Ivydene Gardens Home: Copyright Permissions for Use of Plant and
Wildlife on Plant Photographs from Outside Sources


Photos in this website which are credited to Chris Garnons-Williams may be used by anyone else. It would be appreciated if at least a link to the page where it was lifted from could be used in crediting me as its copyright owner in "Photo from Chris Garnons-Williams".

Photos used are normally inserted into a graphic image and published. Freeway reduces the resolution to 72 pixels per inch, which reduces the size of a 50 x 50 pixel thumbnail graphic to between 1400 and 1900 bytes. This published graphic is exported to a file with the following naming system:

fritillaria fol imperialis rubra maxima rvroger

where for plant photos:-

  • fritillaria is the genus name
  • fol is foliage with 3 parts where part 2 is mandatory
    part 1 - c is thumbnail of
    part 1 - f is image on wildflower family page
    part 1 - p is image on plant description page
    part 2 - flo is flower
    part 2 - fol is foliage
    part 2 - for is overall form/natural habit
    part 2 - fru is fruit/seed
    part 2 - support is plant support structure like linkstakes or birch branch
    part 3 - t is thumbnail
    part 3 - spr is spring
    part 3 - sum is summer
    part 3 - aut is autumn
    part 3 - win is winter
  • imperialis rubra maxima is rest of plant name and
  • roger is the identity of the copyright owner of the photo (garnons-williams for my copyright owner identity)

Then the published graphic in the published page is deleted and the above named file is imported as a Pass-through graphic, published and then uploaded to the website.

A Pass-through graphic is then a resource rather than embedded in each page it is used. It was mainly used in the thumbnail comparison pages to speed up the loading of the images in links to pop-up window pages - this means that when the pass-through thumbnail was clicked the plant description page for it was added to the screen. Unfortunately, many phones etc do not support pop-up windows, so from October 2013, I am linking the new thumbnail images using maps - this means that the non-pass-through image is embedded into each page it is used and then clicking on it changes the comparison page to the respective Plant Description Page.

If you decide to use any of the larger photos of mine, you may find it better for your viewers to convert the JPEG file to a GIF file - this means that half the photo is added at the speed that the viewers modem can bring it down and each line be shown as it is bringing it down. When the even or odd lines have been displayed then the others are brought down the same way - this then persuades the viewer to keep looking rather than switching to something else, since the image from a JPEG is not displayed until the whole image has been downloaded. Images bigger than 200 x 200 pixels may be better as GIF files.
In re-using the photos from the Camera photos of Coleus RHS Bedding Trial gallery containing my photos in 4000 x 3000 original camera size, you can crop etc them, publish the result in a magazine or book; and put it up on your own website. Depending on its size, I would suggest .GIF rather than .JPG for the reasons stated above if to a website.
Camera photos of Coleus RHS Bedding Trial starts the process of displaying the complete 4000 x 3000 pixel original photos from Chris Garnons-Williams. Since each photo can be 3.5-6.0 Mb and there may be 11 of these on a page; each page may take a long time to download.


Images in 72 pixels per inch (72 ppi) can be printed by your lineprinter, but are no use for publications. When submitting figures for publication, 300 ppi is the generally accepted resolution for print images.


Most of the images displayed in the Plant Photographic Galleries or the Wildlife on Plant Photographic Galleries were donated by Mrs C. Foord with the following copyright permission:-

I Mrs Christine Foord hereby give permission for the images described hereunder to be published on the website www.ivydenegardens.co.uk of Ivydene Horticultural Services to Mr Chris Garnons-Williams.

Description of images: Photos taken by Mr Ron and Mrs Christine Foord during their lifetimes as 35mm colour slides. Images from these slides will be cropped from the original and output as low resolution pass-through graphics.

The copyright of these images remains with Ron and Christine Foord and will only be used with permission.

This document also gives limited licence for visitors to www.ivydenegardens.co.uk to download and print these cropped images for personal use only.

Mrs Christine Foord has died, and she gave some slides to Chris Garnons-Williams. Photos in this website which are credited to Christine or Ron Foord may be used by anyone else, which includes those in:-
Ron and Christine Foord - 1036 photos only inserted so far - Garden Flowers - Start Page of each Gallery
AB1 ,AN14,BA27,

Other colour photographic donors:-

Amberol Ltd
Images and text about the Harvester Range of Self-Watering Containers were provided by John Williamson of Amberol Ltd, The Plantation King Street, Alfreton, Derbyshire. DE55 7TT, with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright remains with Amberol. Permission to get the original images and use the images is to be obtained from Amberol Limited.
Phone: 01773 830 930
Fax: 01773 834 191
Email: info@amberol.co.uk

Mr Anderson
Images of Flowers on 35mm colour slides were provided by Mr Anderson of Strood, Kent with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright of the images remains with Mr Anderson.

Ball Colegrave Limited
The images in the Bedding Plant Gallery were provided by Dan Whiting of Ball Colegrave Limited. Ball Colegrave Limited sell Summer Colour (Summer Bedding) only to nursery growers - like KinderGarden Plants Ltd. KinderGarden Plants Ltd only sell their grown plants to Garden Centres. They also gave the same copyright permission, but the copyright of the images remains with Dan Whiting of Ball Colegrave Limited. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from Ball Colegrave Limited.
email: dwhiting@ballcolegrave.com

Boston Seeds
Other plant images have been donated by Boston Seeds Ltd with the same copyright permission as above, but the copyright of the images remains with Boston Seeds Limited. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from Boston Seeds, Laburnum House, Main Road, Langrick, Boston, Lincolnshire, PE22 7AN
Tel: 01205 280069  Fax: 01205 280060
email: info@bostonseeds.co.uk Web: www.bostonseeds.com

1100 other images of Wild Flowers and Insects were provided by BritishFlora with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright of the images remains with BritishFlora. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from BritishFlora, Grange Farm, Widmer End, Bucks. HP15 6AE
Tel: 01494 718203 Fax: 01494 718989
Web: www.britishflora.co.uk.

The British Gladiolus Society
The British Gladiolus Society aims to promote and improve all aspects of Gladiolus culture. Members benefit from the advice and experience of successful growers both in the United Kingdom and abroad and it is usually only a phone call, e.mail or letter away. Members receive a free copy of the Gladiolus Annual, which is a comprehensive yearly publication distributed worldwide to individuals, institutes and affiliated societies. Three Newsletter bulletins per year, free admission to exhibitions where this can be arranged and the right to exhibit at all society shows. Images were provided by Nigel Coe with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright of the images remains with The British Gladioli Society. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from Nigel Coe.

Coblands Nurseries Ltd
Other plant images have been donated by Coblands Nurseries Ltd with the same copyright permission as above, but the copyright of the images remains with Coblands Nurseries Limited. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from Designer Plants, Coblands Nurseries Ltd, Trench Road, Tonbridge, Kent. TN11 9NG
Tel: 01732 378200 Fax: 01732 362168
email: dp@coblands.co.uk Web: www.coblands.co.uk

Deeproot Plant Base
Certain images of plants were provided by Deeproot Plant Base. The copyright of these images remains with Geoffrey Looker of Deeproot Software, who has granted permission for them to be published on www.ivydenegardens.co.uk . Limited licence is given for visitors to www.ivydenegardens.co.uk to download and print these cropped images for personal use only. Permission and terms to use the original images may be obtained from Deeproot Software.
email: enq@deeproot.co.uk Web: www.deeproot.co.uk

Denver Botanic Gardens
This Email sent on 24 July 2018:-
Dear S Krishnan,
I have been creating a small educational website called www.ivydenegardens.co.uk since 2005. I have found that in your botanic garden that you have Androsace chamaejasme and that you have posted some photos on


I am always looking for validated images to use since, I cannot take enough photos myself to cover the complete range of native and cultivated plants either grown or sold in the UK. I was particularly looking for the foliage this time and the overall shape of the plant to use on this page


Could I use 1 or more of those images and if I find that you have other plants with images that would be suitable in description could I use those from Denver Botanic Garden?
My copyright permissions page shows how I use them and how the reduction in the resolution to 72 pixels by Freeway means that the images I publish cannot be used by others in publications.


Thank you for reading this and I hope for a positive reply.
Best regards,
Chris Garnons-Williams

This reply received on Monday 30 July 2018:-

Dear Chris,
You are welcome to use the image of Androsace chamaejasme (or other plant images) that you found on the Gardens Navigator website for your education website. If you need the original images, please let me know and I can provide those. Please credit as ©Denver Botanic Gardens.
Kind regards,

Cindy Newlander
Associate Director, Horticulture (Plant Records)
Denver Botanic Gardens
909 York Street
Denver, CO 80206
720-865-3553 Phone
720-865-3679 Fax
Denver Botanic Gardens recognizes the citizens of metro Denver for helping fund arts, culture and science through their support of the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD).


Gee Tee Bulb Company
Use of bulb images from their website with the same copyright permission as above, but the copyright of the images remains with Gee Tee Bulb Company. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from Frank Teeuw, Gee Tee Bulb Company, Field Works, Common Road, Moulton Seas End, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE12 6LF
Tel:(01205) 260412 Fax:(01205) 260451
email: info@gee-tee.co.uk Web: www.gee-tee.co.uk

Images of Growrings with the same copyright permission as above, but the copyright of the images remains with Growrings - Instant Raised Beds in Ireland. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from Growrings. Tel: +44 1423 574 021
email: info@growrings.ie
Web: www.growrings.ie

Hawthornes Nursery
Images of Climbers with the same copyright permission as above, but the copyright of the images remains with Hawthornes Nursery. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from Richard and Irene Hodson, Hawhtornes Nursery, Marsh Road, Hesketh Bank, Nr. Preston, Lancs. PR4 6XT. Tel: 01772 812379. Web: Hawthornes Nursery, Email: Richard

Kevock Garden Plants
1900 images of plants were provided by Kevock Garden Plants with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright of the images remains with Kevock Garden Plants. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from David and Stella Rankin, Kevock Garden Plants, 16 Kevock Road, Lasswade, Midlothian, EH18 1HT
Tel:(01314) 540660 Fax:(01314) 540660
email: info@kevockgarden.co.uk

Madeleine F. Williamson Pires
Online gallery of original fine art by Madeleine F. Williamson Pires - Nature Themes. Beautiful and affordable oil paintings of flowers, landscapes, skyscapes, space scenes and more. Portfolio items for sale and artist available for commission - personal themed paintings at reasonable prices, open to negotiation.
Web: www.mfaithart.com
Email info@mfaithart.com

Mobilane (UK) Limited
All the images of Green Screen Hedges, Ground-covering plant mats and Green Walls were provided by Mobilane with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright of the images remains with Mobilane. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from Sean Farrell, the Managing Director for Mobilane (UK) Limited, PO Box 449, Stoke on Trent, Staffs. ST6 0AE.
Tel: 08702 427710,
Web: www.mobilane.eu
Email sales@mobilane.co.uk

Ms D. Scudder
Digital images of Flowers were provided by Ms Scudder, with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright remains with Ms Scudder.
Contact Ms Scudder for copies of originals.

Plant World Devon Ltd
Digital images were provided by Plant World Devon Ltd with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright remains with Plant World Devon Ltd. Permission to use the original images and/or to acquire them is to be obtained from Ray Brown, Plant World, St Marychurch Rd, Newton Abbot TQ12 4SE 
Tel: 01803 872939   
Web: www.plant-world-seeds.com 
Email: raybrown@plant-world-seeds.com

Q Lawns
Digital Images of Enviromat together with descriptive text used in the Grass Gallery were provided by Q Lawns with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright remains with Q Lawns. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from Angela Lambert (Sales and Marketing Co-ordinator) Q Lawns, Corkway Drove, Hockwold, Thetford, Norfolk IP26 4AB
Tel: 01842 828266        
Fax: 01842 8287911
e-mail: sales@qlawns.co.uk
www.qlawns.co.uk  ,
www.enviromat.co.uk  and

Roseland House Garden & Nursery
Digital images were provided by Roseland House Garden & Nursery with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright remains with Roseland House Garden & Nursery. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from Charlie & Liz Pridham, Roseland House, Chacewater, Truro, Cornwall. TR4 8QB. Tel: 01872 560451. Web: roseland house Email: clematis@roselandhouse

R. V. Roger Ltd
Digital images were provided by R.V. Roger Ltd with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright remains with R.V. Roger Ltd. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from R. V. Roger Ltd ,The Nurseries, Malton Road (A169), Pickering, North Yorkshire, YO18 7JW
Tel:(01751)472226 - Fax:(01751)476749

Suttons Consumer Products Ltd
8 images of Vegetables were provided by Suttons with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright of the images remains with Suttons. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from Francijn Suermondt, the Marketing Coordinator for Suttons Consumer Products Ltd, Woodview Road, Paignton, Devon. TQ4 7NG
Tel: 01803 696364 Fax: 01803 696 370. A vegetable/flower seed, plant, bulb or fruit catalogue can be obtained from
Web: www.suttons.co.uk or
Web: www.dobies.co.uk

The Plant Nursery
Images are provided by Doris with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright of the images remains with The Plant Nursery. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from Doris, The Plant Nursery, Kilmarnock, Ayrshire, Scotland. Tel: 017799 571133. For plants sold see
Web: www.theplantnursery.co.uk and to order use
Email: doris@theplantnursery.co.uk

Trees for Life
Images of Apple, Cherry and Pears were provided by Brian Lovelidge from Frank P. Matthews with the same copyright permission as for Christine Foord, but the copyright of the images remains with Frank P. Matthews. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from
Brian Lovelidge of Frank P Matthews Ltd , Berrington Court, Tenbury Wells, Worcestershire. WR15 8TH. Tel: 01584 810214
Email: enquiries@fpmatthews.co.uk
Website: www.frankpmatthews.com grow soft fruit and top fruit plants.

William J. Owen International Gladiolus Registrar
Images and information about the International Gladiolus Classification list were provided with the same copyright permission as Christine Foord, but the copyright of the images remains with William J. Owen and The North American Gladiolus Council. The larger images are used in the 25 American Gladiolus Galleries. Permission to use the original images and to get them is to be obtained from William J. Owen, International Gladiolus Registrar of The North American Gladiolus Council, 675 Mac Elroy Road, Ballston Lake NY 12019-2201.
Web: North American Gladiolus Council

I Ray Burton of Workware hereby give permission for the image described hereunder (Tripod Ladder in the Useful Data Section) to be published on the website www.ivydenegardens.co.uk of Ivydene Horticultural Services to Mr Chris Garnons-Williams. For every one to use without restriction. You can view all our products at www.workware.co.uk

Rejected Requests:-

  • When photographs used by nurseries/ wholesalers are supplied to them by Photo Libraries or Label Companies, then copyright permission cannot be given for those photos to be used elsewhere by those nurseries/ wholesalers.
  • Over a period of 9 weeks, 900 35 mm slides from Kent Wildlife Trust were digitised by me in 2008 and returned with 9 CDs with the digitised files on them. Unfortunately, no copyright permission has been received from them so they cannot be used in this website.
  • The Webmaster from the The Seed Site wishes to point out that all communications between it and any other are copyright and that the contents may not be divulged without their permission.
  • Although I have been a member of the National Trust for years, here is there rejection email, sent on the last day of July 2019:-
    Dear Chris,
    Thank you for your interest in the garden at Ightham Mote and your enquiry which has been passed on to me.
    While we would be happy to get a positive mention on your website and you could take photographs yourself of plants in the garden and use them if it is a not for profit situation we are not able to get involved directly with other websites in this sort of way, sorry. National Trust does have partnership agreements with other organisations regarding sharing information on each other’s websites but these have to be agreed at a much higher level that would not fit this situation. It may be easier to approach privately owned gardens or independent trusts rather than gardens owned by such a large organisation as National Trust.
    Although I cannot help you with you enquiry I do appreciate what you are doing with your website to encourage people’s interest and provide information and support about plants and gardening and wish you continuing success with it.
    All the best,
    Richard Burton
    Head Gardener
    Ightham Mote
    Mote Rd
    Ivy Hatch
    TN15 0NT
    T:  01732 810378
    M: 07483905470


Except for the businesses and individuals above, the citizens of the UK are loath to share information with the public in the UK unless it is for financial profit - even though it is free advertising for their company's plants/seeds or garden open to the public, since April 2007.


I apologise for my compatriots and request that possibly others from the rest of the world could provide photos and maintenance text for plants that could be grown from seed or plant in the UK. Then, these plants could be supplied from either that or another nursery or seed company that would provide a mail-order system direct to the public.

It may be possible for companies in America to mail-order their plants/seeds to Europe and any company in the European Union can mail-order to any other country in the European Union.

Site design and content copyright ©April 2007. Page structure amended October 2012. Page amended December 2022.Chris Garnons-Williams.

DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services are not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site.  


Row 8
Welcome to the UK (Urinating Knave) with details of UK government backed pollution of millions of tons per year into its rivers; which the sea transported across the Channel to Europe killing marine life and humans.




Welcome to England - part of Urinating Knave (a dishonest man) - where in 2022 water companies dumped 302,000 storm overflow (rainwater combined with raw sewage) spills into rivers or the sea; as shown by this source from DEFRA - the Department for Environmental Food and Rural Affairs (newspaper article on page 8 of The Times on Saturday April 1 2023):-

Water Company


English Water companies have handed £2,000,000,000 a year on average to shareholders since privatisation 30 years ago.
Water Firms are currently telling customers to pick up the £10,000,000,000 bill to almost half the average 824 dumpings of raw sewage a day by 2030 (created by them and supported by the Urinating Kingdom government) - reports The Metro of 19 May 2023. The Water Companies should instead spend most of the money that they could give the shareholders each year from 2023 to 2030 to completely stop all dumpings by 2030. Thus, the customers would not have to pay to put right the corruption executed by those water companies and the government over the last 30 years.

Sewage Spills in 2021

Sewage Spills in 2022

From South East Rivers Trust report on Water, water everywhere ... or is it? - "By 2050, the South East of England will need to find at least an additional one billion litres of water per day to meet demand in the region. That is about a fifth of the water used in the region today, and equivalent to the water use of seven million people per day.  Demand for water will exceed supply by 2030."


UK water companies apologise for spilling sewage into rivers, pledge £10bn investment report by International Business Times on 05/18/23 -" The public criticism and outrage over sewage spills in the UK's water bodies have forced water companies to pledge £10 billion to reduce sewage spills in Britain's seas and rivers.

The detailed plan will be revealed this summer as the companies work to fix their sewer networks. It also needs to be noted that eventually, the water companies will recoup the costs from customers by increasing water bills.

The UK's privatised water and sewage companies were raking in money while putting people's health at risk. According to a report by the Financial Times, The aforementioned firms paid £1.4 billion in dividends in 2022, up from £540 million the previous year. " so the customer pays for these companies not to do their job and also to not start to fix it, while the shareholder increases his dividend.

Unfortunately before 2030 the population in the South East of England will run out of water and be unable to live in the South East and therefore there will a housing market and mortgage crash within the next 6 years as its population try to move out and you lose not only your dividends but your shares become worthless due to this corruption by the water companies aided by the main and local UK government.

Add pollution from
a. washes off sewage treated sludge in agricuturable fields into rivers,
b. liquid pollution from landfill sites,
c. slurry from cows, pigs, chickens
d. nitrate chemical fertiliser from fields and
phosphorus pollution - The main sources of phosphorus in rivers and lakes are sewage effluent (primarily from water industry sewage treatment works) and losses from agricultural land. Food waste, food and drink additives and Phosphorus dosing of drinking waters all contribute to sewage Phosphorus loadings.


Microplastics in consumer items could face total or partial ban are being considerd by the UK Government, where a total ban would mean no use or manufacture of intentional microplastic being permitted in the UK, on 23 August 2023 as reported on page 7 of the I newspaper of that date by Ben Gartside, The European Union introduced a total ban on their use earlier in 2023. Smaller than 5mm in diameter is microplastic size. 90% of the cosmetic products including lipsticks, shampoos, suncream, moisturisers and deodorants contain microplastic as well as household paint, Astroturf sports pitches and artificial lawns. Microplastics have been found in rivers and oceans as they can easily pass through water filtration systems and are ingested by fish and other marine animals. They have also been detected in the human body after being consumed via food or water or breathed in.

United Utilities has gross debt of £8,435,400,000 as at 31 March 2023.




