Ivydene Gardens Bulb, Corm, Rhizome and Tuber Gallery: |
The 10,000 cultivars are classified into 3 major groups: they are Nanus, Primulinus and Grandiflorus:- • Hybrids and cultivars in the group of Nanus bloom in early summer with two/three 22 to 35 cm spikes per corm, the spike each bearing 3 to 5 open flowers at a time. • Those in the group of Primulinus bloom in midsummer with a single very slender 30 to 60 cm stem per corm, the stem bears 20 buds with up to 7 open at a time. • Cultivars and hybrids from the Grandiflorus group bloom from late spring through autumn with as many as 28 buds on (usually) a single spike of usually 35 to 90 cm tall, dozen of flowers may be open at a time. Gladioli of the Grandiflorus group are classified further by flower size and color in an elaborate trinomial system, with first digit indicating size, the second indicating color and the third intensity of color. The largest Grandiflorus cultivars can get up to 1.7 metre tall, while some miniatures do not reach 90 cm in height. |
BULB INDEX link to Bulb Description Page |
7 Flower Colours per Month in Colour Wheel below in BULB, CORM, RHIZOME and TUBER GALLERY. Click on Black or White box in Colour of Month. |
CULTIVAR GROUP Click on Number in the Flower Colour Wheel below to link to that Gladiolus Flower Colour Page |
Besides the above Bulb Flower Colour Comparison Pages, you also have the following Comparison Pages:- BULB INDEX |
See below in the left column as well as below for Colour Classification Code details. 00 is White (Pale) .......... Continued from previous Column:-
This can be followed by:-
For Gladiolus in The British Gladiolus Classification System, the following applies:- |
From the British Gladiolus Society:- "ALL ABOUT CLASSIFICATION OF GLADIOLUS. For anyone interested in the Gladiolus, and particularly for those of you interested in attending and competing in Gladiolus classes in shows, you should try and acquaint yourself with the world-wide classification codes. All codes consist of 3 digits, the first of which specifies the diameter of the fully developed bottom floret of the spike, thus:-
The second digit denotes colour (i.e. green, yellow, orange etc, 0-9) and the third digit denotes the "strength" or hue of that colour. Second digits may be (0) = Pale, (2) = Light, (4) = Medium, (6) = Deep and (8) = Very Deep. Notice that the third digits are all even numbers: even numbers indicate that the colour is without any conspicuous markings present, whereas by increasing the number by 1 to make it an odd number signifies that conspicuous markings are present. For example, Doris Darling 442 is a large flowered pale Pink bloom without distinctive markings whereas Pink Elegance 443 is a large flowered pale pink with a distinctive mark, in this case a white throat. The table below indicates how the second and third digits in the classification are used. So to summarize, all you need to do to become reasonably proficient at recognising Gladiolus codes is to learn the floret width codes (1-5, narrowest to widest) denoted by the first digit (see table above), and below, the second digit COLOUR codes (0-9) and the third digit COLOUR STRENGTH code (0-8). Don't forget that if the third code digit is an odd number it means that the floret has distinctive markings. |
There are another 207 Gladiolii detailed in the Gladiolus Photo Gallery. Thrips are one of the most damaging insects to glads, especially in the summer. Look for silvery flecks on the foliage and silver or brown blemishes on the flowers and buds. You may also see their black droppings on the leaves. |
BULB, CORM, RHIZOME AND TUBER GALLERY PAGES Site Map of pages with content (o) Introduction |
(o): A 1, 2, 3 |
"Transplanting Gladiolus
Gladiolus INDEX link to Corm Description Page |
Flower Colour is the Second and third digit of 3 digit code and in the Colour Wheel above and on the right |
Flowering Months |
For extended bloom time, plant corms at two week intervals starting in early spring until the end of June. Cut stems for cut flowers when 1/3 of the blooms are open. |
Field Height (for USA and Lithuania) Seed Head Thumbnail Soil - Sun Aspect - Those gladioli with |
Foliage Colour with Foliage Thumbnail - Green |
Bulb Use - Very good container plants, but take care when selecting container as plants can become quite top heavy when in full bloom - Patio Pot. Cut flowers will last long time in floral arrangements; cut as soon as first buds show colour with own foliage acting as complement to flowers. Cut or remove the flower stalk just below the first Sword-shaped leaf so the remaining 2 or 3 leaves can replenish the corm for next season’s blooms. - Cut Flower. The flowers of gladioli are Funnel-shaped and slightly irregular, borne on a Spike, which is often one-sided so that the flowers all face in one direction. Many can be used as Houseplants inside by the window or in Windowboxes outside. |
Comments - In temperate zones, the corms of most species and hybrids should be lifted 4-6 weeks after flowering and stored over winter in a well-ventilated, warm place where the temperature is in 50 degrees Fahrenheit range, then replanted after the deciduous trees are well into leaf in the late Spring. Set corms at 6 inches (15 cms) deep and 6 inches (15 cms) apart. Some species from Europe and high altitudes in Africa, as well as the small 'Nanus' hybrids, are much hardier (to at least -15°F/-26°C) and can be left in the ground in regions with sufficiently dry winters. Excellent combinations have been made with roses and gladioli. The June-flowering roses are best for this purpose, since they are entirely out of season when the gladiolus is at its best. "Where the plants are to tower above a groundwork of other material such as Antirrhinums, 12 inches (30 cm) each way is the most satisfactory distance. Gladioli utilised in this way give a wonderful effect, especially if a ground plant of a complimentary colour is chosen. For example, yellow Antirrhinums and blue Gladioli, scarlet Antirrhinums and white Gladioli, and vice versa. The Antirrhinums hide the stiff stems of the Gladioli, and the massive blooms of the latter break up the level monotony of the Antirrhinums. "Indoor Bulb Growing - When using the conditions stated in the - excellent and worthy of reading by the homeowner as well - the following link downloads this booklet Gladiolus: Agronomic Practices Booklet No. 403 Flower Gardening: FGS- 33 from America " The day temperature should range between 150 and 200 centigrade", you may find it necessary to protect yourself from overheating!! It does state how to collect and sow the gladiolus seed. Youtube has the following videos:-
Notation for Gladioli in UK Classification System following 3 digit code in the Flower Colour Column
For Gladiolus in The North American Gladiolus Council Classification System and in Russia, the following applies, from Irina of The First Acquaintance in Russia. Notation for Gladioli in USA Classification System following 3 digit code in the Flower Colour Column
The corms can be started earlier in peat pots in frost-free conditions in a greenhouse before planting outside after the last Spring frost, if you want flowering earlier in the year. After this the Breeders Name and Year of Introduction, and three numbers (e.g. 8;23;30):-
All American's have AA after their class number and is the ultimate acclaim for a glad cultivar. All American Select (new system ) are followed by AAS after class number and is the name that has been designated to the best glads that are chosen from trial gardens across North America. Cheers is an All American Gladiolus. |
x |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Not usually known for non-exhibition Gladioli |
Miniature |
Small |
Medium |
Large |
Giant |
Unknown Width |
Less than 2.5 inches (6.25 cms) |
2.5-3.5 inches (6.25- 8.75 cms) |
3.5-4.5 inches (8.75- 11.25 cms) |
4.5-5.5 inches (11.25- 13.75 cms) |
Over 5.5 inches (13.75 cms) |
White (Pale) - 500 EM |
Use in the back of borders. Excellent Cutflower and bedding plant. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered White (Pale) bloom without distinctive markings during Early and Mid-Season. Bred by Snoek. It has 27 buds on a single 33 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together. |
Bright Red edged |
16-20 inches x 4-5 inches (40-50 x 10-12.5) |
Dark Green and sword-shaped |
Pot in frost-free greenhouse or sunny conservatory. |
Primulinus Group with Small-flowered Red (Medium) bloom without distinctive markings. Bred by Hedgecock in USA and introduced in 1946. Lovely for flower decorations. |
Pink (Medium) - 444 EM |
Used for Exhibiting. |
A reliable, consistent, early medium pink. |
Gladiolus callianthus |
Ivory White with Purpley-Brown centre |
Tall, pleated Green |
The flowers of acidanthera look particularly dramatic against a dark, leafy backdrop of summer-flowering evergreens such as cistus or escallonia or the plummy-leafed Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Purpureum'. |
Light Pink with dark |
12 x 4 |
Blue-Green and sword-shaped |
Requires a bone dry dormancy in the summer. Superb in a pot in a frost-free greenhouse or sunny conservatory. |
Large light Pink - Pink (Pale) 40 - blooms with dark pink spots on the lower petals on a 16 inch high flower spike in May-June. The flowers occur 80-90 days after planting. |
Orange-Scarlet - |
40 x 6 |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered (Dutch) Red (Medium) bloom without distinctive markings during Mid-Season. |
Rose-Pink |
Dark Green and sword-shaped |
Excellent cut flowers. |
Member of Nanus Cultivar Group with a Miniature -sized flower and a Charm or Tubergenii Hybrid. |
Purple-Pink |
Dark Green, nearly evergreen and sword-shaped |
Excellent cut flowers and container plant. |
Member of Nanus Cultivar Group and a Charm or Tubergenii Hybrid. Purple-pink - Red (Pale) 50 - flowers over a month between June-October depending on the severity of the preceeding winter and your treatment. |
Red (Pale) - 253 M |
22 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Red (Pale) bloom and deeper Red throat during Mid-Season. Bred by Fredericks in 2007. It has 22 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together. |
White |
12-18 x 5 (30-45 x 12.5) |
Sometimes narrow Dark Green leaves are found on the stem. |
Gladiolus x colvillei is a name attributed to crosses between Gladiolus cardinalis and Gladiolus tristis. Member of Nanus Cultivar Group. |
Yellow (Pale) - |
30 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Yellow (Pale) bloom without distinctive markings during Mid-Season. Bred by Bates in the USA. It has 25-26 buds on a single 30 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together. |
Pink with Red blotch - 443 M |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Pink (Light) bloom and a contrasting red blotch on the inside of the flower petals during Mid-Season. |
Red (Pale) - 253 M |
25 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Red (Pale) bloom and 2 red side petals wth a slight picotee during Mid-Season. Bred by Fredericks in 2006. It has 27 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together. |
Gladiolus 'Elvira' |
Pink with Red blotches |
30 x 5 |
Narrow Dark Green leaves. |
Plant with other bulbs such as Dutch iris. |
Despite her delicate appearance she is hardy and will winter over in the ground, especially if protected by mulch. Grow them in sunny planters, and cut stems for lovely tabletop bouquets. |
Red-Brown - 398 E |
48 x |
Full Sun and Part Shade. If this is planted in May, its flowers coincide with Crocosmia 'Lucifer' and the second flowering of the artichoke 'Violetta'. |
Vermilion Red, White vain - |
60 x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Red (Deep) bloom without distinctive markings during Mid-Season. |
Green (Medium) - |
52-60 x (130-150 x ) |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Green (Medium) bloom without distinctive markings during Mid-Season. |
Yellow (Medium) - |
12-24 x 8 (30-60 x 20) |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Yellow (Medium) bloom with Rose spears during Mid-Season. Bred by Snoek. It has 20 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 7-8 florets which stay open together. |
Lavender (Light) - |
37? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Lavender (Light) bloom with Red feathers in the throat during Late-Mid Season. Bred by Fawcett in 2011. It has 26 buds on a single 30 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together. |
Pink with Yellow throat - 445 E |
48-56 x (120-140 x ) |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Pink (Medium) bloom with pale Yellow throat during Early Season. |
Yellow (Light) - |
33 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
One of the best in its class. |
Golden-Yellow - |
56 x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Yellow (Deep) bloom without distinctive markings during Late Mid-Season. |
Salmon-Pink with White throat - |
32 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Pink (Medium) bloom with White throat during Mid-Season. Bred by Summerville in 1985. It has 27-28 buds on a single 32 inch flower spike with 8-10 florets which stay open together. |
Sky-Blue - 482 LM |
48 x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Violet (Pale Blue) bloom without distinctive markings during Late Mid-Season. |
Rose (Deep) - 267 EM |
