Ivydene Gardens Rose Plant Gallery: |
Rose Classification Number |
Rose Classification - Links to each page of these is in the menu in the table on the left in each page |
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Modern Roses: 1 Modern Shrub Recurrent Large-Flowered
Site design and content copyright ©June 2024 Chris Garnons-Williams. DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services is not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site. |
"Pruning roses - the sissinghurst method Pruning roses the Sissinghurst way helps create those wonderful fountains of roses you see in summer gardens - delicious-smelling, out-of-control geysers of flowers that effuse all over the garden. Pruning roses like this means you don't get those boring little twiggy bushes, all leg and no body, surrounded by bare ground. The Sissinghurst rose pruning technique originated at Cliveden with the Astors' head gardener Jack Vass, who moved to Sissinghurst in 1939. Vita Sackville-West loved her roses, particularly the dark, rich Gallicas such as 'Charles de Mills', 'Tuscany Superb' and 'Cardinal de Richelieu', but it was Jack Vass who started to grow them in this exceptional way, and roses have been pruned and trained like this at Sissinghurst ever since. Other National Trust properties send their gardeners here to learn this ingenious technique. The rose pruning philosophy can be summed up as "treat them mean, keep them keen". If you put every stem of a rose plant under pressure, bending and stressing it, the rose will flower more prolifically. The plant's biochemistry tells the bush it's on the way out and so needs to make as many flowers as possible. THE SISSINGHURST ROSE PRUNING TECHNIQUE Climbers and ramblers The rose pruning season at Sissinghurst starts in November with the climbers and ramblers that cover almost every one of the terracotta brick walls. First, the gardeners cut off most of that year's growth. This keeps the framework of the rose clear and prevents the plant from becoming too woody. Next, large woody stems are taken out - almost to the base - to encourage new shoots. These will flower the following year. The remaining branches are re-attached to the wall, stem by stem, starting from the middle of the plant, working outwards, with the pruned tip of each branch bent down and attached to the one below. Climbers such as 'Paul's Lemon Pillar' are a bit more reluctant than ramblers like 'Albertine' and the famous Rosa mulliganii on the frame in the centre of the White Garden, which are very bendy and easy to train. Shrub roses Once the wall roses are done, it's the turn of the border shrubs. They should be pruned before they come into leaf to prevent leaf buds and shoots from being damaged as their stems are manipulated. Depending on their habit, shrub roses are trained in one of three ways. The tall, rangy bushes with stiffer branches (such as 'Charles de Mills', 'Ispahan', 'Gloire de France', 'Cardinal de Richelieu' and 'Camayeux') are twirled up a frame of four chestnut or hazel poles. Every pruned tip is bent and attached to a length below. The big leggy shrubs, which put out great, pliable, triffid arms that are easy to tie down and train, are bent on to hazel hoops arranged around the skirts of the plant. Roses with this lax habit include 'Constance Spry', 'Fantin-Latour', 'Zéphirine Drouhin', 'Madame Isaac Pereire', 'Coupe d'Hébé', 'Henri Martin' and 'Souvenir du Dr Jamain'. All the old and diseased wood is removed and then, stem by stem, last year's wood is bent over and tied onto the hazel hoop. You start at the outside of the plant and tie that in first and then move towards the middle, using the plant's own branches to build up the web and - in the case of 'Constance Spry' and 'Henri Martin' - create a fantastic height, one layer domed and attached to the one below. Without any sign of a flower, this looks magnificent as soon as it's complete, and in a couple of months, each stem, curved almost to ground level, will flower abundantly. That leaves just the contained, well behaved, less prolific varieties ('Petite de Hollande', 'Madame Knorr', 'Chapeau de Napoléon', ( syn. Rosa x centifolia 'Cristata') and those that produce branches too stiff to bend ('Felicia' and the newish David Austin rose, 'William Shakespeare 2000'). These are pruned hard, then each bush is attached to a single stake, cut to about the height of the pruned bush and attached by twine. Without the stake, even these will topple under the weight of their summer growth. For those who live in the North, where some roses are yet to leaf, you could get bending now. If your roses are already too advanced for this year, come and see how it's all done at Sissinghurst." from Sarah Raven. |
