Use these |
Ivydene Gardens Extra Pages of Plants |
The |
The Alpine Garden Society Encyclopedia of Alpines Volume One (A-K) (ISBN 0-900048-61-1) and Volume Two (ISBN 0-900048-62-X) or (ISBN for Complete Work 0-900048-63-8) by Kenneth Beckett describes just under 1000 genera of alpines known to be in cultivation, or to have been in cultivation, from the world's mountain flora. As the standard reference it now relaces The English Rock Garden (1919) by Reginald Farrer and The Present Day Rock Garden (1937) by Sampson Clay. "What is an alpine plant? Technically and from a botanical perspective alpine plants are those which grow above the tree line in mountain regions of the world in what are called subalpine and alpine zones; this includes species found at low altitudes in severe climates devoid of trees such as the Arctic and Antarctic. From a horticultural point of view, however, this definition is extended to include many other small flowering plants and ferns from low altitudes, whether from the seashore, marsh or woodland. 'Alpine' and 'rock garden' are frequently used to encompass this wide spectrum of different plants. In reality any small plant suitable for growing on the rock garden, scree, raised bed or in a trough in the open garden, as well as a great range of others more easily grown within the confines of an unhearted glasshouse or cold frame, are included in the above books and within the definition of 'alpine'. By general agreement, rock and alpine plants are thought to be small, often with a hummock, mat or tufted habit and often less than 1-1.3 feet tall. However anyone who has visited a mountain region will know that not all plants seen there necessarily fit into this handy definition. In general 2 feet in height and 3.25 feet spread has been taken as the maximum, but at the same time some potentially larger plants are included. Thus the alpine gardener cultivates a wide range of plants from true alpine and rock adapted species to small shrubs, a great range of woodland species, dwarf ferns and a myriad different types of bulbous plants."
Although there is a few plants with their plant description pages in the Odds and Sods , I have decided to put the rest into the other Galleries and note in their page that they are an alpine.
For further information consult the Alpine Garden Society . |
Evergreen Alpine |
Plant Name with link to mail-order nursery in |
Height x Spread in inches (cms) |
Flower Colour |
Flower Months |
Evergreen - Of plants that retain their foliage for more than one growing season; semi-evergreen plants retain only a small proportion of their leaves for more than one season. |
Alyssum wulfenianum |
6 x 18 (15 x 45) |
Yellow |
Apr-May |
Evergreen Alpine |
Plant Name |
Height x Spread in inches (cms) |
Flower |
Flower Months |
Alpine - A plant that grows above the tree line in mountainous regions; loosely applied to rock garden plants that may be grown at relatively low altitudes. |
72 x 24 (180 x 60) |
Purple |
Jul-Aug |
The Rock Garden Plants Suitable for Small Gardens Colour Wheel provides cultivation details for many more alpine plants than on this page. |
Height in inches (cms):- 25.4mm = 1 inch I normally round this to |
Deciduous/Herbaceous Alpine |
Plant Name |
Height x Spread in inches (cms) |
Flower |
Flower Months |
Deciduous - Of plants that shed leaves at the end of the growing season and renew them at the beginning of the next: semi-deciduous plants lose only some of their leaves at the end of the growing season. |
Aster alpinus |
10 x 18 (25 x 45) |
Blue |
Deciduous/Herbaceous Alpine |
Plant Name |
Height x Spread in inches (cms) |
Flower |
Flower Months |
Herbaceous - A non-woody plant in which the upper parts die down to a rootstock at the end of the growing season. It is chiefly applied to perennials, although botanically it also applies to annuals and biennials. |
Daphne alpina |
24 x 24 (60 x 60) |
May-Jun |
Height in inches (cms):- 25.4mm = 1 inch I normally round this to |
Site design and content copyright ©December 2006. Page structure changed September 2012. Height x Spread in feet changed to Height x Spread in inches (cms) May 2015. Data added to existing pages December 2017. Chris Garnons-Williams. DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services are not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site. |
This table has been copied from |
Pruning of
Some old or overgrown shrubs - such as those that produce new shoots from the base or from old wood - may be rejuvenated by hard pruning. Renovate deciduous shrubs after flowering or when dormant in January, and evergreen shrubs in mid-Spring. Cut back up to one-third of the oldest stems close to the base. Of those that remain, cut out the weak or dead wood, then rubbing, crossing or congested stems and finally shorten the oldest by half to strong buds. Repeat the following year, cutting back the remaining old main stems. For pruning of plants after their first year from planting in your garden; begin by removing dead, damaged or diseased wood, and then crossing shoots. If the 'normal' branch is horizontal, then cut out the vertical crossing branch. If the 'normal branch is vertical, then cut out the horizontal crossing branch. Remember to see whether the crossing branch you take out will affect the overall shape of the plant less than the other one - to make sure that you do not destroy the 'normal' shape of the plant. Then follow the respective pruning action for the Pruning Group for that plant in the following table:- |
Pruning Group Number |
Type of Plant |
Pruning Action |
When |
1. e.g. Acer palmatum |
Evergreen and deciduous trees/shrubs that flower on previous or current year's growth and need minimal pruning |
Remove crossing shoots to maintain framework. |
In late winter or early Spring, when dormant; some in late summer or early autumn to prevent sap bleeding. |
2. e.g. Forsythia |
Deciduous Shrubs that flower in Spring or early Summer on previous year's growth |
Cut back flowered shoots to strong buds or young lower or basal growth. On established plants, cut back about 1/4 of old shoots to the base, to promote replacement growth. |
Annually, after flowering. |
3. e.g. Kerria |
Deciduous shrubs that flower in Spring or early Summer on previous year's growth, and produce new growth at or near ground level. |
Cut back flowered shoots to young sideshoots or to strong buds low down on branch framework, to encourage new growth. |
Annually, after flowering |
4. e.g. Hydrangea macrophylla |
