Ivydene Gardens: WELCOME
Ivydene Gardens informs you how to
design, construct and maintain your private garden using organic methods and companion planting.
It also compares Cultivated and UK Wildflower plants either grown and/or sold in the UK.

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As I delve into what is happening in Britain, I am appalled by the corruption in the UK Government, Local UK Government and Commerce over the last 40-50 years; when

Further details in Table

Further details in Table
with this light blue (wet colour) background in this page and others in this website

Further details in Table


is TABLE 1

on left has the same topic list menu on every page of this website

with its
background colour changing for each topic row containing separate topics for a theme -

like tip colour background to Use of Plant in your Plant Selection Process row.


This TOPIC TABLE may be moved to the extreme right due to the constraints imposed by the other tables


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is TABLE 2

is this second one for a page of data about that chosen topic.

Top row of the DATA TABLE states the Page Title and Bottom row states Ivydene Gardens Copyright, Logo and email.

It has Design, Construct and Maintain Private Garden topic summaries with Plant Selection Methods precis in

White Background.

1,000's of Bee instead of wind pollinated plants for hay-fever sufferers
All Bee-Pollinated Flowers
per Month

is TABLE 3

is on the right of this DATA TABLE for a topic containing menu to data pages for the chosen topic.

If this topic is in the Plant Photos Galleries section below Row 1
it does contain pages on plants, which do not have their own separate A to Z Index Pages in the data page menu above,
its Plant Index menu of all the species/cultivars described for that Plant Type will be below the Page link menu,
Tip Colour Background

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are on every page of this website. Other TABLES can be added when required on any page to the right, below and within the

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Table X ,
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Cake recipes for Church.


Use Aquadyne to drain your sports ground, as detailed at the bottom of this page.

The same drainage system as detailed in Aquadyne Drainage Page could be used round the perimeter of the gardens both back and front of new houses built on clay, which with plants could prevent those houses from subsiding.

Row 1 of 19 rows

Table M

The UK Labour or Conservative government has been humiliating, degrading and dehumanizing its population for over 40 years , without its population realising by using
Softly, Softly, catchee monkey (Means 1. Proceed cautiously or gently to achieve an objective and 2. Capture a target without startling it and causing it to run away)

Since the UK Main Government keep on increasing the National Debt by borrowing every year,
then to provide the same service,

  • it has to increase the tax collected, to pay for the increase in the interest to be paid for that extra borrowing of last year.
  • The UK government can also
    cut services;

  • reduce the increase of wages below inflation and
  • then get the increase in pay paid for; by taking it from this year's budget allocation for that public service department.

Table M-B
HISTORY OF THIS followed by



Table M-C


Table A -
UK Government Overspending
in a row within 3 columns on the left

UK Conservative Government of 2010-24 managed to

  • UK Government from 2010 to 2024 intentionally bankrupt the UK.
    UK Government intentionally bankrupt UK Local Authorities.
    UK Government intentionally reduce spending power of wage by 35%
  • collect twice the tax collected in their first year 2010-11 as in their last of 2023-24,
  • increment the UK National Debt by four times the tax collected in 2010-11 by 2024
  • intentionally overspend the tax to be collected each and every year in office and
  • reduce the buying power of the wage earned in 2010-11 by 35% by 2024,
    so when you could buy 100 widgets in 2010 for £100,
    then your £100 could only buy 65 of them in 2024,
  • leaving the UK bankrupt before 2024.

Table J-P.
Britain cannot defend itself due to lack of an army and lack of bullets.

Table P-F
A land warfare conference heard that at Russian rates of fire the UK MILTARY WOULD RUN OUT OF ARTILLERY SHELLS IN JUST 2 DAYS.

Table J-Q.
If a member of the Royal Family does not feel safe here, would you?

Table P-H
Destruction of Habitat for Wildlife so that children can ride around a large park on bycycles.

Row 2

UK Main Government has intentionally overspent each year its tax to be collected that year from at least 2010.

This increases the UK National Debt to the point where in 2024 there is no way that the UK can ever repay that UK National Debt.

you can see what smoke and mirrors can do to camouflage what the government is doing by using "the debt-to-GDP ratio, which is a metric that helps understand a country's ability to pay back its debts. A lower debt-to-GDP ratio is generally ideal because it signals a country is producing more than it owes, placing it on a strong financial footing."
That is the UK National Debt to the Gross Domestic Product ratio.
It is very usefull because it means that as the Gross Domestic Product goes up, then the UK Government can increase the UK National Debt to either very nearly the same value or slightly over. When it is over 100 and it comes down to 99.6, then the politicians can crow that the debt-to-GDP ratio is lower and the idiot population in the UK think that means that the UK National Debt is decreasing, whereas in fact it is massively increasing.

UK general government gross debt was £2,654,300,000,000 at the end of Quarter 3 (July to Sept) 2023, equivalent to 100.0% of gross domestic product (GDP).

GDP measures the monetary value of final goods and services—that is, those that are bought by the final user—produced in a country in a given period of time (say a quarter or a year). It counts all of the output generated within the borders of a country. GDP is composed of goods and services produced for sale in the market and also includes some nonmarket production, such as defense or education services provided by the government.

Government Debt to GDP in the United Kingdom averaged 70.36 percent of GDP from 1948 until 2023, reaching an all time high of 210.70 percent of GDP in 1948 and a record low of 21.60 percent of GDP in 1990.

So, if you do not tell the UK population what the UK National Debt is, but only the debt-to-GDP figures, then they do not realise that the UK government has been deliberately increasing the UK National Debt from at least 1948 to the point that now there is absolutely no way that the UK could pay it off. All that will happen will be that the yield on the National Debt must not exceed the tax collected by the UK main government and the same for the increasing debt of UK Local Authorities.

Table A -
UK Government Overspending
in a row within 2 columns on the left

UK Government from 2010 to 2024 intentionally bankrupt the UK.

UK Government intentionally bankrupt UK Local Authorities, so that the Local Authority constituent pays 4 times for Social Care.

UK Government intentionally reduce spending power of people's wage by 35%

Table Q-B
The above shows you what the main UK Government is capable of - each £100,000,000,000 added to the UK National Debt will now cost at least £4,000,000,000 of addition to the Annual return on the UK National Debt. The UK government is working on the same principle as on smoking (revenue £100 Billion, expenditure on treating it by the NHS £10 Billion = net tax profit of £90 Billion). Increase UK National Debt by £100 billion, return interest £4 billion - let us continue overspending.
Minor problem if more than 25% of National Debt which is on inflation return interest became the current inflation or even higher. As the amount to be paid on the UK National Debt as interest goes up, then it will overtake the increase in the projected tax revenue. It does not appear that the UK government will ever pay off the UK National Debt, but hope that the never never does not catch up with them. But, the yield has increased from 0.18% in 2020 to 4.4% in 2024, so if that continues as investors do not believe that the UK can pay, then !!!

Table J-A.
In 14 years the UK government of the Conservative Party doubled the annual Tax Receipts and increased the UK National Debt by almost 4 times the Tax collected in 2010-11.

Table J-B.
So it taxed people more and continued to overspend that collected tax the following year.

Table Q-B
The windfall tax on renewables (wind and solar farms), biomass and nuclear power generators will be set at 45%, Chancellor Jeremy Hunt announced on Thursday. This will of course persuade the wind and solar farms to continue to invest and to generate electricity when 45% of the profit goes in tax in the UK, which they could have used to create more generators. This helps the UK to get to Net-Zero? But gas and coal electricity generators will be exempt.

Table J-C.
There is no way that the UK can repay that UK National Debt.
There is also no way that the UK Tax payers can pay for even 1 year of overspending by the UK Government in each year.

this Labour Government is likely to increase the UK National Debt by

  • £290,704,960,000, which is over £24,000,000,000 a month instead of a £22,000,000,000 'black hole' in 2024-25.
  • If the UK taxpayer pays this extra 36.863% of the total tax receipts of the UK Government Tax - on top of what each taxpayer is already taxed in the 2024-25 year - to cancel this extra UK Government spending in this financial year instead, then the UK National Debt will not be increased in the 2024-25 financial year.
  • The total tax receipts for the UK Main Government for the 2024-25 financial will therefore be 100% + an extra 36.863% from each of 37,400,000 income tax payer to cover the overspending by the UK Labour Government in its first year.

Sarcasm from the many to the so few who are spending so much more than the many can afford:-

Great Britain owes over 1 million million pounds. Assuming population paying tax of 50 million, then each taxpayer is paying the interest on £20,000 of debt. The government state that this will increase by £10,000 per taxpayer by 2015.
From 26 November 2011 The Week "UK government Ten-Year Gilts which provide the capital for these debts now yield 2.2%", so by 2015 each of us will be paying £660 interest with £3000 capital repayment making a total of £3660 to pay each year for that government overspend. It is interesting to note that my fuel to get to my client's gardens and other taxes incurred in the tax year 2010-2011 has just managed to pay for that from my gross income leading to negative net income.
It is gratifying to know that for 2,800 staff in banks in Britain who earned above £1,000,000 in 2009 (3 December 2011 The Week) that they will not face a problem in paying that interest payment.
Happiness in Switzerland increases if you can influence events. Thus a vote every 5 years on which government should take over from the last and increase national debt by 50% during its period of office is no consolation.

Since I cannot influence people in power:-
To not buy the dripping to go on my bread once a week using negative net income, I shall go to:-

  • Marks & Spencer on a Monday
  • Tesco on a Tuesday
  • Waitrose on a Wednesday
  • Ocado on a Thursday
  • Asda on a Friday
  • Sainsburys on a Saturday or
  • Co-op on a Sunday

and the fuel to get there from:-

  • Morrisons on a Monday
  • Texaco on a Tuesday
  • Esso on Wednesday
  • Total on Thursday
  • BP on Friday
  • Sainsbury on Saturday or
  • Shell on Sunday

since if I protest outside St Pauls about the overspend or the attack on civil service pensions (which according to the governments own figures in 2006 that their cost will actually fall in the coming years), that I am likely to get arrested and this protest will be ignored.


Row 3

UK Main Government reduce the Social Care Support to Local Authorities to the extent where those Local Authorities now have to borrow to balance their budget each year

Table A - UK Government Overspending
in a row within 2 columns on the left

UK Government intentionally bankrupt UK Local Authorities, so that the Local Authority constituent pays 4 times for Social Care.

Table N - Conning migrant care workers in the UK in a row within 2 columns on the left

without sufficient take-home pay in the UK to provide for both eating and heating.

Table J-F.
The Conservative Party from 2010 to 2024 reduced the support grant to Local Authorities.
Local Authorities having used up their reserves are forced to get more from the population under their control

Row 4

Table A - UK Government Overspending

UK Conservative Government of 2010-24 managed to

  • UK Government from 2010 to 2024 intentionally bankrupt the UK.
    UK Government intentionally bankrupt UK Local Authorities.
    UK Government intentionally reduce spending power of wage by 35%
  • collect twice the tax collected in their first year 2010-11 as in their last of 2023-24,
  • increment the UK National Debt by four times the tax collected in 2010-11 by 2024
  • intentionally overspend the tax to be collected each and every year in office and
  • reduce the buying power of the wage earned in 2010-11 by 35% by 2024,
    so when you could buy 100 widgets in 2010 for £100,
    then your £100 could only buy 65 of them in 2024,
  • leaving the UK bankrupt before 2024.
  • Then, because of this £20,000,000,000 'black hole', the Labour Chancellow can raise the revenue from taxes by a 25% increase in the 2024 Autumn Budget
    • to pay the UK National Debt gilt interest (yield) for the year and
    • the UK government borrowing costs for the year
    • to make the spending equal the tax revenue:-
      UK National Debt in June 2024 is approximately £2,700,000,000,000, which is 99.5% of the Gross Domestic Product in 2023.
      The UK government borrowed £122,100,000,000 in Apr 2023-March 2024.
      In April 2024, central government borrowed £20,500,000,000.
      Since our March 2024 publication, we have increased our initial estimate of borrowing in the financial year ending March 2024 by £800,000,000 to £121,400,000,000, now £7,300,000,000 more than the £114,100,000,000 forecast by the OBR.
      In May 2024, central government borrowed £14,900,000,000.
      In June 2024, central government borrowed £14,500,000,000.
      The UK Government expect debt interest spending to total £89,000,000,000 in 2024-25. UK 30 year Gilt yield is 4.4443%, so if all the UK National Debt was on that, it would be £119,996,100,000;
      and the goverment in April-June have already borrowed £49,900,000,000 out of the expected £89,000,000,000
      • and the chancellor is worried about a black hole of £20,000,000,000
    • when she is likely to borrow over
      6 times that in this year and then
      pay the gilt yield of roughly the same in the year, and
      thus increase the UK National Debt by 25% of their UK tax that they collect from the UK population and businesses in the UK.
      So she increases the UK National Debt by £20,000,000,000 every month and by not supporting the local Authorities, then they have to borrow and then they will also go bust.

      To pay for public sector pay increases in 2024-25,
      she will get the money from the Old Age Pensioners as shown in the
      'How Main UK Government con the public by using 'Black Holes' to ramp up taxes' in
      row 10 in the next column on the right
      so that is fully funded and does not need any extra borrowing.
      So, having got the Old Age Pensioners and the future Old Age Pensioners to pay for this £20,000,000,000 or £22,000,000,000 'Black Hole 2,
      now the Labour Chancellow can now - in her 2024 Autumn Budget -
      • raise taxes even further,
      • cut the budgets for the public services,
      • cut further the support to the Local Authorities,
      • in order for her to make it look as if she is getting a firm grip on the financial mess left by the Conservative Party.
    • The result will be that the
      • doctors leave - see Row 6
      • the teachers leave,
      • the nurses leave,
      • anybody faced with having his pension contributions
        • taxed at either 55% on a lump sum or at 25% if taken as yearly pension - it is likely that he is not aware of this extra tax on the money that he has saved for over 35 years; until he retires
        • plus income tax on top and
        • paying extra towards the borrowing costs of his Local authority, even he is retired,
          will also leave
      • The number of illegal maritime arrivals from safe countries will increase and the remaining idiots in the UK are currently paying for 136,373 immigrants in hotels etc every year.
        But she is not doing anything about that
        the pollution flowing down every river in the UK - see row 7.
        But she intends to make more people in the UK starve to death as shown in row 4
        as well as them getting brain damaged from Glyphosate used in the UK production of rapeseed oil,
        with her new taxes.
      • If you complain about these extortions; then remember that this will enacted against you:-
        Table M-F - If members of the UK public complain then Government's Public Order Act 2023 will put them in jail.
        You have to remember how we must regard our UK politicians to be upright solid citizens; as described in row 8.
    • Amazing how these 'black holes' in public finance keep on coming up -
      UK Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt is due to announce on Nov. 17 2022 a package of tax hikes and spending cuts worth up to 60,000,000,000 pounds, according to media reports- as shown in row 10.