"The 5 P’s For Easy Rose Growing 1. Planning 2. Preparation 3. Planting 4. Pruning 5. Preservation Planning Try to plan well in advance of purchasing your roses. Roses come in a multitude of sizes, habits and colours. They prefer a sunny position and a neutral or slightly acidic well drained soil. Certain roses will tolerate differing degrees of shade and some will thrive in poor soils. Do your homework. Preparation The area to be planted should be free of weeds and deeply dug with the addition of plenty of organic matter such as well rotted farmyard manure or garden compost plus bonemeal. Soil that has previously grown roses should be removed to a depth of 45cms and replaced with fresh soil from elsewhere. This should be completed well before planting to allow the soil to settle. Planting Bare root roses can be planted from November until March provided the soil is workable. Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots. Mix a handful of bonemeal with the excavated soil. Spread the roots out in the hole and gradually replace the soil firming well so the union (where the shoots meet the roots) is 2-3 cms. below the soil, water well. If conditions are very wet or frosty when your roses arrive they can be kept unopened in their packaging for a week or more and planted as soon as things improve. Pruning This is a way to maintain a healthy, productive and well balanced plant. Different types of roses require different strategies so see the group headings on the website for more detailed pruning guides. Always use sharp secateurs or loppers and try to prune just above an outward facing bud (where the leaf stalk meets the stem) with a cut sloping down away from the bud. Remove any dead, damaged or diseased wood before pruning. Preservation Roses can be long lived plants provided they are properly maintained. They require plenty of moisture and nutrients to stay healthy and flourish. In dry spells water well, especially in the first few years after planting. The application of a deep mulch in the spring will help to retain water. Feed twice a year on heavy soils (March and June) and more regularly on lighter soils with a good rose fertilizer or fish blood and bone. Pests and diseases are best controlled with good husbandry. There are some good organic products on the market now that can be used to help maintain your plants health. Any suckers (shoots growing from the rootstock) should be pulled off (not cut) as soon as possible." from Trevor White Old Fashioned Roses. |
Rose Diseases Black Spot Alliums and other members of the onion family are said to ward off aphids, prevent rose blackspot and even make the scent of roses stronger.
Crown Gall
Powdery Mildew
Mineral Deficiences
Balling of Flowers Mottisfont Rose Gardens :-
Ivydene Gardens Rose Colour Wheel: 2 or more Colour Flowers in July |
8 Rosa 'Little Amy' SUN bedding, cut-flower, pot, exhib-ition, edge, not fragrant |
8 Rosa 'Ruby Baby' SUN cut-flower, exhib-ition, edge, not fragrant |
8 Rosa 'Figurine' SUN bedding, cut-flower, pot, exhib-ition, edge, not fragrant |
8 Rosa 'Little Jackie' SUN cut-flower, exhib-ition, edge, not fragrant, pot |
5 Rosa 'Daily Sketch' bedding, hedge, poorer soils, fragrant |
4 Rosa bedding, hedge, cut-flower, exhib-ition, sp-eciman, pot, poorer soil, not fragrant |
5 Rosa 'Picasso' hedge, pot, poorer soils, not fragrant |
4 Rosa 'Acap-ulco' bedding, not fragrant |
8 Rosa 'Glowing Amber' SUN bedding, cut-flower, pot, exhib-ition, edge, not fragrant, hips |
6a Rosa 'Amb-iance' SUN bedding, not fragrant, cut-flower, pot, exhib-ition, edge |
