Soon goes soft once picked. |
Discovery |
Dessert |
3 |
M26-Maiden |
Pick August/ Does not Keep |
Bright red flush. Crisp and juicy with a hint of strawberry. Disease resistant. Slow to bear. |
Egremont Russet |
Dessert |
2 |
M9-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep December |
The most popular Russet, with cream-tinged-yellow firm flesh and a sweet and nutty flavour. Makes an upright tree with very good frost and disease resistance, so suitable for organic growing. A good pollinator. |
Ellison's Orange |
Dessert |
4 |
M26-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep October |
Striped red juicy apple. Intense flavour turning to aniseed when ripe. Good scab and frost resistance. Good crop. |
Fiesta |
Dessert |
3 |
M27-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep January |
Rich aromatic and sweet 'Cox' like flavour. Heavy crops, good frost resistance makes this an ideal variety for Northern areas. Grown commercially in Kent. |
Gala |
Dessert |
4 |
M26-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep January |
A reliable cropper with good crisp, refreshing well flavoured fruit. Prone to canker and scab. |
George Cave |
Dessert |
2 |
MM106-Bush |
Pick August/ Does not Keep |
White flesh with a strong, sweet-sharp taste. |
Golden Noble |
Cooker |
4 |
MM106-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep March |
One of the best cookers. Sharp and well flavoured but needing little sugar. Ideal for pies. Keeps well. A tip-bearing variety. Resistant to scab and mildew. |
Golden Pippin |
Dessert Cooker |
2 |
M25-Standard |
Pick October/ Keep January |
Gold with russet dots. A sweet flavour with a lemon tang. Cooks well. |
Great Expectations |
Dessert |
5 |
MM106-Bush |
Pick October/ Keep November |
Small and russeted with a superb flavour and very attractive blossom. Spreading tree. |
Greensleaves |
Dessert |
3 |
M26-Bush |
Pick September/ Does not Keep |
Excellent garden tree and apple. Pale, greenish-yellow, with a crisp, tangy flavour. Very easy to grow. Eat from the tree. Heavy cropper |
Grenadier |
Cooker |
3 |
M26-Bush |
Pick September/ Does not Keep |
A heavy cropping cooking apple with greeny-yellow fruit. Cooks to a creamy, sharp puree. |
Herefordshire Russet |
Dessert |
3 |
MM106-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep January |
An excellent new variety (2004) of russet with a rich and aromatic Cox-like flavour. Stores well. |
Howgate Wonder |
Cooker |
3 |
MM106-Bush |
Pick October/ Keep March |
Large yellow red-striped cooker, with a light flavour. Keeps shape well when cooked. Spreading tree. Resistant to mildew. |
James Grieve |
Dessert/ Cooker |
3 |
MM106-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep October |
Red-flushed-stripes over pale green. Crisp and juicy with good flavour. Can be picked early and used as a cooker. A reliable cropper. Resistant to mildew. Spreading tree. |
Jupiter |
Dessert |
3 |
M26-Bush |
Pick October/ Keep January |
Large and Cox-like with a more robust flavour. Sweet and juicy flesh. Biennial fruiting. |
Katy |
Dessert |
3 |
M26-Maiden |
Pick September/ Does not Keep |
Heavy crops of bright red early fruit with sweet strawberry flavoured firm flesh. A good pollinator. Once picked, soon goes soft. Syn Katja. |
Kidd's Orange Red |
Dessert |
3 |
M26-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep January |
Yellow with red stripes. Sweet, crisp and aromatic. A good Cox alternative. Needs plenty of autumn sunshine to build up flavours. |
Laxton's Superb |
Dessert |
4 |
MM106-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep November |
Will grow where Cox fails to thrive, and has some of its rich complexity of flavour. It is sweet with a fine textured quite juicy flesh. Spreading tree instead of normal upright apple tree growth. |
Limelight |
Dessert |
4 |
M9-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep November |
Excellent garden variety; a crisp and refreshing green apple with a good disease resistance. |
Lord Derby |
Cooker |
3 |
M26-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep December |
A good strong tasting cooking apple for pies beautiful flowers. Good for northern areas. Good cropping. |