  • This would still leave the UK National Debt, and to reduce that by £100,000,000,000 a year, it would take an extra 10% tax and 27 years:-
    • So if the UK Government increase taxes by 35% - another £345,000,000,000 of annual tax
      • HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) data shows that in 2024-25 there are an estimated 37.4 million income tax payers, up from 33 million when personal income tax thresholds were frozen in the 2021-22 tax year.
        The number of people dragged into paying income tax in the UK has leapt by an estimated 4.4 million in three years because of the government’s freeze on thresholds, official data shows, a statistic likely to reignite the election debate on tax.
        The figures show that a continuing freeze on income tax thresholds, seen as a stealth tax by some, has pulled an extra 1.77 million pensioners into the income tax bracket.
    • using £9,224.60 from every UK income tax payer including Old-Age-Pensioners,
      it would still mean that the UK population would have to additionally pay for the debt interest on £119,000,000,000 of the local Authorities, who currently borrow money to pay their running costs. And, then pay for that Local Authority debt as well.

      This extra £9,224.60 tax on top of what I am currently paying,
      with the debt interest of my Local Authority
      and its rates,
      together with the addition to the rates bill if the government revalue homes; last done 33 years ago,
      would take all my State Pension (The full amount of the new State Pension is currently set at £221.20 a week) and probably the majority of my Private Pension.

      Ever tried paying water rates, for food and drink, etc with being in debt from paying taxes to the Main Government and Local Government?




How the UK Main Government and UK Local Authority get the asinine UK population to pay 4 times for the same product.
In 2022/23 the value of tax receipts for the United Kingdom amounted to approximately 827,740,000,000 British pounds. This represented a net increase of over 512,100,000,000 pounds when compared with 2000/01.
So, 265,500,000,000 / 827,740,000,000 = 32.07% tax collected pays for pensions and benefits.
and 245,000,000,000 / 827,740,000,000 = 29.60% tax collected pays for health.
Therefore 61.67% of tax collected pays for those 2 items.

Medway Unitary Authority pays £142,269,000 on adult social services.

Local authorities are required by government to deliver a balanced budget, where anticipated income matches the total planned spend.
However, since 2010/11 central government funding to Medway through the Revenue Support Grant has reduced by 91 per cent (£85.1million to £7.3million in 2023/24).
Furthermore, Medway Council, along with many other councils across the country, has suffered heavily from the huge impact of the increasing costs of providing critical social care services for the most vulnerable members of our communities, as well as the impacts of soaring inflation, increased construction costs and cost of living pressures.
Together these have created a perfect storm resulting in the council’s spending demands increasing at a far faster rate than the funding received from local taxation and central government, and it has had to find savings from spending reductions and income from other sources to balance the books as well as drawing down on reserves.


  • Instead of Local Authorities getting the money collected for social care,
    the Conservative Government reduced their support; so that
    the taxpayer is paying twice for the same item.
    • Now, that Local Authorities are having to borrow running costs, then the taxpayer is paying
    • the interest on that borrowing and
    • that borrowing cost;
    • and the cost for social care
  • as 4 ways to pay for the same item.

Row 4

UK is running out of food and people on low wages cannot afford it.

Table P-A
Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill given Royal Assent on 23 March 2023 - see the effect of this bill in destroying organic farming and biodynamic farming in the UK in the next row
5 foods a US trade deal could bring to the UK are:-

  • Use of antibiotics on cows and pigs (Many of the chemicals used are bad for us humans too – antibiotic overuse is threatening to make these vital drugs useless, and to bring down a pillar of modern medicine)
  • the majority of US processed foods contain genetically modified ingredients - I bought Original Ramona's Heavenly Houmus which is produced in the UK in Sainsburys at the Savacentre in Medway in September 2024. It's ingredients are cooked chickpeas (66%)(Water, chickpeas), rapeseed oil

    Table J-L. Rape seed grown in this country is impregnated with Glyphosate, which when you consume it goes to your brain and damages it, together with the microplastic created from the deteriating plastic sheet covering that seeded area .

    The UK is allowing farmers to use the wrong plastic in order to kill its population, whereas the EU banned it and their agricultural plastic breaks down into harmless water and carbon doixide. Unfortunately the
    microplastics also vastly decrease worm fertility and so with too much of it there will be no worms in the agricultural field and therefore no crops, especially every time they grow rapeseed.), water, tahini (sesame seed paste), salt, acidity regulator: citric acid, modified maize starch (but not Genetically modified starch), garlic powder, preservative potassium sorbate, spices.
  • Much US milk would be deemed unfit for human consumption in Britain
  • 72 chemicals banned in the EU are a residue on fruit and vegetables
  • A recent test of baby foods in the US found that 95 % contained toxic metals, with 73% containing traces of arsenic.

Table B - UK running out of food
Britain will run out of food by summer of 2024.

When you wish to buy British grown vegetables and fruit,
you will have a problem with many farms being forced to close within 12 months
from November 2023.

Farmers fear food shortages caused by green schemes

From "Waste Britain: How tackling UK's shocking food waste saves country millions" report by Fareshare on 16 May 2023
Worker on State Benefits loses 12% of their gross wage because of these new border control food charges.

UK adults who cannot afford to buy food - Over the three years between May 2021 and May 2024 food prices rose by 30.6%. It previously took over 13 years, from January 2008 to May 2021, for average food prices to rise by the same amount. Over the three-year period between May 2021 and May 2024, UK consumer prices increased by 20.8% in total.

Table M-N
Most of the nursing unions have accepted on 4 May 2023 a 5% increase in their pay plus a one-off payment which is not to be added to their salary as a % increase. So this 5% does not pay for that increase in their gas bill nor does it cover the food increases of the last year shown below.

Table M-O
This shows how much food has increased and why the below inflation pay rises with their one-off bonus payment do not not cover that cost.

Table M-P
This shows how Commerce is destroying the egg-laying and the chicken business in the UK, while conning the british public into thinking that Britain can no longer supply to the supermarkets all their eggs that they can sell. The price of eggs to the UK Consumer increased massively during this fiasco.

Table J-K.
11,000,000 of the UK population is starving, because the money they earn is not enough to pay the bills and to eat.

Table J-L.
You may be poisoned by eating food cooked in rapeseed oil produced in the UK.
Rape seed grown in this country is impregnated with Glyphosate, which when you consume it goes to your brain and damages it, together with the microplastic created from the deteriating plastic sheet covering that seeded area .

The UK is allowing farmers to use the wrong plastic in order to kill its population, whereas the EU banned it and their agricultural plastic breaks down into harmless water and carbon doixide. Unfortunately the microplastics also vastly decrease worm fertility and so with too much of it there will be no worms in the agricultural field and therefore no crops, especially every time they grow rapeseed.

Table P-A
Babies being given arsenic in their food without their mothers knowing in the USA.
The Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill - which could be given royal assent in January 2023 (unless we change our shopping habits) states that GMO food can be be sold to you without you knowing it. Then, it is likely that the UK will sign a trade deal with the USA. The UK would be flooded by USA produced baby food from HappyBABY, Beech-Nut, Earth's Best Organic, Gerber, Plum Organics from Campbell Soup Company, Parent's Choice from Walmart and Sprout Organic Foods.
"A recent test of baby foods in the USA found that 95% contained toxic metals, with 73% containing traces of arsenic". 'Recent studies have shown that even low concentrations of arsenic impair neurological function, particularly in children. This review will focus on the current epidemiological evidence of arsenic neurotoxicity in children and adults, with emphasis on cognitive dysfunction, including learning and memory deficits and mood disorders.' from The Effects of Arsenic Exposure on Neurological and Cognitive Dysfunction in Human and Rodent Studies.
Cognitive dysfunction refers to deficits in attention, verbal and nonverbal learning, short-term and working memory, visual and auditory processing, problem solving, processing speed, and motor functioning.'

Row 5

Extortion from Commerce, which is owned and managed from abroad, who are and have been milking the UK public and destroying the UK Farming Businesses



Table P-A
Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill
given Royal Assent on 23 March 2023.

No more choice
This means that UK farmers and consumers will be denied readily accessible means of exercising any choice in using, buying or avoiding genetically engineered products and processes. Worse, as things stand, it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, to run effective, economically sensible, discrete supply chain verification and certification such as organic and Demeter schemes.
The implications of this for the marketing of biodynamic produce both domestically and for export are profound. Non-certified artisanal and local-based products will also be affected, but because of the lack of external verification of those "grey markets" some "moonlighters" and "free-riders" might prosper.
The upshot, though, will be a near fatal blow to the aspiration that farmers can and are willing to provide "food you can trust" and that citizen consumers can support those farmers through a values-based supply chain.

Table J-O.
VAT is charged at the reduced rate (5%) on gas and electricity for domestic use in dwellings such as houses, caravans and houseboats and in certain types of residential accommodation, such as children’s homes, hospices, monasteries, nunneries and halls of residence for university students.
Another stealth tax by government via OFGEM.

Table M-M
"From January 2022 to January 2023, domestic gas prices increased by 129% and domestic electricity prices by 67%." from House of Commons Library.
This NHS Backlog Bonus of 2 per cent and the 4 per cent in this current year does not cover those increases in gas and electricity prices. The 5 per cent for next year does not cover the 11.1% inflation of this year, so yet again if this is accepted the purchasing power of the NHS staff is declining for the 14th year, whereas the Members of Parliament have had a 28% increase in their wages during those years.

Domestic gas prices increased by 129% from January 2022 to January 2023 according to the House of Commons Library.

  • So for every £100 paid in December 2021, that becomes £229 in January 2023.
  • My wife informed me on the 4 May 2023, that the domestic monthly gas price has just now almost doubled from this month, so that is almost a 100% increase.
  • So this £229 becomes about £450.
  • This means that the domestic consumer from now on will pay 450% more than they paid per month in December 2021.
  • The domestic gas price will increase again at least once within the next 12 months, because the gas companies can do what they like.

An increase of 4.5 times are the gas suppliers taking us for a ride? or is it because the UK Government gave away our gas and imported gas from America to replace our gas given to the European Union. It does not matter to the UK politicians that because of this; the UK population were landed with paying an extortionate extra charge and is still paying it:-

Table M-C
LACK OF GAS when the UK exported gas to Europe to support European efforts to move away from Russian gas, and imported gas from America via Norway to use for electricity generation during 2020-2023!!!
So if America stops supplying us with gas, then we have a problem with gas-fired electricity generators and have to rely on renewables instead, which currently cannot make up the difference.
America's supply of gas could be dependent on us signing the trade deal with them as mentioned at the top of this table cell, so that the UK and USA babies could eat arsenic from Babyfood produced in America.

Table M-P
This shows how Commerce is destroying the egg-laying and the chicken business in the UK, while conning the british public into thinking that Britain can no longer supply to the supermarkets all their eggs that they can sell. The price of eggs to the UK Consumer increased massively during this fiasco.

Table J-I.
From 2016 to 5 June 2023 the Conservative Government of 2010-24 has only built 5,202 prison places, instead of the 10,000 it aimed to build between 2016 and 2019.

  • Therefore, the prison system is overloaded.
  • Also, because the prisoners do not receive education to help prevent re-offending, then the prison population is composed of the 37% who re-offend costing £18,000,000,000 a year for crime against the UK population when they out of prison, leaving no cells for new prisoners.
  • The government intend to get more commercially built and run prisons instead of them building more prison cells and running them, because they are cheaper

Table L-A
Corruption of the Commercial instead of Publicly-owned Water Boards in the UK -
The rivers, lakes and beaches like Camber Sands in the UK are heavily polluted with raw human sewage.
Visitors to the UK add to this,
and now
Devon has unsafe tap water to drink.
London and the Southeast are suffering a long-term imbalance in the demand for water and how much is available.

Table L-B
Many areas of England are already experiencing water shortages. In parts of Sussex, Cambridgeshire, Suffolk, and Norfolk, additional demands on water supply from businesses, and new housing developments, are putting huge pressure on water resources.
Alongside new reservoirs, the revised plans reflect a transition towards new supplies that are independent from rainfall including water recycling and desalination".
Unfortunately the new Labour Government is bankrupt with the National Debt increasing, so it is likely that words will occur and the Water Boards get fined. Those fines are then paid by the customers of those water boards in their bills either as a straight repayment or by paying for the extra interest on their increasing debt.  

Table J-O.
How Commerce persuaded the Conservative UK Government to help them and
get the UK population to pay for huge increases in Gas and Electricity to replace part of the price that they pay using the British Industry Supercharger.

The actual price of wholesale electricity per megawatt hour in December 2022 was 2,960 euros in the UK and the next most expensive country was 650 euros in France. To try to help 300 companies in the UK by narrowing this gap, then the British Industry Supercharger was created and we the unknowing UK public paid for this help to 300 companies by
a 450% increase in the domestic gas bill from January 2022 to May 2023 for our home - British Gas owner doubles boss's pay to £8,000,000 in 2024 , which is 232 times the median wage as shown above in the next column (I stopped paying British Gas for maintenance, because all they did was check the output and nothing else). If you do not do any maintenance, then that output check will fail and hey presto a new boiler is required - and
a 422% increase in electricity bill for Tremorfa Superstore in Cardiff from £900 to £4,700 a month.

Grenfell fire was due to the result of commerce lying about its products and failure of Government to do anything about it in terms of getting that cladding removed and those firms closed down.
How many others are like this, besides the UK Water Boards.

"Cladding firms avoid Grenfell redress,
as Business Commentary from Alistair Osborne (alistair.osborne@thetimes.co.uk ) for the Times :-

Tragedies typically have multiple causes. Grenfell is no exception. The fire that killed 72 people in June 2017 was, as Sir Martin Moore-Bick's inquiry report finds, the "culmination of decades of failure by central government and other bodies in positions of responsibilty in the construction industry": a cast list spanning cabinet ministers, regulators, building contractors and architects.
Yet, one class of culprit stands out: the makers of cladding and insulation materials whose "systematic dishonesty" led to the building being clad in products they knew were flammable.
They were made by three key companies:
America's Arconic, which knew from 2005 that its Reynobond 55 cladding panels, when used in cassette form, could be "extremely dangerous" but "deliberately concealed" that from the market,
Celotex, then wholly owned by France's Saint-Gobain, which in 2014 faked a successful safety test for its insulation kit by incorporating two fire-resistant magnesium oxide boards; and
Ireland's Kingspan, which from 2005 "cynically exploited" a lack of industry knowledge over its K15 insulation product, to market it for buildings over 18 metres in height "despite its own concerns about its fire performance"
. As the enquiry heard, one of its managers, Phillip Heath, sent an email saying he shouldn't be "confused with someone who gives a damn."
The behaviour of these companies is particularly egregious. So, it's doubly shocking that, seven years on, none of them have paid a single penny towards remediation of the wider issue that Grenfell sadly unearthed: that Britain had more than 4,500 buildings clad in similarly dangerous stuff.
Of the 4,630 buildings clad with dangerous cladding on 5 September 2024, only 29% have had the remediation completed. Since the building industry will not pay for it the the following "Rayner is pushed again on remediation work - this time how the government plans to pay for it. She says there is £5,000,000,000 currently available."

