If anyone has this Gladiolus, can they please let me know if they have photos of its foliage, complete flowerhead, floret, overall shape in the ground or in a pot, competition winner, in flower arrangement or its different size corms - which they could donate to put in this page? |
Flowerhead. Photo from North American Gladiolus Council |
Foliage. Photo from |
Plant Name |
Gladiolus 'High Stakes' Classification Code 353 M 'HIGH STAKES EF 06-10' (Frederick) 8;25;25 which is a member of the Grandiflorus Group with Medium-flowered Light Red - Red (Pale) 50 - with cream lower throat bloom in Mid-Season (80 days). Used for Exhibiting. From the Latin gladius ("sword"), the name used by Pliny, referring to the shape of the leaves. |
Common Name |
Gladiolus |
Soil |
Well-drained Sand or Chalk with Humus (Apply 4 inch (10 cms) deep mulch with mown autumn leaves and grass by each December, mix that mulch in with the top 9 inches (17.5 cms) of soil before replanting in April/May after last expected frost - further cultivation details in the Introduction Page). Can be planted in Clay using Dombrain's method to prevent rotting of the corm. |
Sun Aspect |
Full Sun |
Soil Moisture |
Moist |
Plant Type |
Herbaceous Corms |
FieldHeight x Spread in inches (cms) |
52 x (130 x ) |
Foliage |
Dark Green |
Flower Colour - Classification Colour - in Month(s). Flowerhead size in inches |
Light Red - Red (Pale) 50 - with cream lower throat in July. |
Comment |
"HIGH STAKES EF 06-10 353 Frederick Ed’s Conquest x M -98-9 Madeson Light red With cream lower throat A 3 ¼” floret (could be a 200) 25 buds 8 open 7 in color flwhrd 25” field height 52” 80 Days" from North American Gladiolus Council . "A watermelon red with a large lower cream throat. Holds open 8 ruffled 3 3/4" florets of 25 buds on 25" flower heads in formal placment. Tall spikes are nice and straight right down the row. It is a run away propagator with an unbelievable abundance of cormlets." from Peeters Enterprises Gladiolus. "Set 3- to 5-foot-high wooden stakes into the ground at either end of the row of newly planted gladiolus in your flower bed or garden. If the row is longer than 10 feet, add more stakes in front and back of the row of plants. Tie or wrap string, weather resistant wire or cording on one stake at a height of 1 to 2 feet, run it to the next stake and secure it tightly in place. The string will hold the greenery of the plant in place and keep it from tipping over. Use a rototiller or hand till the soil, creating small hills up around the base of the gladiolus plant to support the foliage. Cultivate the plantings as the foliage starts to tip and set it upright with soil as the natural means of support. Mulch a flower bed filled with glads using grass clippings, straw or pine needles to help support the spiky leaves and cut down on weeds." from Why Does the Foliage on My Gladiolus Tip Over? . "Florence Nightingale classified 472ML usually flowers in September from a May planting. The flower will actually open all of its florets but those at the base need to be removed as they die; otherwise they may start to set seed pods which will take energy from the florets higher up. Usually, its about 14 days from the first floret opening to when the last is out." from Nigel Coe. In temperate zones, the corms of most species and hybrids should be lifted 4-6 weeks after flowering and stored over winter in a well-ventilated, warm place where the temperature is in 50 degrees Fahrenheit range, then replanted after the deciduous trees are well into leaf in the late Spring. Set corms at 6 inches (15 cms) deep and 6 inches (15 cms) apart. Striking accent plant among summer-flowering annuals and usefull addition to perennial borders. Very good container plants, but take care when selecting container as plants can become quite top heavy when in full bloom. Cut flowers will last long time in floral arrangements; cut as soon as first buds show colour with own foliage acting as complement to flowers. Cut or remove the flower stalk just below the first leaf so the remaining 2 or 3 leaves can replenish the corm for next season’s blooms. "I started all these and the others off early in pots around 23rd March and that way I have got plenty of good seed pods. I was flowering the