No English river is free from pollution - Parliament report - 13 January 2022. "Raw sewage, microplastics and slurry are coursing through all of England's rivers, putting health and nature at risk, a parliamentary report concludes. Agriculture and water companies are the biggest contributors to this "chemical cocktail", the Environmental Audit Committee warns. People across the country using rivers for activities ranging from sports and swimming to fishing risk falling ill from bacteria in sewage and slurry. Microplastics worn away from car tyres and brakes are being washed from busy roads into rivers - the committee said National Highways and the Environment Agency are not doing enough to prevent this pollution." This report is from the Environmental Audit Committee.


"World triathletes struck down by E.coli after swim off British beach" report by Jordan King in Metro of 07.08.23:-
Dozens of competitors who took part in the UK leg of the World Trathlon Championship have become ill after they swam at Sutherland.
At least 57 were struck with diarrhoea and vomiting days after swimming in the sea at Roker beach during the event between July 29 and 30 2023.
Samples collected by the Environment Agency late last month detected 39 times the amount of the bacteria E.coli found in water during typical readings. British Traithlon, the sport's UK governing body, said those results were not published until after the weekend's events and were outside the body of the water where its competitions took place.
It added that results from its tests passed the required standards.
Australian triathlete Jake Birthwistle, who competed in the event, posted on Instagram: 'Have been feeling pretty rubbish since the race, but I guess that's what you get when you swim in shit. The swim should have been cancelled. At least I know now what got me and a bunch of other athletes who raced sick and ill.' Northumbrian Water insisted there had been no sewage discharges at the beach since October 2021."
Makes you wonder where the remainder of their
36,483 sewage spills in 2021, their
29,697 sewage spills in 2022, and their sewage spills occurred in 2023 ? Should be interesting to see what effect on the athlete's health there are in future Commonwealth Games or other water sports in British rivers or the sea surrounding Britain.


Everybody has to Die Sometime, is it not kind of the government to provide this free method? "Macrophages - the lungs' front-line defence system which kill bacteria by engulfing and digesting them - were exposed in a lab to dust taken from a brake pad testing factory. When exposed to particulates from diesel exhaust and brake dust, the researchers found the ability of the macrophages to destroy bacteria was reduced. Dr Liza Selley, who conducted the research, said: "Worryingly, this means that brake dust could be contributing to what I call 'London throat' - the constant froggy feeling and string of coughs and colds that city dwellers endure." " from 'London throat': Toxic brake dust could cause condition, scientists say article by BBC.
For several hours a day, the traffic outside my home and the new school less than 300 hundred yards away is slower than me walking a half mile into Rainham. The drivers are breathing this dust and so are the walking children - for the same distance - going to and from the new school.
Medway named south east's most polluted area by Friends of the Earth.

Yorkshire Water has £5,685,700,000 adjusted net debt in 2022



Severn Trent Water has £7,377,800,000 total borrowings from note 24 for the Company in 2022



South West Water has £2,798,700,000 borrowings and liabilities in 2022



Northumbrian Water has £3,170,000,000 total borrowings at 31 March 2022.



Wessex Water has £2,423,200,000 total borrowings on 31 March 2021

Total Duration of Discharges - 151,258 hours with over £60,000,000 paid out as shareholder dividends


Southern Water has £5,100,000,000 of debt.


South East Water has £1,120,478,000 loans and borrowings at 2022

Anglian Water
Macquarie finalises £120,000,000 debt investment in Anglian Water on 21 December 2021.



Thames Water
Thames Water's real-time map confirms over 5,300 hours of raw sewage

£14,000,000,000 of debt



Welsh Water
Some £6,000,000,000 invested to improve drinking water quality, environmental protection and customer service - at no cost to the taxpayer. Its strategy is to deliver a secure, long-term credit quality to investors (such as pension funds and insurance companies) so as to raise the finance it needs at the cheapest possible cost, thereby keeping down bills to customers (around a third of which go to remunerate finance for investment).
So a third of the water bill goes to pay the dividends for the investors on over £6,000,000,000.


I wonder if that means that a third of the water bill that other customers pay from the other water companies also goes to pay the interest on their borrowings, the bonuses for their management and the dividend to their shareholders as well as persuading the UK government to allow the water companies to continue to POLLUTE the waterways and slowly KILL its population and those on the other side of the seas in Europe.


32,200,000 Income Tax payers in the UK in 2021 to 2022. UK general government gross debt was £2,445,200,000,000 at the end of Quarter 3 (July to September) 2022, equivalent to 100.2% of gross domestic product. At 4.38%, that is £107,099,760,000 interest per year. Each taxpayer then has to pay £3326.08 of that interest each year out of the tax that he pays. When the Water Companies collapse, etc, etc, etc, he will have to pay more until there is no tax remaining to run the UK.




The declared borrowings and debt of the above water companies is £46,231,278,000.

When they come bleating to the UK government, then that will be added to the National Debt and yield is 4.38 on a 30 year gilt, so that adds £2024.929976 million to be paid annually by the UK population for the next 30 years, and that still leaves that debt.

That figure above or higher is already being paid by water companies customers for water company existing debt. Then the customer pays for the dividend and the bonuses to the management as well as the word wth the government to let them carry on with the fraud. Finally, when the government step in, the customers have to pay off the investors, and pay to get the service that you had already paid for but not delivered, newly created. Thus an extra annual National Debt interest bill could probably exceed £6,000 million. What a brilliant way of conning the UK public.
The total UK National Debt was £7,400,000,000 in 1919, rising to £21,000,000,000 in 1945, so the water companies only have more than twice the total UK National Debt of 1945 - while the current UK government takes less than 12 weeks to borrow that National Debt of 1945 whilst also spending their tax return for that time of £162,000,000,000!!!


Hugo Gye the Political Editor of I newspaper published the following on 23 August 2023

"Chancellor to reject calls for tax cuts despite £11,000,000,000 borrowing windfall.
The government is set to face down calls for tax cuts despite an £11,000,000,000 boost to the public finance from unexpectedly low borrowing. Public finances data for July proved to be better than previously expected, with the state borrowing a total of £4,300,000,000, thanks to surprisingly strong tax receipts. But July's borrowing was the fifth highest figure since records began, according to the Office for National Statistics, with the £7,700,000,000 spent on servicing the National Debt in that month, a record high. The total pile of debt outstanding is equal to 98.5% of the UK's GDP. So far this fiscal year the government has borrowed £56,600,000,000, a significant increase on last year but £11,300,000,000 less than the Office for Budget Responsibilty forecasts on which the Treasury bases its tax and spending policy. The surprise extra headroom prompted calls from senior Conservative MPs for rapid tax cuts to stimulate economic growth. But the Chancellor said " As inflation slows, it's vital that we continue to act responsibly with the public finances. Only by sticking to our plan will we halve inflation, grow the economy and reduce debt.""

The above does not make sense:-
The government collected tax and since 6 April 2023 it has overspent what it has collected by £56,600,000,000 to 23 August 2023. So how is this acting responsibly when you are meant to be reducing debt not increasing it?


Remember that we are paying those in the following departments to look after our and the country's health by allowing a

  • The Environment Agency (EA),
  • Natural England,
  • Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) - The Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) is the economic regulator of the water and sewerage industry in England and Wales. Ofwat sets the limit on how much water companies can charge their customers -,
  • Department of Environmental Food and Rural Affairs (Defra),
  • Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) and the
  • Treasury

and they are in government control of these water companies, rivers and sea.

We as the public cannot sit by or swim in any river or the sea (avoid 83 UK beaches because of raw sewage dumped nearby) round England without coming into contact with pollution recorded and sanctioned by the government for decades.
Perhaps the government will repeat the 5 year wait for guidance to schools about teachers walking tightropes in face of no trans guidance on this sewage pollution crisis, so that the water companies can continue their fraud and the government can continue the fraud of being paid to not do a job of stopping those water companies polluting.
We were told that the pollution on CAMBER SANDS beach was caused by a dead sheep, so that the life guards and car park could continue to make money from the families swimming and playing with the brown scum, by lying. That pollution was caused by raw sewage coming down to the sea on each of the rivers at the ends of the beach - Row 8 of second table in Mission Statement page. My brother in law (who is a nurse) with his children was upset, when I found out what was the valid reason a few days later.


"The Times Clean It Up campaign has called for better investment and transparency to tackle sewage spills from storm overflows, leading to all of England's wastewater companies promising a nearly real-time map of spills by the end of the year". SO WHY IS THIS NOT ALREADY AVAILABLE FROM BOTH THE WASTEWATER COMPANIES AND THE ABOVE RUBBISH GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS; AND WHY HAVE THEY DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT FOR DECADES?


For them to state that they will fine the water companies -
I know blue, white and red pigs fly,
but to see anything that would reduce kickbacks I would find hard to believe.


Remember this diagram from Mission Statement page;



These figures in the top row are only about storm overflows as the above diagram shows.

When you ignore the rain, but keep on building new homes etc for their sewage to go into the same diameter pipes to the same un-expanded treatment works, then the combination of that extra raw sewage and the extra when it rains from their roofs with their concreted front gardens to put their cars on (instead of paying a car-parking charge to park outside their own homes), will exceed the heavy rain element and there will always be an overflow. This provides more money from more customers for the water companies without them having to treat the extra effluent.


The reduced volume of combined sewage and rainwater goes to the Treatment Plant .


From Page 9 of The Times on Saturday April 1 2023
"About 170,000 truckloads of sludge, a mud-like by-product from sewage treatment works, are spread on fields every autumn as organic fertiliser. But the Environment Agency has told the water industry that the practice could be banned from 2025 in a bid to reduce the amount of nutrient pollution that washes off fields and into waterways.
As 87% of sludge is "recycled" to agricultural land each year, the step would close the main route for water firms to dispose of the material".



Since the goverment have done nothing for decades, I wonder if they would be influenced by nobody coming to visit Britain for pleasure or business due to its health risks from its water and food?


Ocean Pollution as reported by the Marine Conservation Society
Pollution has been reported to be one of the five main drivers of the current biodiversity crisis, threatening 37% of marine mammals with extinction.

Marine Conservation Society - Seagrass: The ocean superhero at risk from sewage:-Seagrass meadows are a key player in helping to combat climate change – but untreated sewage pollution in our seas is threatening their future. Seagrass meadows are the Swiss army knife of marine habitats. They create hotspots for biodiversity and provide vital nursery habitats for various fish species. Long seagrass blades buffer wave energy, protecting our shores against coastal erosion and storms. Their canopies slow the flow of water, drawing down suspended matter like pollutants and excess nutrients from the water column and burying it in the sediment below. This also makes them one of the oldest and most effective carbon storage technologies, accounting for an estimated 10-18% of ocean carbon storage while occupying only 0.1% of the seafloor. Unlike terrestrial habitats like forests, seagrass doesn't release the carbon it has captured back into the atmosphere when it decomposes. If undisturbed, seagrass can store carbon for thousands of years. Seagrasses do a lot of heavy lifting in mitigating the stress that we inflict on the ocean. As ecosystem engineers, they’re skilled at adapting their environment to suit their needs. However, the flow of untreated sewage discharges into UK seas is posing a problem for seagrass. Untreated sewage discharges contain excess nutrients and pathogens, which  encourage faster-growing macroalgae which reduce light availability and epiphytic algae which smother the seagrass leaves.

Research by Cardiff University and Swansea University indicates that insufficient monitoring and management of sewage and wastewater treatment threatens seagrass meadows around the UK. Each of the 11 sites sampled in the study, ten of which were within marine protected areas, contained seagrass that was contaminated by nutrients “of a human and livestock waste origin”. The findings show that sewage pollution is a stressor to seagrass – one whose effects are far-reaching and continues to have an impact far from its source. The only effective way to protect seagrass and the whole marine environment from this stress is to tackle the issue at source. We have already lost 92% of seagrass meadows in the UK, and their survival and recovery is further undermined by poor water quality. However, we can reverse this trend. Removing stressors, such as untreated sewage pollution, is the most important factor in allowing seagrass to recover and we have seen seagrass successfully recolonise areas which were previously wiped out by sewage outfall. Our seagrass meadows are an essential ally against global warming, a biodiversity crisis, and pervasive pollution. These superhero habitats need our help and a first major step towards this is to stop releasing untreated sewage into our seas.



The following information (5 December 2021) comes from Wikipedia about Southern Water Services Ltd, which had a revenue of £0.829 billion in 2017-18. Area served by Southern Water is Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Sussex and Kent.

  • "Legal issues[edit]
In 2007, Ofwat announced its intention to fine Southern Water £20.3 million for 'deliberate misreporting' and failing to meet guaranteed standards of service to customers. The misreporting resulted in Southern Water being able to raise its prices by more than it should have done.[11] Southern Water Chief Executive Les Dawson said: "Today's announcement draws a line under a shameful period in the company's history" and "we accept this fine - we have no arguments with it".[12]
  • 2009-2011[edit]
Crawley Magistrates' Court heard that the Environment Agency received calls from members of the public after dead fish were seen in the Sunnyside Stream in East Grinstead on 30 August 2009. The court also heard that a similar incident occurred along the same sewer line some 4 years earlier in September 2005.[13] Following an investigation, in June 2010 Southern Water was fined £3,000 after it admitted polluting 2 km of the Sussex stream with raw sewage, killing up to a hundred brown trout and devastating the fish population for the second time in five years.
In 2011 Southern Water Ltd was fined £25,000 when sewage flooded into Southampton water.
The company was ordered to pay £10,000 in fines and costs after sewage seeped into a stream at Beltinge in Kent.
A leak of sewage from Southern Water's plant at Hurstpierpoint pumping station, West Sussex, lead to fines and costs of £7,200 in 2011.[14]
Southern Water was fined £50,000 in April 2011 for two offences relating to unscreened discharges into Langstone Harbour, Hampshire, between November 2009 and April 2010.
  • 2014-2016[edit]
In November 2014 Southern Water were fined £500,000 and agreed to pay costs of £19,224 at Canterbury Crown Court after an Environment Agency investigation found that untreated sewage was discharged into the Swalecliffe Brook, polluting a 1.2 km stretch of the watercourse and killing local wildlife.[15] Although sewage directly polluted a 1.2 km stretch, the Swalecliffe Brook flows through the Thanet Coast Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) before it joins the north Kent coast to the east of Whitstable.
In December 2016 Southern Water was fined a record £2,000,000 for flooding beaches in Kent with raw sewage. As a result of a series of failures at a wastewater pumping station, raw sewage flooded on to beaches, forcing Thanet district council to close the beaches to the public for nine days including during the Queen's Diamond Jubilee bank holiday weekend.[16] The Environment Agency called the event “catastrophic”, with tampons, condoms and other debris costing more than £400,000 to clean up. The Environment Agency said that the discharge along a considerable length of coastline, resulted in a risk to public health and negative impact in an area heavily reliant on the tourism industry. A judge at Maidstone crown court said that Southern Water’s repeat offending was “wholly unacceptable”. Following the investigation, Southern Water director Simon Oates apologised unreservedly for the failure of the wastewater plant.[17]
  • 2019[edit]
In June 2019, the Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) announced its intentions to issue Southern Water with a financial penalty of £37.7 million reduced exceptionally to £3 million for significant breaches of its licence conditions and statutory duties.[18] Following a lengthy investigation, Ofwat concluded that Southern Water deliberately misreported data about the performance of its wastewater treatment works. The investigation concluded that Southern Water had failed: to have adequate systems of planning, governance and internal controls in place to manage its wastewater treatment works; to accurately report information about the performance of these works; and to properly carry out its statutory duties as a sewerage undertaker, to make provision for effectually dealing with and treating wastewater. Ofwat found that Southern Water's failure to operate its wastewater treatment works properly resulted in unpermitted and premature spills of wastewater from its treatment works, with wastewater being released into the environment before going through the required processes.
  • Following the investigation, Southern Water agreed to pay customers approximately £123 million by 2024, partly a payment of price review underperformance penalties the company avoided paying in the period 2010 to 2017 and some of which is a payment to customers for the failures found in Ofwat's investigation. In response to Ofwat's findings, Southern Water announced that following its own internal review, which highlighted multiple failures between 2010 and 2017, it was 'profoundly sorry' and 'working very hard to understand past failings and implement the changes required' to ensure it meets the standards its customers deserve.[19]
  • 2021[edit]
In 2020, Southern Water pleaded guilty to 51 offences related to polluting the water on the coasts of Kent and Sussex with untreated sewage between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2015.[20] It was described as "the worst case brought by the Environment Agency in its history." Over the period, the company made 8,400 illegal discharges of raw sewage into coastal waters. It also allowed storm tanks to be kept full and turn septic, instead of putting their contents through the required treatment process. In one plant alone, 746m litres were released into Southampton Water. Southern Water failed to report its illegal discharges to the regulator, but as the quality of shellfish on the Kent cost failed to meet quality standards due to the high levels of faecal contamination the Environment Agency began to investigate.[21][5] The company was fined £90m for deliberately dumping billions of litres of raw sewage into the sea and the judge stated that the offences had been committed deliberately by Southern Water's directors.[6"


We must be grateful to the pensioners in America and Canada whose pension companies have shares in these bankrupt water companies for allowing those water companies to dump raw sewage into the rivers and thence the sea (Water companies in England have faced a barrage of criticism as data revealed raw sewage was discharged for more than 3.6m hours into rivers and seas last year in a 105% increase on the previous 12 months, as well as that 38,000,000 tons of waste going annually into the River Thames from London).
The UK pollution going into the sea is killing the algae which provide 70% of oxygen for UK, France, Holland, Portugal, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

"Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, the world set a goal to keep warming at or below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times. The globe has now experienced 12 months with average monthly temperatures 1.58 degrees Celsius (2.8 degrees Fahrenheit) above the Paris threshold, according to Copernicus data.

In March, global sea surface temperature averaged 21.07 degrees Celsius (69.93 degrees Fahrenheit), the highest monthly value on record and slightly higher than what was recorded in February." Part of this increase in sea temperature is due to the floating sewage, which absorbs more heat from the sunlight than the sea.

Antarctica is losing 141,000,000,000 metric tons per year since 2002 of ice sheets and Greenland is losing about 270,000,000,000 tons per year which is adding to sea level rise.

It's important to remember that although the ocean produces at least 50% of the oxygen on Earth, roughly the same amount is consumed by marine life. Like animals on land, marine animals use oxygen to breathe, and both plants and animals use oxygen for cellular respiration.

Oxygen is produced by photosynthesizing organisms that live in the ocean, in fresh water, and on land. These organisms include bacteria, algae and plants. Photosynthesizing algae in the ocean produce around 70% of oxygen in the atmosphere.

End result is that the raw sewage and other pollutants going into the surrounding rivers is reducing the production of oxygen in the sea and those rivers.
Because Carbon Dioxide is not being changed into oxygen, then that causes global warming.
Since governments will do nothing about this then we are going to have not enough oxygen, high winds and rising sea levels.

Main Menu to Site Map of each Topic.
Topic Table normally in this position (but sometimes moved to the right hand side of the page) has the SAME CONTENTS in the SAME ORDER for every one of the remaining 9762 pages in the 212 Topic folders.

Plants detailed in this website by
Botanical Name

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
V, W, X, Y, Z ,
A1, 2, 3, B, C1, 2,
D, E, F, G, Glad,
H, I, J, K, L1, 2,
M, N, O, P, Q, R,
S, T, U, V, W, XYZ
Evergreen Perennial
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
V, W, X, Y, Z
Herbaceous Perennial
A1, 2, B, C, D, E, F,
G, H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, O, P1, 2, Q, R,
S, T, U, V, W, XYZ,
Diascia Photo Album,
UK Peony Index
Botanical Names
Common Names
will be compared in:-
Flower colour/month

Evergreen Perennial
Flower Shape
Wildflower Flower Shape
and Plant Use
Evergreen Perennial Flower Shape,
Bee plants for hay-fever sufferers
Bee-Pollinated Index
Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly Usage
of Plants.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, QR, S, T, UV,
Companion Planting
A ,B ,C ,D ,E ,F ,G ,
H ,I ,J ,K ,L ,M ,N ,
O ,P ,Q ,R ,S ,T ,
U ,V ,W , X, Y, Z
Pest Control using Plants
1000 Ground Cover
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
, I, J, K, L, M, N,
, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
, W, XYZ
Rock Garden and Alpine Flowers
Rock Plant Flowers
Rose Use
These 5 have Page links in rows below
Bulbs from the Infill Galleries (next row),
Camera Photos A 1,
Plant Colour Wheel Uses,
Sense of Fragrance,
Wild Flower

Case Studies
...Drive Foundations
Ryegrass and turf kills plants within Roadstone and in Topsoil due to it starving and dehydrating them.
CEDAdrive creates stable drive surface and drains rain into your ground, rather than onto the public road.
8 problems caused by building house on clay or with house-wall attached to clay.
work on polluted soil.

