Ivydene Gardens Herbaceous Perennial Flower Shape Gallery: |
Addition in Text Box |
Tubular - Tub |
Lipped - Lip |
Strap - Str |
CLAY WITH PEATY. Mimulus guttatus May-Aug Lip |
SAND, PEATY. Kniphofia 'Little Maid' SUN OR PART SHADE Sep-Oct Tub |
SAND, PEATY. Kniphofia triang-ularis SUN OR PART SHADE Sep-Oct Tub |
CHALK, SAND, CLAY. Chelone glabra PART SHADE Her Peren-nial Foliage May-Nov White with Pink tinge flowers in Aug-Oct Lip |
SAND, CLAY, CHALK. Kniphofia 'Royal Stand-ard' SUN OR PART SHADE Jul-Aug Tub |
CLAY. Lobelia cardinalis
SAND, CHALK. Clematis x bon-stedtii Tub |
CHALK, LOAM, SAND. Buddleja davidii 'Peacock' |
Tubular, Lipped and Strap Flower Elaborated Shape Many radially symetretrical flowers are tubular, opening at the mouth to a ring of lobes that are often petal-like. Flowers that are symetrical in only one plane, as is the case with a large number that are lipped, usually have intriguing shapes, the origin of which is a snug adaptation to a particular pollinator. Tubular - A flower with a long, thin, straight-sided tube formed of united petals, often separating at the mouth into a flared shape (Raoulia australis).
Another example is a Kniphofia hybrid.
Lipped (Labiate) - A flower divided into an upper 'hood' and a lower flat or pouched lip (Prunella grandiflora shown alongside), typical of members of the Deadnettle/Mint Family (Lamiaceae).
Another example is Salvia texensis.
Strap-shaped (Ligulate) - A flower with one large, long, thin petal, typical of ray-florets of the Aster/Daisy Family (Asteraceae). These look like single petals but are all individual flowers, each one capable of producing its own seed. An example is Cosmos bipinnatus - see photo from Higgledy Garden showing the individual petals acting as part of the ray-floret, with their cultivation details. Photo of Cosmos bipinnatus taken by Chris Garnons-Williams in the Mixed Borders of RHS Garden at Wisley on 24 July 2013. |
Cultivation Requirements of Plant |
Outdoor / Garden Cultivation |
Indoor / House Cultivation |
Cool Greenhouse (and Alpine House) Cultivation with artificial heating in the Winter |
Conservatory Cultivation with heating throughout the year |
Stovehouse Cultivation with heating throughout the year for Tropical Plants |
Sun Aspect |
Soil Type |
Soil Moisture |
Position for Plant |
Ground Cover 0-24 inches (0-60 cms) |
Ground Cover 24-72 inches (60-180 cms) |
Ground Cover Over 72 inches (180 cms) |
1, 2, |
Use of Plant |
STAGE 4D Plant Foliage |
Flower Shape |
Number of Flower Petals |
Flower Shape - Simple |
Flower Shape - Elaborated |
Natural Arrangements |
Form |
Fragrant Plants adds the use of another of your 5 senses in your garden:- |
STAGE 2 Fan-trained Shape From Rhododendrons, boxwood, azaleas, clematis, novelties, bay trees, hardy plants, evergreens : novelties bulbs, cannas novelties, palms, araucarias, ferns, vines, orchids, flowering shrubs, ornamental grasses and trees book, via Wikimedia Commons |
Ramblers Scramblers & Twiners by Michael Jefferson-Brown (ISBN 0 - 7153 - 0942 - 0) describes how to choose, plant and nurture over 500 high-performance climbing plants and wall shrubs, so that more can be made of your garden if you think not just laterally on the ground but use the vertical support structures including the house as well. The Gardener's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Climbers & Wall Shrubs - A Guide to more than 2000 varieties including Roses, Clematis and Fruit Trees by Brian Davis. (ISBN 0-670-82929-3) provides the lists for 'Choosing the right Shrub or Climber' together with Average Height and Spread after 5 years, 10 years and 20 years. |