Lord Lambourne |
Dessert |
2 |
MM106-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep November |
Bright striped fruit, moderatley sweet and aromatic with some strawberry flavour. A good garden apple. Tip-bearing. Resistant to mildew. |
Mabbot's Pearmain |
Dessert |
3 |
MM106-Bush |
Pick September/ Keep December |
Thickly speckled russetted apple over an orange-red flush. A sharp refeshing taste of fruit. Heavy cropping. |
Meridian |
Dessert |
3 |
M26-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep March |
A large Red Falstaff x Cox cross, with a juicy aromatic flavour. A heavy cropping disease-resistant variety, which also has good keeping qualities. |
Orange Gofff |
Cooker |
2 |
MM106-Bush |
Pick September/ Keep December |
Good for fruit jams and sauces, an orange fleshed dual purpose apple, which keeps its shape when cooked. Was used to 'help' marmalade producers in Dundee until practice stopped by Adulteration Act. |
Orleans Reinette |
Dessert |
4 |
M26-Bush |
Pick September/ Keep December |
Golden-yellow fruit flushed red, with nutty aromatic sweet firm flesh. Dual purpose. Makes sweet baked apple using early fruit. Needs warm spot for good flavour. |
Peasgood Nonesuch |
Cooker/Dessert |
3 |
MM106-Bush |
Pick September/ Keep December |
Pale green with broken red stripes and an orange flush. Good for baking and salads. Spreading tree. Resistant to mildew , red spider and partly to scab. |
Pitmaston Pine Apple |
Dessert |
3 |
MM106 |
Pick September/ Keep December |
A small conical apple with a distinctive taste of pineapple blended with honey and musk. Upright tree. Crops heavily and biennially. |
Queen Cox |
Dessert |
3 |
M9-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep January |
Cox's Orange (Queen) is a more highly coloured variety of Cox's Orange Pippin. An intense aromatic flavour. |
Red Devil |
Dessert |
3 |
M27-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep December |
Good garden variety with scarlet flush. Good fruity strawberry flavour. Disease resistant. Raised in Faversham, Kent. Heavy cropper. |
Falstaff (Red) |
Dessert |
3 |
M27-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep March |
Fruity, well-balanced flavour. Crisp and juicy. One of the heaviest yielding apples. Can be stored easily and eaten throughout the winter. Frost resistant. Planted commercially in kent. |
Red Millers Seedling |
Dessert |
2 |
MM106-Bush |
Pick August/ Does not Keep |
Medium pale yellow with bright red flush. Crisp, soft white sweet flesh. heavy cropping biennally. |
Red Windsor |
Dessert |
2 |
M27-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep October |
Superb Cox-like flavour. A good cropping garden variety. |
Reinne de Reinettes |
Cooker |
3 |
M25-Maiden |
Pick Early October/ Keep December |
Sweet with plenty of acidity. Keeps shape when cooked. Ideal for 'Tarte Tartin'. Syn. King of the Pippins. Upright tree with good disease resistance. |
Ribston Pippin |
Dessert |
2 |
MM106-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep January |
Yellow, flushed brown/orange fruit. Intense rich aromatic flavour. Juicy and firm. Sharper than Cox. Upright tree. Resistant to scab. |
Rosemary Russet |
Dessert |
3 |
M25-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep March |
Pale Yellow flushed bright reddish-brown. Intensely flavoured of Acid Drops. Upright tree. Good cropper. |
Saturn |
Dessert |
3 |
M27-Maiden |
Pick September Keep February |
Very resistant to scab. Heavy crops of attractive red blushed conical fruit. Firm flesh and sweet flavour. |
Scrumptious |
Dessert |
3 |
M27-Maiden |
Pick Mid September/ Does not Keep |
Frost and disease resistant, fragrant and honey. Eat straight from tree. Doesn't drop. |
Spartan |
Dessert |
3 |
M26-Bush |
Pick October/ Keep January |
Popular eater. Fruit dark red, sweet, crisp and juicy. Easy to grow. |
Sunset |
Dessert |
3 |
M27-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep December |
Similar to Cox, but more disease resistant. Sharp intense flavour. Heavy cropper. Excellent garden apple. |
Sweet Society |
Dessert |
4 |
M26-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep January |