Companion Planting
to provide a Companion Plant to aid your selected plant or deter its pests


with ground drains

Garden Design
...How to Use the Colour Wheel Concepts for Selection of Flowers, Foliage and Flower Shape
...RHS Mixed

......Bedding Plants
......Her Perennials
......Other Plants
Flower Shape
Camera photos of Plant supports

Glossary with a tomato teaching cauliflowers
Library of over 1000 books
Offbeat Glossary with DuLally Bird in its flower clock.

Chalk (Alkaline) Soil A-F1, A-F2,
A-F3, G-L, M-R,
M-R Roses, S-Z
Heavy Clay Soil
A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z
Lime-Free (Acid) Soil A-F, G-L, M-R,
in Light Sand Soil
A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z.
...Poisonous Plants.
...Extra Plant Pages
with its 6 Plant Selection Levels

Interaction between 2 Quartz Sand Grains to make soil
How roots of plants are in control in the soil
Without replacing Soil Nutrients, the soil will break up to only clay, sand or silt
Subsidence caused by water in Clay
Use water ring for trees/shrubs for first 2 years.

Tool Shed with 3 kneeling pads
Useful Data with benefits of Seaweed

Topic -
Plant Photo Galleries

If the plant type below has flowers, then the first gallery will include the flower thumbnail in each month of 1 of 6 or 7 flower colour comparison pages of each plant in its subsidiary galleries, as a low-level Plant Selection Process
...by Flower Shape

...Allium/ Anemone
...Colchicum/ Crocus
...Gladiolus with its 40 Flower Colours
......European A-E
......European F-M
......European N-Z
......European Non-classified
......American A,
B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, O, P, Q, R, S,
T, U, V, W, XYZ
......American Non-classified
......Australia - empty
...Hippeastrum/ Lily
...Late Summer
Each of the above ...Bulb Galleries has its own set of Flower Colour Pages
...Flower Shape
...Bulb Form

...Bulb Use

...Bulb in Soil

Further details on bulbs from the Infill Galleries:-
Hardy Bulbs



...Forcing Lily of the Valley



...Hyacinths in Pots


...Lilium in Pots
...Narcissi in Pots



Half-Hardy Bulbs



Uses of Bulbs:-
for Bedding
in Windowboxes
in Border
naturalized in Grass
in Bulb Frame
in Woodland Garden
in Rock Garden
in Bowls
in Alpine House
Bulbs in Greenhouse or Stove:-




Plant Bedding in

Bulb houseplants flowering inside House during:-
Bulbs and other types of plant flowering during:-
Selection of the smaller and choicer plants for the Smallest of Gardens with plant flowering during the same 6 periods as in the previous selection

Climber in
3 Sector Vertical Plant System
Deciduous Shrub
...Shrubs - Decid
Deciduous Tree
...Trees - Decid
Evergreen Perennial is to compare every plant in this website, starting from July 2022
...P-Evergreen A-L
...P-Evergreen M-Z
...Flower Shape
Evergreen Shrub
...Shrubs - Evergreen
...Heather Shrub
...Heather Index
......Erica: Carnea
......Erica: Cinerea
......Erica: Others
Evergreen Tree
...Trees - Evergreen

...P -Herbaceous
...Flower Shape
...RHS Wisley
......Mixed Border
......Other Borders
Odds and Sods

...RHS Wisley A-F
...RHS Wisley G-R
...RHS Wisley S-Z
...Rose Use - page links in row 6. Rose, RHS Wisley and Other Roses rose indices on each Rose Use page
...Other Roses A-F
...Other Roses G-R
...Other Roses S-Z
Pruning Methods
Photo Index
R 1, 2, 3
Peter Beales Roses
RV Roger

Soft Fruit
Top Fruit

Wild Flower and
Butterfly page links are in next row

Topic -
Butterflies in the UK mostly use native UK wildflowers.

Butterfly Species.

Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly Usage
of Plants.

Plant Usage by
Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly.

Wild Flower
...Flower Shape of all wildflower/ cultivated plants with Landscape USA Uses

7 Flower Colours per month and
UK Plant Uses
with its
flower colour page,
Site Map page in its flower colour NOTE Gallery
...Blue Note
....Scented Flower, Foliage, Root
....Story of their Common Names
....Use of Plant with Flowers
....Use for Non-Flowering Plants
....Edible Plant Parts
....Flower Legend
....Flowering plants of Chalk and Limestone Page 1, Page 2
....Flowering plants of Acid Soil Page 1
...Brown Botanical Names
....Food for

...Cream Common Names
....Coastal and Dunes
....Sandy Shores and Dunes
...Green Note

...Mauve Note
....Grassland - Acid, Neutral, Chalk
...Multi-Cols Note
....Heaths and Moors
...Orange Note
....Hedgerows and Verges
...Pink A-G Note
....Lakes, Canals and Rivers
...Pink H-Z Note
....Marshes, Fens,

...Purple Note
....Old Buildings and Walls
...Red Note
...White A-D Note
....Shingle Beaches, Rocks and Cliff Tops
...White E-P Note
...White Q-Z Note
....Number of Petals
...Yellow A-G Note
...Yellow H-Z Note
....Poisonous Parts
...Shrub/Tree Note
....River Banks and
other Freshwater Margins

Wildflower Plants.

You know its name, use
Wild Flower Plant Index a-h, i-p, q-z.
You know which habitat it lives in, use
Acid Soil,
(Chalk) Soil
Marine Soil,
Neutral Soil,
is a
is a
is a
Rush, or
is a
You have seen its flower, use Comparison Pages containing Wild Flower Plants and Cultivated Plants in the
Colour Wheel Gallery.

Each plant named in each of the 180 Wildflower Family Pages within their 23 Galleries may have a link to:-
1) its Plant Description Page in its Common Name column in one of those Wildflower Plant Galleries and will have links,
2) to external sites to purchase the plant or seed in its Botanical Name column,
3) to see photos in its Flowering Months column and
4) to read habitat details in its Habitat Column.

Adder's Tongue
Bog Myrtle
Cornel (Dogwood)
Crucifer (Cabbage/Mustard) 1
Crucifer (Cabbage/Mustard) 2
Daisy Cudweeds
Daisy Chamomiles
Daisy Thistle
Daisy Catsears Daisy Hawkweeds
Daisy Hawksbeards
Dock Bistorts
Dock Sorrels
Filmy Fern
Royal Fern
Figwort - Mulleins
Figwort - Speedwells
Grass 1
Grass 2
Grass 3
Grass Soft
Bromes 1

Grass Soft
Bromes 2

Grass Soft
Bromes 3

Jacobs Ladder
Lily Garlic
Marsh Pennywort
Melon (Gourd/Cucumber)
Orchid 1
Orchid 2
Orchid 3
Orchid 4
Clover 1

Clover 2

Clover 3

Peaflower Vetches/Peas
Pink 1
Pink 2
Rannock Rush
Rose 1
Rose 2
Rose 3
Rose 4
Rush Woodrushes
Saint Johns Wort
Saltmarsh Grasses
Sea Lavender
Sedge Rush-like
Sedges Carex 1
Sedges Carex 2
Sedges Carex 3
Sedges Carex 4
Tassel Pondweed
Thyme 1
Thyme 2
Umbellifer 1
Umbellifer 2
Water Fern
Water Milfoil
Water Plantain
Water Starwort

Topic -
The following is a complete hierarchical Plant Selection Process

dependent on the Garden Style chosen
Garden Style
...Infill Plants
...12 Bloom Colours per Month Index
...12 Foliage Colours per Month Index
...All Plants Index
...Cultivation, Position, Use Index
...Shape, Form

Topic -

All Flowers 53 with
...Use of Plant and
Flower Shape
- page links in bottom row

All Foliage 53
instead of redundant
...(All Foliage 212)

All Flowers
per Month 12

Bee instead of wind pollinated plants for hay-fever sufferers
All Bee-Pollinated Flowers
per Month

Rock Garden and Alpine Flowers
Rock Plant Flowers 53

...Rock Plant Photos

Flower Colour Wheel without photos, but with links to photos
12 Bloom Colours
per Month Index

...All Plants Index

Topic -
Use of Plant in your Plant Selection Process

Plant Colour Wheel Uses
1. Perfect general use soil is composed of 8.3% lime, 16.6% humus, 25% clay and 50% sand, and
2. Why you are continually losing the SOIL STRUCTURE so your soil - will revert to clay, chalk, sand or silt.
Uses of Plant and Flower Shape:-
...Foliage Only
...Other than Green Foliage
...Trees in Lawn
...Trees in Small Gardens
...Wildflower Garden
...Attract Bird
...Attract Butterfly
, 2
...Climber on House Wall
...Climber not on House Wall
...Climber in Tree
...Pollution Barrier
...Part Shade
...Full Shade
...Single Flower provides Pollen for Bees
, 2, 3
...Covering Banks
...Patio Pot
...Edging Borders
...Back of Border
...Adjacent to Water
...Bog Garden
...Tolerant of Poor Soil
...Not Fragrant
...Standard Plant is 'Ball on Stick'
...Upright Branches or Sword-shaped leaves
...Plant to Prevent Entry to Human or Animal
...Coastal Conditions
...Tolerant on North-facing Wall
...Cut Flower
...Potted Veg Outdoors
...Potted Veg Indoors
...Raised Bed Outdoors Veg
...Grow in Alkaline Soil A-F, G-L, M-R,
...Grow in Acidic Soil
...Grow in Any Soil
...Grow in Rock Garden
...Grow Bulbs Indoors

Uses of Bedding
...Bedding Out
...Filling In
...Pots and Troughs
...Window Boxes
...Hanging Baskets
...Spring Bedding
...Summer Bedding
...Winter Bedding
...Foliage instead of Flower
...Coleus Bedding Photos for use in Public Domain 1

Uses of Bulb
...Other than Only Green Foliage
...Bedding or Mass Planting
...Tolerant of Shade
...In Woodland Areas
...Tolerant of Poor Soil
...Covering Banks
...In Water
...Beside Stream or Water Garden
...Coastal Conditions
...Edging Borders
...Back of Border or Back-ground Plant
...Fragrant Flowers
...Not Fragrant Flowers

...Grow in a Patio Pot
...Grow in an Alpine Trough
...Grow in an Alpine House
...Grow in Rock Garden
...Speciman Plant
...Into Native Plant Garden
...Naturalize in Grass
...Grow in Hanging Basket
...Grow in Window-box
...Grow in Green-house
...Grow in Scree
...Naturalized Plant Area
...Grow in Cottage Garden
...Attracts Butterflies
...Attracts Bees
...Resistant to Wildlife
...Bulb in Soil:-
......Lime-Free (Acid)

Uses of Rose
Rose Index

...Bedding 1, 2
...Climber /Pillar
...Cut-Flower 1, 2
...Exhibition, Speciman
...Grow In A Container 1, 2
...Hedge 1, 2
...Climber in Tree
...Edging Borders
...Tolerant of Poor Soil 1, 2
...Tolerant of Shade
...Back of Border
...Adjacent to Water

Topic -
Camera Photo Galleries showing all 4000 x 3000 pixels of each photo on your screen that you can then click and drag it to your desktop as part of a Plant Selection Process:-

RHS Garden at Wisley

Plant Supports -
, 2, 3, 8, 11,
12, 13,
Plants 4, 7, 10,
Bedding Plants 5,
Plant Supports for Unknown Plants 5
Clematis Climbers 6,
the RHS does not appear to either follow it's own pruning advice or advice from The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers by George E. Brown.
ISBN 0-571-11084-3 with the plants in Pages 1-7 of this folder. You can see from looking at both these resources as to whether the pruning carried out on the remainder of the plants in Pages 7-15 was correct.

Narcissus (Daffodil) 9,
Phlox Plant Supports 14, 15

Coleus Bedding Foliage Trial - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, Index

National Trust Garden at Sissinghurst Castle
Plant Supports -
Pages for Gallery 1

with Plant Supports
1, 5, 10
2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,
11, 12
Recommended Rose Pruning Methods 13
Pages for Gallery 2
with Plant Supports
Plants 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Dry Garden of
RHS Garden at
Hyde Hall

Plants - Pages
without Plant Supports
Plants 1
, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Nursery of
Peter Beales Roses
Display Garden

Roses Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13

Nursery of
RV Roger

Roses - Pages
V76,Z77, 78,

Damage by Plants in Chilham Village - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4

Pavements of Funchal, Madeira
Damage to Trees - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13
for trees 1-54,
14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
for trees 55-95,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
36, 37,
for trees 95-133,
38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
for trees 133-166

Chris Garnons-Williams
Work Done - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13

Identity of Plants
Label Problems - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

Ron and Christine Foord - 1036 photos only inserted so far - Garden Flowers - Start Page of each Gallery
AB1 ,AN14,BA27,

Plant with Photo Index of Ivydene Gardens - 1187
A 1, 2, Photos - 43
B 1, Photos - 13
C 1, Photos - 35
D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Photos - 411
with Plants causing damage to buildings in Chilham Village and Damage to Trees in Pavements of Funchal
E 1, Photos - 21
F 1, Photos - 1
G 1, Photos - 5
H 1, Photos - 21
I 1, Photos - 8
J 1, Photos - 1
K 1, Photos - 1
L 1, Photos - 85
with Label Problems
M 1, Photos - 9
N 1, Photos - 12
O 1, Photos - 5
P 1, Photos - 54
Q 1, Photos -
R 1, 2, 3,
Photos - 229
S 1, Photos - 111
T 1, Photos - 13
U 1, Photos - 5
V 1, Photos - 4
W 1, Photos - 100
with Work Done by Chris Garnons-Williams
X 1 Photos -
Y 1, Photos -
Z 1 Photos -
Articles/Items in Ivydene Gardens - 88
Flower Colour, Num of Petals, Shape and
Plant Use of:-
Rock Garden
within linked page

Topic -
Fragrant Plants:-

Sense of Fragrance from Roy Genders
Fragrant Plants:-
Trees and Shrubs with Scented Flowers
, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for an Acid Soil
, 2, 3, 4
Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for a
Chalky or Limestone Soil
, 2, 3, 4
Shrubs bearing Scented leaves for a
Sandy Soil
, 2, 3
Herbaceous Plants with Scented Flowers
, 2, 3
Annual and Biennial Plants with Scented Flowers or Leaves
, 2
Bulbs and Corms with Scented Flowers
, 2, 3, 4, 5
Scented Plants of Climbing and Trailing Habit
, 2, 3
Winter-flowering Plants with Scented Flowers
, 2
Night-scented Flowering Plants
, 2

Topic -
Website User Guidelines

My Gas Service Engineer found Flow and Return pipes incorrectly positioned on gas boilers and customers had refused to have positioning corrected in 2020.

is TABLE 3

HOME PAGES - Use this website in Landscape mode on an iPAD instead of an iPHONE, when away from home.
Welcome - Ivydene Gardens informs you how to design, construct and maintain your private garden using organic methods and companion planting.
About Chris Garnons-Williams - About Chris Garnons-Williams, with my
Mission Purpose - Mission Statement,
Contact Chris Garnons-Williams - Contact Information (Never Fail Cake Recipe),
Website Design History - Website Design History and
Copyright Permissions - Copyright Permissions.
Site Map - Ivydene Gardens Site Map - usually each of the educational not commercial 212 topics (none of these 212 linked websites sell or buy anything, nor do they take or give commission, and the only adverts are of products/services that I believe would benefit my visitors and are inserted by me) has its own Site Map, which is normally the first page of that Topic linked to from other topics.
Every page should have 3 separate tables - the Topics Table, the Data Table and the Pages/Index Table.
Each page has its own resources and is not data-base driven, so can be downloaded - downloading the whole website of 20.44 GB (3 Dec 2021) annually, with pages being between 1200 and over 6000 pixels wide and between 16k and over 33k long would provide you with an updating resource when either visiting a garden or planning your own. Usually 3 or 4 clicks gets you to any page in these 9763 pages in these folders from any other page.
Usually the top gallery of a plant type has all the flower images of that and the subsidiary galleries in 1 of 6 colours per month pages, with that flower thumbnail being in each month page that it flowers.
Clicking on the middle of that thumbnail will transfer you to that flower's page or row in data table within that page description; and
its link - the link may not work the day after it was created - to a mail-order nursery selling you that plant directly should be in the Comments row of that Plant Description Page.
The majority of the original images in this website are inserted, published in Freeway which produces a 72 pixel per inch Freeway image. This is exported to a File, and the image published by Freeway replaced by the re-imported Freeway image file as a pass-through image; before that is published again and the resulting folder website uploaded for visitors. The lower resolution speeds up the display of the 28,398 JPEG images - some of these images are re-used in different comparison pages of different galleries and therefore added to the resources of each of those galleries (6,508 images have garnons williams or garnons-williams as the ending of the filename and those can go in the public domain as of 5 June 2019, but all the remainder are
copyrighted by others and may not be re-used elsewhere without the permission of the copyright holder).
Camera photos of Coleus RHS Bedding Trial starts the process of displaying the complete 4000 x 3000 pixel original photos from Chris Garnons-Williams. Since each photo can be 3.5-6.0 Mb and there may be 11 of these on a page; each page may take a long time to download .

Page Menu may also have
an Index (
Flower Colour, Flowering Months, Height and Width) of all plants of that type in that Topic - Plant Photo Gallery.

Besides informing you how to


Monitoring of Trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira from September 2019 to February 2020 1, 2
after the pages below were produced in 2018 and 2019

Problems with trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira in January/February 2018

Death of tree roots and
Death of tree trunks/branches caused by people.
Solution to problems for trees caused by people using irrigation -
Growth of Pollarded Tree in Hotel Garden in 1 year provides a water solution to this destruction.
Damage to Tree Trunks 1, 2, 3, 4 caused by people,
Damage to Tree Roots caused by people,
Area of Open Ground round trees,
New Trees in pavements 1, 2,
Irrigation of current trees,
Watersprouts on trees,
Crossing Branches in trees,
Utility Equipment with tree Foliage,
Lights on trees,
Bycycle Lane in Pavement,
Public Gardens alongside pavements,
Hotel/Private Gardens alongside pavements,
Current Permeable Pavement Surface round trees and
Irrigation and Fertilising of trees.
Camera Photo Galleries:-
Pavements of Funchal, Madeira
Damage to Trees
, 2, 3, 4.
Will visitors to Madeira worry about having branches or trees in public places fall on them? No; according to Engineer Francisco Pedro Freitas Andrade of Est. Marmeleiros, No 1, Jardins & Espaces Verdes who is Chef de Diviso Câmara Municipal do Funchal; Departamento de Ciência e de Recursos Naturais; Divisão de Jardins e Espaços Verdes Urbanos in charge of the trees within the pavements within the area controlled by Funchal Municipality - See Monitoring of Trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira from September 2019 to February 2010 1, 2 pages by his department.

Demise of trees in pavements in St. Peter Port, Guernsey caused by people, to their Roots


Britain runs out of food during summer of 2024. If a worker is on State Benefits and is only allowed to work up 15 hours 59 minutes a week at minimum wage, then with these extra new border control food charges it will cost that person 12% of their gross wage each week and 12% extra if they are supporting their child; from 30 April 2024.


8 problems caused by building house on clay or
with house-wall attached to clay.
work on polluted soil.
is about warnings of the government in the UK turning its population into slaves.


TABLE SOS where the action of humans breathing produces carbon dioxide and the trees/plants/algae cannot process that; because we either cover the roots in concrete/tarmac or kill the algae in the sea from the phosphorus in the human produced sewage. So we are slowly asphixiating ourselves in the UK.
The level of oxygen refers to the amount of oxygen present in the atmosphere or water. Oxygen is produced by photosynthesizing organisms that live in the ocean, in fresh water, and on land. These organisms include bacteria, algae and plants. Photosynthesizing algae in the ocean produce around 70% of oxygen in the atmosphere. The UK pollution going into the sea is killing the algae which provide 70% of oxygen for UK, France, Holland, Portugal, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
Row 7 in last table on the right in Black Background - Welcome to the UK (Urinating Knave) with details of UK government backed pollution of millions of tons per year into its rivers; which the sea transported across the Channel to Europe killing marine life and humans.
Pollution is biggest threat to Wildlife on our UK waterways.
Photo of permanent air pollution over London.




These remaining items are of no interest to people outside the UK,
but will affect you,
if have property in the UK or
intend to reside in the UK for longer than 1 week.

Medway Proposed New School Comments in September 2019

Neighbour cutting branches off our trees without Conservation Area permission and attempting to sink our house with 1000's of litres of their sewage by blocking the drain to our cesspit. For the following week, they continued to download their sewage after we had written to them stating that the cesspit was full and that the drain was blocked.