early ones like the prims and some 200s by the end of June and so they have had a good time to ripen the pods. I was very lucky in that most of the crosses were successful. Sometimes a cross just won't work. "Our climate is well suited to the growth and culture of the Gladiolus, much better than that of England or France, and it is as easily grown and cared for as the potato. It is only necessary to avoid soils that are wet, and therefore cold, which means ground that is badly drained, and plant in such ground as one would select in the expectation of raising a good potato crop. In enriching the bed where it is proposed to plant them, do not use fresh or partially fermented manure, as this tends to produce disease in the bulbs. The best is that which has been thoroughly decomposed and composted with old sods and ground bone. After the weather has become settled in spring and the ground in good working condition, the bed should be dug over and the manure thoroughly mingled with the soif. Then as soon as all danger of severe frosts is passed the bulbs may be planted out about ten inches apart each way, and four to five inches deep. " from The Canadian Horticulturist [monthly], 1882. Available from Peeters Enterprises Gladiolus in America. |
Exhibition Flowers. Photo from |
Floret. Photo from North American Gladiolus Council |
Flower Arrangement. Photo from |
Form in Ground. Photo from |
Potted Plant. Photo from |
Flower Show Award. Photo from |
Corm. Photo from |
Click on Number in the Flower Colour Wheel below to link to that Gladiolus Flower Colour Page |
See Introduction Page for Colour Classification Code details. 00 is White (Pale) |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb European A-E, F-M, N-Z Galleries for those classified by The British Gladiolus Society, or Non-Classified Gallery. Nigel Coe from the British Gladioli Society has kindly let me use his photos. If a mail-order nursery from the UK is prepared to donate the use of their photos of the flower, foliage, overall plant, corm, flower arrangement, floret or award photo of any of their mail-order gladioli to this website, then more information can be provided with the existing gladioli from Europe and new ones added and compared. There are more than 600 Classified Code Gladioli in the list from the British Gladiolus Society and over 2500 in the classified list from the North American Gladiolus Council. This gallery and the other Gladioli galleries in this website were set up to detail and compare all those Gladioli. |
Gladiolus INDEX link to Corm Description Page |
Flower Colour is the Second |
Flowering Months Blue back-ground if I have found a current mail-order supplier in October 2015 |
FLORET DIAMETER - 1st digit of 3 digit code Description Width of bottom floret |
Notation for Gladioli in UK Classification System following 3 digit code in the Flower Colour Column
Notation for Gladioli in USA Classification System following 3 digit code in the Flower Colour Column
x |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Not usually known for non-exhibition Gladioli |
Miniature |
Small |
Medium |
Large |
Giant |
Unknown Width |
Less than 2.5 inches (6.25 cms) |
2.5-3.5 inches (6.25- 8.75 cms) |
3.5-4.5 inches (8.75- 11.25 cms) |
4.5-5.5 inches (11.25- 13.75 cms) |
Over 5.5 inches (13.75 cms) |
White (Pale) - 500 EM |
June, July, August |
Bright Red edged |
May, |
Pink (Medium) - 444 EM |
June, July, August |
Ivory White with Purpley-Brown centre |
August, September |
Light Pink with dark |
May, June |
Orange-Scarlet - |
June, July, August |
Rose-Pink |
June, July, |
Purple-Pink |
June, July, August, |
Red (Pale) - 253 M |
August |
White |
June, July |
Yellow (Pale) - 310 M |
August |
Pink with Red blotch - 443 M |
June |
Red (Pale) - 253 M |
August |
Pink with Red blotches |
July, August America |
Red-Brown - 398 E |
June, July, |
Vermilion Red, White vain - |
August |
Green (Medium) - |
June, July, August |
Yellow (Medium) - |
July, August |
Lavender (Light) - |
September |
Pink with Yellow throat - 445 E |
July |
Yellow (Light) - 312 M |
August |
Golden-Yellow - 416 LM |
September, October |
Salmon-Pink with White throat - 445 M |
August |
Sky-Blue - 482 LM |
August |
Rose (Deep) - 267 EM |
August |
Red (Deep) - 256 M |