STAGE 4D Trees and Shrubs suitable for Clay Soils (neutral to slightly acid) Trees and Shrubs suitable for Dry Acid Soils Trees and Shrubs suitable for Shallow Soil over Chalk Trees and Shrubs tolerant of both extreme Acidity and Alkalinity Trees and Shrubs suitable for Damp Sites Trees and Shrubs suitable for Industrial Areas Trees and Shrubs suitable for Cold Exposed Areas Trees and Shrubs suitable for Seaside Areas Shrubs suitable for Heavy Shade Shrubs and Climbers suitable for NORTH- and EAST-facing Walls Shrubs suitable for Ground Cover Trees and Shrubs of Upright or Fastigiate Habit Trees and Shrubs with Ornamental Bark or Twigs Trees and Shrubs with Bold Foliage Trees and Shrubs for Autumn Colour Trees and Shrubs with Red or Purple Foliage Trees and Shrubs with Golden or Yellow Foliage Trees and Shrubs with Grey or Silver Foliage Trees and Shrubs with Variegated Foliage Trees and Shrubs bearing Ornamental Fruit Trees and Shrubs with Fragrant or Scented Flowers Trees and Shrubs with Aromatic Foliage Flowering Trees and Shrubs for Every Month:- |
Starting with the data in Garden Style followed by Infill Plants, then you can refine your plant list from the remaining galleries in this cell:- If all else fails in how to use this educational website, how about reading the instructions in the red text on the |
HERBACEOUS PERENNIAL Gallery with 7 Flower Colours (Red, Pink and Purple on same page) per Month in Colour Wheel. Click on Black or White box in Colour of Month. |
The variety of plants that can be used in alpine gardening is obviously very large and very bewildering at first approach. With a view to easing the task of selection here are lists The standard potting and seed-soil recipes from The Propagation of Alpines by Lawrence D. Hills are at the bottom of the page on Alpine - Sink and Trough Gardens. |
To compare |
with 7 Flower Colours - Blue, White, Yellow, Green for Unusual, Red, Orange and Pink per Month in Colour Wheel below. Click on Black or White box in Colour of Month. |
The Herbaceous Perennials in this gallery are not compared with other Herbaceous Perennials in the HERBACEOUS PERENNIAL GALLERY, but they are compared with each other in the Mixed Border Garden Design Gallery using the above 7 Flower Colours per month Wheel. FLOWER COLOUR RANGE IN 71 PARTS OF RHS WISLEY MIXED BORDER DURING After reviewing the situation in the |
Blue = |
Green = |
Red = |
Brown = |
Blue = |
Green = |
Red = |
Black = |
Wet Soil |
Moist Soil |
Dry Soil |
Flowering Months range abbreviates month Click on centre of thumbnail to move from this page to the The Comments Row of that Plant Description |
Herbaceous Perennial |
Height x Width in inches (cms) - 1 inch = 2.5 cms, 12 inches = 1 foot = 30 cms, 36 inches = 3 feet = 1 yard = 90 cms, 40 inches = 100 cms |
Flower Thumb-nail |
Herbaceous Perennial Flower Thumbnail |
Months |
Height x Width in inches (cms) - 1 inch = 2.5 cms, 12 inches = 1 foot = 30 cms, 36 inches = 3 feet = 1 yard = 90 cms, 40 inches = 100 cms |
Flower Thumb-nail |
Alpine Herbaceous Perennial if Text Background is Blue |
Alpine Herbaceous Perennial if Text Background is Blue |
Evergreen or Semi-Evergreen Perennial |
A |
A |
May, June, |
48-60 x 24 |
96 x 40 |
June, July, August, |
36 x 24 |
48 x 24 |
June, July, |
48 x 18 |
40-60 x 20-40 (100-150 x 50-100) |
June, July, |
36 x 18 |
June, July, |
60 x 40 |
Creamy-White. |
June, July, |
48 x 24 |
32-39 x 24 (80-100 x 60) |
May, June, |
36 x 24 |
July, August, September |
64 x 16 |
Violet-Blue. |
June, July, |
20 x 15 |
August, September |
96 x 40 |
Dark Blue. |
June, July, August, |
28 x 18 |
July, August |