Gas explosion from incorrectly installed home boiler, with other customers refusing to correct the situation.
Other items in the Home Section which have nothing to do with gardening, but reading them might deter you from visiting Great Britain; or employing its workforce; or trusting its local or main government.

Problems with electrical re-wire in my home, with the knowledge after the event that the client can do nothing about it, since NAPIT requires you to re-use the same contractor to fix the problems.
Would you; after reading these pages? Manderson emails to us about re-wire.
We wrote the
concerns about the electrical work on 21.03.21;
Questions concerning electrics on 21.03.21 and
re-wire narrative on 19.04.2021
which had no effect on the credit card company or NAPIT. So we commisioned the following report to see if that will make any difference.
Pages 10, 11, 12, 13 contain information concerning the condition of the electrical installation of the complete rewiring of my home by Mr Manderson of Manderson Electrical Services Ltd, with the report by a qualified electrician and this statement about the work carried out:-
"The result of my observations and testing, I am recommending that all the fixed wiring be recovered and a complete new fixed wiring installation is installed. Unfortunately the work previously carried out is of such a poor standard I cannot re-use any of it."
Mr Manderson is a Part P Registered Electrician with Napit; Registered Competent Person Electrical; Approved Electrician from Napit; City & Guilds Qualified; Part P Electrical Safety; and Honest & Transparent. His firm was employed to replace all the wiring, power sockets, light switches and lights and make sure that rodents could not attack them to chew through the cables or cause an
electrical problem.
Pages 10 lists 18 electrical faults on the new wiring, re-use of the old wiring, and old wiring that was still either in use or had been cut at the old power socket, at the old light fitting, or old light switch (the plasterers filled an old power socket metal box and short-circuited the fuse - it will be fine in 30 minutes sir; 4 hours later it was still shorting, so presumably that would explain why they switched off one of the fuses in the old fuseboard - see photo on page 15 of the report. As clients; we do appreciate having the opportunity of electrocuting ourselves from their re-wire work) where

  • fault 2 is a Code C1 'Danger Present' and immediate action is required from March 2021, (the electricians testing 2 of the double power sockets installed in the kitchen in 1987 found that they were polarity reversed. This risks a short circuit, shock or fire. They corrected the problem immediately)
  • Faults 4, 12, 14 and 18 are Code C2 and Urgent remedial action required,
  • Faults 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 are Code C3 where improvement is recommended

Because we had paid part of the cost to Manderson Electrical Services Ltd using a credit card, then after we had contacted them and sent the report, the credit card company re-imbursed us. We then used that money towards a total removal of all wiring and total rewiring by the electrician who had produced the report.

The above was a pointless waste of time - we have now had the house completely rewired again without any recompense from the original contractor's lies, thiefery and extremely dangerous work with the government body Napit being no help at all. The unfortunate consequence of either buying a house or having anything done to it is that you the owner can and will be totally screwed by the majority of the British Workforce.

I have looked at a job of the third replacement of turf in a back garden of a new house. The back garden was clay and sloped down to the house - that house will have subsidence problems within 10 years. The only way that it might save itself is to rip up the lawn and plant shrubs that will absorb every drop of rain that falls on that garden -
you are not allowed to either drain into the storm drain of the house which is what takes the rain from the roof of the house/garage or
drain the rainwater from your garden to outside your property onto either public land or into somebody else's property.
I refused the job and told the owner to get onto the builders to rectify their error.
Since builders are repeating the same error on a massive scale in Ashford, the poor owners of new £500,000 houses are going to be upset.

Table M-A

The UK Labour or Conservative government has been humiliating, degrading and dehumanizing its population for over 40 years , without its population realising by using
Softly, Softly, catchee monkey tactics

Table M

The UK Labour or Conservative government has been humiliating, degrading and dehumanizing its population for over 40 years , without its population realising by using
Softly, Softly, catchee monkey (Means 1. Proceed cautiously or gently to achieve an objective and 2. Capture a target without startling it and causing it to run away):-

Table M-B

The UK Labour or Conservative government has been humiliating, degrading and dehumanizing its population for over 40 years , without its population realising by using
Softly, Softly, catchee monkey

HISTORY OF THIS followed by




HISTORY OF THIS. If the UK government want to have private health care service rather than the National Health Service, then it will continue the process of

  • " what happenned in the Miners' Strike of 1984-5 where the Thatcher Government attempted to close the collieries, break the miners' union and the labout movement in general, and open the way to a free market economy in which deregulated financial capitalism would be set free by the Big Bang of 1986. The defeat of the strike led very quickly to the closure of most coal mines, a general de-industrialisation of the economy, the rapid privatisation of nationalised industries including the water boards, the shattering of organised labour, growing unemployment, the hollowing out of mining and other working-class communities, and a steady increase in social inequality in British Society. It marked the dismantling of workers' protections and the rise of the gig economy."
  • Since 2010 the UK government has reduced the effective pay of people in the National Health Service as well as in the Education System, etc, by giving below annual inflation pay rises; to the extent that nurses and teachers cannot afford to both eat and heat their homes. 1 in 4 teachers bring food to school to support hungry children in September 2023.
  • Doctors are still trying to get a 35% pay increase but will not succeed as the government have managed to squash the nurses request for higher pay earlier in 2023. The doctors can now be sacked for not carrying out a work notice whilst on their days of strike - 4 in 10 junior doctors (40%) are actively planning to leave the NHS as soon as they can find another job, a survey from the BMA has revealed in 29 December 2022.
  • The waiting list for hospital treatment rose to a record of nearly 7.5 million in May 2023. The 18-week treatment target has not been met since 2016. Data from the latest General Medical Council workforce report published in 2022 shows that a total of 4,843 doctors left the UK to work abroad between May 2021 and May 2022.
  • Tourists will benefit by more than 12 hour wait to be seen in A&E at Hospital and more than a 18 months wait for routine treatment in Hospital, because they have swum - or eaten the fish caught by them - in the UK rivers or seas alongside the UK. Unfortunately with nurses, doctors and consultants leaving, then there is not the staff to execute these functions and since they can get more when out of England, that is where they will go, making the situation worse and worse.
  • With the doctors leaving, then there are fewer doctors in hospitals for these 7.5 million people to see and the number of doctors and nurses leaving is going to increase, so then to get treated the patient has to go to the private sector.
  • The more that go to the private sector and the more personnel who leave NHS - where its RAAC concrete has shut units and operating theatres in hospitals making a backlog of £10,200,000,000 to either rebuild or replace those defective areas - the easier it is to gradually creep all services of the NHS into the private sector.

    Before the next election in 2024, the NHS and education system will have collapsed - as intended.
    GPs receive about £15 billion or 8 per cent of the NHS budget instead of required11% - but it will be a managed decline of general practice,
    which is partly to do with my GP practice having to pay the PFI charge (Public Finance Initiative pays for new schools, hospitals, roads, housing, prisons , military equipment and accommodation) on the rooms it uses during their period of the 25-year-long contract. When the GP's are instructed to provide other services, then that GP practice has to pay for the extra staff, equipment and the PFI charge on the extra rooms it requires, from within its existing budget.
    PFI companies and their shareholders have been given a watertight guarantee that they will receive payments and a return on their investment. In short, expenditure on staff, equipment and other capital projects can be cut by a trust, but not their PFI payments.
    Two-tier system is replacing NHS care - The Care Quality Commission gave an example of a patient on benefits who pulled out a tooth because an NHS dentist could not be found. The person paid £1,200 on a credit card for private treatment, going without essential household items until the debt could be paid. During the last 3 years, I have endured my teeth continuing to fall out after their fillings fall out, or breaking, leaving me with 10 part teeth and 3 stumps, without seeing a dentist.

    In order to make it complete, then the UK government:-


TABLE SOS explains the relationship between algae in the oceans supplying 70% of the oxygen and humans using it to produce carbon dioxide. The UK pollution - for details of 6 pollutants is killing river and marine life; including that algae in the sea.
The following foreigners can continue to ignore the results from Surfers Against Sewage with
their real-time map to track sewage discharge and pollution risks around the UK - as they have for the last 30 years:-

  • American and Canadian old-age-pensioners supporting the UK water Companies in polluting our rivers and surrounding sea,
  • owners of UK property from China, with
  • offshore firm owners of 30,000 UK properties in London, so that social housing for the UK is not built instead,
  • fruit/vegetable producers and Electricity Generating Companies based in the European Union by cheating their UK customers,
  • American government trade officials with its USA/UK Trade Agreement, who wish to provide babyfood with arsenic for UK babies,
    and chlorine-washed chicken for the UK where this practice has been banned in the European Union,

    to enjoy visiting the UK where its government has been humiliating, degrading and dehumanizing its population for many years
    and the asphyxiation of the UK followed by the total destruction of home ownership for 32,000,000 UK citizens in England
    between October 2023 and February 2025.
    Voters have changed their minds to vote Labour instead of Conservative in Mid Bedfordshire and Tamworth not realising that Labour will also destroy any impediment stopping them building 1.5 million new homes without any new water reservoirs, without new sewage treatment plants, without the new pipe infrastructures for the mains water and the main drains/storm drains; leading to no water for these new homes and millions of extra tons of sewage dumped in the rivers and exported to Europe. So it does not matter if the Conservative or the Labour Party is elected in 2024, the result will become the same :-


It is a race as to whether the 6,450,000 UK workers - as from 20 July 2023 becoming economic slaves - will be
A.. sacked for striking for enough to live on - due to annual wage rises being exceeded by annual increases in local and main government taxes for last 13 years and for next 7.
B. will be able to afford to feed their family - 9.3 million have food insecurity in January 2023.

C. will be replaced by agency workers while striking,
D. will go to jail for protesting,
E. will be one of 50% of England who will get no water to drink,
F. will be sacked from GP's Surgeries due to number of GP's declining or Pharmicists catering to the NHS whose costs are exceeding revenue, leading to collapse of the National Health System,
before 2030.

  • A. If the customer strikes, then the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill (passed by House of Commons and House of Lords and given Royal assent on 20 July 2023) will kick in so you could be fired by ignoring a "work notice" ordering you to work on strike days for you in health, education, fire and rescue, transport, border security and nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste management. So the junior doctors and consultants strikes for 35% will get them fired and put them in jail.
  • B. A nurse has suffered a 20% real terms pay cut when compared to salary levels in 2010 and thus having to work a day a week unpaid; while starving in order to feed her children as 1 of the 9.3 million in the UK suffering food insecurity. If she or any member of the NHS goes on strike, she/he will be sacked (see Baroness O'Grady failed amendment to Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill in row 6 ).
    Their only recourse is to resign from their current employment and find a job outside of England.
    Average regular pay growth was
    7.6% for the private sector in February 2023, and 5.6% for the public sector. HMRC collected 9.9% more tax than in 2021-2022.
  • C. On 21 July 2022, new regulations came into force to repeal the prohibition on employment agencies providing staff to replace the strikers during the days when workers are striking.
  • D. The debt of the water companies is £46,231 million in Table Waste of Time in row 8. When they bleat to Ofwat, which is a non-ministerial UK government department, which has approved the creation of this debt for 30 years, that will be added to the National Debt to yield £2,025 million to be paid annually by the UK population for the next 30 years, and that still leaves that debt.
    When the water company
    do not supply water for 11 months of the year, the customer must continue to pay.
    If the customer complains then Government's Public Order Act 2023 will put them in jail.
  • E. 20 million homeless English before 2030 as a
    Minor inconvenience -
    West Midlands, London, Parts of the South West, East Midlands, East of England and South East regions of England are at risk of running out of water by 2030.
    Since the privatized water companies have
    not completed any new reservoirs, nor significantly reduced the water loss in their pipework or in the pipework between them and the customer's stop tap in the last 30 years, then the increase in the population comes as a surprise, so that the pressure falls below the minimum static head when more is being requested than can be supplied in that pipe.
    So the water companies use this escape clause without fixing the problem:-
    "Water companies should usually supply water at a minimum of seven metres static head, unless low pressure is due to drought or essential maintenance work. If the pressure falls below this for an hour or more on at least two occasions in a 28 day period, you're entitled to a payment or credit of £25. Only one payment of £25 can be made in any one financial year. " from Claiming Compensation from Water Companies.
    Schools are closed as water shortage hits South East; reported on 14 June 2023, due to their ancient pipework structure from their full reservoir not being able to transfer that extra water required.
    28 June 2023 we find that Thames Water who supply water and waste water services to 15 million in London and the southeast of England is in deep trouble. It will run out of water by 2030 - rainfall is exceeded by demand.
    Macquarie tripled Thames Water debts from £3.2 billion to £10.5 billion by 2017 to increase dividend payments to its shareholders. Ofwat approved. The utility, which counts one of Canada’s largest public pension funds among its top investors, has around £14,000,000,000 of debt on its balance sheet. The company said it had a “strong liquidity position,” including £4,400,000,000 ($5.6 billion) of cash.
    Medway in 2023 is over-abstracting water (as does India) from its chalk aquifers to provide water for these new houses:-
    Medway has a population of 274,015 in 2014. So 31092 / 274015 =0.113468 = 11.34% increase in population to drink the water. Southern Water have allowed for 15% increase in the water supply by 2035. When you add all the other houses/flats that have been built since 2014 in Medway and adjacent to it, it is more than likely than the increase in the population is over 15% already, 14 years before 2035." from Medway Proposed New School page for details on this population increase. There is nothing that the population of Medway can do about this running out of water.
    "Some local people have accused South East Water, which is majority owned by Australian and Canadian private equity funds, of failing to invest in infrastructure. It has paid £156m in dividends to shareholders over the past two years.
    "Yet around 20% of the average household bill of £400 goes on water company interest and dividend payments.
    In 2021, Southern Water accounts showed accumulated net debt of £5,100,000,000, and a remuneration package for the CEO worth over £1,000,000 (including a bonus of £550,900). The average annual Southern Water dividend payout over the last ten years is £57,000,000."
    "Since they were privatised 30 years ago, the UK's sewage-spilling water companies have paid out a staggering £72,000,000,000 in dividends, and not built a single reservoir.
    Perhaps naively, I thought dividends were paid out of profits, having made provision for necessary investments - but Pennon Group proudly boast about their policy of increasing dividends annually by 2% ahead of inflation (Consumer Price Inflation was 11.1% in October 2022), regardless of sewage spills, leaking pipes, and hose pipe bans. This is jaw-dropping insensitive to those of us vomiting after swimming in the River Dart." from Guy's News of Riverford Organic Farms on Monday 26th June 2023 - riverford.co.uk 01803 227227. Pennon Group own South West Water (See Table Waste of Time for its pollution in row 8), Bristol Water and Bournemouth Water. River Dart has higher than safe levels of 'forever chemicals' pollution. 4 out of the 5 chemical cocktails identified in English river sites from analysis of official Environment Agency Data contained banned - by the UK - toxic 'forever chemicals'.
    Because these bankrupt water businesses do not have the land or the money required to create the new infrastructure, then they will give up and get the UK government to take them over (if your business had debt of £5,100,000,000, then in the UK you con your customers to pay for the interest on it, not supply that paid-for product, then demand more money from your customers to fix the problem instead of using the dividend payments that you pay out to business shareholders, which is part of the reason for the debt being accrued over 30 years) as shown within pages in this Home topic.
  • F. If you exclude trainee GPs, there are 823 fewer Full-time equivalent GPs (2 GPs contracted to work half a week is only 1 Full-time Equivalent) now than there were in December 2019. The number of licensed doctors rose by 23,838 in 2022, with 11,319 leaving - a growing number of doctors plan to leave the profession due to burnout and dissatisfaction, the General Medical Council has warned in Metro of monday november 13 2023.
    160 Pharmacies have closed in last 2 years, Boots is closing 300 next year, putting further strain on remainder whose funding is not going up but their expenses are.
    That is why when people move house, they cannot find a GP and they may not have a pharmacist to get their medication; nor will have a reliable water supply within 7 years.

    At the end of August 2023, I will run out of an 8 week supply of medication for a pituary gland tumour, heart disease, cataracts, diabetes, water retention and respiratory problems:-
    My Patient Medication History per day
    1 of Digoxin 250microgram tablet
    1 twice a day of Ramipril 5mg capsule
    3 in morning of Spironolactone 25mg tablet
    1 on Monday only of Cabergoline 500microgram
    1 of Bisoprolol 10mg tablet
    1 of Atorvastatin 20mg tablet - increased to 2 in August 2023; not collected extra for this 8 week medication from pharmacy
    1 with breakfast and 1 with main meal; a day of Metformin 500mg tablet
    1 of Rivaroxaban 20mg tablet
    1 of Canagliflozin 100mg tablet
    1 eye drop in each eye of Travoprost 40 micrograms/ml eye drops

    Two 8 week supply prescriptions ago, the number of metformin was halved to 56 from the number of 1 in the morning and another in the evening as stated on the prescription, which I found out when I collected the medication. I got another prescription. On the last 8 week prescription request, I wrote that instead of 56 I needed 112, but the same problem was repeated. I collected the invalid prescription on 01/07/2023, so I got another prescription for the missing 56 Metformin. Some days later, I checked my prescription - see the valid prescription above - just before the appointment to oversee my diabetes with a nurse to find that it had still not been changed, so I got upset. I received a letter of no tolerance about that.

    I have no faith in what the staff will send as my prescription at the end of August 2023, so it is safer to not ask for it, and see which kills me first - a heart attack (from an increase of 30 to 60 beats/minute after Electrical Cardioversion at hospital, then that was reduced by 60 beats/minute by above medication), choke to death whilst asleep from my own phlegm, or the pituary tumour grows from its current size to interfere with my eye nerves to make me go blind and then exceed the spare space in the brain. Last time it took 8 years of Cabergolin to go from 20mm to less than 10mm and my pituary gland to get to a normal output. 6 months without that medicine by the request of the hospital consultant meant that the output had increased by over 15 times. He put me back onto the medication, which had reduced the output from over 3200 units - which is over 100 times the amount normally excreted by a man. Not many men can produce milk, so what else do you do with that instruction except produce a tumour?
    No further flying - after September 2023 - to Madeira to check on the trees in pavements to curb any further rise in the increase of 30 to 140 beats/minute heart rate by Medway Hospital, when I was calm and asleep during Cardioversion.

Table M-C

The UK Labour or Conservative government has been humiliating, degrading and dehumanizing its population for over 40 years , without its population realising by using
Softly, Softly, catchee monkey



where the government overspends by an average of £100,000,000,000 per year and increases the tax on its population during the last 13 years, while reducing the effective wage by allowing less than inflation pay rises per year.
Its slave population is now starving, malnourished and leached of its money to pay the increments on the yield from the increasing National Debt.
"By focussing on violations of human dignity, they address the question what it means for human beings all over the world to be degraded, humiliated and dehumanized. What do victims of slavery and torture, poverty and starvation, armed conflict and domestic violence, corporal and capital punishment, racism and genocide, arbitrary detention and enforced disappearance, rape and human trafficking have in common? In my opinion, it is the experience of absolute powerlessness which creates the feeling among the victims of certain gross human rights violations to have lost their dignity and humanity. As the slave holder exercises absolute power over slaves, the torturer, the rapist, the genocidaire, the trafficker exercises absolute power over their respective victims." from Humiliation, Degradation, Dehumanization - Human Dignity Violated from Library of Ethics and Applied Philosophy 24.
The UK government has been humiliating, degrading and dehumanizing its population for many years;
so that the Rule, Britannia!'s chorus (published in 1763 and still used by the UK Royal Navy and British Army) of
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: Britons never will be slaves" should be rewritten as
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: Britons have been enslaved by their government".

England will run

  • out of water,
  • have insufficient electricity and gas within 18 months
  • and its pollution poured into its rivers are killing marine life and humans in the UK and Europe.