August |
Red with White Arrows - 356 M |
August |
Pale Pink with deep pink markings |
May, June, July, August, September |
Yellow (Medium) - |
July |
Salmon-Pink - |
August |
Scarlet-Red - 253 M |
August |
Orange - 224 M |
August |
Rose flecked with Gold - 263 M |
July, August, |
Soft Toffee-Brown - 294 M |
Orangey-Red - |
July, August |
Lavender - 271 EM |
August |
Creamy-White - |
August |
Pink with White |
September |
Lavender - 470 M |
August |
Salmon - 433 EM |
August |
White with Dark Pink markings - x01 |
June, July, August |
Lavender-rose with Cerise blotch - 463 EM |
August |
Rose - |
August |
White - |
August |
Salmon-Orange - 225 M |
August |
Yellow - 314 M |
July, August |
Soft Yellow, striped |
May, June, or October, November, December |
Cream with Rose blotch on Yellow throat - 213 M |
August |
Gladiolus in Autumn Bulb Gallery |
Deep Magenta - |
June, July |
Red and Yellow - |
July, August |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb American A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, XYZ Galleries for those registered with North American Gladiolus Council pre 2008 If Peeters Enterprises Gladiolus , Pleasant Valley Glads & Dahlias , Honker Flats or other mail-order nursery from America are prepared to donate the use of their photos of the flower, foliage, overall plant, corm, flower arrangement, floret or award photo of any of their mail-order gladioli to this website, then more information can be provided with the existing gladioli from America and new ones added and compared. |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb American A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, XYZ Galleries for those registered with North American Gladiolus Council in 2008 |
Red - |
August |
Pink - |
August |
Orange - 425 M |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Rose - |
July |
White - |
August |
Yellow - 311 LM |
July |
Yellow - 413 M |
July |
Lavender - 375 EM |
July |
Rose - 365 EM |
July |
Rose - 265 E |
July |
Lavender - 473 M |
July |
Rose - 267 EM |
July |
White - 200 M |
July |
Yellow - 215 EM |
July |
Rose - 466 M |
July |
Smokies - 295 E |
July |
Yellow - 313 LM |
July |
Rose - 465 M |
July |
Lavender - 474 M |
July |
Violet - 584 LM |
July |
Orange - 325 M |
July |
Orange - 424 EM |
July |
Salmon - 235 M |
July |
Orange - 521 LM |
July |
Rose - 465 M |
July |
Lavender - 473 M |
July |
Yellow - 315 LM |
August |
Yellow - 313 VE |
July |
Yellow - 111 M |
July |
Yellow - 215 M |
July |
White - 100 VE |
July |
Pink - 243 EM |
July |
Rose - 365 M |
July |
Pink - 541 LM |
July |
Blue - 485 LM |
July |
Rose - 363 M |
July |
Salmon - 335 M |
July |
Lavender - 171 VE |
July |
Orange - 127 EM |
July |
Lavender - 371 L |
August |
Pink - |
July |
Salmon - 435 M |
July |
Lavender - 373 LM |
August |
Yellow - 314 M |
July |
Salmon - 435 LM |
July |
Rose - 365 VE |
July |
Red - 453 M |
July |
Red - 354 EM |
July |
Pink - 345 EM |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Purple - 278 E |
July |
'Rozovaya Fantazia |
Rose - 462 L |
August |
Salmon - 333 M |
July |
Lavender - 475 LM |
August |
Salmon - 435 LM |
July |
'Slastena |
Smokies - 493 LM |
July |
Green - 103 VE |
July |
White - |
July |
Pink - |
July |
Orange - 525 LM |
August |
Pink - |
August |
Orange - 426 M |
July |
'Vosmoe Marta |
Rose - |
August |
Rose - |
August |
Brown - 298 EM |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb American A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, XYZ Galleries for those registered with North American Gladiolus Council in 2009 |
Purple - 379 LM |
August |
Red - 454 LM |
July |
White - 201 M |
July |
Orange - 423 E |
July |
Rose - 267AA M |
July |
Lavender - 373 M |
July |
Rose - 265 EM |
July |
Orange - 227 EM |
July |
Red - |
July |
Lavender - 175 M |
July |
Yellow - 112 E |
July |
Pink - |
July |
Yellow - 213 EM |
July |
Lavender - 473 M |
July |
Salmon - 235AA EM |
July |
Yellow - 314 M |
July |
Salmon - 435 M |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Yellow - 515AA EM |
July |
White - |
July |
Purple - 279 EM |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Orange - 222 M |
July |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb American A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, XYZ Galleries for those registered with North American Gladiolus Council in 2010 |