26 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Rose (Deep) bloom and striking Yellow throat during Early and Mid-Season. Bred by Labrum from USA in 2002. It has buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8-10 florets which stay open together. |
Red (Deep) - 256 M |
20 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
This fiery red miniature grows and shows equally well. Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Red (Deep) bloom without distinctive markings during Mid-Season. Bred by Peeters in Canada in 2003. It has 18 buds on a single 20 inch flower spike with 6 florets which stay open together. |
Red with White Arrows - 356 M |
28-30 x (70-75 x ) |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Ranks #1 in its class. Makes top quality show spikes, performs well as a cut flower and would be really sharp in the garden. Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Red (Deep) bloom without distinctive markings during Mid-Season. Bred by Peeter's. It has 24 buds on a single 28-30 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together. |
Gladiolus 'Impressive' |
Pale Pink with deep pink markings |
20-28 x 6-20 (50-70 x 15-50) |
Narrow sword-shaped Dark Green leaves. |
Plant them in rock gardens, pots, or in small groups in natural settings. |
"Cover them with a protective winter mulch and they will pop up again next spring." from Gladiolus Bulbs of America. Excellent cut flower. Will grow in Part Shade. Member of Nanus Cultivar Group. |
Yellow (Medium) - |
25 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Yellow (Medium) bloom without distinctive markings during Early Season. Bred by Fairchild from USA in 1981. It has 21 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together. An excellent exhibition yellow. |
Salmon-Pink - |
48-56 x (120-140 x ) |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Orange (Medium) bloom without distinctive markings during Early Season. |
Scarlet-Red - |
24 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Red (Pale) bloom and soft Yellow in the lower throat with Red peppering during Mid-Season. Bred by Fredericks in USA. It has 21 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 8-10 florets which stay open together. A magnificent exhibition miniature. Best seedling awards have been won in Canada. |
Orange - |
48 |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Primulinus Group with Small-flowered Orange (Medium) bloom without distinctive markings during Mid-Season. Bred by Mick Jones in the UK in 2004. It has 19-20 buds on a single 48 inch flower spike with 6 florets which stay open together. |
Rose flecked with Gold - 263 M |
24 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Primulinus Group with Small-flowered Rose (Light) bloom with distinctive markings during Mid-Season. Bred by Fawcett in the UK. It has 20 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 5-6 florets which stay open together. Best Primulinus in British Gladiolus Society Midlands Show 2011. A treasure and very much in demand by top exhibitors. |
Soft Toffee-Brown - Pale Pink with White centre - 441 M |
30-32 x (75-80 x ) |
Used for Exhibiting.
Used for Exhibiting. |
Primulinus Group with Small-flowered Smokies (Medium) bloom without distinctive markings during Mid-Season. Bred by Fawcett in the UK in 2006. It has 20+ buds on a single 48 inch flower spike with 5-6 florets which stay open together. Awarded Best Prim at Harrogate in 2005. The best pink picotee white around for later shows. Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Pink (Pale) bloom and centre of pure White in Mid-Season. Bred by Sprinkle in 1999 in USA. It has 25-27 buds on a single 30-32 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together. |
Gladiolus 'Mirella' |
Orangey-Red - |
26-30 x 8-12 (35-75 x 20-30) |
Excellent cut-flower. |
Member of Nanus Cultivar Group and introduced in 1993. |
Lavender - 271 EM |
24 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Lavender (Pale) bloom and double lipped during Early and Mid-Season. Bred by Frederick in the USA in 1998. It has 22 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together. First Prize at The British Gladiolus Society show at the National in 2008. A seedling champion at the Illinois State Fair to its credit. |
Creamy-White - |
32 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Yellow (Pale) bloom without distinctive markings during Mid-Season. Bred by Peeters. It has 27 buds on a single 32 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together. Grand Champion Spike in Washburn Show on August 16 & 17 in 2008. Best 300 at the shows in the Midlands in 2009. |
Pink with White |
60-72 x (150-180 x ) |
Would make a decent glad for cutting as well. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Pink (Light) bloom with a large White throat during Late Mid-Season. Bred by Konicek from Czech Republic in 1996. It has 25-27 buds on a single 60-72 inch flower spike with 10-12 florets which stay open together. Pink Elegance is described in All About Classification of Gladiolus by The British Gladiolus Society. A top ten exhibition cultivar that is doing extremely well on the show table. |
Lavender - 470 M |
33 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Lavender (Pale) bloom without distinctive markings during Mid-Season. Bred by Sprinkle from the USA in 2000. It has 24-28 buds on a single 33 inch flower spike with 11 florets which stay open together. Many Exhibition wins in the USA and UK. |
Salmon - 433 EM |
27 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Salmon (Light) bloom accented with a red on yellow blotch during Early and Mid-Season. Bred by Croteau in Canada in 2005. It has 27 buds on a single 27 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together. Good show cultivar. |
White with Dark Pink markings - x01 |
28 x 4 |
Sword-shaped Grey-Green |
Member of the Nanus Group. Full Sun and protected from wind. |
Lavender-rose with Cerise blotch - 463 EM |
26 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Rose (Light) bloom with silky cream towards throat of lower petals all set off with a cerise blotch during Early and Mid-Season. Bred by D. Croteau in 2004 in Canada. It has 26 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together. |
Rose - |
54 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Rose (Light) bloom with blended cream throat during Mid-Season. Bred by Mackenzie in Canada in 1979. It has 23 buds on a single 54 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together. Top class miniature. |
White - |
26 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered White (Pale) bloom without distinctive markings during Early and Mid-Season. Bred by Everson-Sattler in USA in 2000. It has 22 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together. Probably the best 200 currently being exhibited in 2012. |
Salmon-Orange - 225 M |
26 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Orange (Medium) bloom with a Yellow throat blotch during Mid-Season. Bred by Frederick in 2000 in USA. It has 23 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together. Superb show flower and cut flower. |
Yellow |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Yellow (Medium) bloom without distinctive markings during Mid-Season. |
Gladiolus 'Tristis' |
Soft Yellow, striped |
24 x 8 |
3-4 cylindrical dark green leaves as foliage |
Night-scented with honeysuckle, so grow some in pots, to bring indoors while in flower. |
Member of Primulinus Cultivar Group. Cut blooms quickly lose their power to smell. Plant it in the centre of a hummock of Rhodanthemum (Chrysanthemum, Leucanthemum) hosmariense, whose white daisies against silver-grey foliage coincide with the gladiolus' flowering. Requires Dry soil. The flowers occur under 70 days after planting. |
Cream with Rose blotch on Yellow throat |
26 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Yellow (Light) bloom with a pale Rose blotch on a deeper Yellow throat during Mid-Season. Bred by Bates in 1998 in USA. It has buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together. Used for Exhibiting. "Won grand champ for us at our show in 1999. Great for show and cutflower. L or M" from Pleasant Valley Glads & Dahlias in USA. |
Gladiolus in Autumn Bulb Gallery |
Deep Magenta - x56 |
36 x 12 Well-drained Sand, Chalk |
Narrow sword-shaped basal mid green leaves in a fan of 3-5. |
Use in middle of suuny bed, hedgerows, cottage garden. Plants will naturalize in the garden over time by cormlets and self-seeding. |
It tucks into many border positions where it will not get in the way after flowering, for example up against a group of border phloxes, which will later cover its position. Looks splendid with red clover and contrasting with the many yellows of that season, buttercups, and hawk-bits and -beards and the like in the meadow community. Good with Centaurea cyanus and Papaver rhoes 'Shirley'. It is fully hardy but does not like wet winters. Mulch in winter with hay/straw or evergreen boughs. Weed in Australia. When foliage of any gladioli goes yellow, remove corm from pot or ground to dry before planting later in the year |
Red and Yellow - |
24-36 x 6 (60-90 x 15) Sand, Chalk |
Narrow, Grey-Green |
Use in Cottage/Informal Garden style beds and borders. Useful Cut Flower. Can be used in Poor Soil. Speciman. |
Where the plants are to tower above a groundwork of other material such as Antirrhinums, 12 inches (30 cm) each way is the most satisfactory distance with yellow Antirrhinums and blue Gladioli, scarlet Antirrhinums and white Gladioli, and vice versa. |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb American A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, XYZ Galleries for those registered with North American Gladiolus Council pre 2008 If Peeters Enterprises Gladiolus , Pleasant Valley Glads & Dahlias , Honker Flats or other mail-order nursery from America are prepared to donate the use of their photos of the flower, foliage, overall plant, corm, flower arrangement, floret or award photo of any of their mail-order gladioli to this website, then more information can be provided with the existing gladioli from America and new ones added and compared. |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb American A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, XYZ Galleries for those registered with North American Gladiolus Council in 2008 |
Red - |
52 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Pointy red florets - Red (Pale) 50 - with yellow stripe on lower petals bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Hartline in 2008. Field height is 52 inches and it has 23 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Pink - |
55 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered external petals gentle pink - Pink (Light) 42 - internal petals White-Pink with Green fringe bloom in Late Season (90-95 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov from Russia in 2008. Field height is 55 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 23.5 inch flower spike with 3-9 florets which stay open together - 4-5 in colour. |
Orange - 425 M |
? x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Vibrant salmon orange - Orange (Medium) 24 - with rose-red brush mark on lip petal bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Louis Peeters in 2008. Field height is ? inches and it has 23 buds on a single 29 inch flower spike with 8+ florets which stay open together - 8 in colour. |
Rose - |
42 x |
It recently won the Ed Squires Award at the 2007 Canadian International, Winnipeg, Manitoba |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Lavender-rose - Rose (Medium) 64 - with lighter cream throat highlighted with deep lavender, rose throat speckling bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Selinger in 2008. Field height is 42 inches and it has 23 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Rose - |
60+ x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Rose red - Rose (Medium) 64 - with some white ice peppering of dust on towards the center bloom in Early Mid-Season (78 days). Registered by Louis Peeters in 2008. Field height is 60+ inches and it has 20 buds on a single 35 inch flower spike with 7-8 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
White - |
55 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered White - White (Pale) 00 - on three bottom petals – large ruby – red Stain in a golden frame bloom in Late Mid-Season (90 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov from Russia in 2008. Field height is 55 inches and it has 20 buds on a single 23.5 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Yellow - |
? x |
A formal highly rated glad for show or cut flower. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Cream - Yellow (Pale) 10 - with faint rosy red feathered mark in throat bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Nancy Sander in 2008. Field height is ? inches and it has 25 buds on a single 25-27 inch flower spike with 6-8 florets which stay open together - 3-4 in colour. |
Yellow - |
56 x |
Has all the tools to win at the show and a super cutflower. Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Pale Yellow - Yellow (Light) 12 - with red orange lip markings bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Hartline in 2008. Field height is 56 inches and it has 25 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Lavender - 375 EM |