5 Rosa 'Matangi' thorny, bedding, hedge, poorer soils, not fragrant |
5 bedding, hedge, pot, poorer soil, not fragrant |
4 Rosa 'Typhoon' bedding, hedge, cut-flower, pot, fragrant |
5 Rosa 'Grace Aboun-ding' thorny, bedding, hedge, pot, not fragrant |
4 Rosa 'Myra' thorny, bedding, cut-flower, pot, not fragrant |
5 Rosa 'Copper Delight' bedding, fragrant |
5 Rosa 'Living Fire' thorny, bedding, hedge, cut-flower, poorer soils, north, shade, fragrant |
5 Rosa bedding, cut-flower, pot, fragrant, thorny |
4 Rosa 'Lincol-nshire Poacher' bedding, exhib-ition, not fragrant |
21 Rosa 'Honorine de Brabant' SUN, part shade climber, poorer soils, shade, fragrant, pot |
8 Rosa 'Tropical Twist' SUN cut-flower, exhib-ition, edge. not fragrant |
8 Rosa 'X Rated' SUN cut-flower, exhib-ition, edge, fragrant |
8 Rosa 'Incog-nito' cut-flower, exhib-ition, edge, not fragrant |
4 Rosa 'Silver Wed-ding' bedding, cut-flower, pot, not fragrant, thorny |
25 Rosa 'Cam-aieux' hedge, poorer soils, not fragrant, cut-flower, pot |
23 pot, speci-man, thorn-less, fragrant |
4 Rosa 'Tina Turner' bedding, fragrant |
5 Rosa bedding, fragrant, cut-flower, edge. difficult to combine with other roses |
4 Rosa 'Audrey Wilcox' bedding, fragrant, cut-flower, edge, thorny |
4 Rosa 'Belle Epoque' bedding, fragrant, cut-flower, pot, edge |
8 Rosa 'Hot Tamale' SUN bedding, cut-flower, pot, exhib-ition, not fragrant, edge |
8 Rosa 'Kristin' SUN bedding, cut-flower, exhib-ition, edge, thorn-less, not fragrant, pot |
4 Rosa 'Tequila Sunrise' bedding, hedge, pot, not fragrant |
5 Rosa 'Saddle-worth Male Voice Choir' bedding, edge, not fragrant |
5 Rosa 'South-ampton' bedding, hedge, pot, poorer soils, fragrant |
4 Rosa 'Double Delight' hedge, cut-flower, pot, exhib-ition, fragrant |
4 Rosa 'Dr Dick' thorny, bedding, cut-flower, exhib-ition, not fragrant |
4 Rosa 'Freddie Mercury' bedding, cut-flower, fragrant, thorn-less |
4 Rosa 'Grace Donn-elly' bedding, not fragrant |
4 Rosa 'Isn't She Lovely' bedding, cut-flower, pot, edge, stand-ard, fragrant, thorny |
4 Rosa 'Jack's Wish' bedding, cut-flower, pot, edge, fragrant |
4 Rosa bedding, exhib-ition, not fragrant, thorny |
4 Rosa 'Adriana' thorny, bedding, hedge, fragrant, cut-flower, pot, edge |
4 Rosa 'Acapu-lco' bedding, not fragrant |
5 Rosa 'Great Expect-ations' bedding, pot, edge, not fragrant, thorny |
5 Rosa 'Brilli-ant Pink Iceberg' bedding, ground cover, hedge, not fragrant, cut-flower, pot, edge |
4 Rosa 'Brit-annia' thorny, bedding, hips, fragrant, pot, edge |
6a Rosa 'Solar Flair' cut-flower, exhib-ition, not fragrant |
3 Rosa 'Flower Carpet Amber' SUN thorny, ground cover, not fragrant, pot |
6a Rosa 'Shiry-nne Cowan' SUN bedding, cut-flower, pot, exhib-ition, edge, not fragrant |
This rose changes colour drama-tically when opening without and/or "with sunshine." |
4 Rosa 'Belle Epoque' bedding, fragrant, cut-flower, pot, edge |
5 Rosa 'China-town' thorny, bedding, back of border, fragrant |
4 Rosa 'Creme Caramel' thorny, bedding, fragrant, edge |
19a bedding, cut-flower, pot, specim-an, edge, stand-ard, fragrant |
5 Rosa 'Masque-rade' bedding, pot, hedge, poorer soil, not fragrant |
2 Rosa 'Prosp-erity' SUN, part shade hedge, poorer soils, pot, fragrant |
18 Rosa 'Masqu-erade' Climbing climber, poorer soils, not fragrant |
37 Rosa 'Adelaide d'Orl-eans' climber, hedge, in tree, exhib-ition, speci-man, north, shade, fragrant |
10 Rosa 'Fruhlin-gsduft' SUN, part shade hedge, wood-land, poor soil, shade, fragrant |
30 Rosa 'Lord Pen-zance' SUN hedge, wood-land, poor soil, hips, shade, fragrant |
31 Rosa 'Gloire de Dijon' SUN pot, speci-man, fragrant |
36 Rosa 'Madam-me Alfred Carriere' Sun, part shade |
Site design and content copyright ©June 2024. Chris Garnons-Williams. DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services is not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site. |