This leads to loss of homes for 50% of the English population, because you cannot live without water:-

  • the use of slavery to force a senior care worker to reduce her working hours; because she needs more of her benefits from the UK government to be returned to her, so that both she and her daughter could eat, instead of only her daughter. The current Conservative Government will come to the next election with more of the population in the Benefit Slavery System, so making it easier to control the UK population.
  • Babies being given arsenic in their food without their mothers knowing in the USA. The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill - which could be given royal assent in January 2023 (unless we change our shopping habits) states that GMO food can be be sold to you without you knowing it. Then, it is likely that the UK will sign a trade deal with the USA. The UK would be flooded by USA produced baby food from HappyBABY, Beech-Nut, Earth's Best Organic, Gerber, Plum Organics from Campbell Soup Company, Parent's Choice from Walmart and Sprout Organic Foods. "A recent test of baby foods in the USA found that 95% contained toxic metals, with 73% containing traces of arsenic" detailed in Mission Statement Page. 'Recent studies have shown that even low concentrations of arsenic impair neurological function, particularly in children. This review will focus on the current epidemiological evidence of arsenic neurotoxicity in children and adults, with emphasis on cognitive dysfunction, including learning and memory deficits and mood disorders.' from The Effects of Arsenic Exposure on Neurological and Cognitive Dysfunction in Human and Rodent Studies. 'Cognitive dysfunction refers to deficits in attention, verbal and nonverbal learning, short-term and working memory, visual and auditory processing, problem solving, processing speed, and motor functioning.'
    My Comment - Babies given arsenic would probably not pay attention in class when they were older and end up not learning much.
    If warning Number 4 in Other Table 5 causes the EU not to trade with us - once the UK is no longer following all 3800 REULs, then it is likely that a trade deal with the USA might be signed. If Parliament have got this far in the process of getting the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Bill through in less than 3 months, then it could be law within another 3 months. Fears over chlorine-washed chicken and other US farming practices and 5 foods a US trade deal could bring to the UK are problems concerning this bill for the UK population in table 5 of Mission Statement page.
  • From The Times of Friday 3 March 2023 "Manufacturing involves the deployment of energy to turn raw materials into products, so in raising energy prices the government was making it significantly less attractive to do business here. Consider steelmakers. As of 2020/21 - before Russia invaded Ukraine - the cost per megawatt hour for steel producers was £25 in Germany and £29 in France - and £47 in the UK. Look through this prism and it is clear why so many steel producers have shut down (and continue to do so). It's not just cheap Chinese competition, the cost of energy makes it in essence impossible to make a profit. And you could the same about many industries. Why are battery makers so reluctant to build gigafactories in the UK? Well, making batteries is an energy-intensive process: far easier to locate in Sweden, where plentiful hydroelectricity makes for some of the lowest prices in the developed world.
    All of which brings us to the British Industry Supercharger. The policy is meant to undo some of that damage, shifting network costs and some other burdens like the emissions trading scheme away from intensive users.....For one thing, the politics of lumping extra costs on to household bills (which seems to be the plan) feels like a non-starter. For another, it's not clear how British energy costs can get much lower without much more investment in the grid.....
    But there is a bigger issue here. Most of human progress, from one industrial revolution to another, involved the deployment of ever greater quantities of energy."
    My comment - The windfall tax on renewables (wind and solar farms), biomass and nuclear power generators will be set at 45%, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced on Thursday. This will of course persuade the wind and solar farms to continue to invest and to generate electricity when 45% of the profit goes in tax in the UK, which they could have used to create more generators. This helps the UK to get to Net-Zero? But gas and coal electricity generators will be exempt.
    Problem solved by shifting the cost
    • onto the UK population: a 450% increase in the domestic gas bill from January 2022 to May 2023, for our domestic home.
    • Also onto business - a 422% increase in electricity bill for Tremorfa Superstore in Cardiff from £900 to £4,700 a month.
    • Add to this that all businesses, that use electricity will move out of the UK, including car battery chargers, or close down.
  • David Smith is Economics Editor of The Sunday Times published the following on October 4 2023:-
    "Nor was it the fact that, even on the new figures, GDP per head, a better measure of prosperity and economic progress, has not grown at all since the pre-pandemic final quarter of 2019, unless you count a 0.05 % rise over 3.5 years as growth. Real GDP per head in the latest quarter was lower than at the beginning of last year.
    On second thoughts, that is very troubling. The change in economic fortunes on this measure is extraordinary. In the past 15 years real GDP per head, that is adjusted for inflation, has risen by a mere 6%. That compares with a 42% rise over the previous 15 years. We may not have realised it at the time, but we were living in clover. The hard grind lay ahead.
    However, what was most on my mind was this: if you spend a lot on fighting the pandemic and in the process, increase government debt enormously, is 1.8% cumulative real GDP growth a good return? Again, there are some mind-blowing numbers. In cash terms, public sector net debt rose from £1,835,000,000,000 at the end of 2019 to 2,599,000,000,000 at the close of this year's second quarter - an increase of more than £760,000,000,000, or 42%.
    The accumulation of government debt since late 2019 is astonishing. More has been added than over the previous 9 years and that addition to debt since then is greater than the total of public sector debt in early 2009. Under Conservative chancellors since 2010, and there have been quite a few of them, the debt has risen by £1.500,000,000,000, or 148%.
    Diggng a little deeper into the GDP figures, government day-to-day spending as it affects those numbers (so excluding "transfer payments" such as state pensions) has risen by 8.5% since the eve of the pandemic. Capital spending by government has increased by 20.6% over the same period.
    If we then look at some of the traditional drivers of growth, such as consumer spending, it was 1% lower in the second quarter of this year than in the final 3 months of 2019. Exports have fared even worse and showed a fall of 5.4%.
    You may have already guessed what this implies, but I shall tell you anyway. If not for the expansion of government spending, GDP would still be below its level before the pandemic. Not much below, but below nonetheless. For all the celebrations of the latest figures, the private sector has yet to get back to where it was. Production industries are about 8% down on where they were.
    Perhaps we should not be too surprised by this. I mentioned the big expansion of government spending and debt. I also recently highlighted the figures for public and private sector employment. Public sector employment is up by about 400,000, or 7.5%, since late 2019. Private sector employment is down by roughly 500,000 over the same period. Some would say that the government has been doing exactly what governments should do in response to an economic crisis, by stepping into the breach. Whether it was intended or not, the government interventions of the past 3 years or so have been a classic Keynesian response. Some of it, like the 35% increase in health output in 2021, followed by 11% last year, was a response to the health crisis, driven by mass vaccination programme and test and trace. Other interventions, including the furlough scheme, took us into new territory.
    You will not have heard much reference to this Keynesian response in the speeches at the Tory conference in Manchester. You will have seen the restless longing for tax cuts and the hope for a return to the spirit of the Thatcher era. Her premiership was, of course, a game of 2 halves - higher taxes in the first, eye-catchingly lower ones in the second - and when she left office public sector net debt was 22% of GDP, not nudging 100%.
    You can't have your cake and eat it, even though this appears to have been the strategy of some recent prime ministers. You cannot have an economy that is more dependent on government spending, and a bigger state share of economic activity, and also expect a lower tax burden."
  • From April-August 2023 the UK government has overspent its tax collected by £70,000,000,000 and that is more than the National Debt of 1970. UK tax revenues will amount to around 37% of national income by the time of the next election in 2024. Conservative MP's want tax cuts (on 4 September 2023) in the Autumn 2023 Budget to win the next election, which leads to borrowing even more.
    Government Members of Parliament are financial idiots - unfortunately they cannot overcome financial self-deception; because the most costly mistakes are the ones that they cannot see. As a result, England has been truly and absolutely destroyed by their actions. If you are dwelling outside the UK and have business in the UK or anything else in the UK - God Help You.
    Goverment controlled HS2 is spending £1,000,000,000s and will never achieve the object of saving 36 minutes on a train journey from Birmingham to Euston when they are only paying to build
    (unless they are using the Public Finance Initiative leaving the unknowing UK public with a 25 year contract which we cannot pay as well as for everything else) for the journey to Old Oak Common station,
    and the government are not ordering trains for it as shown at the bottom of this row.
    Employ an MP to completely bankrupt you and not deliver the goods -
    Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers where they can only take short takeoff and vertical landing aircaft (STOVL aircaft) with 10 medium helicopters allowing the lift of a company of only 250 troops at one time at £1,000,000,000s of capital cost and another for aircraft and helicopters, and £100,000,000s of running costs.

    32,200,000 Income Tax payers in the UK in 2021 to 2022. UK general government gross debt was £2,445,200,000,000 at the end of Quarter 3 (July to September) 2022.
    At 4.38%, that is £107,099,760,000 interest per year, costing each taxpayer £3326.08 of that interest - on Saturday September 29 2023 the U.K. 30 Year Gilt was 4.901%, which is £119,839,252,000 interest per year, which is £12,739,492,000 more, costing each tax payer another £395.64.
    "The National Debt has tripled since 2000, is on course to triple again by the 2070s. Hughes said the cost of serving debt had more than doubled and "is now second to the NHS as a spending item"" from The Times Friday September 29 2023.
    Net Financing Requirement for the Debt Management Office was
    £124,600,000,000 in 2021-22 and £147,900,000,000 in 2022-23.
    The debt financing of 2022-2023 used 18.80% of what the HMRC collected,
    or that was added to the National Debt spiralling it out of control.
  • Local authorities are also overspending and going bankrupt.
    Central government funding to local authorities has been cut by about 60% since 2010. All in all, councils' spending power fell, on average, by about 29% in real terms over the period. 26 local authorities could issue section 114 notice (declared backruptcy, in council speak) in the next 2 years.
    Medway Local Council - 'Medway Council ‘very likely’ to declare bankruptcy' as stated by Local Authority on 22 September 2023:- "An S114 is issued when a council cannot balance their budget, and is effectively a signal of bankruptcy. Councils issuing an S114 need to stop almost all non-essential spending, drop essential spending to the bare minimum, reduce capital spending, freeze recruitment, and seek new ways to maximise income. In this worst case scenario, Medway Council would need to reduce spending to only the bare minimum of statutory services: children’s and adult social care, education, housing and planning, waste collection, libraries, and road maintenance. Anything else, from leisure facilities to park maintenance to arts and culture would all be off the table. The authority faces a £17m budget deficit this year, and only £10m left available in reserves. The budget deficit is forecast at £39m deficit for next year, rising to £72m by the 2027/28 financial year. Medway Council’s Medium Term Financial Outlook 2023-2028 document now rates the risk of this happening as AII, meaning it is now ‘very likely’ and the impact of doing so would be ‘major’.
    Kent County Council - are going bankrupt this financial year. Kent County Council’s external auditor warned last month that it faced a potential section 114 notice due to its “perilous financial position” - report dated 29 Aug, 2023.

Currently, the UK is rapidly becoming bankrupt where its tax collected will be going to pay only the interest on its National Debt, while:-

  • its RAAC concrete schools and hospitals - their backlog of £10,200,000,000 is how much would be needed to restore a hospital to a certain state based on a state of assessed risk criteria. It does not include planned maintenance work (rather, it is work that should already have taken place and hospital units had to be shut and hospital theatres closed) - collapse since their school rebuilding fund was withdrawn in 2010 and the UK education infrastructure capital budget has been halved since its peak in 2010.
  • Estonia is among countries that could house British prisoners under plans to rent spare capacity abroad to tackle chronic overcrowing in UK jails. This year the Ministry of Justice activated an emergency procedure of using 400 police cells due to the lack of space in prisons. Official projections on prison population figures predict that by December 2023 there will be 89,100 prisoners, surpassing the available capacity. The prison population is estimated to grow from its present level of 87,000 to 106,000 by 2027. The government's pledge to build 20,000 new prison places, which was a key Conservative manifest pledge at the 2019 election, has been quietly dropped. Less than half of these places will have been delivered by March 2025, according to Ministry of Justice projections. Plans for new prisons in Lancashire, Leicestershire and Buckinghamshire have all been affected by problems getting planning permission. It is quite likely that the extra prison population would not demonstrate Nutrient neutrality. This is the demonstration of zero additional nutrient contribution to rivers, estuaries and wetlands - in other words showing that a proposed development won't add to the current nutrient load, or may even reduce it (see article about it in the previous column. This UK goverment has been in power since 2010, why have new prisons not been built during that time to take the projected numbers?
  • How the motor industry and electric vehicle experts reacted to Rishi Sunak's move to delay the 2030 ban on sales of new petrol and diesel cars, when they invest in England and see their investment in motor industry disappear by 2030 like the South Sea Bubble.
  • Homeless because water in Southern Water for homes will run out before 2030, since no new reservoirs have been built during the increase in UK population of 10,000,000. With the chemical pollution in every river, is our drinking water safe?
    Net Storage level in Wimbleball Reservoir in South West Water is currently only 20% (17 October 2022) whereas a year ago it was about 68%. The total Storage of the 5 largest reservoirs in South West Water is currently 30% whereas last year that was 70%.
    Southern Water Authority is responsible for water undertakings in Medway from 1973. "Twenty-five years from now we will have lost a third of our water sources through climate change,
  • seen a reduction in the amount of water we are allowed to take from rivers and underground sources, and 
  • our population will have grown by 15%.
    Without action, we predict a supply and demand deficit by 2030 equivalent to around 50% of our current supply. Our Plan proposes 43 performance commitments for the five-year period from 2020 to 2025, directly aligned to 10 key outcomes to create a resilient water future." from Southern Water.
  • Around 30% of water being lost through leaks is actually within customers’ homes or gardens.
  • In 2020-21 England and Wales water companies leaked 51 litres of water per person per day in bringing the water to the pipe junction outside your property while in Scotland and Northern Ireland this figure was above 80 litres of water.

    "Nutrient neutrality is the demonstration of zero additional nutrient contribution to rivers, estuaries and wetlands - in other words showing that a proposed development won't add to the current nutrient load, or may even reduce it. Excess nutrients typically come from agriculture and sewage treatment works, and while they can come from private treatment plants, a January 2022 report from the Environmental Audit Committee (EAC) did not identify homebuilding as a major contributor. If these nutrient levels are too high, then an area might be deemed by Natural England to be unsuitable for development because excess nutrients can cause seasonal algae bloom, which restricts the growth, distribution and variety of food and oxygen for the complex network of river ecology. Growing fears over river pollution in the UK led the EAC to warn in January, 2022, that a “chemical cocktail of sewage, agricultural waste and plastic” was impacting our rivers - See Table Waste of Time for pollution figures in row 8.

    Natural England first advised some councils with failing SACs in 2019 to prevent housing schemes which were not able to demonstrate nutrient neutrality. Since then housebuilding in some catchment regions has been on hold due to high nutrients in the soil and water. And in March, 2022, Natural England advised another 42 local authorities that development in some catchments cannot go ahead unless they are nutrient neutral – meaning an estimated 145,000 homes are now being delayed across 74 local authorities because of the issue, according to the Home Builders Federation (HBF)."

    The water boards are not processing all sewage, so new homes put their sewage into rivers using these storm overflows and no river in England is unpolluted so that you can swim in it or drink it or eat its eels, fish or crustaceans without getting ill and so any new building will not have nutrient neutrality.
    Still the current Conservative UK government want to allow the pollution to be increased by more millions of tons per year by continuing its aim of building 300,000 houses per year - by ignoring the pollution information of Nutrient neutrality from their own government department Natural England - so that the European Union can receive even more sewage across the English Chanell and North Sea. That will then persuade more foreign investors to buy these new sewage production units to kill marine life and humans in Europe.
    Labour must ensure that the 1,500,000 new homes it plans to build are low-carbon, and are built on brownfield land, or risk further damaging the UK’s already precarious natural environment in the 5 years after the next election in 2024 if they get into power instead of the Conservatives, experts have warned. They would then repeat what this Conservative government is currently doing by an immediate blitz of planning reform, so that Nutrient neutrality would be ignored and the houses built.
    Unfortunately for both the Conservative and the Labour Parties, there are the following problems:-
  • Due to the losses in the water companies supply pipes, the losses between those pipes and the stop tap in the property, the 33% loss of water sources through climate change and the reduction in the amount of water that the water companies are allowed to take from rivers and underground sources, the UK will not have the water for these new homes.
  • Unfortunately no new water reservoirs have been completed during the last 30 years and the pipes transporting this water cannot supply any more than they are at present. This has happened to Kent Schools this summer, when the reservoir feeding them was full and too many other pipes were taking water from that pipe that led to their respective school for that school to then receive any water. So a complete new mains water system needs to be put into place before any more building anywhere in the UK takes place and another complete set of reservoirs are required as well.
    Since the water companies are not currently processing all the sewage produced from these old and new buildings, new sewage treatment plants are required to be built to stop the current and future overflows of sewage into rivers.
    Both the new mains water system, water reservoirs and new sewage treatment plants need to be created before any new building is done,
    • LACK OF ELECTRICITY - The ELECTRICITY OPERATING RESERVE due to the Energy Charter Treaty detailed in Other Table 5 Point 7 on Page About Chris Garnons-Williams, without the Coal-powered Electricity Generators will not have any reserve.
      Quarter 2 of 2023 saw the highest net imports at 7.6 TWh. This came as generation fell 18% compared to Quarter 2 of 2022 to 64.6 TWh, while demand fell by just 3.3% to 72.3 TWh in the same period. Coal powered Electricity generators are designed to be ended at the end of 2024. So the UK is going to be dependent on having a secure electricity import system from Europe to make up for its lack of supply!!!
    • LACK OF GAS when the UK exported gas to Europe to support European efforts to move away from Russian gas, and imported gas from America via Norway to use for electricity generation during 2020-2023!!! So if America stops supplying us with gas, then we have a problem with gas-fired electricity generators and have to rely on renewables instead, which currently cannot make up the difference. America's supply of gas could be dependent on us signing the trade deal with them as mentioned at the top of this table cell, so that the UK and USA could feed arsenic from Babyfood produced in America.
  • The houses being built are the expensive ones where the builders can make a profit, they do not make much on social housing so they do not build it. Last week, the Guardian revealed that housebuilders had reaped savings of at least £15,000,000,000 from the government’s scrapping of low-carbon regulations, which have meant they do not need to bear the cost of equipping new homes with solar panels, heat pumps and high-grade insulation. The cost of retrofitting those homes, thought to number close to 1,500,000, could run to as much as £45,000,000,000.

    The Guardian revealed the following on 9 October 2023 - building a new house with solar panels, heat pump and high-grade insulation adds more than £8,000 to the construction cost, paid by the developer. Retrofitting it costs about £33,000 on average, paid by the homeowner. Rules that would have required developers to meet low-carbon standards were scrapped soon after the 2015 general election, a move that has saved housebuilders about £15,000,000,000 at a conservative estimate. Housebuilders are among the biggest donors to the Conservative Party with 20% of donations.

    Unfortunately, mortgage rates are too high and people cannot afford them in 2023 or 2024. House prices have dropped and so has the price which builders can get in 2023, so perhaps that is not making it worth their while for builders to do any new building in October 2023 - 2 approved new groups of houses within 200 yards of my house have not started, with one of them rented out for feeding horses with the grass in their fields in October 2023.
  • High Speed Train - HS2 HS2 will go from London Euston to Birmingham and the government will pay for the line from Old Oak Common to Birmingham Curzon Street. Between the stations of Old Oak Common and London Euston will be 4.5 miles of tunnels to be paid for by private investment only as well as that private investment paying for the upgrade of 6 platforms to be built at London Euston.
    • This means that passengers will have to take the local rail access between London Euston and Old Oak Common stations, which unfortunately will take more than the 36 minute time saving of going on the HS2 train to Birmingham. Unfortunately this Elizabeth line will be overwhelmed especially at rush hour.
    • The legs of the HS2 from Crewe to Manchester, Birmingham to East Midlands Parkway and Birmingham to Crewe have been cancelled. With the land not being used on the cancelled HS2 sections, then Labour - if it gets into power in Parliament - will tax private developers to fund more social housing and look to build new towns alongside railway lines and could use these miles of land alongside cancelled railways. Unfortunately, with HS2 land being sold off at £100,000,000 loss to taxpayers, this will remove this land for new homes beside the cancelled HS2 lines.
    • Unfortunately with higher mortgage rates, housebuilders are being forced to accept up to £75,000 below their asking price. House prices have fallen for the sixth month running with £14,000 wiped off the price of an average home in a year as stated by Halifax in October 2023.
    • Unfortunately these new houses would break Nutrient neutrality (see above)and so could not be built, unless both new mains water pipes from the reservoir to these towns were built and new sewage treatment plants to process ALL the rainwater/sewage from these towns were built BEFORE the towns.
    • The Prime Miinister promised to re-invest the £36,500,000,000 earmarked for these cancelled HS2 phases into hundreds of transport schemes under a new Network North Plan. So he intends to borrow that £36,500,000,000 on top of the £70,000,000,000 already borrowed in this financial year.
    • The current design of HS2 Phase 1 should lie between £45,000,000,000 and £54,000,000,000 for a train journey that will not save its passengers any time from Birmingham to London Euston. This is another payment that is going to be borrowed and increase the National Debt.
    • Britain's 4 rolling stock companies are set to be left with little or no work by the end of 2024 because of the government's failure to order any new trains for almost 4 years. The situation could threaten thousands of jobs, lose talent from the country's 30,000-strong manufacturing base and dislocate a supply chain that includes thousands of small businesses, according to a report by the Railway Industry Association

Wet Background Colour in this Cell.