Deciduous shrubs that flower in mid to late Summer or Autumn on previous year's growth. |
Trim off last season's flowerheads to the first bud beneath each flowerhead. With established plants, cut back about 1/4 of old shoots to the base, to promote replacement growth. |
Annually, from early to mid-Spring. |
5. e.g. Prunus triloba |
Deciduous shrubs that flower between late Winter and early Spring on previous year's growth. |
Cut back all stems to strong buds or to developing shoots close to the base of the plant, to promote replacement growth. |
Annually, after flowering |
6. e.g. Buddleja davidii |
Deciduous shrubs that flower in mid to late Summer or Autumn on current year's growth. |
Cut back to low permanent framework. For Sub-Shrubs, and for drastic renovation, cut back all flowered stems close to the base. |
Annually, as buds begin to swell in early spring. |
7. e.g. Cornus alba |
Deciduous trees and shrubs that, when pruned hard, produce colourful winter stems, or large or brightly hued foliage, as ornamental features. Plants that flower on previous year's wood do not bloom if pruned this way. |
Cut back all stems to within 2 or 3 buds of the base, or to the permanent framework. Feed or apply well-rotted farmyard manure, and mulch to compensate for loss of wood. |
Annually, in early Spring. |
8. e.g. Camellia, Rhododendron |
Evergreen shrubs that flower between Winter and early Summer on previous or current year's growth, and need minimal pruning. |
Trim or lightly cut back shoots that spoil symmetry. Dead-head regularly if practical (unless fruit is required). |
Annually, after flowering. Remove dead and damaged growth in mid-Spring. |
9. e.g. Eucryphia |
Evergreen shrubs that flower between mid-Summer and late Autumn on previous or current year's growth, or that bear insignificant flowers, and that need minimal pruning. |
Trim or lightly cut back shoots that spoil symmetry. Shrubs grown for foliage often tolerate harder pruning. Dead-head regularly if practical (unless fruit is required). |
Annually, or as necessary, from mid to late Spring. |
10. e.g. Calluna, Erica, Lavandula |
Evergreen shrubs that flower on previous year's growth in Spring or early Summer, or on current year's growth in late Summer or Autumn. (Tree heathers require only minimal pruning). |
Cut back flowered shoots to within 1" (2.5cm) of previous year's growth. |
11. e.g. Akebia, Clematis montana |
Vigorous, deciduous and evergreen climbers that flower on previous or current year's growth, and need no regular pruning. |
Trim to fit available space; carry out renovation pruning as needed |
Annually, or as needed:
12. e.g. Solanum crispum |
Less vigourous, deciduous and evergreen climbers that flower on previous or current year's growth. |
"Spur prune" by cutting back side-shoots to within 4 buds of it's main stem. Thin out overcrowded shoots by unravelling every branch onto the ground. Then, retie the main branches to its support - this could be chainlink fencing from 24 to 60 inches (60-150 cms) with twine not with plastic, metal or rubber. Then starting at the base, inspect each sub-branch and tie it to the climber support. Then tie the next one if there is room; if not cut it back to within 4 buds of its connection to its parent branch. And carry on up that sub-branch, until all its sub-branches have been dealt with. Then repeat the process on the next main branch system, until all the branch structure has been retied. You will end up with a lot more flowers and a better looking climber. This complete process may well need to be done every 2 or 3 years, so that you do not end up with a thick mass of twigs and a leafy climber on the outside after 4 to 5 years. |
13. e.g. Ceanothus |
Wall trained, deciduous and evergreen shrubs that flower on previous or current year's growth. |
Cut back flowered shoots to within 4 buds of permanent framework. Trim outward-facing shoots and those growing towards the wall. |
14. e.g. |
Herbaceous perennials. |
Apply top dressing of bone meal. The plants produce vigorous shoots. When the plant is one-third of its final height, pinch out the weak shoots. Cut shoots down to the base, and remove dead and faded growth and weeds. Divide perennials every 4 years to maintain vigour and replant the divided portions elsewhere in the garden. To appreciate grasses and other plants during the Winter, delay cutting and mulching until early Spring. Apply a 4 inch deep mulch of organic matter such as Spent Mushroom Compost or Bark. |
Apply bone meal in early Spring after rain.
Every Autumn |
15. e.g. |
Ferns |
Remove old fronds. Divide every 4 years to maintain vigour. Apply top dressing of bone meal and apply a 4 inch deep mulch of organic matter such as Spent Mushroom Compost or Bark. |
Each Spring |
16. e.g. |
Evergreen perennials |
Apply top dressing of bone meal. Remove dead and faded growth and weeds. Divide perennials every 4 years to maintain vigour and replant the divided portions elsewhere in the garden. To appreciate grasses and other plants during the Winter, delay cutting and mulching until early Spring. Apply a 4 inch deep mulch of organic matter such as Spent Mushroom Compost or Bark. |
Apply bone meal in early Spring after rain. |
17. e.g. Bamboo |
Outside the shop of Gillingham Street Angels in Chatham, Medway Council has installed a new tree in a 2 x 2 metre area with stakes. Photo taken on 30 june 2023 by C. Garnons-Williams.
By the bus stop for the 145 after the George Pub on City Way, Rochester, there is a mature tree killed by honey fungus. A few yards away, there is a new building being built with a great deal of heavy steelwork. The lorries bringing that steel do not put down supporting trackways and so the pavement had 2 deep indentations in it. The roots of this mature tree were in that area and would have been broken by this and that is where the honey fungus got in. Having infected that tree and killed it off, the fungus went up about 20 yards to a pollarded tree that had been knocked to a 45 degree angle by a heavy duty motor vehicle and infected that as well. When Medway Council sent repairers to relay the pavement tarmac, I informed them about the trees. The dead trees have not been removed and so that honey fungus will continue up and down City Way on the grass and tree verge between the road and the tarmac pavement, and into the gardens along that side. |
Collins Aura Garden Handbooks Trees for Small Gardens by Susan Conder. Published by William Collins Sons & Co Ltd in 1988.