40-60 x 4-20 (100-150 x 10-50) |
Violet-Blue. |
June, July, August, |
36 x 16 |
24-48 x 18-24 |
June, July, August, |
36-42 x 12 |
48 x 36 |
June, July, |
16-48 x 12 |
70 x 40 |
July, August, |
42 x 36 |
August, September, October |
80 x 24 |
Creamy-White. |
July, August |
40 x 80 |
60 x 24 |
December, January, |
18 x 30 |
40 x 20 |
July, August, |
30 x 18 |
60 x 24 |
June, July |
20 x 18 |
18 x 12 |
July, August, |
24 x 24 |
July, August |
36 x 20 |
White. |
July, August, |
30 x 24 |
32 x 24 |
June, July |
72-96 x 24 |
36 x 16 |
June, July |
72-96 x 24 |
40 x 16 |
June, July |
72-96 x 24 |
July, August, September, October |
48 x 24 |
White. |
June, July |
72-96 x 24 |
24 x 16 |
June, July |
72-96 x 24 |
20-40 x 4-20 |
June, July |
72 x 24 |
28 x 24 |
June, July, |
4 x 20 |
July, August, September |
72 x 60 |
Pinkish-Lavender |
June, July, |
16 x 12 |
60-100 x 40-60 |
July |
24 x 230 |
20-40 x 20-40 |
June, July, |
36 x 24 |
August, September, October |
24-40 x 24-40 |
Pale Pink. |
August, September, |
36 x 24 |
40-60 x 20-40 |
Pink - July, August or |
24 x 16 |
60 x 24 |
July, August |
36 x 18 |
July, August, September |
60 x 24 |
Cream. |
July, August |
25 x 16 |
August, September |
24 x 24 |
Yellowish-Brown. |
May, June |
16 x 18 |
July, August, September |
60 x 18-24 |
Pink. |
May, June |
30 x 12 |
September, October |
12-36 x 12-36 |
White. |
June, July, August, September, October |
36 x 12 |
July, August, September, October |
4-20 x 4-20 |
Red and White. |
July, August, |
28 x 16 |
September, October |
52 x 24 |
Mauve-Pink. |
August, September, |
12 x 12 |
September, October |
60 x 16-24 |
Lilac-Blue. |
July |
30 x 18 |
August, September |
12-18 x 8-12 |
Purple-Pink. |
August, September |
8-12 x 10 |
45 x 78 |
June |
20-24 x 12 |
September, October |
48 x 36 |
Purple-Red. |
July |
24 x 18 |
August, September, October, November |
48-60 x 24 |
Pale Violet. |
July, August |
39 x 24 |
24 x 16 |
August, September |
48 x 24 |
B |
June, July |
18-24 x 18 (45-60 x 45) |
40-60 x 20-40 |
July, August |
24 x 18 |
C |
July, August |
8-18 x 12 |
60 x 24 |
June, July |
24 x 18 |
48 x 20 |
B |
24-36 x 18-30 |
April, May |
12-18 x 24 |
24 x 12 |
April, May |
12-18 x 18 (30-45 x 45) |
June, July |
60-100 x 40-60 |
White. |
June, July, August, |
24 x 18 |
20-40 x 4-20 |
C |
24 x 24 |
April |
9 x 12 |
August, September, October |
35 x 23 |
Opening Orange fades to Pink. |
June, July, |
2 x 12 |
36 x 18 |
June, July, |
36-48 x 24 |
June, July, August, September |
60 x 48 |
Purple. |
June, July, |
24 x 24 |
D |
July, August, September, |
36 x 24 |
May, June, July, August |
80 x 40 |
Creamy-Yellow-Green. |
D |
E |
July, August, September |
60 x 18 |
18-24 x 14 |
Links to the other 22 Diascia Pages are in Alpine / Herbaceous Perennial Index D Page |
June, July, August, |
6 x 20 |
40 x 18 |
May, June |
18 x 30 |
28 x 16 |
May, June |
24-36 x 20 |
39 x 39 |
E |
July, August |
18-48 x 24 |
Bright Blue. |
July, August, September |
30-48 x 18 (75-120 x 45) |
40-60 x 20-40 |
F |
12-60 x 24 |
June |
6 x 6 |
White |
88 x 40 |
G |
Eupatorium maculatum (Atropur-pureum Group) 'Riesen-schirm' |
July, August, September |
80 x 80 |
Pink-Purple. |
August, September |
24 x 18 |
August, September, October |
60-100 x 20-40 |
Purplish-Pink. |
June, July |
32 x 18 |
24 x 20 |
June, July |
12 x 12 |
F |
July, August, |
4 x 12 |
60-100 x 20-40 |
July, August |
60 x 72 |
July, August |
72 x 18 |
Sulphur-Yellow. |
H |
60 x 20 |
September, October, |
60 x 18 |
G |
August |
48 x 30 |
48 x 36 |
White. |
August |
20 x 36 |
Deep Violet |
48 x 32 |
July |
36 x 48 |
36 x 36 |
K |
Geranium 'Rozanne' |
24 x 16 |