Table M-D

Housebuilders had reaped savings of at least £15,000,000,000 from the government’s scrapping of low-carbon regulations, which have meant they do not need to bear the cost of equipping new homes with solar panels, heat pumps and high-grade insulation. The cost of retrofitting those homes, thought to number close to 1,500,000, could run to as much as £45,000,000,000.

The houses being built are the expensive ones where the builders can make a profit, they do not make much on social housing so they do not build it. Last week, the Guardian revealed that housebuilders had reaped savings of at least £15,000,000,000 from the government’s scrapping of low-carbon regulations, which have meant they do not need to bear the cost of equipping new homes with solar panels, heat pumps and high-grade insulation. The cost of retrofitting those homes, thought to number close to 1,500,000, could run to as much as £45,000,000,000.

The Guardian revealed the following on 9 October 2023 - building a new house with solar panels, heat pump and high-grade insulation adds more than £8,000 to the construction cost, paid by the developer. Retrofitting it costs about £33,000 on average, paid by the homeowner. Rules that would have required developers to meet low-carbon standards were scrapped soon after the 2015 general election, a move that has saved housebuilders about £15,000,000,000 at a conservative estimate. Housebuilders are among the biggest donors to the Conservative Party with 20% of donations.

Unfortunately, mortgage rates are too high and people cannot afford them in 2023 or 2024. House prices have dropped and so has the price which builders can get in 2023, so perhaps that is not making it worth their while for builders to do any new building in October 2023 - 2 approved new groups of houses within 200 yards of my house have not started, with one of them rented out for feeding horses with the grass in their fields in October 2023.

Table M-E

The current design of HS2 (High Speed Train - HS2) Phase 1 should lie between £45,000,000,000 and £54,000,000,000 for a train journey that will not save its passengers any time from Birmingham to London Euston.

High Speed Train - HS2 HS2 will go from London Euston to Birmingham and the government will pay for the line from Old Oak Common to Birmingham Curzon Street. Between the stations of Old Oak Common and London Euston will be 4.5 miles of tunnels to be paid for by private investment only as well as that private investment paying for the upgrade of 6 platforms to be built at London Euston.

  • This means that passengers will have to take the local rail access between London Euston and Old Oak Common stations, which unfortunately will take more than the 36 minute time saving of going on the HS2 train to Birmingham. Unfortunately this Elizabeth line will be overwhelmed especially at rush hour.
  • The legs of the HS2 from Crewe to Manchester, Birmingham to East Midlands Parkway and Birmingham to Crewe have been cancelled. With the land not being used on the cancelled HS2 sections, then Labour - if it gets into power in Parliament - will tax private developers to fund more social housing and look to build new towns alongside railway lines and could use these miles of land alongside cancelled railways. Unfortunately, with HS2 land being sold off at £100,000,000 loss to taxpayers, this will remove this land for new homes beside the cancelled HS2 lines.
  • Unfortunately with higher mortgage rates, housebuilders are being forced to accept up to £75,000 below their asking price. House prices have fallen for the sixth month running with £14,000 wiped off the price of an average home in a year as stated by Halifax in October 2023.
  • Unfortunately these new houses would break Nutrient neutrality (see above)and so could not be built, unless both new mains water pipes from the reservoir to these towns were built and new sewage treatment plants to process ALL the rainwater/sewage from these towns were built BEFORE the towns.
  • The Prime Miinister promised to re-invest the £36,500,000,000 earmarked for these cancelled HS2 phases into hundreds of transport schemes under a new Network North Plan. So he intends to borrow that £36,500,000,000 on top of the £70,000,000,000 already borrowed in this financial year.
  • The current design of HS2 Phase 1 should lie between £45,000,000,000 and £54,000,000,000 for a train journey that will not save its passengers any time from Birmingham to London Euston. This is another payment that is going to be borrowed and increase the National Debt.
  • Britain's 4 rolling stock companies are set to be left with little or no work by the end of 2024 because of the government's failure to order any new trains for almost 4 years. The situation could threaten thousands of jobs, lose talent from the country's 30,000-strong manufacturing base and dislocate a supply chain that includes thousands of small businesses, according to a report by the Railway Industry Association

Table M-F

If members of the UK public complain then Government's Public Order Act 2023 will put them in jail.

If workers strike, then the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill (passed by House of Commons and House of Lords 4 July 2023) will kick in so you could be fired by ignoring a "work notice" ordering you to work on strike days for you in health, education, fire and rescue, transport, border security and nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste management.

Baroness O’Grady, moving amendment C1
: Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill flies in the face of human rights, equality & ILO conventions. Her amendment was voted against by the House of Commons, so very soon if you strike in England, then you will be sacked. So the consequence of exercising the human right to withdraw your labour is the removal of protection against unfair dismissal. In a free society, that is chilling. The very workers Ministers thanked for their heroism during the pandemic and stood on doorsteps to clap can be punished for striking with instant dismissal.


If members of the UK public complain then Government's Public Order Act 2023 will put them in jail.
If workers strike, then the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill (passed by House of Commons and House of Lords 4 July 2023) will kick in so you could be fired by ignoring a "work notice" ordering you to work on strike days for you in health, education, fire and rescue, transport, border security and nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste management. So the junior doctors strike for 35% will get them fired and put them in jail.

Baroness Frances O’Grady: Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill flies in the face of human rights, equality & ILO conventions

Speech to the House of Lords 08/06/23

Baroness O’Grady, moving amendment C1:

[At end insert “and do propose Amendment 4B in lieu—

4B: Page 4, line 40, at end insert—

“234CA Protection of employees

(1) A person is not subject to a work notice if they have not received a copy of it in accordance with the time limits specified in section 234C(3). (2) It is for the employer to prove that the work notice was received in conformity with subsection (1).(3) An employee may not be dismissed or subjected to any detriment for failing to comply with a work notice and any such dismissal shall be treated as a dismissal to which section 152 applies and any such detriment shall be treated as a detriment to which section 146 applies.(4) A work notice does not place a contractual obligation on an employee to comply with it.””]

“My Lords, this Motion seeks to uphold a principle long established in British law: that workers on strike are protected against the sack. Noble Lords will recall the concerns of the noble and learned Lord, Lord Judge, at Second Reading. He said that:
“this is a troublesome piece of legislation. It asks us all a very simple question: when does the right to withhold your labour … cease to be a right? It answers that question too … the right ceases when, following a ministerial decree, your employer can oblige you to work, and if you fail to do so you can lose your job”.—[Official Report, 21/2/23; col. 1568.]
Not since the Second World War have a UK Government taken power to facilitate the requisitioning of people to work against their will. This would make the UK an outlier in Europe and flies in the face of human rights, equality and ILO conventions as reaffirmed by the Government in the EU–UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement. The Government have succeeded in uniting employers, unions, the devolved nations and service users against them. In the interests of transparency, I repeat that Labour is 100% committed to repealing this bad Bill.
My Motion returns to the core concern: that striking workers selected by the employer they are striking against can be forced to work or face the sack. Remember, this legislation would unilaterally change the employment contracts of potentially millions of people—and all through secondary legislation with no proper parliamentary scrutiny or accountability. Minimum service levels determined by a Secretary of State could be set up to 100% and require staffing levels to match. The union may have jumped every hurdle to secure a lawful ballot and the worker may have democratically voted to strike, but protection against the sack will be whipped away by an employer simply putting their name on a piece of paper. The worker may not even have received the work notice; there is no obligation on the employer to make sure that they do. Their automatic protection against dismissal will be annulled. This is manifestly unjust.
Remember, too, that minimum service levels apply only to strike days. For the rest of the year, a Secretary of State can close fire stations, see rail services fail, see asylum seeker backlogs grow, increase class sizes and let NHS waiting lists—shamefully now at 7.3 million—soar. I have listened carefully to the debates in both Houses. Ministers are trying to sweep the issue of sackings under the carpet.

On 10 January, the then Business Secretary Grant Shapps said it was wrong to frighten people about their jobs. The Minister has said on many occasions, including on 21 February:
“This legislation is not about sacking workers”.—[Official Report, 21/2/23; col. 1563.]

On 22 May, the Under-Secretary of State told the House of Commons that
“nobody will be sacked as a result of the legislation”.—[Official Report, Commons, 22/5/23; col. 103.]

The official reason from the Commons for rejecting my original amendment is that
“for the legislation to be effective, it is necessary for there to be consequences for an employee who fails to comply with the work notice”.

So the consequence of exercising the human right to withdraw your labour is the removal of protection against unfair dismissal. In a free society, that is chilling. The very workers Ministers thanked for their heroism during the pandemic and stood on doorsteps to clap can be punished for striking with instant dismissal.
Key workers have already sacrificed so much for the rest of us. Unless the Government accept this amendment, Ministers now expect them to sacrifice their right to strike, or pay the price with their livelihoods. I sincerely hope that my amendment will be supported in this House and that it will give the opportunity for the Government to listen and think again. I beg to move.”

Her amendment was voted against by the House of Commons, so very soon if you strike in England, then you will be sacked.

Table M-G
UK (Urinating Knave (a dishonest man polluting the waterways and sea))
Part 1


Welcome to the UK - Urinating Knave (a dishonest man polluting the waterways and sea), where the current Home Secretary (She was driving over the speed limit when she was Attorney General, the government's most senior law officer) Suella Braverman asked officials to help arrange special treatment over her speeding fine. She is committing political corruption - Suella Braverman will not face speeding fine probe, Rishi Sunak decides, while her colleagues practice systemic corruption via pay increases over years, which reduce their workforce's spending power currently to either pay for food (See Waste Britain: How tackling UK's shocking food waste saves country millions article in row 3 below where the UK goverment spend money on Ukraine rather on food for the starving population of the UK) or heat, but not both.

The Conservative Government of Britain has not stopped the export through its waterways to the surrounding seas of
"38,000,000 tons of waste a year from London is currently flowing into the Thames. Instead, this will be pumped
away via a 2.8-mile sewer, which is opening in 2025" - reported in Metro of Monday, February 13, 2023 from
warning 1.1 of 19 warnings in
OTHER TABLE 5 in About Chris Garnons-Williams page, with the
1,750,000 hours of dumping raw human sewage in England and Wales last year - see TABLE WASTE OF TIME in next row
1,000,000's of microplastics -
A microfibre is a tiny piece of plastic used in clothes and is thinner than a strand of hair. It passes through washing machine filters and water treatment plants, and ends up in rivers and oceans. When in water, plastic acts like a sponge and absorbs chemicals, followed by
slurry from 1,000,000's of farmed cows/ goats/ horses/ pigs/ sheep/ chickens/ turkeys and
runoff from agricultural fields which use the 1,000,000's of tons of sewage sludge from the wastewater treatment plants as fertiliser. This sludge contains microplastics which go into the vegetables grown on those fields and is eaten by the farmed cows, goats, pigs, sheep, chickens and turkeys from the grass. The runoff going into the rivers is eaten by the fish and we eat the fish with the chemicals absorbed by those bits of plastic while they have been in the sewage pipe and the wastewater treatment plant.
The major sewage treatment in the Thame catchment is managed by Thames Water. There are 32 major works in our catchment which all discharge into our river." The Thame comprises 6.8% of the Thames catchment above Teddington and has a catchment area of 689 sq km. There are more than 470 major and minor sewage treatment works which discharge into the River Thames. That treated effluent is combined with the dumping of raw sewage, slurry, microplastics and runoff from sewage sludge fertiliser from fields into the Thames. That polluted river water is then repeatedly extracted for home and commercial consumption.

This kills the fish, as well as people/ visitors/ students from the UK and overseas/ swimmers in the waterways and from the beaches in the UK, and via the seas to surrounding European countries of 1,000,000's of tons of pollution.

Would you be interested in
a) economic
slavery carried out by the UK Government, or
b) a 450% increase in your domestic gas bill from January 2022 to May 2023, or
c) a 422% increase in electricity bill for
Tremorfa Superstore in Cardiff from £900 to £4,700 a month or
d) UK supermarkets paid 40 pence less per 12 eggs than the £1.40 it costs the UK egg producers last year,
so that UK egg producers halted production and customers did not have eggs to buy, until
the UK supermarkets paid the Italians for the full cost of their barn egg production + profit
+ the cost of shipping from Italy to the UK supermarket depots; instead of
paying the same to the UK for their superior free range egg production + profit
+ lower shipping costs within the UK to the same supermarket depots
as detailed in


Britain's Members of Parliament are not prepared to do anything about the dumping of pollutants into our rivers (Just one stretch of English river, the Wharfe at Ilkley, Yorkshire, has bathing water status, compared to 420 in France) by the privatised Water Companies, and then the sea.
"The Environment Agency of the British Government had abandoned targets for snap inspections and was only visiting Wastewater Treatment Works an average of once every 17 years. The Environment Agency had abandoned its targets for visiting Sewage Treatment Works at least once every 5 years. The Environment Agency will not restore the Inspection Targets as it says that inspections are risk-based, with Treatment Works targeted on their likelihood of being in breach of their permits.
The River Severn has 28 combined sewage Overflows around Quarry Park where fishing events cannot now take place because the fishermen are catching sanitary products instead of fish." from page 13 of I newspaper of Tuesday 4 April 2023.

When the tap water you drink in the cross-channel ferry or ship or plane, wash your clothes and yourself in; and cook with has been recycled many times into the Thames river, before and in London, the Wastewater Companies cannot guarantee that all pollution has been removed from it or any of the other rivers - see row 7 of the second table from the left in Mission Statement page.

Table M-H
UK (Urinating Knave) with TABLE WASTE OF TIME details where in 2022 water companies dumped 302,000 storm overflow (rainwater combined with raw sewage) spills into rivers or the sea;
Part 2

Welcome to the UK (Urinating Knave) with details of UK government backed pollution of millions of tons per year into its rivers; which the sea transported across the Channel to Europe killing marine life and humans.




Welcome to England - part of Urinating Knave (a dishonest man) - where in 2022 water companies dumped 302,000 storm overflow (rainwater combined with raw sewage) spills into rivers or the sea; as shown by this source from DEFRA - the Department for Environmental Food and Rural Affairs (newspaper article on page 8 of The Times on Saturday April 1 2023):-

Water Company


English Water companies have handed £2,000,000,000 a year on average to shareholders since privatisation 30 years ago.
Water Firms are currently telling customers to pick up the £10,000,000,000 bill to almost half the average 824 dumpings of raw sewage a day by 2030 (created by them and supported by the Urinating Kingdom government) - reports The Metro of 19 May 2023. The Water Companies should instead spend most of the money that they could give the shareholders each year from 2023 to 2030 to completely stop all dumpings by 2030. Thus, the customers would not have to pay to put right the corruption executed by those water companies and the government over the last 30 years.

Sewage Spills in 2021

Sewage Spills in 2022

From South East Rivers Trust report on Water, water everywhere ... or is it? - "By 2050, the South East of England will need to find at least an additional one billion litres of water per day to meet demand in the region. That is about a fifth of the water used in the region today, and equivalent to the water use of seven million people per day.  Demand for water will exceed supply by 2030."


UK water companies apologise for spilling sewage into rivers, pledge £10bn investment report by International Business Times on 05/18/23 -" The public criticism and outrage over sewage spills in the UK's water bodies have forced water companies to pledge £10 billion to reduce sewage spills in Britain's seas and rivers.

The detailed plan will be revealed this summer as the companies work to fix their sewer networks. It also needs to be noted that eventually, the water companies will recoup the costs from customers by increasing water bills.

The UK's privatised water and sewage companies were raking in money while putting people's health at risk. According to a report by the Financial Times, The aforementioned firms paid £1.4 billion in dividends in 2022, up from £540 million the previous year. " so the customer pays for these companies not to do their job and also to not start to fix it, while the shareholder increases his dividend.

Unfortunately before 2030 the population in the South East of England will run out of water and be unable to live in the South East and therefore there will a housing market and mortgage crash within the next 6 years as its population try to move out and you lose not only your dividends but your shares become worthless due to this corruption by the water companies aided by the main and local UK government.

Add pollution from
a. washes off sewage treated sludge in agricuturable fields into rivers,
b. liquid pollution from landfill sites,
c. slurry from cows, pigs, chickens
d. nitrate chemical fertiliser from fields and
phosphorus pollution - The main sources of phosphorus in rivers and lakes are sewage effluent (primarily from water industry sewage treatment works) and losses from agricultural land. Food waste, food and drink additives and Phosphorus dosing of drinking waters all contribute to sewage Phosphorus loadings.


Microplastics in consumer items could face total or partial ban are being considerd by the UK Government, where a total ban would mean no use or manufacture of intentional microplastic being permitted in the UK, on 23 August 2023 as reported on page 7 of the I newspaper of that date by Ben Gartside, The European Union introduced a total ban on their use earlier in 2023. Smaller than 5mm in diameter is microplastic size. 90% of the cosmetic products including lipsticks, shampoos, suncream, moisturisers and deodorants contain microplastic as well as household paint, Astroturf sports pitches and artificial lawns. Microplastics have been found in rivers and oceans as they can easily pass through water filtration systems and are ingested by fish and other marine animals. They have also been detected in the human body after being consumed via food or water or breathed in.

United Utilities has gross debt of £8,435,400,000 as at 31 March 2023.


Untreated sewage was contuously discharged into Lake Windermere from 2 of its water treatment plants for 7 days - Pamela Tickell reported on 29 August 2024. This map shows storm overflows in England in 2023 from all the water boards.
From Save Windermere
1,157 full days of sewage discharged from storm overflows into the Windermere catchment since 2020.

9 months for a single drop of water to travel through Windermere - this is why Windermere is unique.

99% reduction in the number of sea trout caught by line on the River Leven since 1980.

£750,000,000 tourist industry at risk of collapse if Windermere dies.

United Utilities are not doing their job and fairly soon they will have killed off Lake Windermere and all its tourist industry.

Government Water Boards Departments have had a long holiday from 2020-24.


No English river is free from pollution - Parliament report - 13 January 2022. "Raw sewage, microplastics and slurry are coursing through all of England's rivers, putting health and nature at risk, a parliamentary report concludes. Agriculture and water companies are the biggest contributors to this "chemical cocktail", the Environmental Audit Committee warns. People across the country using rivers for activities ranging from sports and swimming to fishing risk falling ill from bacteria in sewage and slurry. Microplastics worn away from car tyres and brakes are being washed from busy roads into rivers - the committee said National Highways and the Environment Agency are not doing enough to prevent this pollution." This report is from the Environmental Audit Committee.


"World triathletes struck down by E.coli after swim off British beach" report by Jordan King in Metro of 07.08.23:-
Dozens of competitors who took part in the UK leg of the World Trathlon Championship have become ill after they swam at Sutherland.
At least 57 were struck with diarrhoea and vomiting days after swimming in the sea at Roker beach during the event between July 29 and 30 2023.
Samples collected by the Environment Agency late last month detected 39 times the amount of the bacteria E.coli found in water during typical readings. British Traithlon, the sport's UK governing body, said those results were not published until after the weekend's events and were outside the body of the water where its competitions took place.
It added that results from its tests passed the required standards.
Australian triathlete Jake Birthwistle, who competed in the event, posted on Instagram: 'Have been feeling pretty rubbish since the race, but I guess that's what you get when you swim in shit. The swim should have been cancelled. At least I know now what got me and a bunch of other athletes who raced sick and ill.' Northumbrian Water insisted there had been no sewage discharges at the beach since October 2021."
Makes you wonder where the remainder of their
36,483 sewage spills in 2021, their
29,697 sewage spills in 2022, and their sewage spills occurred in 2023 ? Should be interesting to see what effect on the athlete's health there are in future Commonwealth Games or other water sports in British rivers or the sea surrounding Britain.


Everybody has to Die Sometime, is it not kind of the government to provide this free method? "Macrophages - the lungs' front-line defence system which kill bacteria by engulfing and digesting them - were exposed in a lab to dust taken from a brake pad testing factory. When exposed to particulates from diesel exhaust and brake dust, the researchers found the ability of the macrophages to destroy bacteria was reduced. Dr Liza Selley, who conducted the research, said: "Worryingly, this means that brake dust could be contributing to what I call 'London throat' - the constant froggy feeling and string of coughs and colds that city dwellers endure." " from 'London throat': Toxic brake dust could cause condition, scientists say article by BBC.
For several hours a day, the traffic outside my home and the new school less than 300 hundred yards away is slower than me walking a half mile into Rainham. The drivers are breathing this dust and so are the walking children - for the same distance - going to and from the new school.
Medway named south east's most polluted area by Friends of the Earth.