Most gardens of new houses in England in 2023 are too small for trees, and I would recommend using Soft Fruit and Top Fruit trained onto the boundaries. |
This section of a table was copied from This table does have the links attached to its cell text content, because of memory, |
These 2 systems of comparison:- The Evergreen Perennials have
are detailed in the TABLE A on the right |
PLANT USE AND FLOWER SHAPE GALLERY PAGES combined with those already compared in
Tip Colour background as shown in the cell above. |
Perennials & Ephemerals chapter of Plants for Dry Gardens by Jane Taylor. Published by Frances Lincoln Limited in 1993. ISBN 0-7112-0772-0 for plants that are drought tolerant. Wildflowers with the same genus name as for the plant in these following lists with their Species will be added to these lists so that you can then use them with those cultivated perennials for the same purpose in your garden. Their botanical names will be in black. |
Woodland Site |
Shady Places |
Planting on a Sloping Site |
Bog Site |
Large Perennial Site |
Cut Flower Site |
Outdoor Room |
Early Spring Border Special Garden Spring Epheme-rals Special Garden |
Plans for Beds and Borders Summer Border Special Garden Cottage Garden Special Garden |
Late Summer Border Special Garden Autumn Border Special Garden |
Borders Site
Shade Border and Woodland Garden Special Garden Meadow Garden Special Garden |
These pages in this section of Yellow Background are with Plant Type, Evergreen or Herbaceous or Deciduous, Sun Aspect and Listed Species from Landscaping with Perennials by Emily Brown. Her ideas about Perennials (a plant that lasts for more than 2 growing seasons) include most of the other plant types except Annuals and Biennials for use in America |
Long Bloomers
Back of Border, Alley, and Too Tall for Words Special Garden |
White Flower Colour |
Blue or Almost Blue Flower Colour |
Lavender Flower Colour |
Lavender, called Blue Flower Colour |
Yellow Flower Colour |
Orange Flower Colour |
Pink Flower Colour |
Red & Scarlet Flower Colour |
Maroon Flower Colour |
Flowering Stem between 24-48 inches (60-120 cms) |
Flowering Stem over 48 inches (120 cms) |
Bloom by Season |
Bloom by Season |
Bloom by Season |
Bloom by Season |
Bloom by Season |
Foliage |
Foliage Grey-Green |
Foliage Grey |
Foliage Varie-gated |
Foliage Height |
Foliage Height |
Foliage Height |
Foliage |
Foliage Finely Cut, Delicate or Compound |
Foliage Aromatic |
Perennials for Ground Covering in Shade and 3 |
Long Lived |
Bulbs to Combine with Perennials including Corms |
Grasses to Grow with Perennials |
Subshrubs to Grow with Perennials |
Annuals to Use with Perennials |
Herbs for Decoration as well as Culinary |
Annuals, Biennials and Perennials to grow Annually |
Perennials which Self Sow |
Neat Growers - Good for Beds |
Perennials which prefer Moisture |
Perennials which do best on Margins of Water |
Perennials which are Drought Tolerant |
Perennials which tolerate Dense Shade |
Perennials for Poor Soil, Full Sun |
Tough Perennials (or easy Maint-enance) |
Colour All The Year in My Garden by C.H. Middleton. Published by Ward, Lock & Co. for culture. Perennials The Gardener's Reference by Susan Carter, Carrie Becker and Bob Lilly. Published by Timber Press in 2007 for plants for Special Gardens. It also gives details of species and cultivars for each genus. Wildflowers with the same genus name as for the plant in these following lists with their Species will be added to these lists so that you can then use them with those cultivated perennials for the same purpose in your garden. Their botanical names will be in black. |
Wildflower Form and Evergreen Perennial Form Wildflower Form and Evergreen Perennial Form |
Mat- |
Prostrate or Trail Prostrate or Trailing. Climb |
Cushion or Mound Cushion or Mound-forming |
Spread or Creep Spreading or Creeping |
Clump- form |
Stem- less.
Sword-shaped Leaves |
Erect or Upright Erect or Upright. |
Wildflower Use and Evergreen Perennial Use |
Bedding or Mass Planting |
Ground-Cover |
In Water |
Coastal Conditions |
Speciman Plant |
Under-plant |
Indoor House-plant |
Grow in an Alpine House |
Grow in Hanging Basket + |
Grow in Window-box |
Grow in Green-house |
Fragrant Flowers |
Not Fragrant Flowers |
Attracts Butter-flies |
Attracts Bees + |
Grow in Scree |
Grow in a Patio Pot |
Grow in an Alpine Trough + |
Edging Borders |
Back of Border or Back-ground Plant |
Into Native Plant Garden |
Naturalize in Grass |
Natural-ized Plant Area |
Resistant to Wildlife |
Wildflower in Soil and Evergreen Perennial in Soil |
Clay + |
Peat + |
Any + |
+ Evergreen Perennials in Pages in Plants |
Peony Use |
1/3 of the food we eat Single flowered cultivars (some are marked as 'Single Flowers') are useful to honeybees, Information about Bee Pollinated Plants is in the Site Map of Evergreen Perennial gallery:-
This table provides the index for each month of each flower colour and
Comparing Alpines.
TABLE A with white background column Pre July 2022, the The Evergreen Perennials have
The following Column cells with White Background explains the above process in this table. If both 'Evergreen Perennials' and This TABLE A will be appended to every page P-Evergreen A-L Evergreen Perennial Evergreen Perennial for 7 flower colours per month . |
TABLE A with yellow background column Post July 2022, then Every Plant detailed in this website has
The following Column cells with Yellow Background explains the above process in this table. If both 'Evergreen Perennials' and This TABLE A, TABLE B and TABLE C will be appended only to the site map pages in the remaining galleries and to the site map pages comparing 'Every Plant detailed in this website' in the following galleries:- Plants detailed in this website by Botanical Name as shown in the next row, Evergreen Perennial 7 flower colours per month . |
Their Plant Description Pages in
...P-Evergreen A-L |
Their Plant Description Page or row in
Plants detailed in this website by |
Continuing from October 2023 |
The process below provides a uniform method for These are the galleries that will provide the plants to be added to their own Extra Index Pages
The following Extra Index of Bulbs is created in the
Having transferred the Extra Index row entry to the relevant Extra Index row for the same type of plant in a gallery below; then
Their 7 flower colours per month compared in Evergreen Perennial |
Their 7 flower colours per month compared in Evergreen Perennial |
I have updated the plant type and plant use for the Evergreen Perennials by February 2023, then,
Ground Cover from PLANTS is within the text box under the thumbnail, and by clicking on the centre of the thumbnail, the page shall be changed
Their Flower Shape compared in Evergreen Per Shape Gallery |
Every Plant in this website has their Flower Shape compared in |
Most of the Garden Plant Use
Lists from |
Lists from |
Nursery of Nursery of Damage by Plants in Chilham Village - Pages Pavements of Funchal, Madeira Identity of Plants Ron and Christine Foord - 1036 photos only inserted so far - Garden Flowers - Start Page of each Gallery |
followed by continuing to insert all the plants with flowers from Camera Photo Galleries as indicated by I will continue to insert all the plants planted in chalk as indicated by The following plants shall be added to the Flower Shape pages of this gallery
Add these plants from PLANTS topic from the soil it prefers:-
FINALLY The above will take time!!! |
EXTRA PAGES OF PLANTS PLANT USE Poisonous Cultivated and UK Wildflower Plants with Photos
Following parts of Level 2a, Explanation of Structure of this Website with User Guidelines Page for those photo galleries with Photos (of either ones I have taken myself or others which have been loaned only for use on this website from external sources) To see what plants that I have described in this website see THE 2 EUREKA EFFECT PAGES FOR UNDERSTANDING SOIL AND HOW PLANTS INTERACT WITH IT OUT OF 10,000:-
Plant Selection by Plant Requirements
Photos - with its link; provides a link to its respective Plant Photo Gallery in this website to provide comparison photos. ------------ Ground-cover Height |
REFINING SELECTION Plant Selection by Flower Shape Plant Selection by Foliage Colour
The following details come from Cactus Art:- "A flower is the the complex sexual reproductive structure of Angiosperms, typically consisting of an axis bearing perianth parts, androecium (male) and gynoecium (female). Bisexual flower show four distinctive parts arranged in rings inside each other which are technically modified leaves: Sepal, petal, stamen & pistil. This flower is referred to as complete (with all four parts) and perfect (with "male" stamens and "female" pistil). The ovary ripens into a fruit and the ovules inside develop into seeds. Incomplete flowers are lacking one or more of the four main parts. Imperfect (unisexual) flowers contain a pistil or stamens, but not both. The colourful parts of a flower and its scent attract pollinators and guide them to the nectary, usually at the base of the flower tube.