Unfortunately the government does not have any money for this, or for the pay increases to the train drivers, the nurses, the compensation for the Grenfell families, etc, so it is going to have to add this
£5,000,000,000 to £121,400,000,000 yield on UK National Debt and
£49,900,000,000 that it has already borrowed since April 2024 to make it £176,300,000,000 of spending that it has not got by 7 September 2024.

Ditto that the Construction Products Association (CPA) representing 85 per cent by value of an industry spanning 23,949 companies with annual sales of more than £63,000,000,000, has repeatedly dragged its feet over its members paying their share to fix the problem.
All the redress has fallen to Britain's housebuilders: around 50 developers, which the former housing secretary Michael Gove successfully bullied into coughing up £8,650,000,000 via a mix of taxes, voluntary pledges and levies. Yet, having written to the CPA boss Peter Capelhorn in Janusary 2022, saying, "I expect a public funding commitment from your sector by early March", all Gove got from him was excuses and backsliding - just an unfulfilled promise "to look into it and figure out exactly what the detail of that means". Having threatened to pursue CPA members "through the courts". Gove gave up.
By January 2023, his then opposite number, Labour's Lisa Nandy, told parliament that Gove's failure to force the product manufacturers to cough up was not only "unhelpful" but "immoral". So, armed with the Grenfell report, there should be nothing to stop the government now. Yes, Arconic, Celotex and Kingspan have paid undisclosed sums into a £150,000,000 compenstaion fund for the families of Grenfell victims. Kingspan also says it has "responded" to inquiries on more than "170 projects in which K15 may have been used" and told Gove in February 2022 that it would contribute to an industry-wide scheme. But the company, valued at $14,000,000,000, has so far paid zip. Ditto Arconic, now owned by the US-listed private equity group Apollo, which is valued at $65,000,000,000, and Celotex, where Saint-Gobain, with an 38,000,000,000 euros market cap, can't escape its responsibilities; despite selling 75 per cent of the UK business. As for the CPA, its statement yesterday was the usual waffle.
Criminal charges could yet follow, which in Arconic's case may test whether our extradition treaty with the US works in both directions (America supplies gas to the UK as shown in the second previous column within this row) - even if the company denies it misled "any certification body, customer, or the public".
Yet what ever happens there, the case for the industry to help fund urgent works to fix the UK's continuing cladding probem is unansweable, the recent Dagenham fire is proof of that.

Row 6

Table N - Conning migrant care workers in the UK

Row 6

Four in ten junior doctors are actively planning to leave the NHS as soon as they can find another job, a survey from the British Medical Association at the end of 2022 revealed. Many of those doctors wanting to quit the NHS plan to work as doctors abroad.
According to the survey, a third of junior doctors are planning to work as doctors in another country in the next twelve months, with Australia being the top choice of destination, some citing pay erosion since 2008 as a leading cause. The ongoing strikes by junior doctors are trying to resolve what has been described as '15 years of wage erosion' by campaigning for a 35 per cent pay rise.
Last year, 6,950 UK doctors applied for a certificate to work abroad, according to General Medical Council (GMC) data. This is up from 5,576 in 2021 - the data does not prove that the doctors will definitely leave, however it does imply intention, cautions the GMC." . If this carries on there'll be no NHS: The doctors so sick of it they're leaving for Australia

Table M-Q
Government has consistently lowered the living standards of public sector workers over 13 years and intentionally spent more that it received in tax every year.

Table J-M.
You may die before being treated on the NHS while waiting, because the Conservative UK Government have effectively reduced the buying power of a £100 in 2010 to £65 in 2024 as a 35% reduction between the pay received by the NHS workers between 2010 to 2024. This has meant that many of the staff have a choice, eat or heat your home.


Row 7

Table O - How Main UK Government con the public by using Black Holes to ramp up taxes, instead of telling the truth with this 'Black Hole 2'

  • "Rachel Reeves is scrambling to ease the growing backlash over slashing winter fuel payments insisting she did not 'want' to cut the handouts.
    The Chancellor claimed the government had no choice about axing the payments for millions as she urged those on low incomes to sign up for pension credit.
    The benefit is worth up to £3,900 a year on average, but estimates suggest up to 880,000 people are currently missing out.
    Anyone in receipt of pension credit will retain the right to a winter fuel payment.

    The campaign comes with Ms Reeves facing anger from many Labour MPs over her decision to cut winter fuel payments from about 10million pensioners to help deal with a £22 billion 'black hole' allegedly left by the Tories.
    Ms Reeves stood by her earlier decision to restrict the payments but urged pensioners and their families to check their right to pension credit.
    She said: 'The £22 billion blackhole inherited from the previous governments means we are having to take tough decisions now to fix the foundations of our economy – including making the Winter Fuel Payments available to those most at need.
    '1.3million pensioners are already going to get help with fuel bills this year because they're claiming pension credit – but thousands more are eligible.'
    Writing in the Observer, Ms Reeves claimed that she was 'protecting the most vulnerable pensioners' by means testing the winter fuel payment.
    I know these are tough choices, especially on winter fuel,' she acknowledged. 'They were not the choices I wanted to make or expected to make, but they were the right choices to put our country on a firmer footing.' 
    Work and Pensions Secretary Liz Kendall said: 'Thousands of pensioners are missing out on pension credit worth on average £3,900 per year.
    'That needs to change. It's easier than ever to check if you are eligible, including with our online calculator, and if your circumstances have changed since the last time you looked – I urge you to check again.
    'Friends, families and neighbours can also encourage their loved ones to apply, so that they are not missing out on this vital benefit.'
    The DWP added that pensioners whose weekly income was below £218.15
    (Facts about the PENSION CREDIT mentioned above - The full state pension is £221.20 a week, so 1,737,342 of 3,407,567 people received the full amount last year. They cannot claim that pension credit of on average £3,900 per year, thus saving the goverment £6,775,633,800. Mine is a full state pension. A complete con for more than half of Old Age Pensioners by this government) for a single person or £332.95 for a couple should check to see if they are eligible for the credit worth £3,900 a year on average, using the DWP's online calculator.
    People with a severe disability, carers and those who are responsible for a child or young person who lives with them could get more." from Dailmail.co.uk published 07:42 on 1 September 2024.

    To pay for public sector pay increases in 2024-25,
    • she will get the money from the Old Age Pensioners as shown in Table K on the right so that is fully funded and does not need any extra borrowing.
      Vicky Shaw from Metro.co.uk on Friday August 30 2024 states:- Around half of people receiving the state pension got the full amount last year - and 150,000 were on less than £100 per week, an analysis finds.
      The full state pension is £221.20 a week, up from £203.85 during 2023/24. But to qualify for that, people need to have made 35 years of national insurance contributions (NICS).
      Using Department for Work and Pensions data, Royal London calculated that 1,737,342 of 3,407,567 people received the full amount last year.
      It found 149,317 who had reached state pension age from April 2016 were receiving a state pension of less than £100 a week - and 17,546 claimants received less than £20 a week. Also, 5,677 people were receiving less than £10 a week.
      Royal London's Sarah Pennells said one of the main reasons people missedf out was because they did not realise they have gaps in their contributions. 'You may have national insurance gaps because, for example, you were working but had low earnings, were unemployed but didn't claim benefits, were a high earner with young children who didn't register for child benefit, or because you were working abroad', she added.
      But Ms Pennells said those with gaps in their record that go back more than a decade and are not entitled to credits that still top up their NICS before April 5 next year. 'After that, you'll only be able to go back six years and fill in any gaps', she warned.
      The findings come as 10,000,000 OAPs are set to lose out on winter fuel payments as the benefit is restricted to those receiving pension credit as ministers grapple with a £22,000,000,000 'black hole' in the UK's finances. The DWP said it encouraged those on the lowest incomes to claim for pension credit, worth on average £3,900 per year.

    • Ms Reeves is still spending £6,400,000,000 for asylum and illegal migration;
      but no mention about taking money off them
      instead of the Old Age Pensioners;
      while quite
      carelessly overspending by over £51,000,000,000 since April 2024.
    • Ms Reeves is also quietly forgetting about her other theft from the Old Age Pensioners which provides her with £1,000,000,000's each year -
      See Table M-T
      Nearly a third of the UK workforce are not saving for a pension at all. That will leave them reliant on a state pension worth just over £200 a week.
      What the budget in March 2023 proposes is abolishing the limit on the Lifetime Allowance currently (18 March 2023) £1,073,100.
      The rate of tax you pay on pension savings above your lifetime allowance depends on how the money is paid to you - the rate is:
      • • 55% if you get it as a lump sum
        • • 25% if you get it any other way, for example pension payments or cash withdrawals"
        • Your lifetime allowance (LTA) is the maximum amount you can draw from pensions (workplace or personal) in your lifetime without paying extra tax.
          This figure is currently £1,073,100, but it's being abolished from April 2024.

        • What a way to treat the working population in the UK? No wonder Doctors etc are leaving the country, since you are going to be taxed out of existence.
    • If from the above tax thefts, the Old Age Pensioners do not have enough to eat or they get hypothermia due to not being to able to heat their homes, then
      government solution -
      they die off and are no longer a burden to the UK,
      since then
      Inheritance Tax (that is probably flogging a dead horse) and expenses for their funeral will provide more tax for the government
    • Ms Reeves, the Labour Chancellor has declined to rule out an increase in Capital Gains Tax.
      "Landlords sell in a hurry amid fears of capital gains tax increase" article in the Business section of The Times of Thursday September 5 2024.
      The proportion of former rental properies for sale is the highest on record, an increase that may be driven by landlord's fears of an increase in capital gains tax in the autumn 2024 budget, according to Rightmove.
      18% of properies for sale were previously on the rental maket, compared with 8% in 2010. The property website said that landlords' fears that the budget on October 30 2024 would result in an increase in capital gains tax - a tax on the profit made when an asset is sold - could be behind the surge.
      London has emerged as a hotspot, with 29% of homes for sale having previously been rental properties. Scotland and the northeast follow, with a proportion of 19%.
      The percentage has been slowly increasing for months. The previous five-year average for homes switching from the rental market to the sales market is 14%, according to Rightmove.
      Bannister said, "In recent years it has become more attractive for some landlords to leave the rental sector rather that to continue to invest in it, due to rising costs, taxes and legislation. We've seen over the last few years how the supply and demand imbalance can contribute to rising rents, so there is a worry that without encouragement for landlords to stay in rather than leave the rental sector; it is tenants who will pay the price".
      At present CGT is levied at rates of between 10% and 28%. An increase could lead to a "significant rise" in the tax burden.
      This selling of rental properties supports what is shown below, and because the Labour Chancellor has not declined raising Capital Gains Tax, then she has made the renting of properties even more difficult before she states her budget in 2 months time:-
      Table J-G. The houses are too expensive for the local population to be able to afford to buy.
      Unfortunately affordable rental property now 'impossible' for many and many landlords are now selling their properties, even though in London Londoners would have to spend 70.6% of their gross income to afford an average rental unit in the capital. That is why the government is imposing too many houses to be built in the counties surrounding London; to get a lower rent or be able to buy the house and commute to London for those Londoners.

Row 7

Privatised Water Boards are providing dividends for the American and Canadian Old Age Pensioners, but are not doing the job that we the UK customers are paying for.

The UK pollution going into the sea is killing the algae which provide 70% of oxygen for UK, France, Holland, Portugal, Norway, Sweden and Denmark - further details in the next row down of the previous column:-

Pollution is biggest threat to Wildlife on our UK waterways.
"Why is our water in such poor condition?   
Pollution in freshwater ecosystems includes pathogens from human and animal waste, nutrients from wastewater and agriculture, organic matter from agricultural run-off, and chemical pollution from pesticides and runoff from mines.    

1 Sewage and storm overflows – Water  companies  require permits  to discharge untreated sewage into the local environment, which is allowed under certain exceptional criteria. However, recent monitoring has exposed the alarming rate that sewage is being discharged into our rivers. In 2020, water companies in England discharged raw sewage into  rivers 400,000 times, and  over 100,000 times  in Wales.   

2 Excess nutrients from agricultural run-off –  Agricultural practices often use fertilisers, manure and slurry containing nitrates, including ammonia, and phosphates. These can spill over into our watercourses and feed algae, making oxygen levels in the water to drop, water quality decrease and kill animals and plants living in the water.   

3 Pesticides  including  herbicides  –  Often applied at scale in agricultural systems to control unwanted plants and insects, pesticides can have  significant negative effects  on aquatic plants and wildlife. Costs arising from the contamination of drinking water with pesticides in the UK, has previously been  calculated at £120 million per year.  These costs are then passed on to people who pay for them through their water bills.    

4 Chemical pollution  from mines – Active and abandoned mines and waste heaps can cause pollutants, such as heavy metals, to be washed into local watercourses. It is estimated that over  1,500 km of rivers  in England are polluted by mines, and in Wales, NRW has recently estimated it will cost  £282 million  to end water pollution from existing mines.    

5 Plastic pollution (a  recent report  found that the River Mersey in England was proportionally more polluted with plastic than the Great Pacific Garbage Patch of 20,000,000 suare kilometres = 7,700,000 square miles) - testing at wastewater works that treat raw sewage before discharging effluent into rivers found these treatment plants remove 99% of microplastics, leaving typically five particles per litre released into rivers. Microplastics are also likely to get into rivers and seas through discharge of untreated effluent during sewer overflows.

6 Pharmaceutical residue (The  Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development highlights  some stark concerns about the impact of pharmaceuticals entering freshwater systems, including increased risk of some cancers and antibiotic resistance in humans and changes to the behaviour and reproductive success of aquatic species) are emerging threats to our freshwater systems but their impact is understudied.   

Whilst several pressures are causing the UK’s rivers, lakes, and other freshwater systems to be polluted,

  • agricultural and wastewater pollution are currently recorded to have the largest impact. 
  • Latest reports  from England found that 40% of water bodies are suffering from agricultural pollution,
  • and 35% from wastewater from the water industry.
  • In Wales, agricultural pollution has caused water quality failures in  113 waterbodies. There is very limited data available on the reasons  behind failing water quality in Northern Ireland, and this lack of transparent information is a recurring issue.    "

from New Report reveals pollution is biggest threat to wildlife on our waterways. Wednesday 15 September 2021 by The Wildlife Trusts.