44 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Lavender - Lavender (Light) 72 - with deeper throat blotch or marking of the same color and moderately ruffled bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Donald Selinger in 2008. Field height is 44 inches and it has 23 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Rose - |
50 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered deep red - Rose (Medium) 64 - with a smokey picotee edging and it’s orangy-red toward the center bloom in Early Mid-Season (79 days). Registered by Hartline in 2008. Field height is 50 inches and it has 27 buds on a single 29 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Rose - |
48 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Darker and more burgundy than Atom - Rose (Medium) 64 - with same picotee edge markings bloom in Early Season (70 days). |
Lavender - 473 M |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light to Medium Lavender - Lavender (Light) 72 - with a cream throat & deep Lavender midribs on lip petals bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Bud Bullard in 2008. Field height is 60 inches and it has 26 buds on a single 30 inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together - 7-8 in colour. |
Rose - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Medium Rose - Rose (Deep) 66 - with purple throat and onto lip petal bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Peeters in 2008. Field height is ? inches and it has 19 buds on a single 20 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 4 in colour. |
White - |
51 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered recessive White - White (Pale) 00 - with a green glow in the throat bloom in Mid-Season (82 days). Registered by Hartline in 2008. Field height is 51 inches and it has 27 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Yellow - |
48-60 x (120-150 x ) |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Bright yellow - Yellow (Medium) 14 - with red lip and a fringe of red along each petal - a sharp contrast - bloom in Early Mid-Season (78 days). Registered by Hartline in 2008. Field height is 48-60 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 4 in colour. |
Rose - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Deep Red-Rose - Rose (Deep) 66 - with deep lip petal blotch, but overall a solid color bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Peeters Enterprises in 2008. Field height is ? inches and it has 25 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 6-7 in colour. |
Smokies - 295 E |
45 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Medium brown - Smokies (Medium) 94 - with a little salmon in it and bright yellow throat bloom in Early Season (75 days). Registered by J. Alleman \ Lyle Madeson in 2008. Field height is 45 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Yellow - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Very light yellow - Yellow (Light) 12 - with deeper yellow lip petal - clear color bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Cliff Hartline in 2008. Field height is ? inches and it has 25 buds on a single 21 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Rose - |
65 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light Rose - Rose (Medium) 64 - with white towards throat and under petal light cream-yellow bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). |
Lavender - 474 M |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Purple - Lavender - Lavender (Medium) 74 - with darker lower lips and a fine white line over ribs bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). |
Violet - |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered Violet - Violet (Medium Blue) 84 - bloom in Late Mid-Season (90 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 60 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 27.5 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Orange - |
56 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Medium Orange - Orange (Medium) 24 - with lower petals light gold and an explosion of reddish Orange blotch with red spears bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Robert Schalow from USA in 2008. Field height is 56 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Orange - |
58 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Orange-salmon - Orange (Medium) 24 - with lower petals somewhat darker, Yellow spears in floret bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Peeters in 2008. Field height is 58 inches and it has 25 buds on a single 29 inch flower spike with 9-10 florets which stay open together - 9 in colour. |
Salmon - 235 M |
44 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Deep salmon pink- Salmon (Medium) 34 - with cream bottom petal bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by H. Edward Frederick in 2008. Field height is 44 inches and it has 18 buds on a single 21 inch flower spike with 6 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Rose - |
56 x |
Used for Exhibiting. The florist love this one. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Medium Rose - Rose (Medium) 64 - with deep Rose in center of lip with gold stripes in lip bloom in Mid-Season (82 days). Unopened florets have peachy colour. Registered by Hartline in 2008. Field height is 56 inches and it has 25 buds on a single 27 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Lavender - 473 M |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light lavender - Lavender (Light) 72 - with deeper lavender lip petals on darker colored spikes bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). |
Yellow - |
55 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Medium Yellow - Yellow (Medium) 14 - with twin medium red blotches with a faint red blush bloom in Late Mid-Season (90 days). |
Yellow - |
52 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Pinkish with light yellow - Yellow (Light) 12 - petals with a deeper yellow throat and pepper spots in inner petals bloom in Early Season (70 days). Registered by Schalow in 2008. Field height is 52 inches and it has 20 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Yellow - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Miniature-flowered Cream florets - Yellow (Pale) 10 - with bright Lemon yellow throat on a very small plant, lightly ruffled bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by David Kollasch in 2008. Field height is ? inches and it has 18 buds on a single 14 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 4 in colour. |
Yellow - |
48 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Golden Yellow - Yellow (Medium) 14 - with deep mahogany throat blotch bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Selinger in 2008. Field height is 48 inches and it has 27 buds on a single 27 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
White - |
44 x |
Used for Exhibiting. Earlyness and thin wiry stems help in creating nice airy arrangements. |
Grandiflorus Group with Miniature-flowered White floret - White (Pale) 00 - and opening with a greenish cast; in Very Early-Season (65 days). Registered by David Kollasch in 2008. Field height is 44 inches and it has 20 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 5 florets which stay open together - 3 in colour. |
Pink - |
40 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Light to medium Pink - Pink (Light) 42 - with White throat bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Selinger in 2008. Field height is 40 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Rose - |
40 x |
Used for Exhibiting. Inspires unique designs and colourful bouquets. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered striking red rose - Rose (Medium) 64 - with a neat yellow center and a defined red sunburst bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Robert Euer in 2008. Field height is 40 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour |
Pink - |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered Top Pink - Pink (Pale) 40 - with a bottom having poured Pink and White-cream semitones in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 60 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 27.5 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
'Nochnaya Melodiya (night melody)' |
Violet (Medium Blue) |
July |
55 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Violet (Medium Blue) 84 - with basic tone – Violet dark Blue on the bottom petals with a stain of a more stated tone in a white blue frame bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 55 inches and it has 20 buds on a single 23.5 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 4 in colour. |
Rose - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Rose - Rose (Light) 62 - with deeper tips and large bold blotch on lower petals bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Petr Mimranek in 2008. Field height is ? inches and it has 23-25 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Salmon - 335 M |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Vibrant pink-salmon - Salmon (Medium) 34 - with cream throat bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Mimranek/Peeters Enterprises in 2008. Field height is ? inches and it has 24 buds on a single 21 inch flower spike with 6-7 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Lavender - 171 VE |
31 x |
Used for Exhibiting. A real attention getter, this tiny light lavender glad. |
Grandiflorus Group with Miniature-flowered Light Lavender - Lavender (Pale) 70 - florets with a large splash on all but the upper petal bloom in Very Early-Season (68 days). Registered by Kollasch in 2008. Field height is 31 inches and it has 18 buds on a single 18 inch flower spike with 6 florets which stay open together - 3-4 in colour. |
Orange - |
42 x |
Used for Exhibiting. You'll love this sexy little lady in arrangements or in a vase by itself. |
Grandiflorus Group with Miniature-flowered Orange - Orange (Deep) 26 - triangular floret of heavy substance that turns lighter in throat with cream darts on each petal bloom in Early Mid-Season (79 days). Registered by Kollasch in 2008. Field height is ? inches and it has 18 buds on a single 23 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 3-4 in colour. |
Pink - |
34 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Medium true pink - Pink (Medium) 44 - with lending to a large white picotee on petals lower lip cream with white ribs, flushed with deep rose speckled blotch bloom in Mid-Season (? days). Registered by Larcombe in 2008. Field height is 34 inches and it has 23 buds on a single 28 inch flower spike with 7-8 florets which stay open together - 3-4 in colour. |
Lavender - 373 LM |
59 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Lavender - Lavender (Light) 72 - blending to creamy–white towards throat bloom in Late Mid-Season (90 days). Registered by Peeters in 2008. Field height is 59 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 25+ inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Yellow - |
50 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Golden yellow - Yellow (Medium) 14 - with orange tints and pink overtones bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Chinook Country Glads & Dahlias in 2008. Field height is 50 inches and it has 20 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 6-8 florets which stay open together - 4 in colour. |
Salmon - 435 LM |
55-60 x (137.5-150 x ) |
Used for Exhibiting. This solid spike builder is a show and award winner. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Salmon-Orange - Salmon (Medium) 34 - with Greenish-yellow lips, and a kind of a white throat bloom in Late Mid-Season (88 days). |
Rose - |
54 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Raspberry Rose - Rose (Medium) 64 - with darker rose spots on outer petals, blending to a creamy center bloom in Very Early Season (70 days). Registered by Schalow in 2008. Field height is 54 inches and it has 20 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Red - |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light Red-Salmon - Red (Pale) 50 - with two flashes of red on a white throat, lower petal with white-red small arrow bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Peeters in 2008. Field height is 60 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 30 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Red - |
64 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered vibrant Rose-red - Red (Pale) 50 - with medium fine line on rib petals, and has a slight light rose feathered edge bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by H. Edward Frederick in 2008. Field height is 64 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together - 8 in colour. |
Pink - |
54 x |
Used for Exhibiting. Formal placement of the 4 inch florets on sturdy plants make for an easy cutting glad. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered very lovely Pink-Salmon - Pink (Medium) 44 - with very light creamy-yellow throat bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Schalow in 2008. Field height is 54 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Rose - |
49 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Rose - Rose (Medium) 64 - with carmine blotch on each lower petal – lower petals edged with cream bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). |