Androecium (male Parts or stamens) Gynoecium (female Parts or carpels or pistil)
It is made up of the stigma, style, and ovary. Each pistil is constructed of one to many rolled leaflike structures.
The following details come from Nectary Genomics:- NECTARIES. An organ known as the floral nectary is responsible for producing the complex mixture of compounds found in nectar. Nectaries can occur in different areas of flowers, and often take on diverse forms in different species, even to the point of being used for taxonomic purposes. Nectaries undergo remarkable morphological and metabolic changes during the course of floral development. For example, it is known that pre-secretory nectaries in a number of species accumulate large amounts of starch, which is followed by a rapid degradation of amyloplast granules just prior to anthesis and nectar secretion. These sugars presumably serve as a source of nectar carbohydrate. WHY STUDY NECTAR? Nearly one-third of all worldwide crops are dependent on animals to achieve efficient pollination. In addition, U.S. pollinator-dependent crops have been estimated to have an annual value of up to $15 billion. Many crop species are largely self-incompatible (not self-fertile) and almost entirely on animal pollinators to achieve full fecundity; poor pollinator visitation has been reported to reduce yields of certain species by up to 50%." The following details about DOUBLE FLOWERS comes from Wikipedia:- There is further photographic, diagramatic and text about Double Flowers from an education department - - in the University of Kentucky in America. "Meet the plant hunter obsessed with double-flowering blooms" - an article from The Telegraph. |
Top ten plants that are bad for bees from Countryfile Magazine "Lavender, alliums, fuschias, sweet peas - keen gardeners know the very best flowers to entice bees to their gardens. But what about plants that are bad for bees? Here is our expert guide to the top ten plants that you should avoid to keep bees happy and buzzing, plus the perfect alternatives.
This is another list of Plants toxic to bees, which includes:- |
PLANT USE Plant Selection Level 1 |
There are other pages on Plants which bloom in each month of the year in this website:-
You may not have room in your garden for trees, but you can plant them in containers.
If you still have not enough room for trees, Plant Selection by Garden Use
Choose 1 of these different Plant selection Methods:-
Fragrant Plants adds the use of another of your 5 senses in your garden:- |
Copied from |
Botanical Plant Name |
Suit-ability |
Type |
Height and Spread in Inches |
Soil |
Position and Pro-tection |
Flower Colour / Nearest Colour Wheel - Flowers Colour |
Months of Flowering |
Propa-gation |
Acantholimon is a genus of dwarf perennial plants with hard, usually grey, spiny leaves and tufted cushion-like growth. Natives of hot dry countries from Asia Minor eastwards, they need a sunny, raised position, and very sharp drainage. They are attractive at all seasons because of their tufts of needle-like leaves, and habit of remaining neat after flowering, owing to the persistent calyces. Acantholimon is from the Greek words akantha, a thorn, and limonium, sea-lavender, to which the plant is related. |
A |
6 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
...... |
June |
CH |
A |
3 x 4 |
A |
Sun |
White |
June |
CH |
A |
3 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
...... |
July |
CH |
libanoticum |
A |
3 x 4 |
A |
Sun |
...... |
CH |
A |
6 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
...... |
CH |
A |
6 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
...... |
CH |
Yarrow or Milfoil species suitable for the rock garden owe much of their value to their finely cut foliage. The name achillea honours the Greek hero Achilles, who was taught in his youth the healing properties of this plant by his tutor Chiron the Centaur. Requires sunny positions in any good, well-drained soil. They may live longer and certainly flower more freely in soil which is poor rather than rich. |
A |
E |
4 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
June |
C |
A |
E |
8 x 12 |
A |
Sun |
...... |
July |
D |
A |
E |
6 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
RC |
A |
E |
4 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
July |
RC |
These Adonis species have leaves divided in 3, with each segment much subdivided into linear divisions to the base. They are entirely herbaceous and the first sign of life in the New Year is the fat flower bud guarded by the under-developed leaves. The flower opens before the leaves are fully developed, and is a conspicuous feature in early spring with its ample yellow petals and boss of golden stamens. The following are both under 6" when the flowers first open, but later the leafy stems develop to their full height, forming a densely feathery clump. They can be increased by seeds or by division in the early spring as soon as growth begins. "Habitat in gardens |
A |
HP |
9 x 9 |
AL |
Sun |
March |
S |
A |
HP |
9 x 9 |
AL |
Sun |
April |
S |