Table L-E
Thames Water, Southern Water and Environment agency commissioned the The Chalk aquifer of the North Downs Research Report RR/08/02 which states that abstraction of water for human use was outstripping its recharge leading to groundwater storage being only 25% of normal in 1993.

The above report has been totally ignored by the Environment Agency, Thames Water and Southern Water with the result that fairly soon Kent and London are going to run of water, besides ithat mains water getting polluted between the treatment plant and its destination in buildings. You might read the report!!!

Interesting that in 2008, the water abstraction during the summer could lead to lack of water to drink and yet during the winter the houses that were not affected by floods could now be flooded. Yet, Medway and the remainder of Kent keep on building, building, building during 2024, ignoring that the new owners could face these 2 problems as more people in more new buildings use more water. Also, the groundwater is vulnerable to pollution as shown by the high nitrate concentrations (mainly from diffuse agricultural sources) and the occasional detection of pesticides and organic solvents. Significant point source pollution occurred between 1907 and 1974 with the discharge of highly saline mine water from the Tilmanstone and Snowdon collieries - as shown in the above report.
So, between the Water Board chlorinating and fluorinating the mains water, and the consumer getting it, that pipe go through farmland and if cracked absorb this pollution, since Southern Water admits that it is losing millions of litres of water between their treatment plants and their customers.


Table P-B
Instead of using 131 litres of water per person per day, Southern Water would prefer us to use only 100 litres per person per day.

New Houses are fitted with a pressure reducing valve to reduce the consumption to 110 litres per person per day at a cost to the builder of about £9 for the valve.

When one changes to a new smart water meter is this pressure reducing valve also in that so that you do not know that your water you used to use is now being used by someone else to help out the water boards with their 1% a year reduction in their rain water supply?

Other Table 5
'One of the most significant ocean current systems – which includes the Gulf Stream – is weakening and may be on the verge of complete collapse, according to a new study. The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) is crucial in moderating the climate of the Northern Hemisphere, and a collapse would be catastrophic.
If the Gulf Stream collapses, the study found that temperatures in the UK would drop by an average of 3.4°C. As a result, winter storms blowing across the Atlantic towards Britain would not pick up the usual warm moisture from the ocean, and would instead bring much harsher, wintry conditions, particularly in northern areas. Although some of us might welcome the idea of more white Christmases, snow could lie for months at a time and accumulate to levels that the country is currently not equipped to deal with.
Even more concerning, is the effect a Gulf Stream collapse might have on rainfall. During the growing season, the researchers found that precipitation might drop by as much as 123 mm – enough to reduce the UK’s percentage of arable land from 32% to just 7%.This would have profound impacts on the agricultural industry, with the level of irrigation required to offset this rainfall reduction coming to an estimated cost of ten times the value of the crops produced.'

Table P-E
Lack of drinking water from Southern Water by 2030.

Table P-C
The government continues to instruct councils to get new houses built, so that between 2016 and 2021 water companies discharged sewage from these new houses into waterways and the sea for a total of 9,427,355 hours, the equivalent of 1,076 years.
This sewage is received by France and other EU countries.
London water is recycled up to 7 times from River Thames.

Table L-D
Southern Water gets most sewage dumps into rivers between 7am and 10am as people get up in Kent, Sussex and Hampshire. As it cannot treat its present population's human sewage waste, so any addition to the population such as students and immigrants coming into Kent in the UK in small boats across the Channel will simply add to these sewage spills.

Table M-I

Ocean Pollution as reported by the Marine Conservation Society
Pollution has been reported to be one of the five main drivers of the current biodiversity crisis, threatening 37% of marine mammals with extinction.

Table M-K
Because the Water Boards are offloading raw sewage into the seas round the UK,climate change is melting the ice and the sea level is rising.

Table M-L
aw sewage and other pollutants going into the surrounding rivers is reducing the production of oxygen in the sea and those rivers.

Table J-R.
Must be careful of the pollution in mains drinking water

Lack of drinking water from Southern Water by 2030

Table J - Do you mind drinking faeces-contaminated mains drinking water in 10 UK regions of England and Wales, affecting 44,500,000 of the population?

Water companies in England have faced a barrage of criticism as data revealed raw sewage was discharged for more than 3.6m hours into rivers and seas last year (2023) in a 105% increase on the previous 12 months, including that 38,000,000 tons of waste going annually into the River Thames from London. Environment Agency confirms 54% increase in sewage spills to more than 4,000,000 hours of raw sewage thought to have been discharged into rivers and seas in 2023. This kills the fish, marine life, as well as people/ visitors/ students from the UK and overseas/ swimmers in the waterways and the beaches in the UK, and via the seas to surrounding European countries of 1,000,000's of tons of raw human and animal sewage, microplastics and glyphosate pollution.

Table M-J - Fines between 2007 and 2020 against Southern Water do not seem to have made any difference to their treating raw sewage in their sewage treatment plants but instead offloading it into rivers and the sea. The Water Boards get their customers to pay for these fines.

Table P-G
Decline in Oxygen from Amazon Rainforest
Independent of climate, forest cover in southern Amazon may fall to 20% by 2016 (03/09/2008).
Forest cover in the "Arc of Deforestation" of southern Amazonia will decline to around 20 percent in 2016 due to continued logging and conversion of forests for cattle pasture and soy farms, report researchers writing in the journal Environmental Conservation. Analyzing high resolution satellite data from 1984 through 2004 for the Alta Floresta region in northern Mato Grosso, Fernanda Michalski, Carlos Peres and Iain Lake of the University of East Anglia found that forest cover declined from 91.1 percent to 41.7 percent between 1984 and 2004. They note that while the deforestation rate has slowed to around 2 percent per year since peaking at more than 8 percent annually in late 1980s to mid-1990s, renewed expansion of road networks will enable loggers to increasingly exploit remaining forests, leading to degradation and likely eventual conversion for agricultural use. Overall Michalski and colleagues forecast that forest cover in Alta Floresta will fall to 21 percent by 2016, a decline of 77 percent since 1984.


Since the UK Water Boards are dumping raw sewage into the UK rivers and its surrounding seas, they are also killing off the oxygen production system in those rivers and sea. Then, the UK Government, Local Government and Commerce combination will outstrip the nazis - who only killed 6,000,000 Jews.


Table W - The UK pollution going into the sea is killing the algae which provide 70% of oxygen for UK, France, Holland, Portugal, Norway, Sweden and Denmark
in a row within 2 columns on the left

Table M-G
UK (Urinating Knave (a dishonest man polluting the waterways and sea))
Part 1

The Conservative Government of Britain has not stopped the export through its waterways to the surrounding seas of
"38,000,000 tons of waste a year from London is currently flowing into the Thames.

Table M-H
UK (Urinating Knave) with TABLE WASTE OF TIME details where in 2022 water companies dumped 302,000 storm overflow (rainwater combined with raw sewage) spills into rivers or the sea;
Part 2

Table P-B
Poll: Are you happy
to drink recycled sewage water
from the River Thames? Thames Water has proposed this as one way of ensuring it can provide an adequate water supply for Londoners in the future. But could you stomach it?
Is any of this a good idea? "We could get 30% of it [river water] being from sewage, and it may end up being closer to 50% at times," says Dr Andrew Singer, a microbiologist at the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
"If there is no further treatment of the sewage before they inject it into the rivers, that could have implications for things that live in the river. The drinking water facility would have to be aware that they are starting off with so much more sewage – the pharmaceuticals in sewage are quite resistant to breaking down, so they would have to work that much harder to make sure the drinking water doesn't have these chemicals in it. It's a problem that can be solved by throwing money at it. Whether the rivers are any better off for it, you can look at it two ways – the river will have more water in it, which is a good thing, but the water is going to be from sewage effluent and that's more of an unknown." from The Guardian, Friday 10 May 2013.
Thames Water are testing public opinion. "The fact we're having this conversation a good 15 years before this would even happen is a good thing because people would get used to it," says Evans. "It's all about public perception, that's the main hurdle here."
So it is likely to happen within the next 7 years.

According to "Sewage dumped in rivers for months on end" article by The Times on Monday November 8 2021, there is already untreated sewage being dumped by the Water Companies in the Thames and other rivers as well as in the sea round our coast, so will we catch more diseases from the chemicals which have not been removed in converting this river water into drinking water for our taps, as they are worried about in that article?

Table R-A
In 2020, there were over 400,000 discharges of untreated sewage into English waters, and the UK ranks last in EU countries for bathing water quality from REB Research Blog by Dr. Robert Buxbaum.
As new buildings are built then this extra sewage and rainwater from the roof exceeds capacity of pipe laid in 19th century and this extra sewage/rainwater then overflows into the river. The above diagram has not added the extra illegal water discharged from the millions of paved over front gardens, which are used as a car park - instead of paying the Local Authority to park your car on the road outside your property.

"Not a single new reservoir has been built since 1991 - privatisation of water industry in 1992 - despite the UK population increasing by 10,000,000, at a time when climate change has put pressure on existing reserves. 1 new reservoir - Havant Thicket - is due to be completed by the end of this decade. According to a 2020 study by Greenwich University, the £123 billion of capital spending by water companies on upgrading the network of pipes, reservoirs and treatment plants over the past 30 years has been financed by customer's bills, while borrowing was used to fund £57billion of shareholder dividends. Water UK says 216,000 miles of water pipes date to the 19th century and so it is taking time to upgrade them to stop leakages. Most water suppliers in England and Wales plan to cut leakage by at least 15% between 2020 and 2025, working towards halving it by 2050" from I newspaper of 13-14 August 2022.

I wonder why after 30 years of repairing/replacing these water pipes that they still lose so much water?

Row 8

Table W - The UK pollution going into the sea is killing the algae which provide 70% of oxygen for UK, France, Holland, Portugal, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.

Table L-C
Other Government Con tricks and
The level of oxygen refers to the amount of oxygen present in the atmosphere or water. Oxygen is produced by photosynthesizing organisms that live in the ocean, in fresh water, and on land. These organisms include bacteria, algae and plants. Photosynthesizing algae in the ocean produce around 70% of oxygen in the atmosphere. The UK pollution going into the sea is killing the algae which provide 70% of oxygen for UK, France, Holland, Portugal, Norway, Sweden and Denmark.
The newspaper i's Save Britain's Rivers 2024 manifesto: in full will not work. Everyone in the water industry, including the companies that own the UK water boards and the government departments who regulate it earning over 5 times the median wage should be made to swim for 15 minutes each week in the river going through their local town nearest to where they work. Fining the companies etc just adds to the bill that the consumer pays, but making them swim in the pollution that they cause and benefit financially from might make them do something about it. Cryptosporidium has already been found in our drinking water and this affects 3,000-6,000 people a year in the UK. Would you like to play russian roulette by drinking our water or having your food washed in it, since it can contaminate lakes, streams and rivers, swimming pools, untreated or poorly treated water, food, especially raw milk and fresh produce, and objects, such as farm gates, outdoor boots and clothing? Are you not pleased that every new building for people to use in the UK will be contributing to the million of tons of pollution that go into the sea!!!
Unfortunately, this will not happen and the same problem will keep on going, until the investors in these water boards withdraw, since the water boards owe more money than they can pay the interest on, and they cannot afford to repay the loans to the banks in the foreign countries like China and America; and the water supply industry collapses.

Row 8

We must regard our UK politicians to be upright solid citizens

Table J-E.
I wonder if MPs are influenced by gifts from outside bodies, who might be trying to alter their views!!!

Table M-C
LACK OF GAS when the UK exported gas to Europe to support European efforts to move away from Russian gas, and imported gas from America via Norway to use for electricity generation during 2020-2023!!!
So if America stops supplying us with gas, then we have a problem with gas-fired electricity generators and have to rely on renewables instead, which currently cannot make up the difference.
America's supply of gas could be dependent on us signing the trade deal with them as mentioned at the top of this table cell, so that the UK and USA babies could eat arsenic from Babyfood produced in America.

Table J-G.
My Comments on the Electioneering Missive received from the newly elected Labour MP

Table J-H.
If the Conservative Prime Minister does not do what he says he will do, then the institutions follow suit


Row 9

It can be very difficult for van drivers to find a required address for delivery.

That includes postmen going to deliver mail to newly built estates as well as delivering to their normal round in the same time frame

Table F

F5 - It can be very difficult for van drivers to find a required address for delivery.
What3words has divided the world into 3m squares and given each square a unique combination of three words. what3words addresses are easy to say and share, and as accurate as GPS coordinates.

If this what3words was appended to the postcode on each letter, it would make it easier for the postman to deliver it.

The Post Office is finding it difficult to deliver post to an extra 10,000,000 people using its number of postmen it had in 1993, since it has not been paid extra to compensate for all these extra new building.
It will increase the cost of a First Class stamp to £1.65 on 7 October 2024 due to declining letter volumes and rising business costs in maintaining the one-price-goes-anywhere universal service.

Ofcom has also said it is looking into whether to allow second-class deliveries to be made on alternate weekdays, which could help cut costs for Royal Mail.

So, your postman round on

  • day 1 is your normal round and on
  • day 2 you deliver the second-class post with their first class post to the newly-built estates of your round,

so that the postman can deliver the post within his time allowed for it; instead of still delivering the post at 20:00 at night.


There are topics on how to design, construct and maintain your private garden using organic methods and companion planting in this website, with the following further detail:-

Garden Maintenance
When you get a private garden, you need to know about your soil so that possible remedial action can be taken. When you know whether it is acidic or alkaline then it's maintenance is easier for you.
This can be followed by organic garden maintenance to understand what are the problems and joys of your garden. The relevant sections of the glossary, tool shed and library should aid you.

Hard Landscaping Garden Design
If you decide to change a portion of your garden, then design the whole of your private garden; rather than doing bits which become unrelated to each other or to the house. If your soil is clay, then this has major design ramifications. The library with case studies will aid the hard landscaping design, especially on drives.