Yorkshire Water has £5,685,700,000 adjusted net debt in 2022


It was fined £47,000,000 in August 2024 by regulator Ofwat for historic spills. Another £47,000,000 which will end up being paid by its customers. Since the water companies have offloaded millions of tons of sewage into rivers, Ofwat has today proposed allowing a spending package of £88,000,000,000 by water companies - whose investors will not contribute until the customers have had increased charges to pay for most of that - or more likely for the water boards to syphon off to pay the interest on their debt and the debt itself

Severn Trent Water has £7,377,800,000 total borrowings from note 24 for the Company in 2022



South West Water has £2,798,700,000 borrowings and liabilities in 2022



Northumbrian Water has £3,170,000,000 total borrowings at 31 March 2022.



Wessex Water has £2,423,200,000 total borrowings on 31 March 2021

Total Duration of Discharges - 151,258 hours with over £60,000,000 paid out as shareholder dividends


Southern Water has £5,100,000,000 of debt.


South East Water has £1,120,478,000 loans and borrowings at 2022

Anglian Water
Macquarie finalises £120,000,000 debt investment in Anglian Water on 21 December 2021.



Thames Water
Thames Water's real-time map confirms over 5,300 hours of raw sewage

£14,000,000,000 of debt



Welsh Water
Some £6,000,000,000 invested to improve drinking water quality, environmental protection and customer service - at no cost to the taxpayer. Its strategy is to deliver a secure, long-term credit quality to investors (such as pension funds and insurance companies) so as to raise the finance it needs at the cheapest possible cost, thereby keeping down bills to customers (around a third of which go to remunerate finance for investment).
So a third of the water bill goes to pay the dividends for the investors on over £6,000,000,000.


I wonder if that means that a third of the water bill that other customers pay from the other water companies also goes to pay the interest on their borrowings, the bonuses for their management and the dividend to their shareholders as well as persuading the UK government to allow the water companies to continue to POLLUTE the waterways and slowly KILL its population and those on the other side of the seas in Europe.


32,200,000 Income Tax payers in the UK in 2021 to 2022. UK general government gross debt was £2,445,200,000,000 at the end of Quarter 3 (July to September) 2022, equivalent to 100.2% of gross domestic product. At 4.38%, that is £107,099,760,000 interest per year. Each taxpayer then has to pay £3326.08 of that interest each year out of the tax that he pays. When the Water Companies collapse, etc, etc, etc, he will have to pay more until there is no tax remaining to run the UK.




The declared borrowings and debt of the above water companies is £46,231,278,000.

When they come bleating to the UK government, then that will be added to the National Debt and yield is 4.38 on a 30 year gilt, so that adds £2024.929976 million to be paid annually by the UK population for the next 30 years, and that still leaves that debt.

That figure above or higher is already being paid by water companies customers for water company existing debt. Then the customer pays for the dividend and the bonuses to the management as well as the word wth the government to let them carry on with the fraud. Finally, when the government step in, the customers have to pay off the investors, and pay to get the service that you had already paid for but not delivered, newly created. Thus an extra annual National Debt interest bill could probably exceed £6,000 million. What a brilliant way of conning the UK public.
The total UK National Debt was £7,400,000,000 in 1919, rising to £21,000,000,000 in 1945, so the water companies only have more than twice the total UK National Debt of 1945 - while the current UK government takes less than 12 weeks to borrow that National Debt of 1945 whilst also spending their tax return for that time of £162,000,000,000!!!


Hugo Gye the Political Editor of I newspaper published the following on 23 August 2023

"Chancellor to reject calls for tax cuts despite £11,000,000,000 borrowing windfall.
The government is set to face down calls for tax cuts despite an £11,000,000,000 boost to the public finance from unexpectedly low borrowing. Public finances data for July proved to be better than previously expected, with the state borrowing a total of £4,300,000,000, thanks to surprisingly strong tax receipts. But July's borrowing was the fifth highest figure since records began, according to the Office for National Statistics, with the £7,700,000,000 spent on servicing the National Debt in that month, a record high. The total pile of debt outstanding is equal to 98.5% of the UK's GDP. So far this fiscal year the government has borrowed £56,600,000,000, a significant increase on last year but £11,300,000,000 less than the Office for Budget Responsibilty forecasts on which the Treasury bases its tax and spending policy. The surprise extra headroom prompted calls from senior Conservative MPs for rapid tax cuts to stimulate economic growth. But the Chancellor said " As inflation slows, it's vital that we continue to act responsibly with the public finances. Only by sticking to our plan will we halve inflation, grow the economy and reduce debt.""

The above does not make sense:-
The government collected tax and since 6 April 2023 it has overspent what it has collected by £56,600,000,000 to 23 August 2023. So how is this acting responsibly when you are meant to be reducing debt not increasing it?


Remember that we are paying those in the following departments to look after our and the country's health by allowing a

  • The Environment Agency (EA),
  • Natural England,
  • Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) - The Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) is the economic regulator of the water and sewerage industry in England and Wales. Ofwat sets the limit on how much water companies can charge their customers -,
  • Department of Environmental Food and Rural Affairs (Defra),
  • Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) and the
  • Treasury

and they are in government control of these water companies, rivers and sea.

We as the public cannot sit by or swim in any river or the sea (avoid 83 UK beaches because of raw sewage dumped nearby) round England without coming into contact with pollution recorded and sanctioned by the government for decades.
Perhaps the government will repeat the 5 year wait for guidance to schools about teachers walking tightropes in face of no trans guidance on this sewage pollution crisis, so that the water companies can continue their fraud and the government can continue the fraud of being paid to not do a job of stopping those water companies polluting.
We were told that the pollution on CAMBER SANDS beach was caused by a dead sheep, so that the life guards and car park could continue to make money from the families swimming and playing with the brown scum, by lying. That pollution was caused by raw sewage coming down to the sea on each of the rivers at the ends of the beach - Row 8 of second table in Mission Statement page. My brother in law (who is a nurse) with his children was upset, when I found out what was the valid reason a few days later.


"The Times Clean It Up campaign has called for better investment and transparency to tackle sewage spills from storm overflows, leading to all of England's wastewater companies promising a nearly real-time map of spills by the end of the year". SO WHY IS THIS NOT ALREADY AVAILABLE FROM BOTH THE WASTEWATER COMPANIES AND THE ABOVE RUBBISH GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS; AND WHY HAVE THEY DONE NOTHING ABOUT IT FOR DECADES?


For them to state that they will fine the water companies -
I know blue, white and red pigs fly,
but to see anything that would reduce kickbacks I would find hard to believe.


Remember this diagram from Mission Statement page;



These figures in the top row are only about storm overflows as the above diagram shows.

When you ignore the rain, but keep on building new homes etc for their sewage to go into the same diameter pipes to the same un-expanded treatment works, then the combination of that extra raw sewage and the extra when it rains from their roofs with their concreted front gardens to put their cars on (instead of paying a car-parking charge to park outside their own homes), will exceed the heavy rain element and there will always be an overflow. This provides more money from more customers for the water companies without them having to treat the extra effluent.


The reduced volume of combined sewage and rainwater goes to the Treatment Plant .


From Page 9 of The Times on Saturday April 1 2023
"About 170,000 truckloads of sludge, a mud-like by-product from sewage treatment works, are spread on fields every autumn as organic fertiliser. But the Environment Agency has told the water industry that the practice could be banned from 2025 in a bid to reduce the amount of nutrient pollution that washes off fields and into waterways.
As 87% of sludge is "recycled" to agricultural land each year, the step would close the main route for water firms to dispose of the material".



Since the goverment have done nothing for decades, I wonder if they would be influenced by nobody coming to visit Britain for pleasure or business due to its health risks from its water and food?

Table M-I

Ocean Pollution as reported by the Marine Conservation Society
Pollution has been reported to be one of the five main drivers of the current biodiversity crisis, threatening 37% of marine mammals with extinction.

Marine Conservation Society - Seagrass: The ocean superhero at risk from sewage:-Seagrass meadows are a key player in helping to combat climate change – but untreated sewage pollution in our seas is threatening their future. Seagrass meadows are the Swiss army knife of marine habitats. They create hotspots for biodiversity and provide vital nursery habitats for various fish species. Long seagrass blades buffer wave energy, protecting our shores against coastal erosion and storms. Their canopies slow the flow of water, drawing down suspended matter like pollutants and excess nutrients from the water column and burying it in the sediment below. This also makes them one of the oldest and most effective carbon storage technologies, accounting for an estimated 10-18% of ocean carbon storage while occupying only 0.1% of the seafloor. Unlike terrestrial habitats like forests, seagrass doesn't release the carbon it has captured back into the atmosphere when it decomposes. If undisturbed, seagrass can store carbon for thousands of years. Seagrasses do a lot of heavy lifting in mitigating the stress that we inflict on the ocean. As ecosystem engineers, they’re skilled at adapting their environment to suit their needs. However, the flow of untreated sewage discharges into UK seas is posing a problem for seagrass. Untreated sewage discharges contain excess nutrients and pathogens, which  encourage faster-growing macroalgae which reduce light availability and epiphytic algae which smother the seagrass leaves.

Research by Cardiff University and Swansea University indicates that insufficient monitoring and management of sewage and wastewater treatment threatens seagrass meadows around the UK. Each of the 11 sites sampled in the study, ten of which were within marine protected areas, contained seagrass that was contaminated by nutrients “of a human and livestock waste origin”. The findings show that sewage pollution is a stressor to seagrass – one whose effects are far-reaching and continues to have an impact far from its source. The only effective way to protect seagrass and the whole marine environment from this stress is to tackle the issue at source. We have already lost 92% of seagrass meadows in the UK, and their survival and recovery is further undermined by poor water quality. However, we can reverse this trend. Removing stressors, such as untreated sewage pollution, is the most important factor in allowing seagrass to recover and we have seen seagrass successfully recolonise areas which were previously wiped out by sewage outfall. Our seagrass meadows are an essential ally against global warming, a biodiversity crisis, and pervasive pollution. These superhero habitats need our help and a first major step towards this is to stop releasing untreated sewage into our seas.

Smoking inside restaurants, sports stadiums etc was banned in 2007. Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer says more action is needed to cut smoking-related deaths, so has confirmed the 2007 ban could be widened after leaked papers showed lighting up in beer gardens, on restaurant terraces and outside sports stadiums face being outlawed.
This ban is utterly pointless, because all the smoking customers will have to do is go outside and stand next door to the venue. As long as they are not in the venue's doorway, they will be abiding by the law. Furthermore, the ban will badly affect the businesses, because since the government banned smoking inside these places there has been a massive decline in customers visiting them - as supported by Kate Nicholls, chief executive of UK Hospitality, said a ban could cause "serious economic harm to hospitality venues" as she cited the "significant" number of pub closures after smoking was banned indoors in 2007 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and 2006 in Scotland. She said it would also affect hotels, cafes and restaurants and called on the government to talk to the hospitality industry before any laws are passed.

Table M-J

The following information (5 December 2021) comes from Wikipedia about Southern Water Services Ltd, which had a revenue of £0.829 billion in 2017-18. Area served by Southern Water is Hampshire, Isle of Wight, Sussex and Kent.

  • "Legal issues[edit]
In 2007, Ofwat announced its intention to fine Southern Water £20.3 million for 'deliberate misreporting' and failing to meet guaranteed standards of service to customers. The misreporting resulted in Southern Water being able to raise its prices by more than it should have done.[11] Southern Water Chief Executive Les Dawson said: "Today's announcement draws a line under a shameful period in the company's history" and "we accept this fine - we have no arguments with it".[12]
  • 2009-2011[edit]
Crawley Magistrates' Court heard that the Environment Agency received calls from members of the public after dead fish were seen in the Sunnyside Stream in East Grinstead on 30 August 2009. The court also heard that a similar incident occurred along the same sewer line some 4 years earlier in September 2005.[13] Following an investigation, in June 2010 Southern Water was fined £3,000 after it admitted polluting 2 km of the Sussex stream with raw sewage, killing up to a hundred brown trout and devastating the fish population for the second time in five years.
In 2011 Southern Water Ltd was fined £25,000 when sewage flooded into Southampton water.
The company was ordered to pay £10,000 in fines and costs after sewage seeped into a stream at Beltinge in Kent.
A leak of sewage from Southern Water's plant at Hurstpierpoint pumping station, West Sussex, lead to fines and costs of £7,200 in 2011.[14]
Southern Water was fined £50,000 in April 2011 for two offences relating to unscreened discharges into Langstone Harbour, Hampshire, between November 2009 and April 2010.
  • 2014-2016[edit]
In November 2014 Southern Water were fined £500,000 and agreed to pay costs of £19,224 at Canterbury Crown Court after an Environment Agency investigation found that untreated sewage was discharged into the Swalecliffe Brook, polluting a 1.2 km stretch of the watercourse and killing local wildlife.[15] Although sewage directly polluted a 1.2 km stretch, the Swalecliffe Brook flows through the Thanet Coast Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) before it joins the north Kent coast to the east of Whitstable.
In December 2016 Southern Water was fined a record £2,000,000 for flooding beaches in Kent with raw sewage. As a result of a series of failures at a wastewater pumping station, raw sewage flooded on to beaches, forcing Thanet district council to close the beaches to the public for nine days including during the Queen's Diamond Jubilee bank holiday weekend.[16] The Environment Agency called the event “catastrophic”, with tampons, condoms and other debris costing more than £400,000 to clean up. The Environment Agency said that the discharge along a considerable length of coastline, resulted in a risk to public health and negative impact in an area heavily reliant on the tourism industry. A judge at Maidstone crown court said that Southern Water’s repeat offending was “wholly unacceptable”. Following the investigation, Southern Water director Simon Oates apologised unreservedly for the failure of the wastewater plant.[17]
  • 2019[edit]
In June 2019, the Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat) announced its intentions to issue Southern Water with a financial penalty of £37.7 million reduced exceptionally to £3 million for significant breaches of its licence conditions and statutory duties.[18] Following a lengthy investigation, Ofwat concluded that Southern Water deliberately misreported data about the performance of its wastewater treatment works. The investigation concluded that Southern Water had failed: to have adequate systems of planning, governance and internal controls in place to manage its wastewater treatment works; to accurately report information about the performance of these works; and to properly carry out its statutory duties as a sewerage undertaker, to make provision for effectually dealing with and treating wastewater. Ofwat found that Southern Water's failure to operate its wastewater treatment works properly resulted in unpermitted and premature spills of wastewater from its treatment works, with wastewater being released into the environment before going through the required processes.
  • Following the investigation, Southern Water agreed to pay customers approximately £123 million by 2024, partly a payment of price review underperformance penalties the company avoided paying in the period 2010 to 2017 and some of which is a payment to customers for the failures found in Ofwat's investigation. In response to Ofwat's findings, Southern Water announced that following its own internal review, which highlighted multiple failures between 2010 and 2017, it was 'profoundly sorry' and 'working very hard to understand past failings and implement the changes required' to ensure it meets the standards its customers deserve.[19]
  • 2021[edit]
In 2020, Southern Water pleaded guilty to 51 offences related to polluting the water on the coasts of Kent and Sussex with untreated sewage between 1 January 2010 and 31 December 2015.[20] It was described as "the worst case brought by the Environment Agency in its history." Over the period, the company made 8,400 illegal discharges of raw sewage into coastal waters. It also allowed storm tanks to be kept full and turn septic, instead of putting their contents through the required treatment process. In one plant alone, 746m litres were released into Southampton Water. Southern Water failed to report its illegal discharges to the regulator, but as the quality of shellfish on the Kent cost failed to meet quality standards due to the high levels of faecal contamination the Environment Agency began to investigate.[21][5] The company was fined £90m for deliberately dumping billions of litres of raw sewage into the sea and the judge stated that the offences had been committed deliberately by Southern Water's directors.[6"


We must be grateful to the pensioners in America and Canada whose pension companies have shares in these bankrupt water companies for allowing those water companies to dump raw sewage into the rivers and thence the sea (Water companies in England have faced a barrage of criticism as data revealed raw sewage was discharged for more than 3.6m hours into rivers and seas last year in a 105% increase on the previous 12 months, as well as that 38,000,000 tons of waste going annually into the River Thames from London).
The UK pollution going into the sea is killing the algae which provide 70% of oxygen for UK, France, Holland, Portugal, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

Table M-K

"Under the 2015 Paris Agreement, the world set a goal to keep warming at or below 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times. The globe has now experienced 12 months with average monthly temperatures 1.58 degrees Celsius (2.8 degrees Fahrenheit) above the Paris threshold, according to Copernicus data.

In March, global sea surface temperature averaged 21.07 degrees Celsius (69.93 degrees Fahrenheit), the highest monthly value on record and slightly higher than what was recorded in February." Part of this increase in sea temperature is due to the floating sewage, which absorbs more heat from the sunlight than the sea.

Antarctica is losing 141,000,000,000 metric tons per year since 2002 of ice sheets and Greenland is losing about 270,000,000,000 tons per year which is adding to sea level rise.

Table M-L


It's important to remember that although the ocean produces at least 50% of the oxygen on Earth, roughly the same amount is consumed by marine life. Like animals on land, marine animals use oxygen to breathe, and both plants and animals use oxygen for cellular respiration.

Oxygen is produced by photosynthesizing organisms that live in the ocean, in fresh water, and on land. These organisms include bacteria, algae and plants. Photosynthesizing algae in the ocean produce around 70% of oxygen in the atmosphere.

End result is that the raw sewage and other pollutants going into the surrounding rivers is reducing the production of oxygen in the sea and those rivers.
Because Carbon Dioxide is not being changed into oxygen, then that causes global warming.
Since governments will do nothing about this then we are going to have not enough oxygen, high winds and rising sea levels.

Table M-M

"From January 2022 to January 2023, domestic gas prices increased by 129% and domestic electricity prices by 67%." from House of Commons Library.
This NHS Backlog Bonus of 2 per cent and the 4 per cent in this current year does not cover those increases in gas and electricity prices. The 5 per cent for next year does not cover the 11.1% inflation of this year, so yet again if this is accepted the purchasing power of the NHS staff is declining for the 14th year, whereas the Members of Parliament have had a 28% increase in their wages during those years.

Domestic gas prices increased by 129% from January 2022 to January 2023 according to the House of Commons Library.

  • So for every £100 paid in December 2021, that becomes £229 in January 2023.
  • My wife informed me on the 4 May 2023, that the domestic monthly gas price has just now almost doubled from this month, so that is almost a 100% increase.
  • So this £229 becomes about £450.
  • This means that the domestic consumer from now on will pay 450% more than they paid per month in December 2021.
  • The domestic gas price will increase again at least once within the next 12 months, because the gas companies can do what they like.

Table M-N

Most of the nursing unions have accepted on 4 May 2023 a 5% increase in their pay plus a one-off payment which is not to be added to their salary as a % increase. So this 5% does not pay for that increase in their gas bill nor does it cover the increases of the last year shown below.
The Guardian published in their newspaper of the 4 May 2023 the following:-

  • "The ingredients needed for a family pot of spaghetti bolognese cost £8.64 just a year ago, but rose to £9.99 last month, a 15.6% increase.
    The cost of a single school lunch - comprising a sandwich, a banana and a small yoghurt - rose by 8p between 2018 and 2022 but has now increased a further 44p, a 20% leap in a single year.
    The cost of baby items has also spiked: powdered baby formula is now 25% more than in March 2018 and 12% more than a year ago.
    The price rises extend to animals as well as human products and services. A can of dog food which cost just 62p in 2018, rising to 78p last year, will now cost its owner more than £1.

    The UK's overall annual inflation rate stood at 10.1% in March, the last month or which data is available. this marks a fall on previous months; but inflation remains stubbornly high, driven by food and drink prices rising by 19.1%, the fastest annual rate since 1977.

    However, wage growth has not kept pace. Inflationary pressures boosted regular earnings (average weekly earnings excluding bonuses) by just 5.7% in the closest equivalent period (up to February 2023).

    These figures come from using data released on the 3 may 2023 by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
    The Guardian has built a calculator to show how much more we all now have to pay for everyday activities compared with 2018, from making a plate of spaghetti to stocking up on toiletries or going for a night out - to try the calculator online go to: theguardian.com/p/nqcna .
    The ONS has published the real-world data for 455 individual items - allowing consumers to see changes over a 5-year period."

Table M-O
This shows how much food has increased and why the below inflation pay rises with their one-off bonus payment do not not cover that cost.