These little sub-shrubs have a neat, bushy habit, the much-branched stems bearing many narrow, rather succulent little leaves, usually of a lovely blue-grey. The individual flowers, in shades of pink, are small, but they are borne in many headed clusters at the ends of the branches. They are easy to grow in any light, well-drained soil, in full sun. They are lime-lovers but will tolerate neutral soil. Propagate by seeds or by cuttings made from soft growth tips before flower buds are formed. |
A |
4 x 8 |
A |
Sun |
...... |
GC |
coridifolium |
A |
E |
6 x 8 |
AL |
Sun |
GC |
A |
E |
10 x 12 |
AL |
Sun |
...... |
June |
GC |
A |
E |
6 x 12 |
AL |
Sun |
GC |
B |
3 x 4 |
A |
Sun |
June |
A |
E |
8 x 9 |
AL |
Sun |
Pink |
May |
GC |
A |
4 x 8 |
A |
Sun |
GC |
A |
E |
4 x 20 |
A |
Sun |
...... |
May-August |
GC |
From alectryon, a cock, and urus, a tail. A reference to the arching panicle. |
"A plant of the local race (var. platypetala) of Alectorurus yedoensis, a liliaceous plant with flower stems 10cm tall bearing very small brown-tinged white flowers." from Plant Hunting in Yakushima in Barnes-Botany. |
The majority of the onions are too large for alpine house or frame culture. The smell of garlic is hardly ever noticeable unless the plant is bruised. They can bridge the flowering gap between the spring and autumn bulbs. Most have narrow, linear leaves, and have flowers in umbels held well above the leaves, which are visited by bees for the nectar. |
A |
B |
5 x 4 |
A |
Sun |
Pale Pink |
August |
S |
A |
B |
6 x 3 |
A |
Sun |
Blue |
...... |
July |
S |
mairon var. amabile |
"Allium mairei H. Léveillé.韭 Dian jiu (Chinese). Dainty rose-pink flowers bloom for weeks in July-August amid grassy foliage. Sometimes called A. amabile or A. mairei var. amabile. Amabile is Latin for "pleasing," and that's what this little clump-former is, both in moist areas and in the rock garden, as long as it gets sun. Native to SW Sichuan, SE Tibet [Xizang] and Yunnan provinces in China. Introduced from NY Yunnan by George Forrest, who found it in high alpine meadows. Our stock is from garden seed. Height 10-15 cm (4-6"). Zone 6." from Pacific Rim Native Plant Nursery in Canada. |
A |
B |
6 x 3 |
A |
Sun |
Pink |
August |
S |
A |
B |
6 x 4 |
A |
Sun |
Pink |
August |
S |
A |
B |
6 x 3 |
A |
Sun |
Blue |
July |
S |
Leaves are small and often silvery hairy. The 4-petalled flowers are almost invariably yellow. Alyssum is from the Greek a, not or against, and lyssa, rage or madness. This herb was sometimes thought to be a specific against madness and rabies. They are avid sun-lovers and tolerant of any reasonably good soil as long as the drainage is good. |
alpestre |
A |
SE |
3 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
June |
C |
A |
SE |
2 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
May |
C |
A |
SE |
3 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
...... |
C |
A |
SE |
2 x 9 |
A |
Sun |
June |
C |
A |
SE |
6 x 4 |
A |
Sun |
C |
A |
SE |
2 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
May |
C |
Anacyclus depressus is a native of the Atlas Mountains, which makes prostrate, large rosettes of fine much cut, ferny light green foliage and radiating stems bearing the large single, white daisy-like flowers with bright red backs in May. Anacyclus is a shortened form of the Greek Ananthocyclus, from an, without, anthos, a flower, and kuklos, a ring. The following plant should be Anacyclus pyrethrum var. depressus |
A |
E |
3 x 9 |
A |
Sun |
White, red reverse |
May |
S |
"These plants are fabled as having the power to banish melancholy - in fact Linnaeus derived the name from the Greek anagelao - to laugh. For each square inch (2.5 cms x 2.5 cms), I know of no plant which gives a greater display of colour." from Alpines in Colour and Cultivation by T.C. Mansfield. First published in 1942 and reprinted in 1947 by Ben Johnson Limited. |
collina (Syn. |
A |
E |
3 x 9 |
AN |
Sun |
May |
GC |
A |
HP |
1 x 10 |
BN |
Sun |
June |
D |
Native to the Arctic and temperate regions of the northern hemishphere. Polifolia compacta and Polifolia minima have been introduced to the UK from Japan. Named by Linnaeus after the mythological maiden who was chained to a rock as an offering to a sea-monster and rescued by Perseus. |
C |
SE |
6 x 9 |
CN |
S |
May |
GC |
C |
SE |
6 x 9 |
CN |
S |
Pink |
May |
GC |
polifolia minima |
C |
SE |
2 x 6 |
CN |
S |
Pink |
May |
GC |
A genus of over 100 species, extending throughout Europe, Asia and Pacific North America. Androsace is from the Greek aner, a man, and sakos, a shield, a name used by Dioscorides for another plant. The floral structure is that of a primrose in miniature and are attractive. The very high alpine species, mostly European, are strongly saxatile, and make dense cushions of tightly packed leafy stems, bearing in the centre of each terminal rosette a single white or pink flower, sessile or on a stem up to 0.5 inch. In the mountains, the cushions are firm and often so crowded with flowers that these cannot open fully. In cultivation, however, it is by no means easy to keep them healthy and in character, so here is 3 cultivation hints for after the 3rd season of growth:
Winter damp is fatal and overhead protection is then essential, although they are impervious to cold. A meagre, very gritty soil and a position in a chink between rocks helps to keep the plants compact. Seed germinates well, although sometimes tardily. Single rosettes of the cushion androsaces will strike as cuttings.