Soft Landscaping Garden Design
The offbeat glossary, the plants,
the plant photographic galleries - Aquatic , Bamboo , Bedding , Bulb , Climber , Conifer , Deciduous Shrub , Deciduous Tree , Evergreen Perennial , Evergreen Shrub , Evergreen Tree , Fern , Grass , Hedging , Herbaceous Perennial , Herb , Odds and Sods , Rhododendron , Rose , Soft Fruit , Top Fruit , Vegetable , Wild Flower -
and companion planting aid the soft landscaping design. To aid your flower colour selection:-

  • for complementary or contrasting colour schemes; the Colour Wheel - Flower Petal has been created as shown in the Plant Selection Method 1 below.
  • The 12 colours per month in the Colour Wheel - Bloom in Month provide a crossection of bulb, climber, shrub etc plants with the same flower colour in the same month as shown in the Plant Selection Method 2 below.
  • The Plant Selection Methods 7 - and part of 6 - below can be used by HayFever sufferers to use plants that are Bee-Pollinated instead of being wind pollinated.
  • The Rock Garden Plant Index in Plant Selection Method 3 below aids your selection of Rock Plants for your rock garden.

The Wild Flower Gallery and the Wildlife on Plant Butterfly Gallery show the relationship between the Butterfly and its plant to aid the creation of a wildlife friendly section to your garden. See plant details of all UK Wildflowers in Wild Flower Botanical Names Index or Wild Flower Common Names Index.

Garden Construction
Having done the structural and detailed design process, garden construction can then take place in stages with the aid of getting materials using useful data, before returning once more to organic garden maintenance.

On to Plant Selection by locating each of the UK Wildflower -
each wildflower has which countries within Europe/ states for USA/ provinces or territories for Canada/ or Soviet Union/ or areas in China; that it is native in
- or Cultivated Plants detailed in this website by its:-

whose 4 sets of links are in the Topic Table in the same places on every page.
So you can use the correct native plants within your country in your garden as well as the cultivated plants for that country.

Then use Wildflower Flower Shape and Landscape Uses Gallery which will contain (starting in February 2022) the wildflower/cultivated plants from the following books to provide Landscaping Lists by Flower Shape, Site, Flower Colour, Habit, Bloom by Season, Preference, Use, Planted in Soil and Plant Form:-

  • Landscaping with Perennials by Emily Brown. 5th printing 1989 by Timber Press. ISBN 0-88192-063-0 for planting sites for perennials, which include most plant types except Annuals and Biennials.
  • Perennials & Ephemerals chapter of Plants for Dry Gardens by Jane Taylor. Published by Frances Lincoln Limited in 1993. ISBN 0-7112-0772-0 for plants that are drought tolerant.
  • Alpines without a Garden by Lawrence D. Hills. Published by Faber and Faber Limited in 1953 for cultivation of alpines in pans, troughs and window-boxes, particularly in towns, for gardeners who have only window-sills or verandas, or flat roof spaces.
  • Colour All The Year in My Garden by C.H. Middleton. Published by Ward, Lock & Co. for culture.
  • Perennials The Gardener's Reference by Susan Carter, Carrie Becker and Bob Lilly. Published by Timber Press in 2007 for plants for Special Gardens. It also gives details of species and cultivars for each genus.

Row 10

How Main UK Government con the public by using 'Black Holes' to ramp up taxes, instead of telling the truth that because they overspend then the UK National Debt goes up and the yield (or interest payment) is over £110,000,000,00 which comes out of the Tax collected from muggins like you and me,


of tackling the £6,400,000,000 bill from over 300,000 illegal immigrants coming into the UK by boat and in the back of lorries from France. We have paid France a lot of money to stop this, which does not seem to make much difference. When the immigrants get here, then they are provided with hotel accomodation, and all living expenses including schooling and health care free of charge for at least a year, paid for by muggins like you and me, without being allowed to work.

and that is why they are so desparate to travel all the way through the European Union to get to us, despite the fact that I was under the impression that in the EU the immigrant was required to stay in the European Country that he first entered not be carefully transported through those countries between their starting country and france.

Table O
in a row within 2 columns on the left

Rachel Reeves is scrambling to ease the growing backlash over slashing winter fuel payments insisting she did not 'want' to cut the handouts on 'Black Hole' 2.

Table J-D.
So, if the government is not going to borrow money, how is the Labour Chancellor going to balance the books in her 2024 Autumn Budget for 'Black Hole' 2?

Table K-A
The pay rises for Public Sector Workers in 2024 will be paid by

  • scrapping the winter fuel payment to old age pensioners,
  • scrapping the cap on how much 80% of Pensioners will have to pay of their social care. So they will have pay for all their social care and the Local Authority will not need to waste their time on doing a means test on them and
  • Main UK Government is attacking Pensions, so that when you retire you are suddenly faced with an extra tax of 55% on your lump sum; plus the income tax on the remainder as detailed 4 rows down.
  • so that pays for the following
  • Table K - B
    Armed forces awarded largest pay increase in decades in 2024.
  • Table K - C
    Rail Train UK drivers get 15% pay increase for a 4 day week, now want in September 2024 38 days holiday and reduction in the working week to only 35 hours
  • if this NHS pay deal for nurses, ambulance workers, midwives and other NHS staff, but not junior doctors or dentists - is not inflationary, then it means that most of it comes from the existing NHS budget, or from the Old Age Pensioners paying for it.


Table Q-A
How does the government's £58 billion Black Hole' 1 break down in August 2022?

Table Q-B
Chancellor Jeremy Hunt delivers Autumn Statement to Parliament on Thursday 17 November 2022 laying out package of tax rises worth £24bn and spending cuts of £30bn to plug massive public funding 'Black Hole' 1.


Choose 1 of these different 11 Plant Selection Methods followed by details in the respective row below:-
1. Choose a plant from 1 of 53 flower colours in the
Colour Wheel Gallery.
2. Choose a plant from 1 of 12 flower colours in each month of the year from
12 Bloom Colours per Month Index Gallery.
3. Choose a plant from 1 of 6 flower colours per month for each type of plant
Deciduous Shrub
Deciduous Tree
Evergreen Perennial
Evergreen Shrub
Evergreen Tree
Herbaceous Perennial
Odds and Sods
The Rock Garden Plant Index pages provide all the required information in a condensed form to aid your selection of (82) small rock garden plants for small areas - with the flower colour linking to the Rock Garden Plant Colour Wheel Page to see which other rock garden plants are in that same colour.
Soft Fruit
Top Fruit
Wild Flower Families

4. Choose a plant from its Flower Shape or Fragrance:-
Shape, Form

Flower Shape

Sense of Fragrance from Roy Genders
Fragrant Plants:-
Trees and Shrubs with Scented Flowers.
Trees and Shrubs with Scented Leaves.
Trees and Shrubs with Aromatic Bark.
Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for an
Acid Soil
Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for a
Chalky or Limestone Soil
Shrubs bearing Scented leaves for a
Sandy Soil
Herbaceous Plants with Scented Flowers.
Herbaceous Plants with Scented Leaves.
Annual and Biennial Plants with Scented Flowers or Leaves.
Bulbs and Corms with Scented Flowers.
Scented Plants of Climbing and Trailing Habit.
Winter-flowering Plants with Scented Flowers.
Night-scented Flowering Plants.
Scented Aquatic Plants.
Plants with Scented Fruits.
Plants with Scented Roots.
Trees and Shrubs with Scented Wood.
Trees and Shrubs with Scented Gums.
Scented Cacti and Succulents.
Plants bearing Flowers or Leaves of Unpleasant Smell.

5. Choose a plant from its foliage:-

6. There are 6 Plant Selection Levels including Bee Pollinated Plants for Hay Fever Sufferers in
Plants Topic.

7. Choose a Bee instead of wind pollinated plants for hay-fever sufferers from its own gallery with comparisons per month of 12 flower colours. Currently in September 2022, the following galleries are being updated; starting with the Index :-
All Bee-Pollinated Flowers per Month 12 ...Index

8. Choose plant by its use as part of the design process
Other Plant Uses is given in the indices
in each row of the right hand table in the relevant Photo Gallery, or
in each row of the relevant page in its Index Page per letter of the Alphabet for that Photo Gallery
More Plant Uses in Plant Colour Wheel Uses Gallery together with
bulb use,
bedding use and
rose use as linked to in the 4th row from the bottom of the topic table on the left on every single page.

9. Choose plants for butterflies to use.

10. when I do not have my own or ones from mail-order nursery photos , then from March 2016, if you want to start from the uppermost design levels through to your choice of cultivated and wildflower plants to change your Plant Selection Process then use the following galleries:-

  • Create and input all plants known by Amateur Gardening inserted into their Sanders' Encyclopaedia from their edition published in 1960 (originally published by them in 1895) into these
    • Stage 1 - Garden Style Index Gallery,
    • Stage 2 - Infill Plants Index Gallery being the only gallery from these 7 with photos (from Wikimedia Commons) ,
    • Stage 3 - All Plants Index Gallery with each plant species in its own Plant Type Page followed by choice from Stage 4a, 4b, 4c and/or 4d REMEMBERING THE CONSTRAINTS ON THE SELECTION FROM THE CHOICES MADE IN STAGES 1 AND 2
    • Stage 4a - 12 Bloom Colours per Month Index Gallery,
    • Stage 4b - 12 Foliage Colours per Month Index Gallery with
    • Stage 4c - Cultivation, Position, Use Index Gallery and
    • Stage 4d - Shape, Form Index Gallery
    • Unfortunately, if you want to have 100's of choices on selection of plants from 1000's of 1200 pixels wide by up to 16,300 pixels in length webpages, which you can jump to from almost any of the pages in these 7 galleries above, you have to put up with those links to those choices being on
      • the left topic menu table,
      • the header of the middle data table and on
    • the page/index menu table on the right of every page of those galleries.


11. Choose ground cover plants.
The plants normally selected by most landscapers and designers are by nature low-growing, rampant, spreading, creep-crawly things and yet the concept of ground cover demands no such thing. The ideal description of a groundcover plant includes:-

  • a bold dense mass of leaves completely covering the ground most of the year; evergreens gain gold stars.
  • They should require little or no maintenance - if you have to give the plant more than its share of attention, you might as well save your money and spend the time weeding.
  • use the plant on ground areas that are difficult to maintain, such as steep banks or boggy patches.
  • use the plant to cover areas where not much will grow, such as deep shade or sandy soils.

Ground Cover a thousand beautiful plants for difficult places by John Cushnie (ISBN 1 85626 326 6) provides details of plants that fulfill the above requirements.

Using these groundcover plants in your planting scheme (either between your trees/shrubs in the border or for the whole border) will - with mulching your beds to a 4 inch depth and an irrigation system - provide you with a planted garden with far less time required for border maintainance.

  • Groundcover A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W,
    XYZ with 14 Special Situations of Ground cover plants for:-
    1 Dry Shade
    2 Damp Shade
    3 Full Sun
    4 Banks and Terraces
    5 Woodland
    6 Alkaline Sites
    7 Acid Sites
    8 Heavy Clay Soil
    9 Dry Sandy Soil
    10 Exposed Sites
    11 Under Hedges
    12 Patios and Paths
    13 Formal Gardens
    14 Swimming Pools and Tennis Courts


Row 11

In order to control the UK slaves you need to do the following

OTHER TABLE 5 is about warnings of the government in the UK turning its population into slaves.

Table J-S.
Because the unemployed in the UK will not work in the UK Social Care System, then many of the staff in Care Homes are recruited professionals from abroad, who are treated like slaves.

In August 1833, Parliament passed An Act for the Abolition of Slavery throughout the British Colonies, converting enslaved people into apprentice labourers and taking steps to protect their work and wellbeing.

The UK has re-introduced slavery by conning migrant care workers, who come to care for our elderly?


If I need care in a few years, is there going to be any staff in any care home to look after me, when I am paying annual costs of £60,320 for residential care home or £73,320 for nursing home care on 31 July 2024, who are not enslaved?




Table L-D
Con etc -
Benefit slavery System,
British Industry Supercharger,
Genetic Technology (Precision Breeding) Bill ,
Public Finance Initiative,
England's schools to be given £370,000,000 less money after Department for Education admits bungling figures, etc

Table M-F

If members of the UK public complain then Government's Public Order Act 2023 will put them in jail.

If workers strike, then the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill (passed by House of Commons and House of Lords 4 July 2023) will kick in so you could be fired by ignoring a "work notice" ordering you to work on strike days for you in health, education, fire and rescue, transport, border security and nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste management.
Baroness O’Grady, moving amendment C1: Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill flies in the face of human rights, equality & ILO conventions. Her amendment was voted against by the House of Commons, so very soon if you strike in England, then you will be sacked. So the consequence of exercising the human right to withdraw your labour is the removal of protection against unfair dismissal. In a free society, that is chilling. The very workers Ministers thanked for their heroism during the pandemic and stood on doorsteps to clap can be punished for striking with instant dismissal.

Table M-S

Give public sector workers pay rises by one-off bonuses which do not get added to their salary, plus a well-below inflation rate pay rise. This pay rise is taken from the allocated current budget (negotiated in the previous year) for this year for their sector. It means that the pay rise they get leaves them worse off than they were before and this process gets repeated each year.

So, if this NHS pay deal for nurses, ambulance workers, midwives and other NHS staff, but not junior doctors or dentists - is not inflationary, then it means that most of it comes from the existing NHS budget, so that one part of the NHS drops its capital expenditure to pay for this increase in pay. This means that since the money coming in does not cover the money going out, then it is easier for the NHS - in the future - to not replace staff who leave; and so this puts more pressure on the remainder.

Last year, 6,950 UK doctors applied for a certificate to work abroad, according to General Medical Council (GMC) data. This is up from 5,576 in 2021

Table M-R
Con - that Free Childcare provision for those on benefits who can only work for 15 hours and 59 minutes a week will not get that benefit.


Table M-T
Nearly a third of the UK workforce are not saving for a pension at all. That will leave them reliant on a state pension worth just over £200 a week.
What the budget in March 2023 proposes is abolishing the limit on the Lifetime Allowance currently (18 March 2023) £1,073,100.
The rate of tax you pay on pension savings above your lifetime allowance depends on how the money is paid to you - the rate is:

  • • 55% if you get it as a lump sum
  • • 25% if you get it any other way, for example pension payments or cash withdrawals"

Your lifetime allowance (LTA) is the maximum amount you can draw from pensions (workplace or personal) in your lifetime without paying extra tax.
This figure is currently £1,073,100, but it's being abolished from April 2024.


What a way to treat the working population in the UK? No wonder Doctors etc are leaving the country, since you are going to be taxed out of existence.

1. Choose a plant from 1 of 53 flower colours in the Colour Wheel Gallery.
Click on Flower Colour in the Colour Wheel Gallery below to Compare Flowers with that same Colour from the initial 1381 Cultivated Plants and 628 Wildflower Plants detailed in this Website:-

Takes 15 Seconds to load

Click on number between 1-7 from 12 Colour or 1-6 from Black Sections or Wild White to see all the plant flowers (1381 cultivated - with another 115 roses in the Rose Plants Gallery, another 270 bulbs in the Bulb Gallery, and 628 native to the UK wildflower) in this website with their:-

  • Common Name,
  • Botanical Name and
  • Months of Flowering

in one of the above 53 Flower Colour Wheel pages to create your colour coordinated flower schemes.