September, October |
24 x 18 |
24 x 18 |
July, August |
36 x 24 |
24 x 20 |
September, October |
30 x 18 |
H |
L |
July, August, September |
72 x 24 |
Yellow. |
May, June, |
24 x 12 |
June, July, August |
36 x 24 |
Brick Orange Red. |
April, May, |
12 x 18 |
38-51 x 16 |
August, September, |
48 x 36 |
20-40 x 4-20 |
June, July, |
3 x 6 |
72 x 24 |
June, July |
12 x 12 |
20-40 x 4-20 |
June, July, August, |
36 x 12 |
September, October |
96-120 x 12-36 |
Yellow rays and dark Brown disc. If it flowered in Sep-Oct, I missed taking their photos |
April, May, |
48 x 24 |
80 x 48 |
May, June |
12 x 18 |
80 x 18 |
July, August |
36 x 24 |
23 x 30 |
M |
20 x 40 |
May, June, |
12 x 36 |
Yellow with |
30 x 24 |
May, June, |
12 x 24 |
32 x 40 |
P |
18 x 12 |
Cream. |
June, July |
36 x 36 |
26 x 20 |
Pale Pink. |
May, June |
36 x 36 |
I |
June, July |
30 x 30 |
72 x 36 |
May, June |
16 x 16 |
72 x 60 |
Paeonia |
23 x 18 |
May, June |
6 x 4 |
Pinkish-blue |
J, K |
May, June |
... |
Yellow, Purple, Red, Pink |
32 x 24 |
May, June |
6 x 5 |
Pink |
40 x 20 |
May, June |
6 x 3.5 |
Purple |
August, September |
120 x 48 |
Orange-red fades to yellow. |
May, June |
6 x 3 |
Red |
June, July, August, September |
48 x 32 |
Lemon-Yellow. |
May, June |
6 x 5 |
White |
July, August, September |
40 x 30 |
Light Scarlet fades to Yellow. |
May, June |
6 x 3 |
Yellow |
June, July, August |
36 x 24 |
Orange top with Ivory-White bottom. |
L |
June, July, |
12 x 6 |
August, September, October, November |
60 x 40 |
White. |
May, June, |
36 x 24 |
36 x 36 |
May |
4-8 x 8 |
48 x 48 |
S |
30 x 18 |
September |
18 x 18 |
Lychnis coronaria 'Gardener's World' |
24 x 10-12 |
D |
40 x 24 |
May |
24-48 x 48 |
60 x 20 |
36 x 18 |
M |
100 x 60 |
June, July |
88 x 40 |
June, July |
80 x 48 |
June, July, August |
55 x 55 |
June, July, August, September |
24 x 18 |
White. |
July, August, September |
60 x 20 |
June, July, August |
36 x 15 |
N |
June, July, August, September |
36 x 24 |
June, July, August |
48 x 36 |
Lilac-Pink. |
June, July, August, September |
24 x 20 |
O |
June, July, August, September |
18 x 24 |
July, August, September, October |
18 x 18 |
P |
July, August, September |
70 x 24 |
July, August, September |
70 x 24 |
June, July, August, September |
40 x 30 |
July, August, September, October |
48 x 48 |
Bright Red. |
July, August, September, October, November |
18 x 18 |
June, July, August, September |
50 x 60 |
Persicaria amplex-icaulis taurus |
July, August, September, October |
40 x 28 |
July, August, September |
20 x 40 |
White. |
June, July, August |
80 x 40 |
Pale Yellow. |
May, June, July, August, September |
36 x 30 |
July, August |
40 x 24 |
July, August, September |
30 x 20 |
July, August, September |
30 x 30 |
July, August, September |
36 x 24 |
Lilac. |
July, August, September |
18 x 14 |
July, August, September |
24 x 16 |
White. |
July, August, September |
40 x 20 |
Dear Mr C H Garnons-Williams, Tony Dickerson
Horticultural Advisor Above email sent by the RHS on 13 September 2013 - plant label in Mixed Border bed still not changed by 23 November 2013. |
July, August, September |
30 x 16 |
July, August, September |
30 x 30 |
July, August, September |
40 x 32 |
July, August, September, October |
36 x 24 |
Red. |
July, August, September |
24 x 24 |
Blue-Purple. |
July, August, September |
36 x 12 |
June, July, August, September |
24 x 18 |
June, July, August |
16 x 12 |
June, July, August |
16 x 12 |
Q, R |
August, September, October |
24 x 18 |
June, July, August, September |
80 x 36 |
Yellow. |
S |
June, July, August |
30 x 24 |
May, June, July, August, September |
18 x 18 |
July, August, September, October |