Purple - |
48 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Purple - Purple 78 - with a fine white line in the center of the lower petals bloom in Early Season (72 days). Registered by John Alleman in 2008. Field height is 48 inches and it has 26 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
'Rozovaya Fantazia |
Rose (Light) |
August |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Rose - Rose (Light) 62 - bloom in Late Season (95 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 60 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 27.5 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Salmon - 333 M |
48 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Light salmon - Salmon (Pale) 32 - outer petals with yellow lip and orange markings on lip bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). |
Lavender - 475 LM |
52 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Rosy lavender - Lavender (Medium) 74 - with yellow lip that has a lavender picotee on the yellow, slightly frilled, vivid color bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Hartline in 2008. Field height is 52 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 30 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Salmon - 435 LM |
54 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Medium salmon - Salmon (Medium) 34 - with white center, lip edged in medium salmon; extremely heavy and ruffled; bright color in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Hartline in 2008. Field height is 54 inches and it has 27 buds on a single 34 inch flower spike with 13 florets which stay open together - 6 in color. |
'Slastena |
Smokies (Light) |
July |
55 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Bright Salmon-brown - Smokies (Light) 92 - with bottom petal gray-brown within a green cream frame bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 55 inches and it has 20 buds on a single 23.5 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Pink - |
54 x |
Used for Exhibiting. Destined to become a top ten show glad besides being a super cutflower. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Medium ruffled pink - Pink (Medium) 44 - with white lip edged in pink in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Hartline in 2008. Field height is 54 inches and it has 27 buds on a single 32 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 6 in color. |
Orange - |
55+ x |
Used for Exhibiting. Great growth habits with consistently straight stems ensure it to be a good cutter as well as winning awards. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered Peach - Orange (Medium) 24 - with yellow lip or apricot buff, also with large yellow center evenly positioned bloom in Late Mid-Season (88 days). Registered by Loius Peeters in 2008. Field height is 55+ inches and it has 25 buds on a single 30 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
'Vosmoe Marta |
Rose (Light) |
August |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered Rose (Light) 62 in Late Season (90 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 60 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 27.5 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. The 8th of March is one of the Public Holidays in Russia - "International Women's Day. |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb American A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, XYZ Galleries for those registered with North American Gladiolus Council in 2009 |
Purple - |
60 x |
Holds open 8-10 of 25 buds on 25" heads on tall plants that are strong and vigorous. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered deep Lavender-Purple - Purple 78 - with Cream spur bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Sue Jackson in 2009. Field height is 60 inches and it has 26 buds on a single 34 inch flower spike with 8-10 florets which stay open together - 5-6 in colour. Used for Exhibiting. |
Red - |
58 x |
A hot colored decorative with Blue Ribbon show appeal. Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Vibrant bright red - Red (Pale) 50 - with yellow spear bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by C Sue Jackson in 2009. Field height is 58 inches and it has 25 buds on a single 27 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 5-6 in colour. |
White - |
? x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Creamy-White - White (Pale) 00 - with bold bright red heart shape on lower petals and a light yellow halo around the red; also a light pink flush around the edges bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Bob J. McDaniel in 2009. Field height is ? inches and it has 19 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 7-8 florets which stay open together - 5-6 in colour. |
Orange - |
? x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light salmon-orange - Orange (Light) 22 - with a red blotch on a large yellow lower throat bloom in Early Season (70 days). Registered by Peeters in 2009. Field height is ? inches and it has 24 buds on a single 28 inch flower spike with 7-8 florets which stay open together - 6-7 in colour. |
Rose - 267AA M |
48 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
All-America (AA) Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Deep rose - Rose (Deep) 66 - with very slightly lighter top of throat, then Light gold picotee on a single lip and a gold brush stroke down the center of the lower petal bloom in Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Hartline in 2009. Field height is 48 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 28 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Lavender - 373 M |
48 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Light Lavender - Lavender (Light) 72 - with white throat speckled with purple freckles on white bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). |
Rose - |
55 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Light Rose - Rose (Medium) 64 - with deeper rose at petal edges and a large creamy yellow throat bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by H. Edward Frederick in 2009. Field height is 55 inches and it has 21 buds on a single 27 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Orange - |
47 x |
Used for Exhibiting. "A very good cutflower. " from Pleasant Valley Glads & Dahlias |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Deep Orange-salmon outer edges - Orange (Deep) 26 - yellow in middle with bright red inner lip markings. Consistant double lips bloom in Early Mid-Season (78 days). Registered by Hartline in 2009. Field height is 47 inches and it has 20 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Red - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Deep rich red–orange - Red (Pale) 50 - deeper orange red towards outside with a slight picotee bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). |
Lavender - 175 M |
45 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Miniature-flowered Deep lavender petal tips - Lavender (Medium) 74 - 2nd upper petal with a cream to lime throat - cream darts on petals bloom in Mid-Season (81 days). Registered by Kollasch in 2009. Field height is 45 inches and it has 20 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 6 florets which stay open together - 3-4 in colour. |
Yellow - |
45 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Miniature-flowered Light Yellow - Yellow (Light) 12 - with a greenish cast- good ruffling – even color throughout bloom in Early Season (70 days). |
Pink - |
56 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Light Pink - Pink (Light) 42 - with Cream lip petals bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by H. Edward Frederick in 2009. Field height is 56 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 7-8 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Yellow - |
42 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Pale Yellow - Yellow (Light) 12 - outer Petals with deep red liner. Lightly ruffled, excellent placement, fancy bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Hartline in 2009. Field height is 42 inches and it has 26 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Lavender - 473 M |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Very clean medium lavender - Lavender (Light) 72 - with light to almost white throat bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Madeson in 2009. Field height is ? inches and it has 19 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 5-6 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Salmon - 235AA EM |
53 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Medium Salmon - Salmon (Medium) 34 - with a red salmon throat with yellow streaking on lower petals bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Hartline in 2009. Field height is 53 inches and it has 23 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Yellow - |
56 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Medium Yellow - Yellow (Medium) 14 - and lip tends to be a little darker yellow bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Hartline in 2009. Field height is 56 inches and it has 27 buds on a single 31 inch flower spike with 11 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Salmon - 435 M |
50 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Medium bright salmon, almost an orangy salmon, on the outer petals - Salmon (Medium) 34 - with light yellow inner petals that are tipped with the orange salmon bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Hartline in 2009. Field height is 50 inches and it has 23 buds on a single 23 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Rose - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Deep purple-rose sharp color - Rose (Deep) 66 - bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Peeters in 2009. Field height is ? inches and it has 24 buds on a single 30 inch flower spike with 8-10 florets which stay open together - 6-7 in colour. |
Yellow - 515AA EM |
48 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered Medium yellow - Yellow (Medium) 14 - with tinge of light rose on outer tips; Rose strokes throughout with rose markings on lip bloom in Early Mid-Season (79 days). Registered by Hartline in 2009. Field height is 48 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 4 in colour. |
White - |
59 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Smooth white - White (Pale) 00 - with white stamens & anthers bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Peeters Enterprises in 2009. Field height is 59 inches and it has 26 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8-10 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Purple - |
48 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Purple - Purple 78 - with large yellow lip petals and darts bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by H. Edward Frederick in 2009. Field height is 48 inches and it has 20 buds on a single 23 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb American A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, XYZ Galleries for those registered with North American Gladiolus Council in 2010 |
Red - |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Scarlet - Red (Pale) 50 - lower petal deeper in color, fine line red in midribs bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Frederick in 2010. Field height is 60 inches and it has 25 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together - 8 in colour. A real contender for the show. |
Pink - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered light medium warm pink - Pink (Medium) 44 - with lightly deeper at edges but solid color overall bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Robert Euer in 2010. Field height is ? inches and it has 22 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 7-8 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Pale Blue - 483 EM |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light – medium silver blue - Violet (Pale Blue) 82 - bloom in Early Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Peeters in 2010. Field height is ? inches and it has 20 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6-8 in colour. |
Rose - |
50 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Deep Rose - Rose (Deep) 66 - , lighter upper petals with deep edges; Deep red lip petals & prominent white midribs bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by H. Everson in 2010. Field height is 50 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Salmon - 233AA M |
46 x |
Used for Exhibiting. A dream for the serious showman and backyard gardener alike. |
All American member of the Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Light salmon outer edges - Salmon (Light) 32 - with pale yellow toward center. Heavy Substance and Ruffled bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Hartline in 2010. Field height is 46 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 20 inch flower spike with 8-10 florets which stay open together - 6-7 in colour. |
Rose - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Lavender rose - Rose (Deep) 66 - with distinctive large rose-red on cream pointed blotch bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). |