Each Plant Description can then be selected by clicking on the:-

The Colour Wheels of 1. and 2. add many of these plants from 3. together for comparison purposes.

Row 12

UK Rail Train Drivers extorting money from the UK population

UK Train drivers work a 4 day week. Besides their pay increase of £10,000 a year,
they now want 38 days holiday. 38 / 4 = 9.5 weeks. 52 - 9.5 = 42.5 weeks working. 42.5 x 4 = 170 days working. 170 / 365 days in the year.
So UK train drivers will only work for 46.58% of the year on £81,000.

Aslef handed the Labour Party a £100,000 donation during this summer’s 2024 general election campaign.

Then, of course they work overtime on weekends, etc to increase their pay at the expense of the Old Age Pensioners paying for it with their loss of the Winter Fuel Payment -
"This removal from UK pensioners is expected to reduce the number of pensioners in receipt of the up-to £300 payment by 10,000,000, from 11,400,000 to 1,500,000, saving some £1,400,000,000 this financial year." from Metro.co.uk newspaper of Friday August 30 2024.

Of course, when the UK Train Drivers strike as they intend to later this year, then the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill is (and has not since 4 July 2023) not been applied to them, despite the fact that they work in the transport industry.

Amaxing how implementing government-passed laws becomes very flexible,

since the enslaved population cannot do anything about it,
except complain to themselves -

otherwise the Government's Public Order Act 2023 will put them in jail,

which currently has no cells to be used, since re-offenders keep on coming back to be in these 'retraining schools' (some people call them prisons) at the UK public's expense.

Table K - C
Rail Train UK drivers get 15% pay increase for a 4 day week, now want in September 2024 38 days holiday and reduction in the working week to only 35 hours

Table J-C.
The Railway Train Drivers have been on strike for some days between 4 July 2023 and August 2024.
Why were they not sacked?
Instead they were rewarded by 3 pay rises with the pay rise for the previous second year, previous year and this year with no strings attached. This £100,000,000 is being paid for by the UK population.

  • If workers strike, then the Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill (passed by House of Commons and House of Lords 4 July 2023) will kick in so you could be fired by ignoring a "work notice" ordering you to work on strike days for you in health, education, fire and rescue, transport, border security and nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste management.


Table M-E

The current design of HS2 (High Speed Train - HS2) Phase 1 should lie between £45,000,000,000 and £54,000,000,000 for a train journey that will not save its passengers any time from Birmingham to London Euston.

2. Choose a plant from 1 of 12 flower colours in each month of the year from
12 Bloom Colours per Month Index Gallery (The Colour Wheels of 1. and 2. add many of these plants from 3. together for comparison purposes.)
or from
8. Stage 4a - 12 Bloom Colours per Month Index Gallery

Row 13

Air pollution is killing children because the new school had its entrance to the wrong road and the stationary traffic during at least 600 yards of their walk to school each day will cause them to have asthma as decided by the Department of Education

Table I - Medway Proposed New School Comments in September 2019 In March 2020 Chatham in Medway Towns was listed as one of the worst towns in the country for air quality with 1 in 16 deaths in the town linked to long-term exposure to particulates (Medway Unitary Authority had 2,266 deaths in 2019). The children going to and from the school would walk at least 500 yards on pavements alongside stationary rush-hour traffic, and this was decided by the Department of Education. Cheaper for the Education Department as it's pupils die off from particulants.

Table J-J.
Do not drive a car in the UK, because of potholes and broken manhole covers/frames in the roads last year.

Table J-N.
It is unsafe to walk along a pavement or in a pedestrianised road in town since kids on motorised bicycles can run into you and kill you.

Other Table 4
John Harlow took this photo of London from Stockbury in Kent showing the permanent air pollution cloud over London on 17 January 2023 at 12:37 (It was taken on an iPhone 11 Pro and it will not be displayed until all the succeeding large photos in this table have been shown).

Their research found that in 2019, toxic air contributed to the premature deaths of around 4,000 Londoners. This includes deaths from all causes, including respiratory, lung cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Like smoking, air pollution is seen as a contributory factor, so is rarely listed on death certificates. The current ULEZ in central and inner London is projected to help avoid one million air pollution-related hospital admissions and save the NHS and social care sector £5bn by 2050. 

The Ultra Low Emission Zone is aimed to help clear London's air - and it has been expanded across all London boroughs on 29 August 2023.

I wonder if that will make much difference to this view of the blue pollution haze with its brown smog above it?

Table P-D
School children are being poisoned by nitrous dioxide from their parent's cars, where the UK Government Department of Education has approved the building of their school

TABLE SOS - where the action of humans breathing produces carbon dioxide and the trees/plants/algae cannot process that; because we either cover the roots in concrete/tarmac or kill the algae in the sea from the phosphorus in the human produced sewage. So we are slowly asphixiating ourselves in the UK.

3. Choose a plant from 1 of 6 flower colours per month for each type of plant:-
Deciduous Shrub
Deciduous Tree
Evergreen Perennial
Evergreen Shrub
Evergreen Tree
Herbaceous Perennial
Odds and Sods
The Rock Garden Plant Index pages provide all the required information in a condensed form to aid your selection of (82) small rock garden plants for small areas - with the flower colour linking to the Rock Garden Plant Colour Wheel Page to see which other rock garden plants are in that same colour.
Soft Fruit
Top Fruit
Wild Flower

Gallery Name

Click on centre of Thumbnail to see its Plant Description Page which also has the Index of all the other same type of plants (e.g Bulb is a plant type) within that Gallery in the table on the right

722 Bulb
flower colours
in each month
with their








100 Allium and

50 Colchicum,
72 Crocus,
46 Dahlia,








209 Gladiolus,
65 Lily,
67 Narcissus, and
6 Tulip Plant Description Pages








129 Climber
flower colours
in each month
with their








71 Clematis and
58 Other Climber Plant Description Pages








43 Deciduous Shrub
flower colours
in each month
with their








45 Deciduous Shrub Plant Description Pages








104 Evergreen Perennial / Alpine flower colours
in each month
with their








68 Evergreen Perennial A-L and 36 Evergreen M-Z Plant Description Pages and also








94 Evergreen Perennials in
Number of Petals,
Flower Shape and
Natural Arrangement

5 Petals

Star Shape

Spurs Shape

Discs Shape

Sprays Arrang-ement

Dome Arrang-ement

Dome Arrang-ement

46 Evergreen Shrub
flower colours
in each month
with their








46 Evergreen Shrub Plant Description Pages,








126 Heather Shrub,
flower colours
in each month
with its
Heather Index (current progress - 52 of 700 detailed by 12 May 2015),
and their








Erica: Carnea,
Erica: Cinerea and
Erica: Others Plant
Description Pages (74)

Erica carnea

Erica carnea

91 Herbaceous Perennial / Alpine
flower colours
in each month
with their








91 Herbaceous Perennial Plant
Description Pages,








176 Permanent Herbaceous Perennials Plant
Description Pages in the
Mixed Borders in
RHS garden in Wisley








175 Herbaceous Perennial in
Number of Petals,
Flower Shape and
Natural Arrangement

4 Petals

Cup Shape

Goblet Shape

Funnel Shape

Lipped Shape

Tier Arrang-ement

Plumes Arrang-ement

343 Rose Plant
Description Pages of roses grown and sold by R.V. Roger in 2007 (Group 1) with its Rose Index
flower colours
of all these 3 groups of roses in this website
with their

Other Colours






2 or More Colours

82 Rose Plant
Description Pages in
RHS garden in Wisley A-F (Group 2), with its Rose RHS Wisley Index in the righthand table of every page in all the Rose RHS Wisley galleries

A Whiter Shade of Pale



D'Arcey Bussell

Easy Going


Flower Carpet White

37 Rose Plant
Description Pages in
RHS garden in Wisley G-R (Group 2),
with its Rose RHS Wisley Index in the righthand table of every page in all the Rose RHS Wisley galleries

Gold Spice

Harlow Carr


Jack's Wish

Keep Smiling


Mac-millan Nurse

12 Rose Plant
Description Pages in
with its Rose RHS Wisley Index in the righthand table of every page in all the Rose RHS Wisley galleriesRHS garden in Wisley S-Z (Group 2)
with another
85 Roses in Group 2 Rose Index Menu and

Silver Anniv-ersary

Simply The Best


Straw-berry Hill

The Charl-atan

Wild Edric

York Minster

Rose Bloom Shape and Rose Petal Count Pages
of all these 3 groups of roses in this website.

See Rose Care at bottom of middle table for detailed instructions.

Click on
Other Roses to see the further
161 roses grown and sold by R.V. Roger in 2015 (Group 3)
with its Other Roses Index in the righthand table of
Rosa 'Sally Thomas'

Hybrid Tea Shape

Quart-ered Bloom Shape



Single with 1-7 Petals

Double with 16-25 Petals

Very Full with over 40 Petals

99 Bedding
flower colours
with their






White / Colour


99 Bedding
Plant Description Pages,








Flower Shape and
Petal Count
followed by

Stars Shape

Saucer Shape

Trum-pet Shape

Lobes Shape

Floret Shape

6 or More Petals

6 or More Petals

1115 Wildflowers have flower colour pages to compare the plants with the same flower colours:-

from all the Native-to-the-UK-plants-in-1950 in their following 180 families. Each plant in each Family Page is aimed to have the following photos with it:-

  • a Flower
  • Flowers
  • Foliage
  • Shape

as well as the text giving its

If its Plant Description Page has been created
(297 created by May 2015 - see number created from each family on far right),
then its Common Name in the Page will be linked to it.
All the Wildflower Plants in these Family Pages also have External Website Links to

and the other Photo Galleries in the Main Menu to Site Map of each of the Topics on the left at the top of each page.
4. Choose a plant from its Flower Shape or Fragrance is in next table on the right --->

Row 14

Main UK Government is attacking Pensions, so that when you retire you are suddenly faced with an extra tax of 55% on your lump sum; plus the income tax on the remainder.

Table M-T
Nearly a third of the UK workforce are not saving for a pension at all. That will leave them reliant on a state pension worth just over £200 a week.

As I said, alarming." Perhaps these not saving belong to the following: A nurse has suffered a 20% real terms pay cut when compared to salary levels in 2010 and thus having to work a day a week unpaid; while starving in order to feed her children as 1 of the 9.3 million in the UK suffering food insecurity.

What the budget in March 2023 proposes is abolishing the limit on the Lifetime Allowance currently (18 March 2023) £1,073,100.
The rate of tax you pay on pension savings above your lifetime allowance depends on how the money is paid to you - the rate is:

  • • 55% if you get it as a lump sum
  • • 25% if you get it any other way, for example pension payments or cash withdrawals"

Your lifetime allowance (LTA) is the maximum amount you can draw from pensions (workplace or personal) in your lifetime without paying extra tax. This figure is currently £1,073,100, but it's being abolished from April 2024.

This is why Doctors either resign or only work a very time after the age of 60 because their lifetime allowance etc will take them over the limit. From April 2024 that Lifetime Allowance has been abolished so they and many others wil lose a lot of their pension in this extra tax plus they have to pay income tax on it, probably before you pay this extra tax. There is no point saving for a private pension when the government will steal it from you when you retire, because you were not aware of this extortion system.



Row 15

Problems with newly-built homes

When you buy a new build house; there are currently in 2024 up to 300 snagging faults found on average!!!
Imagine the misery for the new owners of the next 1,500,000 homes to be built under the 5 years of this Labour Government, when the builder does not correct those snags within 2 years of the new owners owning that property, then the new owners themselves have to pay to get it sorted .

Table K - D
South East of England reported the highest number of snagging issues. In total a staggering 2,033 new-build sales experienced problems, meaning there was an estimated 319,207 property defects in total - as reported on 18 November 2021

Table Q-C
This shows how local authorities can fulfill the UK Government requirement to build more houses and then mislead the buyer who buys the house. Then, the new house might get flooded - Oh dear!

Table M-D
Housebuilders had reaped savings of at least £15,000,000,000 from the government’s scrapping of low-carbon regulations, which have meant they do not need to bear the cost of equipping new homes with solar panels, heat pumps and high-grade insulation. The cost of retrofitting those homes, thought to number close to 1,500,000, could run to as much as £45,000,000,000.

Building any new property within Medway has the following consequences

Row 16

Problems when houses are built on clay, especially the London Clay on which London built.

Table E -
E1 - 8 problems caused by building house on clay or
with house-wall attached to clay.

Pre-building work on polluted soil.

E2 - Builder created a subsidence problem in building on clay,
with the back garden sloping towards the house.



Row 17

Problems with the work done by Builders and work done by British Engineers on servicing your boilers, etc in Home Maintenace

Table G - Gas Explosions from incorrectly installed Gas Boilers
There were 270 gas explosions in homes across England in 2021/22, 30% of which resulted in significant human injury or death.

My Gas Service Engineer found Flow and Return pipes incorrectly positioned on my gas boiler (6 years after it had been replaced and serviced every year by a Corgi-registered gas engineer) and other customers of his - with the same problem - had refused to have their pipework positioning corrected in 2020.

Do the gas boilers in new-build homes get installed correctly, if replacement boilers are not? Boom and the home gets blown apart!!!

G-A- Incorrect Replacement of Gas Boiler and Incorrect Maintenance by Gas Maintenance Engineers

If you have a gas-fired boiler in your house there are 1 or 2 details you need to know

Table H - Problems with electrical re-wire in my home, with the knowledge after the event that the client can do nothing about it, since NAPIT requires you to re-use the same contractor to fix the problems --->

Totally unsafe electrical work from NAPIT registered installer (NAPIT is a leading Government approved and United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) accredited membership scheme operator in the building services and fabric sector), with complaint form from homeowner being sent to perpetrator for them to solve instead of being sorted by NAPIT.