From Riverford on monday 17th June 2024 - "Wisdom to Live by Up until the 1950's most flowers we encountered in the UK were grown in the UK. Then, huge investment from the Dutch government saw the first airfreighted blooms arrive, followed by the arrival of the 'Flying Dutchman' flower lorries in the 1980s. Market dominance was set and today 86 per cent of all UK cut flowers are imported. This is a huge change from the dedicated flower trains from Cornwall to London, filled with narcissi and violets. It seems almost inconceivable that the violet nosegay of the early 20th century, so delicate they lasted just a few days, could still be so appreciated for their perfume and beauty. |
Companion Plants for Roses:-
ROSE USE GALLERY PAGES ROSE PLANT 2 GALLERY PAGES MODERN CLIMBER ROSE TYPE SHAPE For further details on the cultivation of roses, consult the The Rose Society UK. The Royal National Rose Society went into administration on 15th May 2017. --------- ROSE PLANT 2 GALLERY PAGES OLD GARDEN CLIMBER ROSE TYPE SHAPE BED PICTURES
Camera Photo Galleries showing all 4000 x 3000 pixels of each photo on your screen that you can then click and drag it to your desktop; Recommended Rose Pruning Methods 13 Nursery of Nursery of
Susceptible to Black Spot. |
Ivydene Gardens Other Roses S-Z Gallery: |
Click for further details on WISLEY WISLEY Rose Plant Classification System:- Rosa Wisley 2008 'AUSbreeze' is:-
Normal Rose Plant Classification System:- Now you should not confuse the above system with the usual retail name of Rosa 'Wisley 2008' (Ausbreeze) by Austin Roses where
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Roses in this Gallery Rose Name Link followed by Rose Colour Link on next line:- Other followed by Rose Use:- Arc for Arch, Pergola
Flower Shape Petal Count If there is no colour following the plant name, this indicates that this name is either .......................
Rose INDEX Page includes bloom colour thumbnail, rose use, height and width with link to its Rose Description Page. |
A. |
H. Hot Chocolate |
"Roses UK is a joint marketing venture between BARB (British Association Of Rose Breeders) and the British Rose Group of the HTA (previously known as the British Rose Growers Association) aimed at maintaining and increasing the profile of the nation's favourite flower, the rose, through promotional activities. Amongst its major activities is included responsibility for the organisation of the annual rose festival held at the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show. Roses UK also manages the Rose of the Year trials - a competition that has been running since 1982 and one that is designed to select, through nationwide trials, the best of new rose introductions, entered by professional rose breeders, for a given year. The Gold Standard Rose Trial, independently managed by NIAB (National Institute of Agricultural Botany in Cambridge) on behalf of the British Association of Rose Breeders (BARB) is also promoted by Roses UK. ROSES UK IS NEITHER A RETAILER NOR WHOLESALER OF ROSES". |
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The Royal National Rose Society is "is not only the world’s oldest specialist plant society but the foremost global authority on the cultivation and care of the rose. Established in 1876, the RNRS now has a membership that spans the globe and includes many affiliated horticultural societies and research libraries, as well as thousands of rose- loving individuals. Today, the RNRS is best known for its flagship Gardens of the Rose at Chiswell Green in Hertfordshire, on the outskirts of St Albans. Opened 50 years ago by the then Patron of the Society, the Princess Royal, The Gardens of the Rose offer five acres of stunning displays of tens of thousands of roses, both traditional and contemporary, complemented by a huge selection of companion plants. A major objective is the administration of the RNRS International rose trials which are open to both professional and amateur rose breeders. Visit our International Rose Trials page for some background to the trialling process. The Society is also recognised as a governing body in the administration of showing and judging roses in the UK. Visit our shows area page for details of forthcoming events." |
D. |
"Find That Rose, the guide for rose lovers in the UK is now in its 31st year (2014). This website is based on the variety and Growers details, and also gives you planting and care advice.