Yellow - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Pastel yellow - Yellow (Light) 12 - with intense red veining and splashes of red all over being more prominent on lower petals bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Madeson in 2010. Field height is ? inches and it has 23 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Rose - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Rose - Rose (Light) 62 - with salmon undertones with a large yellow throat bloom in Early-Season (70 days). Registered by Peeters in 2010. Field height is ? inches and it has 18-20 buds on a single 22-23 inch flower spike with 6-8 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Lavender - 273 EM |
43 x |
Used for Exhibiting. Sure to please in the garden, arrange-ment or vase. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Frosted Lavender - Lavender (Light) 72 - with a deeper lavender throat and white veined blotch bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). |
Orange - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light Salmon orange - Orange (Light) 22 - with a red on yellow brush mark bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Madeson in 2010. Field height is ? inches and it has 24 buds on a single 29 inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Salmon - 431 EM |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light salmon - Salmon (Pale) 30 - with yellow under tones deeper salmon towards outer petals, slight rose marking in throat bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Peeters in 2010. Field height is ? inches and it has 24 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 8-10 florets which stay open together - 8 in colour. |
Pink - |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Deep shrimp pink - Pink (Deep) 46 - with creamy white throat bloom in Late Mid-Season (86 days). Registered by Frederick in 2010. Field height is 60 inches and it has 21 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Lavender - 273 E |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Medium rose lavender - Lavender (Light) 72 - with deep warm yellow lower petals with rose picotee bloom in Early-Season (75 days). Registered by Ernie Sjuberg in 2010. Field height is ? inches and it has 21 buds on a single 23 inch flower spike with 7-8 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Orange - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Scarlet red–Orange - Orange (Medium) 24 - with wide picotee on lip petal bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Ernie Sjuberg in 2010. Field height is ? inches and it has 20 buds on a single 19 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Rose - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Bright light rose - Rose (Light) 62 - with deep rose lower petals, and light midrib fine picotee on lip petal bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Peeters in 2010. Field height is ? inches and it has 24 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 4-5 in colour |
White - |
48 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered White - White (Pale) 00 - with a yellow glow in the throat bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Bud Bullard in 2010. Field height is 48 inches and it has 23-25 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together - 8 in colour. |
Orange - |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. A real beauty with a very good rating that is a pleasure to grow. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Deep Orange - Orange (Medium) 24 - with large Yellow throat bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by H. Edward Frederick in 2010. Field height is 60 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb American A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, XYZ Galleries for those registered with North American Gladiolus Council in 2011 |
Yellow - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light yellow - Yellow (Light) 12 - with deeper yellow throat bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Peeters in 2011. Field height is ? inches and it has 22-24 buds on a single 24-26 inch flower spike with 8-10 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Red - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Deep burgundy Red - Red (Deep) 56 - with cream frosting in Throat bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by C. Sue Jackson in 2011. Field height is ? inches and it has 22 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Salmon - 433 M |
52 x |
Used for Exhibiting. Strong upright foliage and ideal cutting stems. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Salmon pink - Salmon (Light) 32 - with cream throat bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by H Edward Frederick in 2011. Field height is 52 inches and it has 25 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Red - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Miniature-flowered Scarlet-Orange Red - Red (Pale) 50 - bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Peeters in 2011. Field height is ? inches and it has 19 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 5 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Red - |
52 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Light Red - Red (Pale) 50 - with cream lower throat bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Frederick in 2011. Field height is 52 inches and it has 25 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Pink - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light salmon-pink light throat - Pink (Pale) 40 - with a hint of yellow bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by C. Sue Jackson in 2011. Field height is ? inches and it has 22 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 8-10 florets which stay open together - 5-6 in colour. |
Yellow - |
52 x |
Used for Exhibiting. An irresistable addition to it's class. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Greenish cream white - Yellow (Pale) 10 - with greenish cream buds bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Frederick in 2011. Field height is 52 inches and it has 25 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Rose - 463AAS EM |
50 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Fresh rose - Rose (Light) 62 - bestowed with a lovely light throat with a hint of yellow bloom in Early Mid-Season 78 days). Registered by Peeters in 2011. Field height is 50 inches and it has 22-24 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Orange - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Deeper bright orange - Orange (Light) 22 - with distinctive large red Dart on yellow blotch bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). |
Pink - |
45 x |
Best 400 at Midlands show in 2011 of The British Gladiolus Society. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light rosy pink - Pink (Pale) 50 - with rosy darts deep in throat a florist true pink bloom in Mid-Season (79 days). Registered by Nancy Sander in 2011. Field height is 45 inches and it has 27 buds on a single 27 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. Used for Exhibiting. |
Rose - |
50 x |
Used for Exhibiting. A top notch all around choice, with thick cuttung stems. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light rose - Rose (Light) 62 - with a lighter throat bloom in Early Mid-Season (78 days). Registered by Peeters in 2011. Field height is 50 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 23 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 5-6 in colour. |
Yellow - 315AA M |
47 x |
Used for Exhibiting. A very pleasing colour combination. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Medium Yellow - Yellow (Medium) 14 - with deeper yellow center with red brush strokes on all lower petals bloom in Mid-Season (82 days). Registered by Cliff Hartline in 2011. Field height is 47 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 23 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb American A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, XYZ Galleries for those registered with North American Gladiolus Council in 2012 |
Rose - |
60 x |
"It is a nice cut flower and a very good show glad." from Alleman Glads. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Ruffled dark rose - Rose (Deep) 66 - with a creamy white throat bloom in Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by John Alleman in 2012. Field height is 60 inches and it has 26 buds on a single 32 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. Used for Exhibiting. |
Salmon - 433 M |
60 x |
Strong plants and the fully open spikes are truly a sight to behold. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Creamy pink- salmon - Salmon (Light) 32 - with yellow throat and yellow undertones bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Peeters in 2012. Field height is 60 inches and it has 25 buds on a single 28 inch flower spike with 10-12 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. Used for Exhibiting. |
Rose - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Lighter rose - Rose (Light) 62 - deeper at edges with darker rose brush mark in throat bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Peeters in 2012. Field height is ? inches and it has 22-23 buds on a single 28 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Rose - |
58 x |
Used for Exhibiting. This one is destined to please the gardener and showmen alike. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Medium Purple–Rose - Rose (Deep) 66 - bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by H. Edward Frederick in 2012. Field height is 58 inches and it has 23 buds on a single 23 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Salmon - 235 M |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Medium pink-salmon - Salmon (Medium) 34 - with large creamy yellow blotch on lip petal with red peppering bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Petr Mimranek in 2012. Field height is ? inches and it has 22 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together - 5-6 in colour. |
Orange - |
66 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Neon Salmon Orange - Orange (Medium) 24 - bloom in Late Mid-Season (86 days). Registered by John Meyer in 2012. Field height is 66 inches and it has 26 buds on a single 37 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Rose - |
50 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Medium rose - Rose (Deep) 66 - with deeper lip petals and frosted brush mark bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Peeters in 2012. Field height is 50 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 23 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Rose - |
56 x |
Used for Exhibiting. An easy cutter that leads its colour class and a 4 star beauty. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Medium rose - Rose (Deep) 66 - with light picotee around petal edges bit darker throat bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). |
Salmon - 433 AAS M |
52 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light salmon - Salmon (Light) 32 - with creamy yellow throat and delicate brushed red blotch bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). |
Rose - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Medium rose red on outer petals - Rose (Medium) 64 - with deeper Throat blotch bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Mel Schrimpf in 2012. Field height is ? inches and it has 28 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 10 in colour. |
Rose - |
54 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered smooth light rose - Rose (Light) 62 - with understated brush mark in throat bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Peeters in 2012. Field height is 54 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 26-27 inch flower spike with 8-10 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Salmon - 435 M |
51 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Orange–salmon - Salmon (Medium) 34 - with light yellow lip petal and feathered red blotch bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Peeters in 2009. Field height is 51 inches and it has ? buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 5-7 in colour. |
Pink - |
58 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Flesh pink - Pink (Light) 42 - with Cream lower throat bloom in Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Frederick in 2012. Field height is 58 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Yellow - |
? x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light yellow - Yellow (Light) 12 - with deep yellow lower petals and red marking in throat bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). |
Salmon - 333 L |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Burnished orange–salmon - Salmon (Light) 32 - with greenish yellow throat that spills on to lower petals bloom in Late Season (91 days). Registered by Lyle Madeson in 2012. Field height is ? inches and it has 25 buds on a single 26-27 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Red - |
58 x |
Used for Exhibiting. Easily makes superb show spikes and is magical for any purpose. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Deep jewel red - Red (Deep) 56 - with distinctive darker bottom petal “note “ slight outline on lip petal bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Frederick in 2012. Field height is 58 inches and it has 24-26 buds on a single 23 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 8 in colour. |