Problems with electrical re-wire in my home, with the knowledge after the event that the client can do nothing about it, since NAPIT requires you to re-use the same contractor to fix the problems.
Would you; after reading these pages? Manderson emails to us about re-wire.
We wrote the
concerns about the electrical work on 21.03.21;
Questions concerning electrics on 21.03.21 and
re-wire narrative on 19.04.2021
which had no effect on the credit card company or NAPIT. So we commisioned the following report to see if that will make any difference.
Pages 10, 11, 12, 13 contain information concerning the condition of the electrical installation of the complete rewiring of my home by Mr Manderson of Manderson Electrical Services Ltd, with the report by a qualified electrician and this statement about the work carried out:-
"The result of my observations and testing, I am recommending that all the fixed wiring be recovered and a complete new fixed wiring installation is installed. Unfortunately the work previously carried out is of such a poor standard I cannot re-use any of it."
Mr Manderson is a Part P Registered Electrician with Napit; Registered Competent Person Electrical; Approved Electrician from Napit; City & Guilds Qualified; Part P Electrical Safety; and Honest & Transparent. His firm was employed to replace all the wiring, power sockets, light switches and lights and make sure that rodents could not attack them to chew through the cables or cause an
electrical problem.
Pages 10 lists 18 electrical faults on the new wiring, re-use of the old wiring, and old wiring that was still either in use or had been cut at the old power socket, at the old light fitting, or old light switch (the plasterers filled an old power socket metal box and short-circuited the fuse - it will be fine in 30 minutes sir; 4 hours later it was still shorting, so presumably that would explain why they switched off one of the fuses in the old fuseboard - see photo on page 15 of the report. As clients; we do appreciate having the opportunity of electrocuting ourselves from their re-wire work) where

  • fault 2 is a Code C1 'Danger Present' and immediate action is required from March 2021, (the electricians testing 2 of the double power sockets installed in the kitchen in 1987 found that they were polarity reversed. This risks a short circuit, shock or fire. They corrected the problem immediately)
  • Faults 4, 12, 14 and 18 are Code C2 and Urgent remedial action required,
  • Faults 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 are Code C3 where improvement is recommended

Because we had paid part of the cost to Manderson Electrical Services Ltd using a credit card, then after we had contacted them and sent the report, the credit card company re-imbursed us. We then used that money towards a total removal of all wiring and total rewiring by the electrician who had produced the report.

The above was a pointless waste of time - we have now had the house completely rewired again without any recompense from the original contractor's lies, thiefery and extremely dangerous work with the government body Napit being no help at all. The unfortunate consequence of either buying a house or having anything done to it is that you the owner can and will be totally screwed by the majority of the British Workforce.

Row 18

Tree Problems caused
by their lack of knowledge and
their stupidity of the population including its workmen in the UK and in other countries

Monitoring of Trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira from September 2019 to February 2020 1, 2
after the pages below were produced in 2018 and 2019
Problems with trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira in January/February 2018

Death of tree roots and
Death of tree trunks/branches caused by people.
Solution to problems for trees caused by people using irrigation -
Growth of Pollarded Tree in Hotel Garden in 1 year provides a water solution to this destruction.
Damage to Tree Trunks 1, 2, 3, 4 caused by people,
Damage to Tree Roots caused by people,
Area of Open Ground round trees,
New Trees in pavements 1, 2,
Irrigation of current trees,
Watersprouts on trees,
Crossing Branches in trees,
Utility Equipment with tree Foliage,
Lights on trees,
Bycycle Lane in Pavement,
Public Gardens alongside pavements,
Hotel/Private Gardens alongside pavements,
Current Permeable Pavement Surface round trees and
Irrigation and Fertilising of trees.

Camera Photo Galleries:-
Pavements of Funchal, Madeira
Damage to Trees
, 2, 3, 4.

Will visitors to Madeira worry about having branches or trees in public places fall on them? No; according to Engineer Francisco Pedro Freitas Andrade of Est. Marmeleiros, No 1, Jardins & Espaces Verdes who is Chef de Diviso Câmara Municipal do Funchal; Departamento de Ciência e de Recursos Naturais; Divisão de Jardins e Espaços Verdes Urbanos in charge of the trees within the pavements within the area controlled by Funchal Municipality:-

See Monitoring of Trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira from September 2019 to February 2010
, 2 pages by his department.



Ivydene Gardens Photo Damage to Trees in Madeira:
Photos of Damage to Trees in the Pavement of Funchal in Madeira
taken in February 2022.

Just thought that I might read the following from Arboricultural Research.



Table C - Playing Russian Roulette when you are under a tree in Madeira or Guernsey

C1 - Tree Problems in Pavements in Funchal, Madeira in February 2018

C2 - Further details on what plants require

C3 - Flailing a hedge kills the habitat for butterflies



Demise of trees in pavements in St. Peter Port, Guernsey caused by people, to their Roots



Table C4 - This cell gives a very clear overall description of the
Cultural Needs of Plants


Errors at Wisley Garden

I cannot believe the stupidity of the FTSE100 companies in this way of
planting 350,000,000 trees in the UK


Tree Planting Disasters in the UK.

Row 19

Neighbour Problems

Table F - Neighbour Problems from 2 Eastmoor Farm Cottages -

F1 - Drowning our trees with their raw sewage; with the Local Authority stating that this is a civil matter on a Listed Building under their jurisdiction.

F2 - Unauthorised tree branch cutting by our neighbour

F3 - Drowning roots of Prunus avium and Laurus nobilis trees by our neighbour

F4 - Police Treat Movement of Boundary Items as Civil Matter



is TABLE 3

HOME PAGES - Use this website in Landscape mode on an iPAD instead of an iPHONE, when away from home.
Welcome - Ivydene Gardens informs you how to design, construct and maintain your private garden using organic methods and companion planting.
About Chris Garnons-Williams - About Chris Garnons-Williams, with my
Mission Purpose - Mission Statement,
Contact Chris Garnons-Williams - Contact Information (Never Fail Cake Recipe),
Website Design History - Website Design History and
Copyright Permissions - Copyright Permissions.
Site Map - Ivydene Gardens Site Map - usually each of the educational not commercial 212 topics (none of these 212 linked websites sell or buy anything, nor do they take or give commission, and the only adverts are of products/services that I believe would benefit my visitors and are inserted by me) has its own Site Map, which is normally the first page of that Topic linked to from other topics.
Every page should have 3 separate tables - the Topics Table, the Data Table and the Pages/Index Table.
Each page has its own resources and is not data-base driven, so can be downloaded - downloading the whole website of 20.44 GB (3 Dec 2021) annually, with pages being between 1200 and over 6000 pixels wide and between 16k and over 33k long would provide you with an updating resource when either visiting a garden or planning your own. Usually 3 or 4 clicks gets you to any page in these 9763 pages in these folders from any other page.
Usually the top gallery of a plant type has all the flower images of that and the subsidiary galleries in 1 of 6 colours per month pages, with that flower thumbnail being in each month page that it flowers.
Clicking on the middle of that thumbnail will transfer you to that flower's page or row in data table within that page description; and
its link - the link may not work the day after it was created - to a mail-order nursery selling you that plant directly should be in the Comments row of that Plant Description Page.
The majority of the original images in this website are inserted, published in Freeway which produces a 72 pixel per inch Freeway image. This is exported to a File, and the image published by Freeway replaced by the re-imported Freeway image file as a pass-through image; before that is published again and the resulting folder website uploaded for visitors. The lower resolution speeds up the display of the 28,398 JPEG images - some of these images are re-used in different comparison pages of different galleries and therefore added to the resources of each of those galleries (6,508 images have garnons williams or garnons-williams as the ending of the filename and those can go in the public domain as of 5 June 2019, but all the remainder are
copyrighted by others and may not be re-used elsewhere without the permission of the copyright holder).
Camera photos of Coleus RHS Bedding Trial starts the process of displaying the complete 4000 x 3000 pixel original photos from Chris Garnons-Williams. Since each photo can be 3.5-6.0 Mb and there may be 11 of these on a page; each page may take a long time to download .

Page Menu may also have
an Index (
Flower Colour, Flowering Months, Height and Width) of all plants of that type in that Topic - Plant Photo Gallery.

Besides informing you how to



Monitoring of Trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira from September 2019 to February 2020 1, 2
after the pages below were produced in 2018 and 2019
Problems with trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira in January/February 2018

Death of tree roots and
Death of tree trunks/branches caused by people.
Solution to problems for trees caused by people using irrigation -
Growth of Pollarded Tree in Hotel Garden in 1 year provides a water solution to this destruction.
Damage to Tree Trunks 1, 2, 3, 4 caused by people,
Damage to Tree Roots caused by people,
Area of Open Ground round trees,
New Trees in pavements 1, 2,
Irrigation of current trees,
Watersprouts on trees,
Crossing Branches in trees,
Utility Equipment with tree Foliage,
Lights on trees,
Bycycle Lane in Pavement,
Public Gardens alongside pavements,
Hotel/Private Gardens alongside pavements,
Current Permeable Pavement Surface round trees and
Irrigation and Fertilising of trees.
Camera Photo Galleries:-
Pavements of Funchal, Madeira
Damage to Trees
, 2, 3, 4.
Will visitors to Madeira worry about having branches or trees in public places fall on them? No; according to Engineer Francisco Pedro Freitas Andrade of Est. Marmeleiros, No 1, Jardins & Espaces Verdes who is Chef de Diviso Câmara Municipal do Funchal; Departamento de Ciência e de Recursos Naturais; Divisão de Jardins e Espaços Verdes Urbanos in charge of the trees within the pavements within the area controlled by Funchal Municipality - See Monitoring of Trees in pavements in Funchal, Madeira from September 2019 to February 2010 1, 2 pages by his department.
Demise of trees in pavements in St. Peter Port, Guernsey caused by people, to their Roots


Pollution is biggest threat to Wildlife on our UK waterways.

Photo of permanent air pollution over London.



Medway Proposed New School Comments in September 2019

Neighbour cutting branches off our trees without Conservation Area permission and attempting to sink our house with 1000's of litres of their sewage by blocking the drain to our cesspit. For the following week, they continued to download their sewage after we had written to them stating that the cesspit was full and that the drain was blocked.

Gas explosion from incorrectly installed home boiler, with other customers refusing to correct the situation.
Other items in the Home Section which have nothing to do with gardening, but reading them might deter you from visiting Great Britain; or employing its workforce; or trusting its local or main government.

Problems with electrical re-wire in my home, with the knowledge after the event that the client can do nothing about it, since NAPIT requires you to re-use the same contractor to fix the problems.
Would you; after reading these pages? Manderson emails to us about re-wire.
We wrote the
concerns about the electrical work on 21.03.21;
Questions concerning electrics on 21.03.21 and
re-wire narrative on 19.04.2021
which had no effect on the credit card company or NAPIT. So we commisioned the following report to see if that will make any difference.
Pages 10, 11, 12, 13 contain information concerning the condition of the electrical installation of the complete rewiring of my home by Mr Manderson of Manderson Electrical Services Ltd, with the report by a qualified electrician and this statement about the work carried out:-
"The result of my observations and testing, I am recommending that all the fixed wiring be recovered and a complete new fixed wiring installation is installed. Unfortunately the work previously carried out is of such a poor standard I cannot re-use any of it."
Mr Manderson is a Part P Registered Electrician with Napit; Registered Competent Person Electrical; Approved Electrician from Napit; City & Guilds Qualified; Part P Electrical Safety; and Honest & Transparent. His firm was employed to replace all the wiring, power sockets, light switches and lights and make sure that rodents could not attack them to chew through the cables or cause an
electrical problem.
Pages 10 lists 18 electrical faults on the new wiring, re-use of the old wiring, and old wiring that was still either in use or had been cut at the old power socket, at the old light fitting, or old light switch (the plasterers filled an old power socket metal box and short-circuited the fuse - it will be fine in 30 minutes sir; 4 hours later it was still shorting, so presumably that would explain why they switched off one of the fuses in the old fuseboard - see photo on page 15 of the report. As clients; we do appreciate having the opportunity of electrocuting ourselves from their re-wire work) where

  • fault 2 is a Code C1 'Danger Present' and immediate action is required from March 2021, (the electricians testing 2 of the double power sockets installed in the kitchen in 1987 found that they were polarity reversed. This risks a short circuit, shock or fire. They corrected the problem immediately)
  • Faults 4, 12, 14 and 18 are Code C2 and Urgent remedial action required,
  • Faults 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17 are Code C3 where improvement is recommended

Because we had paid part of the cost to Manderson Electrical Services Ltd using a credit card, then after we had contacted them and sent the report, the credit card company re-imbursed us. We then used that money towards a total removal of all wiring and total rewiring by the electrician who had produced the report.

The above was a pointless waste of time - we have now had the house completely rewired again without any recompense from the original contractor's lies, thiefery and extremely dangerous work with the government body Napit being no help at all. The unfortunate consequence of either buying a house or having anything done to it is that you the owner can and will be totally screwed by the majority of the British Workforce.

I have looked at a job of the third replacement of turf in a back garden of a new house. The back garden was clay and sloped down to the house - that house will have subsidence problems within 10 years. The only way that it might save itself is to rip up the lawn and plant shrubs that will absorb every drop of rain that falls on that garden -
you are not allowed to either drain into the storm drain of the house which is what takes the rain from the roof of the house/garage or
drain the rainwater from your garden to outside your property onto either public land or into somebody else's property.
I refused the job and told the owner to get onto the builders to rectify their error.
Since builders are repeating the same error on a massive scale in Ashford, the poor owners of new £500,000 houses are going to be upset.

This is a sad story about our native Monkey Orchid....

It is so sad, that she has to lie down, and...


Irrelevant material like this row, with

  • Ivydene Gardens Logo
  • Ivydene Horticultural Services Email Link and
  • copyright is added at bottom of each page.

...to prevent cows from eating our native orchid plants, we must put the orchids in chicken-wire cages:-monkeyorchid3a1a

Site design and content copyright ©April 2007.
Amended May 2015.
Amended March 2024.
Chris Garnons-Williams.


"The Green Tree of Love's Mystery" by
Madeleine F. Williamson Pires

"As well as producing oxygen for us to breathe, trees are for humans a place of refuge, source of building material and for me, a living testament to the bounteous beauties inherent in nature. In our fast-moving contemporary city life, I believe it is important to at least have pictures of trees around us to enrich our lives, since they are designed to make our environment healthier." from Madeleine F. Williamson Pires.

DISCLAIMER: Links to external sites are provided as a courtesy to visitors.
Since I have been putting links to external sites since 2005, some of them may no longer link you to the intended destination.



4. Choose a plant from its Flower Shape or Fragrance:-
Shape, Form

Flower Shape

Sense of Fragrance from Roy Genders
Fragrant Plants:-
Trees and Shrubs with Scented Flowers.
Trees and Shrubs with Scented Leaves.
Trees and Shrubs with Aromatic Bark.
Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for an
Acid Soil
Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for a
Chalky or Limestone Soil
Shrubs bearing Scented leaves for a
Sandy Soil
Herbaceous Plants with Scented Flowers.
Herbaceous Plants with Scented Leaves.
Annual and Biennial Plants with Scented Flowers or Leaves.
Bulbs and Corms with Scented Flowers.
Scented Plants of Climbing and Trailing Habit.
Winter-flowering Plants with Scented Flowers.
Night-scented Flowering Plants.
Scented Aquatic Plants.
Plants with Scented Fruits.
Plants with Scented Roots.
Trees and Shrubs with Scented Wood.
Trees and Shrubs with Scented Gums.
Scented Cacti and Succulents.
Plants bearing Flowers or Leaves of Unpleasant Smell.