There are roses for every situation. Breeders over the last decade or so have increased the choice with Patio/Courtyard climbers...suitable for the smaller gardens where taller and wider climbers are just too big. The Book Find That Rose is designed to: Help you find the rose of your choice
To help you contact specialist Rose Growers and suppliers
Discover who supplies roses mail order
Advise you which rose growers export
Help retailers and local authorities find a wholesale grower Details of the 31st Edition of Find That Rose….. the book:

Listing approx. 3,550 varieties available in the UK Approximately 200 new varieties listed in the 31st Edition.
46 growers/suppliers featured.
New for the 31st Edition - Dates of Variety Introductions.
Help in tracing a variety with a particular Christian name, or one for a special event.
Details on where you can see roses in bloom this summer.
All this and a Rose Discount voucher towards purchases of roses from select members.
To get the full pictures… i.e. the Book Find That Rose see request a Brochure" |
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Companion Plants for Roses:-
Site design and content copyright ©October 2014. Updated flower colour page links from Rose Plant Gallery to Rose Plant 2 Gallery June 2024. Chris Garnons-Williams. DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services is not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site. |
"Pruning roses - the sissinghurst method Pruning roses the Sissinghurst way helps create those wonderful fountains of roses you see in summer gardens - delicious-smelling, out-of-control geysers of flowers that effuse all over the garden. Pruning roses like this means you don't get those boring little twiggy bushes, all leg and no body, surrounded by bare ground. The Sissinghurst rose pruning technique originated at Cliveden with the Astors' head gardener Jack Vass, who moved to Sissinghurst in 1939. Vita Sackville-West loved her roses, particularly the dark, rich Gallicas such as 'Charles de Mills', 'Tuscany Superb' and 'Cardinal de Richelieu', but it was Jack Vass who started to grow them in this exceptional way, and roses have been pruned and trained like this at Sissinghurst ever since. Other National Trust properties send their gardeners here to learn this ingenious technique. The rose pruning philosophy can be summed up as "treat them mean, keep them keen". If you put every stem of a rose plant under pressure, bending and stressing it, the rose will flower more prolifically. The plant's biochemistry tells the bush it's on the way out and so needs to make as many flowers as possible. THE SISSINGHURST ROSE PRUNING TECHNIQUE Climbers and ramblers The rose pruning season at Sissinghurst starts in November with the climbers and ramblers that cover almost every one of the terracotta brick walls. First, the gardeners cut off most of that year's growth. This keeps the framework of the rose clear and prevents the plant from becoming too woody. Next, large woody stems are taken out - almost to the base - to encourage new shoots. These will flower the following year. The remaining branches are re-attached to the wall, stem by stem, starting from the middle of the plant, working outwards, with the pruned tip of each branch bent down and attached to the one below. Climbers such as 'Paul's Lemon Pillar' are a bit more reluctant than ramblers like 'Albertine' and the famous Rosa mulliganii on the frame in the centre of the White Garden, which are very bendy and easy to train. Shrub roses Once the wall roses are done, it's the turn of the border shrubs. They should be pruned before they come into leaf to prevent leaf buds and shoots from being damaged as their stems are manipulated. Depending on their habit, shrub roses are trained in one of three ways. The tall, rangy bushes with stiffer branches (such as 'Charles de Mills', 'Ispahan', 'Gloire de France', 'Cardinal de Richelieu' and 'Camayeux') are twirled up a frame of four chestnut or hazel poles. Every pruned tip is bent and attached to a length below. The big leggy shrubs, which put out