Yellow - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Light yellow - Yellow (light) 12 - with deeper lip petal and large rose-red pointed blotch bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Peeters in 2012. Field height is ? inches and it has 22 buds on a single 25 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 4-5 in colour. |
Orange - |
49 x |
Used for Exhibiting. Has beautiful strong plants with deep green foliage. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Salmon-orange - Orange (Medium) 24 - with large yellow blotch bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Peeters in 2012. Field height is 49 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 24 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Purple - |
57 x |
Used for Exhibiting. Exquisite 278 Profe-ssor Plum, a fine glad for cut or show. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Purple self - Purple 78 - with fine white lines on lip Petals bloom in Early Mid-Season (78 days). Registered by David Selinger in 2012. Field height is 57 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Lavender 477 EM |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Purple Lavender - Lavender (Deep) 76 - with large white blotch in throat bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by John H. Creber in 2012. Field height is ? inches and it has 22 buds on a single 21 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
White - |
? x |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered rich white - White (Pale) 00 - with hint of greenish cream in buds and upper lip petals bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Bred by Madeson in 2012. Field height is ? inches and it has 22 buds on a single 22 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 4-5 in colour. |
Lavender - 475 M |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. Robust vigor and health, 24 buds on a 32 inch head, 8 open in formal style with 6 in color. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Bright medium rosy lavender - Lavender (Medium) 74 - with wide lip petal marking overlaid with deep rosy veining bloom in Mid-Season (83 days). Registered by Meyer in 2012. Field height is 60 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 32 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Red - |
43 x |
Used for Exhibiting. Rated very well in our trials and would make an excellent cut flower. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Scarlet Red - Red (Pale) 50 - with white line in throat and overall solid color bloom in Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Nancy Sander in 2012. Field height is 43 inches and it has 23 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 6-8 florets which stay open together - 4-5 in colour. |
Rose - |
42 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Dusty medium rose - Rose (Light) 62 - with a deeper rose blotch, moderately ruffled bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Donald Selinger in 2012. Field height is 42 inches and it has 21-22 buds on a single 23 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Lavender - 377 M |
54 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Deep warm lavender - Lavender (Deep) 76 - with large snow white throat markings heavily peppered with deep lavender and sparkling white darts on lower petals bloom in Mid-Season (82 days). Registered by Meyer in 2012. Field height is 54 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 27 inch flower spike with 7 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
Black - |
48 x |
Used for Exhibiting. With exotic allure, your Velvet Mistress will have you pining for more when the season ends. Enjoy. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Black buds opening luxurious deep Black red - Black (Red) 58 - with extra velvety & sparkling surface bloom in Late Mid-Season (82 days). Registered by Reg & Marlene Powys-Lybbe in 2012. Field height is 48 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 26 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
Lavender - 475 M |
46 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Medium lavender - Lavender (Medium) 74 - with a cream throat with pronounced deep lavender / purple throat blotches bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Selinger in 2012. Field height is 46 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 27 inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together - 7 in colour. |
Antanas Markevieius from Lithuania has kindly allowed me to use the photos from www.geles.biz, where he sells some Russian varieties as well as his own. If you want to buy the corms to grow in Lithuania or for export to your garden in your country, please contact him prior to middle of November each year. Lithuania became independent from Russia on 11 March 1990. The gladioli that he has registered with the North American Gladiolus Council are listed and linked to his website in the Cultivar from Russia / Lithuania Page. Gladiolus 'Assol' is sold in the USA and from Lithuania. |
Flevo Smile classified 215M usually flowers in August from a May planting. The flower will actually open all of its florets but those at the base need to be removed as they die; otherwise they may start to set seed pods which will take energy from the florets higher up. Usually, its about 14 days from the first floret opening to when the last is out. |
Orange (Pale) |
July |
64 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered Very ruffled creamy orange - Orange (Pale) 20 - bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Antanas Markevicius in 2010. Field height is 64 inches and it has 26 buds on a single ? inch flower spike with 9-10 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Brown |
July |
52 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Very ruffled dark chocolate-cherry - Brown 98 - and bottom petal deeper with narrow gold edge bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Antanas Markevieius in 2010. Field height is 52 inches and it has 24 buds on a single ? inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Brown |
July |
36-38 x (90-95 x ) |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Miniature-flowered Dark Raspberry brown - Brown 98 - bloom in Mid-Season (82 days). Registered by Antanas Markevieius in 2011. Field height is 36-38 inches and it has 20 buds on a single ? inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Green (Pale) |
July |
56 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered very light Green - Green (Pale) 02 - with lavender patch bloom in Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Markevieius in 2009. Field height is 56 inches and it has 23-24 buds on a single ? inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Green (Pale) |
July |
56 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Nice ruffled silver green - Green (Pale) 02 - with small bland red patch bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Antanas Markevieius in 2010. Field height is 56 inches and it has 22 buds on a single ? inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Green (Pale) |
July |
56 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Superruffled Light green - Green (Pale) 02 - bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Antanas Markevieius in 2010. Field height is 56 inches and it has 22 buds on a single ? inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
White (Pale) |
August |
64 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered Very ruffled white - White (Pale) 00 - with silver–green shade and small cherry red patch on creamy yellow lower petal bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Antanas Markevieius in 2010. Field height is 64 inches and it has 24 buds on a single ? inch flower spike with 9-10 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Rose (Pale) |
July |
56 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Nice ruffled blend rosy - Rose (Pale) 60 - with creamy-pale patch and raspberry line on bottom petals bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Markevieius in 2009. Field height is 56 inches and it has 23 buds on a single ? inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
White (Pale) |
July |
56 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Pure White - White (Pale) 00 - with purple patch and good ruffle bloom in Early Mid-Season (77 days). Registered by Antanas Markevieius in 2011. Field height is 56 inches and it has 23 buds on a single ? inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Orange (Pale) |
July |
48 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Creamy - pale with pale - rosy top petals - Orange (Pale) 20 - and creamy – orange – brown with raspberry line bottom petals. Top petals are very large bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). |
Orange (Light) |
July |
40 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Miniature-flowered Pale creamy orange - Orange (Light) 22 - with deeper bottom petals bloom in Early Mid-Season (77 days). |
Pink (Light) |
July |
40-42 x (100-105 x ) |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Small-flowered Light Salmon-Pink - Pink (Light) 42 - with dark smoky-cherry–brown - Smokies (Light) 92 - bottom petals and dark cherry line on it bloom in Early Mid-Season (75 days). Registered by Antanas Markevicius in 2009. Field height is 40-42 inches and it has 1-22 buds on a single ? inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Purple |
August |
64-65 x (160-162.5 x ) |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered Dark deep purple-violet - Purple 78 - the bottom petal is deeper with a narrow white edge fine ruffles with resilient petals bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Markevieius in 2009. Field height is 64-65 inches and it has 24-25 buds on a single ? inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
Smokies (Dark) |
August |
64-68 x (160-170 x ) |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered 3 internal Petals dark smoky Cocoa - Smokies (Dark) 96 - with 3 outside petals like dry clay with smoky, and dark brown grains and light smoky grey edges of petals bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Antanas Markevicius in 2009. Field height is 64-68 inches and it has 24 buds on a single ? inch flower spike with 8-9 florets which stay open together - ? in colour. |
'Nezhnost (tenderness)' |
Pink (Pale) |
July |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered Top Pink - Pink (Pale) 40 - with a bottom having poured Pink and White-cream semitones in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 60 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 27.5 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 6 in colour. |
'Nochnaya Melodiya (night melody)' |
Violet (Medium Blue) |
July |
55 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Violet (Medium Blue) 84 - with basic tone – Violet dark Blue on the bottom petals with a stain of a more stated tone in a white blue frame bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 55 inches and it has 20 buds on a single 23.5 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 4 in colour. |
'Osenni Karnaval (autumn carnival)' |
Lavender (Pale) |
August |
55 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Light Lilac - Lavender (Pale) 70 - on three bottom petals, shaded dark Cherry stain on a lemon-cream background bloom in Late Season (90 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 55 inches and it has 14 buds on a single 21.5 inch flower spike with 9 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. Website and Photogallery by Boris Krasheninnikov in Russian. |
'Peppi (female cat)' |
Salmon (Medium) |
July |
51 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Salmon on the bottom petal - Salmon (Medium) 34 - with a cherry stain in a green frame bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 51 inches and it has 18 buds on a single 21.5 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
'Rozovaya Fantazia (pink fantasy)' |
Rose (Light) |
August |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Rose - Rose (Light) 62 - bloom in Late Season (95 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 60 inches and it has 24 buds on a single 27.5 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
'Slastena (sweetening)' |
Smokies (Light) |
July |
55 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Large-flowered Bright Salmon-brown - Smokies (Light) 92 - with bottom petal gray-brown within a green cream frame bloom in Late Mid-Season (85 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 55 inches and it has 20 buds on a single 23.5 inch flower spike with 8 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. |
'Vosmoe Marta (8th of March)' |
Rose (Light) |
August |
60 x |
Used for Exhibiting. |
Grandiflorus Group with Giant-flowered Rose (Light) 62 in Late Season (90 days). Registered by Boris Krasheninnikov in 2008. Field height is 60 inches and it has 22 buds on a single 27.5 inch flower spike with 10 florets which stay open together - 5 in colour. The 8th of March is one of the Public Holidays in Russia - "International Women's Day. |