Selected by the Royal Horticultural Society to celebate their bi-centennial. An attractive slightly small Cox type apple with superb aromatic eating qualities. |
Tydeman's Late Orange |
Dessert |
3 |
MM106-Maiden |
Pick October/ Keep October |
Orange/Red colour with some russeting. Firm and sweet. Rich and aromatic. Trouble free. Heavy cropping. If fruit is not thinned, then the fruit will be small. |
Winter Gem |
Dessert |
3 |
M27-Bush |
Pick October/ Keep February |
Heavy cropping. Handsome orange/red flushed over gold. Tasty, rich and aromatic. |
Worcester Pearmain |
Dessert |
3 |
M27-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep October |
Reliable heavy crop of delicious orange-red fruit. Firm and juicy flesh. Very sweet flavour with a hint of strawberry. Distinctive blossom- almond opening to silvery white. |
Yellow Ingestrie |
Dessert |
1 |
M25-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep October |
Greenish-yellow fruit turning yellow. Sharp, fruity and firm. Spreading tree. Good cropping. Ideal for wiring onto evergreens to make Kissing Boughs and sprays. |
Cider apples are grown as standard trees to produce the maximum yield for juice production. Brogdale Horticultural Trust has an Apple National Collection of 2111 varieties and has a Cider Apple Weekend Event each September and Cider Fest Evening Event each October. |
Cider Apple Name |
Pollination Group Number |
Tree Form Availability |
Pick month |
Description |
Dabinett |
5 |
M25-Maiden |
Pick November |
The most reliable cider variety producing high quality juice. Produces bittersweet cider with 'soft, full bodied, astringency'. |
Herefordshire Redstreak |
5 |
M25-Maiden |
Pick November |
A very famous cider apple. Flesh is a vibrant red streak colour as the name suggests. |
Harry Masters Jersey |
5 |
M25-Maiden |
Pick October |
Known as port wine. A full bittersweet cider taste with soft astringency. |
Tom Putt |
3 |
M25-Maiden |
Pick September |
Bright red with streaks. Firm, crisp and sharp. Sweet when cooked. Scab resistant. Widely planted in West Midlands in 1920s. |
Pears flower early and so are liable to damage by spring frosts and cold winds. It is best to grow them as Minarettes, Cordons and Espaliers on warm South, South-West or West facing walls or fences. Brogdale Horticultural Trust has a Pear National Collection of 522 varieties. Self-guided walks with a Plant Centre and Tea rooms are available every day. |
Pear and Quince Rootstock |
Quince 'C' (QC) |
Quince 'A' (QA) |
Ultimate height for a Bush tree |
6-10 feet |
8-10 feet |
30 feet |
Half Standard |
N/A |
Maximum 16 feet |
25-30 feet |
Uses |
Cordon |
Fan |
Standard Tree |
Fruiting |
4 years |
4 years |
6-7 years |
Full cropping |
6-7 years |
7 years |
8-9 years |
Planting Distance |
6-10 feet |
10-15 feet |
30 feet |
Staking |
Permanently |
5 years |
5 years |
Soil |
Fertile soil which does not dry out too quickly |
Most fertile medium to heavy soils |
Less than ideal soil conditions. |
Pear Name |
Pollination Group Number |
Tree Form Availability Rootstock. Ultimate Height |
Pick month/ |
Description |
Beth |
3 |
QA-Bush |
Pick September/ Does not Keep |
Pale green turning pale yellow. Small and sweet. Good for gardens. |
Beurre Hardy |
4 |
QC-Bush |
Pick September/ Keep October |
Medium large and light green. Tender and juicy, rose-water flavour. |
Concorde |
4 |
QC-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep November |
Medium to large fruit. Pale green turning yellow. Sweet and juicy flesh with a pleasant mild flavour. |
Conference |
3 |
QA-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep November |
Medium yellow-green. Sweet, juicy, good cropper. |
Doyenne du Comice |
4 |
QA-Bush |
Pick October/ Keep December |
Large, pale green fruit. Rich, juicy superb flavour. Needs good pollinator such as Concorde. |
Durondeau |
3 |
PYC-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep November |
Attractive medium fruit with a juicy sweet flavoured flesh. Needs a moist soil . The flowers resist frost well making it good for the north. |
Emile D'Heyst |
2 |
QA-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep November |