great, pliable, triffid arms that are easy to tie down and train, are bent on to hazel hoops arranged around the skirts of the plant. Roses with this lax habit include 'Constance Spry', 'Fantin-Latour', 'Zéphirine Drouhin', 'Madame Isaac Pereire', 'Coupe d'Hébé', 'Henri Martin' and 'Souvenir du Dr Jamain'. All the old and diseased wood is removed and then, stem by stem, last year's wood is bent over and tied onto the hazel hoop. You start at the outside of the plant and tie that in first and then move towards the middle, using the plant's own branches to build up the web and - in the case of 'Constance Spry' and 'Henri Martin' - create a fantastic height, one layer domed and attached to the one below. Without any sign of a flower, this looks magnificent as soon as it's complete, and in a couple of months, each stem, curved almost to ground level, will flower abundantly. That leaves just the contained, well behaved, less prolific varieties ('Petite de Hollande', 'Madame Knorr', 'Chapeau de Napoléon', ( syn. Rosa x centifolia 'Cristata') and those that produce branches too stiff to bend ('Felicia' and the newish David Austin rose, 'William Shakespeare 2000'). These are pruned hard, then each bush is attached to a single stake, cut to about the height of the pruned bush and attached by twine. Without the stake, even these will topple under the weight of their summer growth. For those who live in the North, where some roses are yet to leaf, you could get bending now. If your roses are already too advanced for this year, come and see how it's all done at Sissinghurst." from Sarah Raven. |
"The 5 P’s For Easy Rose Growing 1. Planning 2. Preparation 3. Planting 4. Pruning 5. Preservation Planning Try to plan well in advance of purchasing your roses. Roses come in a multitude of sizes, habits and colours. They prefer a sunny position and a neutral or slightly acidic well drained soil. Certain roses will tolerate differing degrees of shade and some will thrive in poor soils. Do your homework. Preparation The area to be planted should be free of weeds and deeply dug with the addition of plenty of organic matter such as well rotted farmyard manure or garden compost plus bonemeal. Soil that has previously grown roses should be removed to a depth of 45cms and replaced with fresh soil from elsewhere. This should be completed well before planting to allow the soil to settle. Planting Bare root roses can be planted from November until March provided the soil is workable. Dig a hole large enough to accommodate the roots. Mix a handful of bonemeal with the excavated soil. Spread the roots out in the hole and gradually replace the soil firming well so the union (where the shoots meet the roots) is 2-3 cms. below the soil, water well. If conditions are very wet or frosty when your roses arrive they can be kept unopened in their packaging for a week or more and planted as soon as things improve. Pruning This is a way to maintain a healthy, productive and well balanced plant. Different types of roses require different strategies so see the group headings on the website for more detailed pruning guides. Always use sharp secateurs or loppers and try to prune just above an outward facing bud (where the leaf stalk meets the stem) with a cut sloping down away from the bud. Remove any dead, damaged or diseased wood before pruning. Preservation Roses can be long lived plants provided they are properly maintained. They require plenty of moisture and nutrients to stay healthy and flourish. In dry spells water well, especially in the first few years after planting. The application of a deep mulch in the spring will help to retain water. Feed twice a year on heavy soils (March and June) and more regularly on lighter soils with a good rose fertilizer or fish blood and bone. Pests and diseases are best controlled with good husbandry. There are some good organic products on the market now that can be used to help maintain your plants health. Any suckers (shoots growing from the rootstock) should be pulled off (not cut) as soon as possible." from Trevor White Old Fashioned Roses. |