Site design and content copyright ©April 2009. DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services are not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site. |
Gladiolus are grown and hybridised in Australia and when a mail-order nursery donates the photos and cultivation details together with the specific climactic conditions appertaining to the gladioli that they have hybridised, then those can be added to the row below, together with their Gladiolus Plant Description Pages and comparison pages for those that they can export to you for your own garden in Australia and perhaps other countries. Explanation of Structure of this Website with User Guidelines Page for those photo galleries with Photos (of either ones I have taken myself or others which have been loaned only for use on this website from external sources)
Starting in February 2023 all the bulbs compared in this gallery of BULB PLANT GALLERY are being copied to the PERENNIAL - EVERGREEN GALLERY comparison pages with Bulb and their use added to the text box below the thumbnail. The PERENNIAL - EVERGREEN GALLERY will eventually compare every plant in this website in its respective colour and month(s) - it has the same heights as in the BULB PLANT GALLERY with this addition Black = |
EVERGREEN PERENNIAL GALLERY PAGES Site Map of pages with content (o) Introduction |
Click on Black or White box in Colour of Month. |
then in February 2023, I am continuing to insert all the 1000 Groundcover Plants as indicated by followed by continuing to insert all the plants with flowers from Camera Photo Galleries as indicated by Next, I will continue to insert all the plants planted in chalk as indicated by then the following plants shall be added from
finally the above plants shall be compared in the Wildflower Shape Gallery - |
Evergreen Perennials Height from Text Border in this Gallery |
Brown = |
Blue = |
Green = |
Red = |
Black = |
Evergreen Perennials Soil Moisture from Text Background in this Gallery |
Wet Soil |
Moist Soil |
Dry Soil |
The Plant Height Border in this Gallery has changed from :-
Flowering months range abreviates month to its first 3 letters (Apr-Jun is April, May and June). |
UKButterflies Larval Foodplants website page lists the larval foodplants used by British butterflies. The name of each foodplant links to a Google search. An indication of whether the foodplant is a primary or secondary food source is also given. Please note that the Butterfly you see for only a short time has grown up on plants as an egg, caterpillar and chrysalis for up to 11 months, before becoming a butterfly. If the plants that they live on during that time are removed, or sprayed with herbicide, then you will not see the butterfly. |
Plants used by the Butterflies follow the Plants used by the Egg, Caterpillar and Chrysalis as stated in |
Plant Name |
Butterfly Name |
Egg/ Caterpillar/ Chrysalis/ Butterfly |
Plant Usage |
Plant Usage Months |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
10 days in May-June |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
- |
Egg, |
1 egg at base of plant. |
Late August-April |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
- |
Egg, |
1 egg laid on underside of leaflets or bracts. |
7 days in June. |
Egg, |
1 egg laid on underside of leaflets or bracts. |
7 days in June. |
Egg, |
1 egg laid under the leaf or on top of the flower. |
7 days in August. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
10 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
2 weeks |
Cabbages - Large White eats all cruciferous plants, such as cabbages, mustard, turnips, radishes, cresses, nasturtiums, wild mignonette and dyer's weed |
40-100 eggs on both surfaces of leaf. |
May-June and August-Early September. 4.5-17 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of leaf. |
May-June and August. 7 days. |
Cabbages:- |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of leaf. |
July or August; hatches in 3 days. |
Cabbages:- |
Egg, |
1 egg laid in the tight buds and flowers. |
May-June 7 days. |
Cherry with |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
- |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
10 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
6 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
(Common CowWheat, Field CowWheat) |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 16 days in June. |
Currants |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 20 days in July. |
Dog Violet with |
Egg, |
1 egg on oak or pine tree trunk |
15 days in July. |
Dog Violet with |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf or stem. |
Hatches after 15 days in May-June. |
Dog Violet with |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf or stem. |
Hatches after 10 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
False Brome is a grass (Wood Brome, Wood False-brome and Slender False-brome) |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
... |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 20 days in July. |
Egg, |
1 egg laid on underside of leaflets or bracts. |
7 days in June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf or stem. |
Hatches after 10 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg laid under the leaf or on top of the flower. |
7 days in August. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. 5 or 6 eggs may be deposited by separate females on one leaf. |
14 days in July-August. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg laid in the tight buds and flowers. |
May-June 7 days. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 20 days in July. |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
1 then |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg at base of plant. |
Late August-April. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
10 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
2 weeks |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
6 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of leaf. |
May-June and August. 7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. 5 or 6 eggs may be deposited by separate females on one leaf. |
14 days in July-August. |
Narrow-leaved Plantain (Ribwort Plantain) |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 16 days in June. |
Narrow-leaved Plantain (Ribwort Plantain) |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 16 days in June. |
Nasturtium from Gardens |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of leaf. |
May-June and August. 7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg on tree trunk |
15 days in July. |
Mountain pansy, |
Egg, Chrysalis |
1 egg laid under the leaf or on top of the flower. |
7 days in August. 3 weeks in September |
Egg, |
1 egg on tree trunk. |
15 days in July. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 20 days in July. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
- |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
Egg, |
1 egg laid under the leaf or on top of the flower. |
7 days in August. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 16 days in June. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of a flower bud on its stalk. |
7 days. |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
Egg, |
1 egg under leaf. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
2 weeks |
Trefoils 1, 2, 3 |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
6 days in May-June. |
Egg, |
Groups of eggs on upper side of leaf. |
- |
Egg, |
1 egg laid on underside of leaflets or bracts. |
7 days in June. |
Violets:- |
Egg, |
1 egg on underside of leaf or on stalk. |
July-August for 17 days. |
Violets:- |
Egg, |
1 egg on stem or stalk near plant base. |
July to hatch in 8 months in March. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. |
2 weeks. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
Egg, |
1 egg on leaf. 5 or 6 eggs may be deposited by separate females on one leaf. |
14 days in July-August. |
Willow |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches encircling the branch of the food plant. |
Hatches after 18-22 days in April. |
Egg, |
Eggs laid in batches on the under side of the leaves. |
Hatches after 20 days in July. |
Plants used by the Butterflies |
Plant Name |
Butterfly Name |
Egg/ Caterpillar/ Chrysalis/ Butterfly |
Plant Usage |
Plant Usage Months |
Asters |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
Runner and Broad Beans in fields and gardens |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
April-June or July-September. |
Aubretia in gardens |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June or August till killed by frost and damp in September-November |
Butterfly |
Eats sap exuding from trunk. |
April-Mid June and Mid July-Early September for second generation. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
20 days. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June |
Holly Blue |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
April-Mid June and Mid July-Early September for second generation. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October. |
Buddleias |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October. |
Wood White |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June. |
Cabbage and cabbages in fields |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
April-June or July-September. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
July-October |
Adonis Blue |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
1 Month during Mid-May to Mid-June or during August-September |
Pale Clouded Yellow |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June or August till killed by frost and damp in September-November |
Cow-wheat |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
June-July |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
April-Mid June and Mid July-Early September for second generation. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
3 weeks between May and September |
Germander Speedwell (Veronica chamaedrys - Birdseye Speedwell) |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
June-July |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
30 days in May-June. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-September |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
May-June for 18 days. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
1 Month. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October. |
Painted Lady |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
July-October. |
Marigolds in gardens |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June or August till killed by frost and damp in September-November |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
1 Month during Mid-May to Mid-June or during August-September. |
Michaelmas Daisies |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
April-June or July-September. |
Narrow-leaved Plantain (Ribwort Plantain) |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
June-July |
Nasturtiums in gardens |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
April-June or July-September |
Butterfly |
Eats sap exuding from trunk. |
April-Mid June and Mid July-Early September for second generation. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
June. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
May-June. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
July-October. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
July-May |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
7 weeks in July-August. |
Comma |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
July-October. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
3 weeks between May and September |
Trefoils 1, 2, 3 |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
1 Month during Mid-May to Mid-June or during August-September |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar. |
20 days in August. |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
Butterfly |
Eats nectar |
June-July |
Apple/Pear/Cherry/Plum Fruit Tree Blossom in Spring |
Butterfly |
Eats Nectar |
April-May |
Rotten Fruit |
Butterfly |
Drinks juice |
July-September |
Tree sap and damaged ripe fruit, which are high in sugar |
Butterfly |
Hibernates inside hollow trees or outhouses until March. Eats sap or fruit juice until April. |
10 months in June-April |
Wild Flowers |
Large Skipper |
Butterfly |
Eats Nectar |
June-August |
Links to the other Butterflies:- Black Hairstreak |
Topic - Wildlife on Plant Photo Gallery. Some UK native butterflies eat material from UK Native Wildflowers and live on them as eggs, caterpillars (Large Skipper eats False Brome grass - Brachypodium sylvaticum - for 11 months from July to May as a Caterpillar before becoming a Chrysalis within 3 weeks in May) chrysalis or butterflies ALL YEAR ROUND. |
Wild Flower Family Page (the families within "The Pocket Guide to Wild Flowers" by David McClintock & R.S.R. Fitter, Published in 1956 They are not in Common Name alphabetical order and neither are the common names of the plants detailed within each family. The information in the above book is back-referenced to the respective page in "Flora of the British Isles" by A.R. Clapham of University of Sheffield, |
When you look at the life history graphs of each of the 68 butterflies of Britain, you will see that they use plants throughout all 12 months - the information of what plant is used by the egg, caterpillar, chrysalis or butterfly is also given in the above first column.