Red - 252 M |
July |
Pink - |
July |
Pale Blue - 483 EM |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Salmon - 233AA M |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Yellow - 313 M |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Lavender - 273 EM |
July |
Orange - 423 LM |
August |
Salmon - 431 EM |
July |
Pink - |
August |
Lavender - 273 E |
July |
Orange - 225 M |
July |
Rose - |
August |
Red - |
July |
Rose - |
July |
White - |
August |
Orange - 225 M |
July |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb American A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, XYZ Galleries for those registered with North American Gladiolus Council in 2011 |
Yellow - 412 M |
July |
Red - |
July |
Salmon - 433 M |
July |
Red - |
July |
Red - |
July |
Pink - |
July |
Yellow - 210 M |
July |
Rose - 463AAS EM |
July |
Orange - 223 EM |
July |
Pink - |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Red - |
July |
Yellow - 315AA M |
July |
Red - |
July |
Orange - 425 M |
July |
Gladiolus in Gladiolus Bulb American A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, XYZ Galleries for those registered with North American Gladiolus Council in 2012 |
Rose - |
July |
Salmon - 433 M |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Salmon - 235 M |
July |
Orange - 424 AAS LM |
August |
Rose - |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Salmon - 433 AAS M |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Salmon - 435 M |
July |
Pink - |
July |
Yellow - 413 M |
July |
Salmon - 333 L |
August |
Red - |
July |
Yellow - 413 LM |
July |
Orange - 425 EM |
July |
Purple - 278 EM |
July |
Lavender 477 EM |
July |
White - |
July |
Lavender - 475 M |
July |
Red - |
July |
Rose - |
July |
Orange - 227 E |
July |
Lavender - 377 M |
July |
Black - |
July |
Lavender - 475 M |
July |
Antanas Markevieius from Lithuania has kindly allowed me to use the photos from www.geles.biz, where he sells some Russian varieties as well as his own. If you want to buy the corms to grow in Lithuania or for export to your garden in your country, please contact him prior to middle of November each year. Lithuania became independent from Russia on 11 March 1990. The gladioli that he has registered with the North American Gladiolus Council are listed and linked to his website in the Cultivar from Russia / Lithuania Page. He has very kindly stated that he will provide the flowerhead height of his gladioli, so that I can create the relevant Gladiolus Description Page and then add them to the comparison pages and then they will appear in the next row. |
Gladiolus are grown and hybridised in Australia and when a mail-order nursery donates the photos and cultivation details together with the specific climactic conditions appertaining to the gladioli that they have hybridised, then those can be added to the row below, together with their Gladiolus Plant Description Pages and comparison pages for those that they can export to you for your own garden in Australia and perhaps other countries. |
The Integrated Sustainable Energy and Ecological Development Association (INSEDA) is the national India organization formed by the grassroots NGOs who had been involved in the promotion of renewable energy, ecological and natural resources development programmes with special focus on the implementation of biogas development in rural areas of the country, since 1980. They have hybridised some new varieties - see Gladiolus Bulb Site Map. These Gladiolus are grown in India and if a mail-order nursery donates the photos and cultivation details together with the specific climactic conditions appertaining to the gladioli that they have hybridised, then those can be added to the row below, together with their Gladiolus Plant Description Pages and comparison pages for those that they can export to you for your own garden. |
Site design and content copyright ©January 2012. Page structure amended November 2012. Thumbnails added to above Index October 2015. Chris Garnons-Williams. DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors. Ivydene Horticultural Services are not responsible for the content and/or quality of external web sites linked from this site. |