"The book "Androsace - The Genus" by G.F.Smith & D.B. Lowe - This is the first modern comprehensive guide to the genus Androsace. Each species is fully described and painstakingly illustrated. The cultivation of androsaces is described and each species has a map to show its distribution in the wild. In addition, there is a series of accurate keys to enable the species to be identified. The authors were both well known and respected writers and lecturers on alpine plants, with a special interest in the family Primulaceae, of which Androsace is a key genus for alpine enthusiasts." from the Alpine Garden Society Bookshop. How to grow Androsace vandellii by Geoff Rollinson as an article in Page 295 of The Alpine Gardener Journal of the Alpine Garden Society Volume 81 No. 3 September 2013. |
aizoon coccinea (Syn. A. bulleyana) |
A |
HE |
6 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
...... |
June |
S |
B |
E |
1 x 4 |
D |
PS |
S |
brevis (Syn. A charpentieri) |
A |
HE |
1 x 3 |
A |
Sun |
May |
S |
A |
HE |
3 x 4 |
A |
Sun |
May |
S |
A |
HE |
3 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
Pink |
May |
S |
A |
HE |
3 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
May |
S |
A |
HE |
2 x 4 |
A |
Sun |
Pink |
April |
S |
A |
HE |
2 x 3 |
A |
Sun |
S |
A |
HE |
2 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
Rose |
May |
S |
B |
HE |
0.5 x 3 |
D |
Sun C P |
S |
cylindrica *** |
B |
HE |
2 x 4 |
D |
Sun C P |
S |
B |
HE |
1 x 4 |
D |
Sun C P |
White |
May |
GC |
B |
HE |
6 x 8 |
D |
H S P |
June |
SL |
B |
HE |
1 x 4 |
D |
Sun |
May |
SL |
B |
HE |
2 x 3 |
D |
Sun C P |
April |
SL |
B |
HE |
2 x 4 |
D |
Sun C P |
White |
April |
GC |
A |
HE |
6 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
S |
A |
E |
3 x 9 |
AN |
Sun |
...... |
June |
GC |
B |
HE |
1 x 4 |
D |
Sun C P |
S |
B |
HE |
1 x 4 |
D |
Sun C P |
...... |
April |
A |
E |
3 x 9 |
AN |
Sun |
...... |
July |
GC |
A |
HE |
2 x 6 |
D |
Sun |
...... |
GC |
B |
HE |
6 x 6 |
D |
Sun C P |
...... |
S |
B |
HE |
1 x 3 |
D |
HS |
...... |
S |
villosa taurica |
B |
E |
1 x 6 |
D |
Sun |
White |
April |
S |
A |
HE |
2 x 4 |
A |
Sun |
...... |
D |
A |
HE |
2 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
White |
April |
D |
The Windflowers are mostly herbaceous, tuberous or rhizomatous perennials inhabiting the temperate regions of the world, also at higher altitudes in the warmer climates, their natural distribution being the Northern parts of South America, South Africa and Asia. Their cultural needs differ. The name Anemone may be a corrupted Greek word borrowed from the Semitic and referring to the lament for the slain Adonis, or Naaman, whose scattered blood produced the blood-red Anemone coronaria. |
A |
HP |
4 x 8 |
A |
Sun |
April |
DS |
A |
HP |
3 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
...... |
May |
S |
blanda |
A |
HP |
4 x 8 |
A |
Sun |
..... |
DS |
A |
HP |
4 x 8 |
A |
Sun |
Blue |
April |
DS |
B |
HP |
6 x 6 |
BN |
Sun |
May |
S |
magellanica lesseri |
B |
HP |
6 x 6 |
BN |
Sun |
Red |
April |
S |
C |
HP |
3 x 9 |
C |
PS |
June |
S |
A genus of sun-loving plants, natives of Central and Southern Europe. Well suited to any average garden soil. |
A |
SE |
3 x 8 |
A |
Sun |
C |
A |
SE |
3 x 8 |
A |
Sun |
Red |
May |
C |
Seed is the only practical method of increasing the dwarf 'Columbine' but unfortunately all the species readily hybridise with each other so that where a number of different plants are grown together, steps must be taken at flowering time to isolate the flowers required for seed. The majority of the species vary in height and are best purchased as adult flowering plants so that plants of dwarf stature are obtained. 90 minute DVD/video demonstrates sowing and growing, pests and breeding with data on cultivars by Carrie Thomas - holder of 2 National Collections of Aquilegias - from Touchwood Plants and Seeds. |
A |
HP |
6 x 5 |
B |
A |
Deep Blue |
S |
B |
HP |
4 x 4 |
B |
Sun |
May |
S |
B |
HP |
4 x 4 |
B |
Sun |
May |
S |
A |
HP |
6 x 6 |
B |
Sun |
...... |
June |
S |
A |
HP |
6 x 6 |
B |
Sun |
Blue sepals, white petals |
May |
S |
A |
HP |
6 x 6 |
B |
Sun |
May |
S |
A |
HP |
4 x 6 |
B |
Sun |
White |
May |
S |
flabellata nana |
A |
HP |
4 x 6 |
B |
Sun |
Blue |
May |
S |
A |
HP |
4 x 6 |
B |
Sun |
Blue |
May |
S |
B |
HP |
3 x 4 |
A |
Sun |
S |
B |
HP |
4 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
Blue |
June |
S |
B |
HP |
2 x 3 |
A |
Sun |
S |
B |
HP |
6 x 6 |
B |
Sun |
May |
S |
A |
HP |
6 x 6 |
A |
PS |
May |
S |
B |
HP |
4 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
Blue sepals, white petals |
June |
S |
scopulorum *** |
B |
HP |
4 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
Flax blue |
S |
Useful in growing in sunny walls along with alyssums and aubretias. "Arabis, or rock cress, is a large genus of mainly small plants, many of them very suitable for sunny, well-drained places in rock gardens. They have four petals, usually white but sometimes pink or other colours. They come from the northern hemisphere, and recent research has indicated that most species from America are genetically distinct, and the name Boechera is now recommended for these species." from Kevock Garden. |
B |
HE |
1 x 4 |
D |
Sun |
GC |
bryoides *** |
B |
HE |
2 x 4 |
D |
Sun |
April |
GC |
B |
HE |
1 x 3 |
D |
Sun |
White |
May |
GC |
B |
HE |
2 x 5 |
A |
Sun |
April |
GC |
cypria |
A |
HE |
6 x 6 |
A |
Sun P |
April |
S |
nana |
C |
SE |
2 x 8 |
CN |
S |
April |
alpina (Syn. Arctous alpinus) |
C |
SD |
2 x 9 |
BN |
S |
White |
May |
GC |
alpina ruber |
C |
SD |
2 x 9 |
BN |
S |
White |
May |
GC |
C |
SE |
3 x 12 |
BN |
S |
May |
GC |
C |
SE |
8 x 8 |
BN |
S |
Pink |
May |
GC |
From the latin arena, sand, an allusion to the fact that many of the family grow in sandy places, thus the common name of Sandwort. |
grandiflora *** |
ledebouriana |
A |
HE |
4 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
White |
May |
GC |