One of the most reliable croppers even in the north. Light green medium sized fruit with a firm yellowish green flesh. Sweet, juicy and sub-acid flavour. |
Jargonelle |
1 |
PYC-Maiden |
Pick August/ Does not Keep |
Suitable for growing anywhere North or South in the United Kingdom. Good frost and disease resistance. The yellow flesh is tender and juicy. Tip bearer. |
Louise Bonne of Jersey |
2 |
QA-Maiden |
Pick September/ Keep October |
Small/medium in size. Pale yellowish-green fruit with a dark red flush. Melting sweet white flesh. Reliable cropper. |
Packham's Triumph |
3 |
QA-Bush |
Pick October/ Keep December |
Medium to large bright fruit if thinned. Compact growing tree. |
Williams |
3 |
QC-Bush |
Pick August/ Does not Keep |
Medium size fruit. Sweet and juicy. Regular cropping but does not keep. |
Sweet Cherries crop best under conditions of light rainfall, 2 feet deep of fertile, well-drained soil. They flower early and so require protection against spring frosts. Best grown as a Dwarf Bush tree. Brogdale Horticultural Trust has a Cherry National Collection of 320 varieties and has a Cherry Blossom Week Event each April and Cherry Week Event each July. |
Sweet Cherry Rootstock |
G5 |
Colt |
Ultimate Height |
10 feet |
20 feet |
Uses |
Dwarf Bush Tree |
Bush |
Fruiting |
3 years |
3-4 years |
Full cropping |
3 years |
5 years |
Staking |
Permanently |
5 years |
Soil |
Requires good, fertile, deep loam |
Tolerant of lighter, chalky or heavier clay soils |
Sweet Cherry Name |
Pollinator |
Tree Form Availability Rootstock. Height |
Pick month |
Description |
Celeste |
Self-fertile |
Colt-Bush |
Sweet cherry. Dark red fruits of excellent eating quality. A naturally compact growth habit. |
Lapins |
Self-fertile |
G5-Maiden |
Pick Late July |
Sweet cherry. Large dark red fruit. A good garden tree with an upright habit. |
Merton Glory |
Pollinated by either Stella or Sunburst |
G5-Maiden |
Pick Early July |
Sweet cherry. Very large heart-shaped, white with pink flush. A sweet fruit making a shapely compact tree. |
Morello |
Self-fertile |
G5-Maiden |
Pick July |
Acid cherry. Large dark red cooking cherry. Acid flavour. Very hardy and good for north walls. |
Penny |
Pollinated by Stella, Sunburst or Merton Glory |
G5-Maiden |
Pick Mid-Late August |
Sweet cherry. A new dark cherry from East Malling. Quite large, firm and a reliable cropper when young. |
Stella |
Self-fertile |
G5-Maiden |
Pick Late July |
Sweet cherry. Dark sweet and juicy fruit. Reliable cropper. |
Summer Sun |
Pollinated by Stella and Summer Sun |
G5-Maiden |
Sweet cherry. A sweet red cherry with a compact growth habit. Suitable for cold exposed areas. |
Sunburst |
Self-fertile |
G5-Maiden |
Pick Mid-July |
Sweet cherry. Georgeous flavour. |
Sweetheart |
Self-fertile |
G5-Maiden |
Pick Early August |
Sweet cherry. Firm red cherries with a good flavour. Fruits when young. |
Sylvia |
Pollinated by Celeste |
Colt-Maiden |
Pick Early August |
Sweet cherry. Large dark red fruit. A compact variety with attractive leaves. |
Height in inches (cms):- 25.4mm = 1 inch I normally round this to |
Site design and content copyright ©December 2006. Page structure changed September 2012. Height x Spread in feet changed to Height x Spread in inches (cms) May 2015. Data added to existing pages December 2017. Chris Garnons-Williams. DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services are not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site. |
Copied from Ivydene Gardens Top Fruit - Cherry Gallery: Introduction |
"A growing body of science reveals tart cherries, enjoyed as dried and frozen cherries and cherry juice, have among the highest levels of powerful antioxidants compared to other fruits. They also contain other important nutrients such as beta carotene (19 times as much as blueberries or strawberries!) vitamin C, potassium and fiber. They also contain Beta carotene, with sour cherries being shown to have more Beta carotene than sweet cherries. Cherry fruit have antioxidants like pectin and anthocyanins that have been linked to the prevention of cancer and heart disease. One little known fact is that only two species of cherry fruit can be found in America, three can be found in Europe, and the