THE LIFE AND DEATH OF A FLAILED CORNISH HEDGE - This details that life and death from July 1972 to 2019, with the following result:- End note, June 2008. I hear spring vetch has been officially recorded somewhere in West Cornwall and confirmed as a presence in the county, so perhaps I can be permitted to have seen it pre-1972 in the survey mile. I wonder where they found it? It's gone from hedges where it used to be, along with other scarcities and so-called scarcities that used to flourish in so many hedges unrecorded, before the flail arrived. I have given careful thought to including mention of some of the plants and butterflies. So little seems to be known of the species resident in Cornish hedges pre-flail that I realise some references may invite scepticism. I am a sceptic myself, so sympathise with the reaction; but I have concluded that, with a view to re-establishing vulnerable species, it needs to be known that they can with the right management safely and perpetually thrive in ordinary Cornish hedges. In future this knowledge could solve the increasingly difficult question of sufficient and suitable sites for sustainable wild flower and butterfly conservation - as long as it is a future in which the hedge-flail does not figure.
CHECK-LIST OF TYPES OF CORNISH HEDGE FLORA by Sarah Carter of Cornish Hedges Library:-
Titles of papers available on www.cornishhedges.co.uk:-
THE GUILD OF CORNISH HEDGERS is the non-profit-making organisation founded in 2002 to support the concern among traditional hedgers about poor standards of workmanship in Cornish hedging today. The Guild has raised public awareness of Cornwall's unique heritage of hedges and promoted free access to the Cornish Hedges Library, the only existing source of full and reliable written knowledge on Cornish hedges." |
Recommended Plants for Wildlife in different situations
From the Ivydene Gardens Box to Crowberry Wild Flower Families Gallery: |
The Bumblebee Pages website is divided into five major areas:
FORCED INDOOR BULBS in Window Box Gardens. |
Theme |
Plants |
Comments |
Thyme |
Thymus praecox, wild thyme Thymus pulegioides Thymus leucotrichus Thymus citriodorus |
Thymes make a very fragrant, easy to care for windowbox, and an excellent choice for windy sites. The flower colour will be pinky/purple, and you can eat the leaves if your air is not too polluted. Try to get one variegated thyme to add a little colour when there are no flowers. |
Herb |
Sage, mint, chives, thyme, rosemary |
Get the plants from the herb section of the supermarket, so you can eat the leaves. Do not include basil as it need greater fertility than the others. Pot the rosemary up separately if it grows too large. |
Mints |
Mentha longifolia, horse mint Mentha spicata, spear mint Mentha pulgium, pennyroyal Mentha piperita, peppermint Mentha suaveolens, apple mint |
Mints are fairly fast growers, so you could start this box with seed. They are thugs, though, and will very soon be fighting for space. So you will either have to thin and cut back or else you will end up with one species - the strongest. The very best mint tea I ever had was in Marrakesh. A glass full of fresh mint was placed in front of me, and boiling water was poured into it. Then I was given a cube of sugar to hold between my teeth while I sipped the tea. Plant this box and you can have mint tea for months. |
Heather |
Too many to list See Heather Shrub gallery |
For year-round colour try to plant varieties that flower at different times of year. Heather requires acid soils, so fertilise with an ericaceous fertilser, and plant in ericaceous compost. Cut back after flowering and remove the cuttings. It is best to buy plants as heather is slow growing. |
Blue |
Ajuga reptans, bugle Endymion non-scriptus, bluebell Myosotis spp., forget-me-not Pentaglottis sempervirens, alkanet |
This will give you flowers from March till July. The bluebells should be bought as bulbs, as seed will take a few years to flower. The others can be started from seed. |
Yellow |
Anthyllis vulneraria, kidney vetch Geum urbanum, wood avens Lathryus pratensis, meadow vetchling Linaria vulgaris, toadflax Lotus corniculatus, birdsfoot trefoil Primula vulgaris, primrose Ranunculus acris, meadow buttercup Ranunculus ficaria, lesser celandine |
These will give you flowers from May to October, and if you include the primrose, from February. Try to include a vetch as they can climb or trail so occupy the space that other plants can't. All can be grown from seed. |
White |
Trifolium repens, white clover Bellis perennis, daisy Digitalis purpurea alba, white foxglove Alyssum maritimum Redsea odorata, mignonette |
All can be grown from seed. The clover and daisy will have to be cut back as they will take over. The clover roots add nitrogen to the soil. The mignonette flower doesn't look very special, but the fragrance is wonderful, and the alyssum smells of honey. |
Pink |
Lychnis flos-cucli, ragged robin Scabiosa columbaria, small scabious Symphytum officinale, comfrey |
The comfrey will try to take over. Its leaves make an excellent fertiliser, and are very good on the compost heap, though windowbox gardeners rarely have one. |
Fragrant |
Lonicera spp., honeysuckle Alyssum maritimum Redsea odorata, mignonette Lathyrus odoratus, sweet pea |
The sweet pea will need twine or something to climb up, so is suitable if you have sliding windows or window that open inwards. You will be rewarded by a fragrant curtain every time you open your window. |
Spring bulbs and late wildflowers |
Galanthus nivalis, snowdrop Narcissus pseudonarcissus, narcissius Crocus purpureus, crocus Cyclamen spp. |
The idea of this box is to maximize your space. The bulbs (cyclamen has a corm) will flower and do their stuff early in the year. After flowering cut the heads off as you don't want them making seed, but leave the leaves as they fatten up the bulbs to store energy for next year. The foliage of the wildflowers will hide the bulb leaves to some extent. Then the wildflowers take over and flower till autumn |
Aster spp., Michaelmas daisy Linaria vulgaris, toadflax Lonicera spp., honeysuckle Succisa pratensis, devil's bit scabious Mentha pulgium, pennyroyal |
Bee Garden in Europe or North America |
Plants for moths (including larval food plants and adult nectar sources) from Gardens for Wildlife - Practical advice on how to attract wildlife to your garden by Martin Walters as an Aura Garden Guide. Published in 2007 - ISBN 978 1905765041:- |
Marjoram - Origanum officinale |
Wildlife-friendly Show Gardens
Many of our gardens at Natural Surroundings demonstrate what you can do at home to encourage wildlife in your garden. Follow the links below to explore our show gardens, and when you visit, be sure to pick up a copy of our Wildlife Gardening Trail guide
Ivydene Gardens Water Fern to Yew Wild Flower Families Gallery: |
Only Wildflowers detailed in the following Wildflower Colour Pages |
Jan |
Feb |
Mar |
Apr |
May |
Jun |
Jul |
Aug |
Sep |
Oct |
Nov |
Dec |
1 |
Blue |
1 |
1 |
Cream |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
White A-D |
1 Yellow |
1 |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Flowering plants of |
1 |
Flowering plants of |
BULB INDEX link to Bulb Description Page |
7 Flower Colours per Month in Colour Wheel below in BULB, CORM, RHIZOME and TUBER GALLERY. Click on Black or White box in Colour of Month. |
Besides the above Bulb Flower Colour Comparison Pages, you also have the following Comparison Pages:- BULB INDEX
Index of Bulbs from Further details on bulbs from the Infill Galleries:-