montana *** |
norvegica (Arenaria norvegica anglica is one of the globally threatened plant species which occurs in Britain from the 33,798 flowers, trees, grasses and ferns in the Red List of Threatened Plants published on April 8 1998 out of a world total of 270,000) |
A |
HE |
2 x 4 |
A |
Sun |
GC |
A |
HE |
2 x 6 |
A |
Sun C |
GC |
A |
HE |
1 x 4 |
A |
Sun |
White |
June |
GC |
"A genus that includes our native sea pink or thrift, often seen on coastal rocks. They make mats of bright green grassy foliage, with lots of pink or white button flowers, usually on short stems." from Kevock Garden. |
A |
HE |
2 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
Pink |
May |
GC |
A |
HE |
2 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
Deep Pink |
May |
GC |
B |
HE |
1 x 6 |
D |
Sun |
Silver foliage |
May |
GC |
schmidtiana nana |
A |
E |
3 x 9 |
A |
Sun |
Silver foliage |
May |
GC |
mutellina |
A |
2 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
Silver foliage |
May |
GC |
lilaciflora |
B |
HE |
0.5 x 6 |
A |
Sun P |
June |
GC |
nitida puberula |
B |
E |
1 x 6 |
A |
Sun |
Light Pink |
May |
GC |
B |
HE |
2 x 8 |
A |
Sun P |
GC |
B |
HE |
2 x 4 |
A |
Sun P |
Pink |
March |
DS |
"There are tall astilbes for herbaceous borders and small ones of rock garden stature, but all prefer cool and damp conditions. They are clump-forming perennials with branched spikes bearing a multitude of tiny flowers, usually pink or white, sometimes red, closely packed together into a fuzzy mass. The multiply divided leaves are also attractive, opening with bronze colouring, and the dried flowers stems can stand through the winter, adding structure for many extra months. " from Kevock Garden. |
A |
HP |
6 x 8 |
B |
Sun |
July |
D |
A |
HP |
3 x 6 |
B |
Sun |
Rose-pink |
July |
D |
Copied from
Ivydene Gardens Rock Garden Plants Suitable for Small Gardens in Colour Wheel Gallery:
Rock Garden Plant Index: A
Site Map for Direct Link to Plant Description Page from their Petal Colour being nearest Colour to Colour in a Colour Wheel Page
Small size plant in Flower Colours
Miniature size plant in Flower Colours
Small Size plant flower in Month
Miniature Size plant flower in Month
including those from the Camera Photo Galleries as detailed in row 3 of the Topic Table on the left.
Click on the centre of each thumbnail in the following flower colour month pages to transfer to the description of that plant in a Camera Photo Gallery Page:-
Dark Tone or Shades
(Colours mixed with Black)
(Colours mixed with Grey)
Pure Hue
(the Primary, Secondary or Tertiary Colour named)
(Colours mixed with White)
(o)Rock Plant: A
(o)Rock Plant: B
(o)Rock Plant: C
(o)Rock Plant: D
(o)Rock Plant: E
(o)Rock Plant: F
(o)Rock Plant: G
(o)Rock Plant: H
(o)Rock Plant: I
(o)Rock Plant: J
(o)Rock Plant: K
(o)Rock Plant: L
(o)Rock Plant: M
(o)Rock Plant: NO
(o)Rock Plant: PQ
(o)Rock Plant: R
(o)Rock Plant: S
(o)Rock Plant: T
(o)Rock Plant: UVWXYZ
Rock plants for Sunny Sites.
Rock plants for Shady Sites.
Early Bloom in the Rock Garden.
Summer Bloom in the Rock Garden.
Late Bloom in the Rock Garden.
Rock plants of Creeping and Trailing Habit.
Rock plants with Evergreen Foliage.
Rock Plants with Silvery or Variegated Foliage.
Rock plants needing the protection of Sheet of Glass in Winter.
Rock plants which hate Lime.
Lime Lovers.
Peat Lovers.
Plants for sunny sites in the Wall Garden.
Plants for Shady Sites in the Wall Garden.
Plants for a Dry Site on a Wall.
Plants for a Moderately Dry Site on a Wall.
Plants for a Moist Site on a Wall.
Plants for Positions on Top of Walls.
Plants to Hang Down from the Upper Parts of a Wall.
Some Good Rock Plants
with Some Plants that Thrive on the Moraine
Plants for the Alpine House
Plants for the Miniature Rock Garden
with Some Bulbs and Tubers for the Rock Garden,
Some Bulbs for the Alpine House and
Bulbs and Tubers suitable for Naturalizing in Grass
Shrubs for the Rock Garden
with Rounded, Pyramidal, and Erect Growth. Then, Heath-like Lime Haters and last is Trailers and Prostrate Shrubs. Next Table has Gentiana for the Rock Garden followed by Pinks (Dianthus) for the Rock Garden
Moisture-loving Trees and Shrubs for Bog or Water Garden
with Conifers (Dwarf) and Ornamental Grasses for the Rock or Marsh Garden
Plants for Wall Garden
with Plants for the Paved Garden
Plants for the Water Garden
Plants for the Bog Garden
with Alpine Primulas for the Rock Garden,
Alpine Primulas for the Bog Garden and
Campanulas for the Rock Garden
The Moraine or Scree Garden - Many of the alpines will not prosper in the ordinary rock garden. They require that the natural conditions under which they live in the wild state shall be copied as nearly as possible in the rock garden. The plants to which we refer grow on mountain slopes covered with loose stones, where the melting of the snow during summer provides them with plenty of ice-cold water and where a blanket of snow protects them during the winter. The conditions we must endeavour to reproduce are, therefore: adequate moisture for the roots in summer while the plants are growing, but at the same time good drainage:
and secondly, protection from damp in the winter. The moraine is intended to provide these requirements, and can be made quite cheaply anywhere in the rock garden. Plants requiring very diverse kinds of soil may thus, with great effect, be grown in close proximity.
Making the Moraine
An ideal and natural position for the moraine would be in the sun at the lower end of a miniature valley between 2 rocky spurs, the gorge gradually expanding into a flat bed of scree with occasional boulders strewn over it. The extent of the moraine will vary in proportion to the size of the whole rock garden. If the latter is large, the moraine may cover an area of many square yards (square metres); on the other hand, it may be nothing more than a small, well-drained pocket or crevice filled with moraine mixture in which a single specimen is grown.