Most of the nursing unions have accepted on 4 May 2023 a 5% increase in their pay plus a one-off payment which is not to be added to their salary as a % increase. So this 5% does not pay for that increase in their gas bill nor does it cover the increases of the last year shown below.
The Guardian published in their newspaper of the 4 May 2023 the following:-

  • "The ingredients needed for a family pot of spaghetti bolognese cost £8.64 just a year ago, but rose to £9.99 last month, a 15.6% increase.
    The cost of a single school lunch - comprising a sandwich, a banana and a small yoghurt - rose by 8p between 2018 and 2022 but has now increased a further 44p, a 20% leap in a single year.
    The cost of baby items has also spiked: powdered baby formula is now 25% more than in March 2018 and 12% more than a year ago.
    The price rises extend to animals as well as human products and services. A can of dog food which cost just 62p in 2018, rising to 78p last year, will now cost its owner more than £1.

    The UK's overall annual inflation rate stood at 10.1% in March, the last month or which data is available. this marks a fall on previous months; but inflation remains stubbornly high, driven by food and drink prices rising by 19.1%, the fastest annual rate since 1977.

    However, wage growth has not kept pace. Inflationary pressures boosted regular earnings (average weekly earnings excluding bonuses) by just 5.7% in the closest equivalent period (up to February 2023).

    These figures come from using data released on the 3 may 2023 by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
    The Guardian has built a calculator to show how much more we all now have to pay for everyday activities compared with 2018, from making a plate of spaghetti to stocking up on toiletries or going for a night out - to try the calculator online go to: theguardian.com/p/nqcna .
    The ONS has published the real-world data for 455 individual items - allowing consumers to see changes over a 5-year period."

Table M-P
This shows how Commerce is destroying the egg-laying and the chicken business in the UK, while conning the british public into thinking that Britain can no longer supply to the supermarkets all their eggs that they can sell. The price of eggs to the UK Consumer increased massively during this fiasco.

"UK egg farmers slashed production as a result of rising costs and supermarket business terms forcing them to sell at a loss. The Ukraine war tripled the price of feed to the UK and Italy, which accounts for 60-70% of the UK egg producers costs. Last year it cost us UK producers £1.40 to produce 12 eggs, but the supermarkets insisted on continuing to pay just £1, meaning many producers halted production to avoid selling at a loss. The number of free range laying hens, which account for 70% of retail egg sales in the UK, dropped from 26.5 million last May to 25.1 million in January. That's about 1.5 million fewer eggs a day. As a bout of avian flu further reduced UK production, shelves emptied, supermarkets rationed sales in November and turned to the Italians. Instead of focusing on free range production, where hens live outdoors as in the UK, 65% of Italian production is derived from lower-cost barn eggs, where hens are kept indoors. The difference in Italy is that producers complained to their government which invoked an EU rule prohibiting supermarkets from paying below cost price. That rule helped keep us in business in Italy. British legislation could have been used, but the UK government chose not to. Our government is more interested in cheap food than food security. This pushes the value of Italian egg exports to Britain to 1,000,000 euros last year, up from 23,000 euros in 2021 - I wonder who received the backhanders in the UK for this UK farming destruction by paying the Italians at least the production cost plus a profit, but not doing this for the UK egg producers?" from The Times of Monday May 8 2023. The British Government is quite happy to destroy the UK farming community producing eggs and does not follow the same EU rule that we have not yet rescinded or its own legislation.

Table M-Q
Government has consistently lowered the living standards of public sector workers over 13 years and intentionally spent more that it received in tax every year.

This Conservative Government over the last 13 years is

  • determined to bankrupt the country by increasing the National Debt by more than £1,500,000,000,000 and
  • destroying the living standards of the NHS workforce and civil servants by consistently giving pay rises well below inflation,
    "The first-year doctors’ salary is £29,384 in the UK, reads the sign held at the last round of strikes across Greater Manchester. The sign then claims that, in New Zealand, that value jumps to £37,460; Canada pays £37,774; France is providing wages of £43,909, while Australia looms largest at £47,214.
    Although the poster does not take into account the cost of living in each country, even in isolation the numbers are evidently tempting to NHS staff striking in their droves for improved pay - all the while contending with the UK’s own cost of living crisis.
    Four in ten junior doctors are actively planning to leave the NHS as soon as they can find another job, a survey from the British Medical Association at the end of 2022 revealed. Many of those doctors wanting to quit the NHS plan to work as doctors abroad.
    According to the survey, a third of junior doctors are planning to work as doctors in another country in the next twelve months, with Australia being the top choice of destination, some citing pay erosion since 2008 as a leading cause. The ongoing strikes by junior doctors are trying to resolve what has been described as '15 years of wage erosion' by campaigning for a 35 per cent pay rise.
    Last year, 6,950 UK doctors applied for a certificate to work abroad, according to General Medical Council (GMC) data. This is up from 5,576 in 2021 - the data does not prove that the doctors will definitely leave, however it does imply intention, cautions the GMC." from If this carries on there'll be no NHS: The doctors so sick of it they're leaving for Australia from Manchester Evening News on 9 April 2023.
    The UK goverment is quite happy to train junior doctors and then see them leave the UK so that its population do not have enough doctors.
  • whilst increasing its tax receipts from just over £400,000,000,000 in 2009-2010 to almost £700,000,000,000 in 2022-2023. The UK Government borrowed £134,000,000,000 in 2022-2023 making Public sector net debt (PSND ex) at the end of March 2023 was £2,530,400,000,000.
    "In 2015 the UK public sector received £671 billion, spent £753 billion, borrowed £82 billion, had a current budget deficit of £46 billion and at the end of 2015 a debt of just over £1.6 trillion (or 84% of GDP)1." from the debt and deficit of the UK public sector explained.

Table M-R
Con that Free Childcare provision for those on benefits who can only work for 15 hours and 59 minutes a week will not get that benefit

Almost as good a con as the childcare provision when both parents are working 16 or more hours a week - this means that parents on benefit who are only allowed to work up to 15 hours 59 minutes will not get the benefit. This extra free childcare allowance for 38 weeks a year will not be fully rolled out until 2 years or more from now - UNTIL AFTER THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION. So it means that for 14 weeks a year then, the parents will have to pay childcare costs which for those on benefits they cannot. For those parents not on benefits and who do not have grandparents to childcare for free, they will suffer financially. Result the parents may well decide not to have children and the empty school space will be taken up by the thousands of children arriving in England in boats - government does not stop them:-
"How many illegal immigrants have arrived in the UK? A Greater London Authority funded study by researchers at the University of Wolverhampton's Institute for Community Research and Development updated these figures in 2020, and estimated that the figure in April 2017 was between 125,000 and 255,000 including between 19,100 and 24,100 children."

Table M-S

Give public sector workers pay rises by one-off bonuses which do not get added to their salary, plus a well-below inflation rate pay rise. This pay rise is taken from the allocated current budget (negotiated in the previous year) for this year for their sector. It means that the pay rise they get leaves them worse off than they were before and this process gets repeated each year.

So, if this NHS pay deal for nurses, ambulance workers, midwives and other NHS staff, but not junior doctors or dentists - is not inflationary, then it means that most of it comes from the existing NHS budget, so that one part of the NHS drops its capital expenditure to pay for this increase in pay. This means that since the money coming in does not cover the money going out, then it is easier for the NHS - in the future - to not replace staff who leave; and so this puts more pressure on the remainder.

Last year, 6,950 UK doctors applied for a certificate to work abroad, according to General Medical Council (GMC) data. This is up from 5,576 in 2021

Considering that the warnings in these 2 rows of this table will not be actioned on by the required personnel, you might as well ignore them

except for
warning 18 where economic slavery continues for the 14th year and
warning 13 about pensions.

This table has been transferred to About Chris Garnons-Williams, with my page.

This is warning 18:-

Page 9 of I newspaper of Friday 17 March 2023 reports the following:-
"Who has settled and who hasn't?
What is the deal?
Union negotiators representing nurses, ambulance workers, midwives and other NHS staff - but not junior doctors or dentists - have accepted an offer of a 5 per cent pay rise for 2023-24 and a one-off "NHS Backlog Bonus" for the current financial year, which is 2 per cent on top of the 4 per cent offer already on the table. The one-off payment is worth at least £1,250 for more than one million NHS workers in England, but could be as much as £3,800 for those on higher pay bands.
Where is the money coming from?
The overall cost of the new pay deal is believed to be £2.5bn. Visiting a London hospital to highlight the breakthrough, the Prime Minister insisted the pay deal was not inflationary. It is believed the funding will come, in part, from existing NHS and Department of Health funds, and in part new money from the Treasury".
My Comments:-

  • So, if this pay deal is not inflationary, then it means that most of it comes from the existing NHS budget, so that one part of the NHS drops its capital expenditure to pay for this increase in pay. This means that since the money coming in does not cover the money going out, then it is easier for the NHS - in the future - to not replace staff who leave; and so this puts more pressure on the remainder.
  • "From January 2022 to January 2023, domestic gas prices increased by 129% and domestic electricity prices by 67%." from House of Commons Library.
    This NHS Backlog Bonus of 2 per cent and the 4 per cent in this current year does not cover those increases in gas and electricity prices. The 5 per cent for next year does not cover the 11.1% inflation of this year, so yet again if this is accepted the purchasing power of the NHS staff is declining for the 14th year, whereas the Members of Parliament have had a 28% increase in their wages during those years.
  • Domestic gas prices increased by 129% from January 2022 to January 2023 according to the House of Commons Library.
    • So for every £100 paid in December 2021, that becomes £229 in January 2023.
    • My wife informed me on the 4 May 2023, that the domestic monthly gas price has just now almost doubled from this month, so that is almost a 100% increase.
    • So this £229 becomes about £450.
    • This means that the domestic consumer from now on will pay 450% more than they paid per month in December 2021.
    • The domestic gas price will increase again at least once within the next 12 months, because the gas companies can do what they like.
  • Most of the nursing unions have accepted on 4 May 2023 a 5% increase in their pay plus a one-off payment which is not to be added to their salary as a % increase. So this 5% does not pay for that increase in their gas bill nor does it cover the increases of the last year shown below.
    The Guardian published in their newspaper of the 4 May 2023 the following:-
    • "The ingredients needed for a family pot of spaghetti bolognese cost £8.64 just a year ago, but rose to £9.99 last month, a 15.6% increase.
      The cost of a single school lunch - comprising a sandwich, a banana and a small yoghurt - rose by 8p between 2018 and 2022 but has now increased a further 44p, a 20% leap in a single year.
      The cost of baby items has also spiked: powdered baby formula is now 25% more than in March 2018 and 12% more than a year ago.
      The price rises extend to animals as well as human products and services. A can of dog food which cost just 62p in 2018, rising to 78p last year, will now cost its owner more than £1.

      The UK's overall annual inflation rate stood at 10.1% in March, the last month or which data is available. this marks a fall on previous months; but inflation remains stubbornly high, driven by food and drink prices rising by 19.1%, the fastest annual rate since 1977.

      However, wage growth has not kept pace. Inflationary pressures boosted regular earnings (average weekly earnings excluding bonuses) by just 5.7% in the closest equivalent period (up to February 2023).

      These figures come from using data released on the 3 may 2023 by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).
      The Guardian has built a calculator to show how much more we all now have to pay for everyday activities compared with 2018, from making a plate of spaghetti to stocking up on toiletries or going for a night out - to try the calculator online go to: theguardian.com/p/nqcna .
      The ONS has published the real-world data for 455 individual items - allowing consumers to see changes over a 5-year period."

  • "UK egg farmers slashed production as a result of rising costs and supermarket business terms forcing them to sell at a loss. The Ukraine war tripled the price of feed to the UK and Italy, which accounts for 60-70% of the UK egg producers costs. Last year it cost us UK producers £1.40 to produce 12 eggs, but the supermarkets insisted on continuing to pay just £1, meaning many producers halted production to avoid selling at a loss. The number of free range laying hens, which account for 70% of retail egg sales in the UK, dropped from 26.5 million last May to 25.1 million in January. That's about 1.5 million fewer eggs a day. As a bout of avian flu further reduced UK production, shelves emptied, supermarkets rationed sales in November and turned to the Italians. Instead of focusing on free range production, where hens live outdoors as in the UK, 65% of Italian production is derived from lower-cost barn eggs, where hens are kept indoors. The difference in Italy is that producers complained to their government which invoked an EU rule prohibiting supermarkets from paying below cost price. That rule helped keep us in business in Italy. British legislation could have been used, but the UK government chose not to. Our government is more interested in cheap food than food security. This pushes the value of Italian egg exports to Britain to 1,000,000 euros last year, up from 23,000 euros in 2021 - I wonder who received the backhanders in the UK for this UK farming destruction by paying the Italians at least the production cost plus a profit, but not doing this for the UK egg producers?" from The Times of Monday May 8 2023. The British Government is quite happy to destroy the UK farming community producing eggs and does not follow the same EU rule that we have not yet rescinded or its own legislation.

  • This Conservative Government over the last 13 years is
    • determined to bankrupt the country by increasing the National Debt by more than £1,500,000,000,000 and
    • destroying the living standards of the NHS workforce and civil servants by consistently giving pay rises well below inflation,
      "The first-year doctors’ salary is £29,384 in the UK, reads the sign held at the last round of strikes across Greater Manchester. The sign then claims that, in New Zealand, that value jumps to £37,460; Canada pays £37,774; France is providing wages of £43,909, while Australia looms largest at £47,214.
      Although the poster does not take into account the cost of living in each country, even in isolation the numbers are evidently tempting to NHS staff striking in their droves for improved pay - all the while contending with the UK’s own cost of living crisis.
      Four in ten junior doctors are actively planning to leave the NHS as soon as they can find another job, a survey from the British Medical Association at the end of 2022 revealed. Many of those doctors wanting to quit the NHS plan to work as doctors abroad.
      According to the survey, a third of junior doctors are planning to work as doctors in another country in the next twelve months, with Australia being the top choice of destination, some citing pay erosion since 2008 as a leading cause. The ongoing strikes by junior doctors are trying to resolve what has been described as '15 years of wage erosion' by campaigning for a 35 per cent pay rise.
      Last year, 6,950 UK doctors applied for a certificate to work abroad, according to General Medical Council (GMC) data. This is up from 5,576 in 2021 - the data does not prove that the doctors will definitely leave, however it does imply intention, cautions the GMC." from If this carries on there'll be no NHS: The doctors so sick of it they're leaving for Australia from Manchester Evening News on 9 April 2023.
      The UK goverment is quite happy to train junior doctors and then see them leave the UK so that its population do not have enough doctors.
    • whilst increasing its tax receipts from just over £400,000,000,000 in 2009-2010 to almost £700,000,000,000 in 2022-2023. The UK Government borrowed £134,000,000,000 in 2022-2023 making Public sector net debt (PSND ex) at the end of March 2023 was £2,530,400,000,000.
      "In 2015 the UK public sector received £671 billion, spent £753 billion, borrowed £82 billion, had a current budget deficit of £46 billion and at the end of 2015 a debt of just over £1.6 trillion (or 84% of GDP)1." from the debt and deficit of the UK public sector explained.

Table M-T
Nearly a third of the UK workforce are not saving for a pension at all. That will leave them reliant on a state pension worth just over £200 a week.

As I said, alarming." Perhaps these not saving belong to the following: A nurse has suffered a 20% real terms pay cut when compared to salary levels in 2010 and thus having to work a day a week unpaid; while starving in order to feed her children as 1 of the 9.3 million in the UK suffering food insecurity.

What the budget in March 2023 proposes is abolishing the limit on the Lifetime Allowance currently (18 March 2023) £1,073,100.
The rate of tax you pay on pension savings above your lifetime allowance depends on how the money is paid to you - the rate is:

  • • 55% if you get it as a lump sum
  • • 25% if you get it any other way, for example pension payments or cash withdrawals"

Your lifetime allowance (LTA) is the maximum amount you can draw from pensions (workplace or personal) in your lifetime without paying extra tax. This figure is currently £1,073,100, but it's being abolished from April 2024.

This is why Doctors either resign or only work a very time after the age of 60 because their lifetime allowance etc will take them over the limit. From April 2024 that Lifetime Allowance has been abolished so they and many others wil lose a lot of their pension in this extra tax plus they have to pay income tax on it, probably before you pay this extra tax. There is no point saving for a private pension when the government will steal it from you when you retire, because you were not aware of thii extortion system.

Warning 13 is about pensions.
From the Times on Friday 8 September 2023 - "The debate on pensions has centred on the need to increase contribution levels and on structural reform. I remain in favour of shock tactics to bring about change, so will share this, which was in an Abrdn and Citi report out earlier this week:
nearly a third of the UK workforce are not saving for a pension at all. That will leave them reliant on a state pension worth just over £200 a week. As I said, alarming." Perhaps these not saving belong to the following: A nurse has suffered a 20% real terms pay cut when compared to salary levels in 2010 and thus having to work a day a week unpaid; while starving in order to feed her children as 1 of the 9.3 million in the UK suffering food insecurity.

What the budget in March 2023 proposes is abolishing the limit on the pension pot currently (18 March 2023) £1,073,100. Fine, but is there any change to the tax on the lifetime allowance?

"Tax on your private pension contributions from UK Government (18 March 2023)

Tax relief
Annual allowance
Lifetime allowance

Lifetime allowance
You usually pay tax if your pension pots are worth more than the lifetime allowance. This is currently £1,073,100.
You might be able to protect your pension pot from reductions to the lifetime allowance.
Check how much lifetime allowance you’ve used.
Ask your pension provider how much of your lifetime allowance you’ve used.
If you’re in more than one pension scheme, you must add up what you’ve used in all pension schemes you belong to.

What counts towards your allowance depends on the type of pension pot you get.  

Type of pension pot

What counts towards your lifetime allowance

Defined contribution - personal, stakeholder and most workplace schemes

Money in pension pots that goes towards paying you, however you decide to take the money

Defined benefit - some workplace schemes

Usually 20 times the pension you get in the first year plus your lump sum - check with your pension provider

Your pension provider may ask for information about other pension schemes you’re in so they can check if you’re above your lifetime allowance when you:

  • • decide to take money from a pension pot
  • • turn 75
  • • transfer your pension overseas

Pay tax if you go above your lifetime allowance
You’ll get a statement from your pension provider telling you how much tax you owe if you go above your lifetime allowance. Your pension provider will deduct the tax before you start getting your pension.
You’ll need to report the tax deducted by filling in a Self Assessment tax return - download and fill in form SA101 if you’re using paper forms. You’ll get information from your pension provider to help you do this.
If you die before taking your pension HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) will bill the person who inherits your pension for the tax.

The rate of tax you pay on pension savings above your lifetime allowance depends on how the money is paid to you - the rate is:

  • • 55% if you get it as a lump sum
  • • 25% if you get it any other way, for example pension payments or cash withdrawals"

Your lifetime allowance (LTA) is the maximum amount you can draw from pensions (workplace or personal) in your lifetime without paying extra tax. This figure is currently £1,073,100, but it's being abolished from April 2024.

My Comments -
Clever con trick - this tax change does not occur for another 13 months, so will make no difference to doctors etc leaving in droves before April 2024. With that 20 times the pension you get in the first year and the pension pot (it is only the limit on this pension pot that is proposed to change not the tax currently charged on it and the 20 times the pension you get in the first year) it comes from, can mean that many more people would fall foul of this extra tax of 25% on top of the income tax you would pay on that pension income per year, besides those who have a pension pot exceeeding £1,073,100. So the same amount of tax would be collected.

Almost as good a con as the childcare provision when both parents are working 16 or more hours a week - this means that parents on benefit who are only allowed to work up to 15 hours 59 minutes will not get the benefit. This extra free childcare allowance for 38 weeks a year will not be fully rolled out until 2 years or more from now - UNTIL AFTER THE NEXT
GENERAL ELECTION. So it means that for 14 weeks a year then, the parents will have to pay childcare costs which for those on benefits they cannot. For those parents not on benefits and who do not have grandparents to childcare for free, they will suffer financially. Result the parents may well decide not to have children and the empty school space will be taken up by the thousands of children arriving in England in boats - government does not stop them:-
"How many illegal immigrants have arrived in the UK? A Greater London Authority funded study by researchers at the University of Wolverhampton's Institute for Community Research and Development updated these figures in 2020, and estimated that the figure in April 2017 was between 125,000 and 255,000 including between 19,100 and 24,100 children."

I wonder what the navy does and how these immigrants can get in past the Law Officers?
All China or Russia has to do is send immigrants in small boats across the English Channel, we the UK public then pay for them to be here while they enter local and main government before taking it over at our expense. At least we would not have to use the live round for each member of the Armed Forces before they end up without ammunition.