remainder of the cherry species can be found in Asia. Cherries have a very short fruiting season. In Australia they are usually at their peak around Christmas time. In Southern Europe and America, they are most ripe and at their peak in June. In the United Kingdom, they are ripe and ready to eat around mid July and during the summer season. Emerging evidence links cherries to many important health benefits – from helping to ease the pain of arthritis and gout, to reducing risk factors for heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers. Cherries also have been found to help regulate the body’s circadian rhythm, prevent memory loss and delay the aging process. A new study from the University of Michigan Integrative Medicine Program suggests that a cherry-enriched diet may help reduce inflammation, lowering the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. As science continues to reveal inflammation may be a marker for many chronic diseases, the researchers say emerging studies like this are important in examining the role diet may play in disease management and prevention. The Cherry Fruit Facts: • The Cherry fruit is known to grow in many areas of the United States. It is noticed that sweet cherries prove to be difficult to grow. Sour cherries are grown mainly in the Eastern side. • Cherries are very easily perishable and they rarely ripen after harvest. Therefore, you need to refrigerate them soon after their purchase. These can remain fresh in the fridge for at least 2 days. • The German word Kirsch-the cherry liqueur comes from the word karshu. This is the name given to the cherries that were first cultivated in Mesopotamia in 8 BC. • Cherries are very versatile fruits and can be a part of any meal or dessert. From breakfast to soups and salads, these find their way into any food item easily! Being delicious, these can be frozen and devoured whenever you wish! • Studies have shown the cherry fruit to have plenty of health benefits. These are known to provide pain relief for people who suffer from arthritis. It is said that eating 20 tart cherries in a day can prove to fight inflammation effectively. • Red cherries are also very high in melatonin. These are known to destroy the toxins that cause diseases. The cherry fruit is also high in antioxidants that help to fight cancer and heart disease. • The cherry fruits are low in cholesterol, fat and sodium. They are also a very good source of fiber and Vitamin C. • Since the cherry fruit bruises easily, you need to handle them with care. When buying cherries, look for a bright color and those with a supple exterior. Cherries, which are plump and firm, are very good to taste. If you are looking for good quality cherries, try to go in for cherries with their green stems attached. • Tart cherries and tart cherry juice are known to reduce the urate levels in the body. These are also known to reduce muscle pain and back pain. The benefits of tart cherries are also found even if they are frozen, in the form of juice or canned. Sweet cherries as well as tart cherries have very high levels of anthocyanins. This is the red pigment in the cherries, which helps to reduce the inflammation. • Sweet as well as sour cherries can be used for jams. Sour cherries are used more often as an ingredient in pies and are suitable for making soufflés, cooked fruit compotes etc. • Areas of Northern America see these cherries as the first ones to ripen amongst other trees; therefore the term ‘in cherry condition’ has been derived which means something new. • Michigan has around 35,000 acres of tart cherry trees. This place grows almost 75% of the tart cherries, which are produced in the United States. The Traverse City is therefore called the Cherry Capital of the World. The sweet cherries are grown in large numbers in Washington. • The cherry fruit extract contains antioxidant flavanoids and are used in many tablets and capsules. These capsules are used to support the pH levels of the body. " from Southdreamz.
Further facts are available from Buzzle.
The Cherry & Soft Fruit Show is the UK’s leading competition for soft fruit and cherries at the Kent County Show on 12-14 July 2013. |