To construct the moraine, dig out about 30 inches (75cms) of the soil and make the bottom of the basin or trench slope slightly towards the front: the slope must not be too steep or the moraine will become over-dry in summer. The lower 10 inches (25cms) must be made water-tight by means of puddling with clay or by means of cement. Make an outlet in front, which when closed keeps about 10 inches (25 cms) of water, but not more, in the lowest parts of the basin, while when the outlet is open no water can remain in the basin. Now cover the bottom of the trench with about 10 inches (25 cms) of rubble, stones, or any material that will afford good drainage. Above this place another 6 inches (15 cms) or so of smaller stones roughly 2 inches (5 cms) in diameter; these will fill the gaps between the larger stones and prevent the small grit above from sinking through and blocking the drainage. The hollow is then filled up with a mixture of stone chips and gravel. Over this again is thrown a covering, an inch or so (2.5 cm) in thickness, formed of a mixture of equal parts of ordinary garden soil, leaf mould, and small stone chips similar to those used in frosty weather for sprinkling on wood-paved roads. Limestone or sandstone chips are excellent and easily obtained; flint chips should not be used, as they do not conserve moisture. Place a few boulders in the moraine to break up the surface and to give the plants some protection. A natural trickle of water may be led into the top of the moraine, or each day sufficient moisture may be given from a watering-can to cause an overflow from the outlet at the bottom. From November to May, when no additional moisture is needed in the moraine, the outlet should be left open.
The overflow from the moraine may be led into a small pool, which will add great charm to the rock garden, and is easy to construct while the garden is being made. In it may be grown rushes and small water plants, while the overflow from it will provide an excellent situation for bog plants or for any alpines loving plenty of moisture. When planting, the gardener should remember the conditions under which each plant lives in its native state, and should set it in the rock garden accordingly. Many plants that have proved failures in the rock garden proper will, on transplantation to the moraine, flourish.
The inhabitants of the moraine are not so rampant as many alpines grown in the rock garden proper, but for all that, the more vigorous should be kept in check. A light top-dressing of equal parts of loam, leaf-mould, and stone chips will be required in spring and again in early autumn.
Protection of Plants in Winter
Plants whose leaves are covered with fluff or down are, when in their natural haunts, usually protected from damp during the winter by a coat of snow. When they are grown out of doors in England, they must, therefore, be given a covering of glass during the winter months: that is, from the middle of October to the beginning of March. When the plant is a small one nestling in a crevice between the rocks, it is often possible to cover it with a sheet of glass resting on the surrounding rocks; but when this cannot be done, 4 pieces of stiff galvanized wire should be inserted firmly in the ground and bent over at the top to hold the glass plate securely in position over the plant. If the weather is especially severe or the plant very delicate, 4 additional pieces of glass may be set in the soil and supported by the wires so as to form 4 walls protecting the plant. Sufficient space between the glass roof and the tops of the 4 walls should be left for adequate ventilation (but not enough to admit the rain or snow) or the plants will be liable to damp-off. Hand-lights and bell-glasses may also be used, but in all cases adequate ventilation should be provided. The frost will often raise the plants from the soil, especially those planted the previous autumn. In spring, therefore, each plant should be carefully scrutinized, and, if necessary, gently pressed down into the soil. Dead leaves must be removed from around the plants, and a top-dressing of fine, sandy loam and leaf-mould should be sifted round and close up to the crowns.
Copied from Rock Plant Colour Wheel - Flowers Link Map Click on Number in Colour Wheel or Black sections below:- |
Some abbreviations have been used in compiling the list of Rock Plants for small gardens in order to make it possible to provide all the required information at a glance in a condensed form. |
Name |
First is the name of the genus to which the plant belongs which is given in capitals. Under the generic name the names of the species and varieties are recorded. Link to photos, cultivation details or mail-order business that sells it. Link in *** to Rock Garden Colour Wheel Page with photo of the plant at bottom of page. Then, More Photos Page links to further photos / description in its Rock Plant Photos Gallery Page. |
Suitability |
Details of which container to grow the plant in:-
Type |
Abbreviated to:-
followed by
Height and Spread |
The approximate height is given first in inches, followed by the approximate spread, when mature. 1 inch (") = 25.4 millimetres (mm) |
Soil |
The figures A, B, C and D denote that the plant in question requires one of the following soil mixtures:-
which may be followed by Where no additional letter is given, the plant will thrive under either condition. |
Position and Protection |
The following terms and abbreviations used singly or in combination will minimize the risk of planting in an unsuitable spot:-
Flower Colour, Nearest Colour Wheel - Flowers Colour and Months of Flowering |
These 3 columns are self-explanatory;
A double entry such as |
Propagation |
A general idea to the best method of increasing the stock:-
may be followed by
A combination of the above will denote that the plant can be increased by all the methods which those abbreviated letters stand for. |
Propagation Seed Composts |
"I am giving 3 types of composts which will be numbered 1, 2 and 3 so that they will not be confused with the potting mixtures. The number of the compost will be noted under the heading of propagation in the list of plants. These are not offered as the only types in which seedlings may be grown, but they have proved their worth over many years. As it will only be on rare occasions that a bushel of compost of any one of the seed mixtures will be required, I will give the size of the box which can be constructed easily to hold a quarter of a bushel, an amount more in keeping with the average amateur's need. The inside measurements of the box, which is best made of wood are 10 by 10 x 5.5 inches deep (25 by 25 x 13.25 cms). By doubling the depth a half bushel measure is available. Compost 1
and well mix the whole together dry. Afterwards to this is added
to each bushel of compost. If this mixture is to be used for plants which are lime haters, the chalk should be omitted.
Compost 2
Compost 3
Both composts 2 and 3 need a very fine sprinkling of superphosphate of lime, just under 0.5 ounce for a quarter of a bushel of mixture or to be more precise 3/8 of an ounce. The superphosphate is needed by the seedlings in their early growth. In fact it is essential as a plant food as soon as the seed starts to germinate, so it must be mixed with the composts, not applied afterwards. " from Collector's Alpines by Royton E. Heath published in 1964 by Collingridge Limited. |
Vancouver Island Rock and Alpine Garden Society is a club of plant lovers living near Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, who visit, study, photograph, draw and grow alpine plants, bog dwellers and woodlanders, whether native or exotic. We encourage the propagation and distribution of plants.
List of Desirable Plants (from Vancouver Island Rock Asterisks following entries in the list denote plants known to the author from local gardens. Double asterisks indicate species which have done particularly well in the author's rock garden which is located mostly on south-facing slopes. No, or only short-term experience is available for the unmarked species, but they are expected to perform well and should be tried wherever obtainable.