24 x 20 |
September, October |
20 x 16 |
August, September |
40 x 20 |
August, September, October |
12 x 12 |
August, September, October, November |
18 x 18 |
August, September |
18 x 18 |
September, October, November |
24 x 18 |
June, July, August |
32 x 24 |
August, September, October |
60 x 32 |
Yellow. |
June, July, August, September |
18 x 24 |
June, July, August, September |
20 x 28 |
August, September, October |
48 x 24 |
Violet-Blue. |
June, July, August, September |
32 x 18 |
T |
June, July, August |
94 x 23 |
Lavender. |
June, July, August |
59 x 23 |
Purple-Pink. |
June, July |
48 x 48 |
Sulphur-Yellow. |
June, July, August |
72 x 36 |
Purple-Pink or Lavender. |
U, V |
August, September, October |
60 x 18 |
June, July, August, September, October |
24 x 16 |
Purple or Magenta. |
June, July, August, September |
36 x 24 |
Pale Purple/ Lavend-erish Lilac. |
June, July, August, September |
60 x 24 |
July, August, September |
60 x 36 |
Pink Lavender/ Lilac. |
July, August |
40 x 20 |
July, August, September |
60 x 18 |
June, July |
42 x 20 |
Lilac/ Pale Blue. |
July, August, September |
60 x 26 |
W, XYZ |
May, June, July |
18 x 14 |
Site design and content of this table copyright ©July 2009. Page structure amended December 2012. Site design and content for Mixed Border Herbaceous Gallery copyright ©March 2013. Chris Garnons-Williams. DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services are not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site. |
Number of Flower Petals |
Flower Shape - Simple |
Flower Shape - Elabor-ated |
Natural Arrange-ments |
Herbaceous Perennial Name Index The respective flower colour and thumbnail, months of flowering, form, height and width, foliage colour and thumbnail, use and comments are in the relevant index page Evergreen Perennial Name Index |
UK Peony Index :- |
Perennials & Ephemerals chapter of Plants for Dry Gardens by Jane Taylor. Published by Frances Lincoln Limited in 1993. ISBN 0-7112-0772-0 for plants that are drought tolerant. |
Rock |
Perennials for Ground Covering in Shade and 3 |
Colour All The Year in My Garden by C.H. Middleton. Published by Ward, Lock & Co. for culture. Perennials The Gardener's Reference by Susan Carter, Carrie Becker and Bob Lilly. Published by Timber Press in 2007 for plants for Special Gardens. It also gives details of species and cultivars for each genus. |
Herbaceous Perennial Form |
Prostrate or Trailing |
Cushion or Mound-forming |
Spreading or Creeping |
Stemless. Sword-shaped Leaves |
Erect or Upright |
Herbaceous Perennial Use |
Back of Border, Alley, and Too Tall for Words Special Garden |
Herbaceous Perennial in Soil |
Clay + |
Peat + |
Any + |
+ Herbac-eous Perennials in Pages in Plants |
Peony Use |
Copied from Botanical Index Gallery Pages |
Appended to Botanical Name is |
Number of Botanical Plants in each Page or Gallery / comparison pages section |
A, B, C, D, E, Links to 1000's of Indexed Plants in the galleries below are in addition to the ones above:- Bee pollinated plants per flower colour per month in Bee-Pollinated Alpines, Aquatic, Annual, Beddi-ng, Biennial and Bulb with Climber of 3 sector system are in
Botanical Wildflowers in |
Plant Type:- Gr = Grass |
Flower Colour:- followed by Annual, Bulb, Climber, |
Inv = Invasive; so pot the plant instead |
A, 391 Galleries/Comparison Pages:- Total 5851 plus plants in the above Galleries / Comparison pages section |
How comparison thumbnails with their text boxes will be changed to from Flower Colour and Foliage Colour if not green Violet-blue, ACIDIC SAND, LOAM. Above contents of this text box require amend-ing Soil. |