5. Choose a plant from its foliage:-

6. There are 6 Plant Selection Levels including Bee Pollinated Plants for Hay Fever Sufferers in
Plants Topic.

You can select plants for your garden using the following hierarchy as further detailed in Plants:-

7. Choose a Bee instead of wind pollinated plants for hay-fever sufferers from its own gallery with comparisons per month of 12 flower colours.
All Bee-Pollinated Flowers per Month 12 ...Index

Click on Flower Colour in the Colour Wheel below to
Compare Flowers with the same Colour from Bee-Pollinated Flowers:-
Hay Fever sufferers, it is better to have bee-pollinated plants than wind-pollinated plants, since the pollen spread by that wind is what causes their suffering. The plants in Bee Bloom Gallery are bee-pollinated and they should be used in preference to grasses.

Click on the OOO in the Bee-Pollinated Bloom Plant Index below to link to those bee-pollinated plants of that flower colour in that month or any of

ACER (Deciduous/Evergreen Shrub/Tree) in March-April
CHAENOMELES SPECIOSA (Herbaceous Perennial) in March-May
CROCUS (Bulb) in September-April
CYDONIA OBLONGA (Deciduous Shrub) in April-June
DAFFODIL (Bulb) in December-May
DAHLIA (Bulb) in June-November
DUTCH HYACINTH (Bulb) in March-April
HEATHERS (Evergreen Shrub) in every month
HEDERA HELIX (Evergreen Climber) in September-November as last major source of nectar and pollen in the year
HELIANTHEMUM (Deciduous Shrub) in June-August - Pollen only collected when the flowers open during sunny weather
HELENIUM (Herbaceous Perennial) in June-October
HELLEBORUS (Herbaceous Perennial) in January-March
HEUCHERA (Evergreen Perennial) in May-September
HIBISCUS (Deciduous Shrub) in August-September
ILEX (Evergreen Tree) in May-June
LAVANDULA (Annual, Herbaceous Perennial or Shrub) in June-July
LAVATERA (Annual, Biennial, or Herbaceous Perennial) in May-August
LEPTOSIPHON (Annual) in June-August
MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA (Evergreen Tree) in August-September
MALVA SYLVESTRIS (Biennial) in June-September
MENTHA (Herb) in July-August
NEMOPHILA (Annual) in April-June
NIGELLA (Annual) in July-September
PHILADELPHUS species only with single flowers (Shrub) in June
POLEMONIUM (Herbaceous Perennial) in April-June
PRUNUS CERASIFERA (Deciduous Tree) in February-March
PRUNUS LAUROCERASUS (Evergreen Shrub) in April-June
PYRACANTHA COCCINEA (Evergreen Shrub) in May-June
ROSES (Deciduous Shrub/Climber) in June-October
RUBUS IDAEUS (Raspberry) (Soft Fruit) in May-June
SALVIA SUPERBA (Herbaceous Perennial) in June-September - no bee garden should be without this plant - for those plants.

Enumber indicates Empty Index Page.
Bottom row of Grey is Unusual or Multi-Coloured Flower Colour.


























OOO E13.




































































































































8. Choose plant by its use as part of the design process.
Part of the design process for choosing plants by their use in your garden, involves comparing:-

Other Plant Uses are given in the indices
in each row of the right hand table in the relevant Photo Gallery, or
in each row of the relevant page in its Index Page per letter of the Alphabet for that Photo Gallery
these Plant Uses in Plant Colour Wheel Uses Gallery:-
Uses of Plant and Flower Shape:-
...Foliage Only
...Other than Green Foliage
...Trees in Lawn
...Trees in Small Gardens
...Wildflower Garden
...Attract Bird
...Attract Butterfly 1, 2
...Climber on House Wall
...Climber not on House Wall
...Climber in Tree
...Pollution Barrier
...Part Shade
...Full Shade
...Single Flower provides Pollen for Bees 1, 2, 3
...Ground-Cover <60cmr
...Covering Banks
...Patio Pot
...Edging Borders
...Back of Border
...Adjacent to Water
...Bog Garden
...Tolerant of Poor Soil
...Not Fragrant
...Standard Plant is 'Ball on Stick'
...Upright Branches or Sword-shaped leaves
...Plant to Prevent Entry to Human or Animal
...Coastal Conditions
...Tolerant on North-facing Wall
...Cut Flower
...Potted Veg Outdoors
...Potted Veg Indoors
...Raised Bed Outdoors Veg
...Grow in Alkaline Soil A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z
...Grow in Acidic Soil
...Grow in Any Soil
...Grow in Rock Garden
...Grow Bulbs Indoors

Uses of Bulb in Bulb Shape Gallery:-
...Bulb Form

...Bulb Use

...Bulb in Soil

...Other than Only Green Foliage
...Bedding or Mass Planting
...Tolerant of Shade
...In Woodland Areas
...Tolerant of Poor Soil
...Covering Banks
...In Water
...Beside Stream or Water Garden
...Coastal Conditions
...Edging Borders
...Back of Border or Back-ground Plant
...Fragrant Flowers
...Not Fragrant Flowers
...Indoor House-plant
...Grow in a Patio Pot
...Grow in an Alpine Trough
...Grow in an Alpine House
...Grow in Rock Garden
...Speciman Plant
...Into Native Plant Garden
...Naturalize in Grass
...Grow in Hanging Basket
...Grow in Window-box
...Grow in Green-house
...Grow in Scree
...Naturalized Plant Area
...Grow in Cottage Garden
...Attracts Butterflies
...Attracts Bees
...Resistant to Wildlife
...Bulb in Soil:-
......Lime-Free (Acid)

with these Rose Use and Bedding Use Pages:-

Gallery Name

Click on centre of Thumbnail to see its Plant Description Page which also has the Index of all the other same type of plants (e.g Bulb is a plant type) within that Gallery in the table on the right

Rose Use Pages
of all these 3 groups of roses in this website and see the 4000 x 3000 pixel camera raw photos of roses from Peter Beales Roses and RV Rogers




Gro-und Cover

Grow in Pot


Not Fra-grant


Bedding Use Pages

Bed-ding out

Filling In

Scree-ning Use

In Pots

In Window Boxes

In Hang-ing Bas-kets

Sum-mer Bed-ding

9. Choose plants for butterflies to use
Topic -
Butterflies in the UK mostly use native UK wildflowers.
Butterfly Species.
Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly Usage
of Plants.
Plant Usage by
Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly.

Wild Flower
with its
flower colour page,
Site Map page in its flower colour NOTE Gallery
...Blue Note
....Scented Flower, Foliage, Root
....Story of their Common Names
....Use of Plant with Flowers
....Use for Non-Flowering Plants
....Edible Plant Parts
....Flower Legend
....Flowering plants of Chalk and Limestone Page 1, Page 2
....Flowering plants of Acid Soil Page 1
...Brown Botanical Names
....Food for Butterfly/Moth
...Cream Common Names
....Coastal and Dunes
....Sandy Shores and Dunes
...Green Note
....Broad-leaved Woods
...Mauve Note
....Grassland - Acid, Neutral, Chalk
...Multi-Cols Note
....Heaths and Moors
...Orange Note
....Hedgerows and Verges
...Pink A-G Note
....Lakes, Canals and Rivers --->

...Pink H-Z
....Marshes, Fens, Bogs
...Purple Note
....Old Buildings and Walls
...Red Note
...White A-D Note
....Shingle Beaches, Rocks and Cliff Tops
...White E-P Note
...White Q-Z Note
....Number of Petals
...Yellow A-G Note
...Yellow H-Z Note
....Poisonous Parts
...Shrub/Tree Note
....River Banks and other Freshwater Margins

Poisonous Wildflower Plants.

You know its name, use
Wild Flower Plant Index a-h, i-p, q-z.
You know which habitat it lives in, use
on Acid Soil,
on Calcareous (Chalk) Soil,
on Marine Soil,
on Neutral Soil,
is a Fern,
is a Grass,
is a Rush, or
is a Sedge.
You have seen its flower, use Comparison Pages containing Wild Flower Plants and Cultivated Plants in the
Colour Wheel Gallery.

10. when I do not have my own or ones from mail-order nursery photos , then from March 2016, if you want to start from the uppermost design levels through to your choice of cultivated and wildflower plants to change your Plant Selection Process then use the following galleries:-
Create and input all plants known by Amateur Gardening inserted into their Sanders' Encyclopaedia from their edition published in 1960 (originally published by them in 1895) into these
Stage 1 - Garden Style Index Gallery, then
Stage 2 - Infill Plants Index Gallery being the only gallery from these 7 with photos (from Wikimedia Commons) , then
Stage 3 - All Plants Index Gallery with each plant species in its own Plant Type Page followed by choice from Stage 4a, 4b, 4c and/or 4d REMEMBERING THE CONSTRAINTS ON THE SELECTION FROM THE CHOICES MADE IN STAGES 1 AND 2.
Stage 4a - 12 Bloom Colours per Month Index Gallery,
Stage 4b - 12 Foliage Colours per Month Index Gallery with
Stage 4c - Cultivation, Position, Use Index Gallery and
Stage 4d - Shape, Form Index Gallery

Unfortunately, if you want to have 100's of choices on selection of plants from 1000's of 1200 pixels wide by up to 16,300 pixels in length webpages, which you can jump to from almost any of the pages in these 7 galleries above, you have to put up with those links to those choices being on
the left topic menu table, the header of the middle data table and on the page/index menu table on the right of every page of those galleries.

Main Menu to Site Map of each Topic.
Topic Table normally in this position (but sometimes moved to the right hand side of the page) has the SAME CONTENTS in the SAME ORDER for every one of the remaining 9762 pages in the 212 Topic folders.

Plants detailed in this website by
Botanical Name

A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
V, W, X, Y, Z ,
A1, 2, 3, B, C1, 2,
D, E, F, G, Glad,
H, I, J, K, L1, 2,
M, N, O, P, Q, R,
S, T, U, V, W, XYZ
Evergreen Perennial
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
V, W, X, Y, Z
Herbaceous Perennial
A1, 2, B, C, D, E, F,
G, H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, O, P1, 2, Q, R,
S, T, U, V, W, XYZ,
Diascia Photo Album,
UK Peony Index
Botanical Names
Common Names
will be compared in:-
Flower colour/month

Evergreen Perennial
Flower Shape
Wildflower Flower Shape
and Plant Use
Evergreen Perennial Flower Shape,
Bee plants for hay-fever sufferers
Bee-Pollinated Index
Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly Usage
of Plants.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M, N,
O, P, QR, S, T, UV,
Companion Planting
A ,B ,C ,D ,E ,F ,G ,
H ,I ,J ,K ,L ,M ,N ,
O ,P ,Q ,R ,S ,T ,
U ,V ,W , X, Y, Z
Pest Control using Plants
1000 Ground Cover
A, B, C, D, E, F, G,
, I, J, K, L, M, N,
, P, Q, R, S, T, U,
, W, XYZ
Rock Garden and Alpine Flowers
Rock Plant Flowers
Rose Use
These 5 have Page links in rows below
Bulbs from the Infill Galleries (next row),
Camera Photos A 1,
Plant Colour Wheel Uses,
Sense of Fragrance,
Wild Flower

Case Studies
...Drive Foundations
Ryegrass and turf kills plants within Roadstone and in Topsoil due to it starving and dehydrating them.
CEDAdrive creates stable drive surface and drains rain into your ground, rather than onto the public road.
8 problems caused by building house on clay or with house-wall attached to clay.
work on polluted soil.

Companion Planting
to provide a Companion Plant to aid your selected plant or deter its pests


with ground drains

Garden Design
...How to Use the Colour Wheel Concepts for Selection of Flowers, Foliage and Flower Shape
...RHS Mixed

......Bedding Plants
......Her Perennials
......Other Plants
Flower Shape
Camera photos of Plant supports

Glossary with a tomato teaching cauliflowers
Library of over 1000 books
Offbeat Glossary with DuLally Bird in its flower clock.

Chalk (Alkaline) Soil A-F1, A-F2,
A-F3, G-L, M-R,
M-R Roses, S-Z
Heavy Clay Soil
A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z
Lime-Free (Acid) Soil A-F, G-L, M-R,
in Light Sand Soil
A-F, G-L, M-R, S-Z.
...Poisonous Plants.
...Extra Plant Pages
with its 6 Plant Selection Levels

Interaction between 2 Quartz Sand Grains to make soil
How roots of plants are in control in the soil
Without replacing Soil Nutrients, the soil will break up to only clay, sand or silt
Subsidence caused by water in Clay
Use water ring for trees/shrubs for first 2 years.

Tool Shed with 3 kneeling pads
Useful Data with benefits of Seaweed

Topic -
Plant Photo Galleries

If the plant type below has flowers, then the first gallery will include the flower thumbnail in each month of 1 of 6 or 7 flower colour comparison pages of each plant in its subsidiary galleries, as a low-level Plant Selection Process
...by Flower Shape

...Allium/ Anemone
...Colchicum/ Crocus
...Gladiolus with its 40 Flower Colours
......European A-E
......European F-M
......European N-Z
......European Non-classified
......American A,
B, C, D, E, F, G,
H, I, J, K, L, M,
N, O, P, Q, R, S,
T, U, V, W, XYZ
......American Non-classified
......Australia - empty
...Hippeastrum/ Lily
...Late Summer
Each of the above ...Bulb Galleries has its own set of Flower Colour Pages
...Flower Shape
...Bulb Form

...Bulb Use

...Bulb in Soil

Further details on bulbs from the Infill Galleries:-
Hardy Bulbs



...Forcing Lily of the Valley



...Hyacinths in Pots


...Lilium in Pots
...Narcissi in Pots



Half-Hardy Bulbs



Uses of Bulbs:-
for Bedding
in Windowboxes
in Border
naturalized in Grass
in Bulb Frame
in Woodland Garden
in Rock Garden
in Bowls
in Alpine House
Bulbs in Greenhouse or Stove:-




Plant Bedding in

Bulb houseplants flowering inside House during:-
Bulbs and other types of plant flowering during:-
Selection of the smaller and choicer plants for the Smallest of Gardens with plant flowering during the same 6 periods as in the previous selection

Climber in
3 Sector Vertical Plant System
Deciduous Shrub
...Shrubs - Decid
Deciduous Tree
...Trees - Decid
Evergreen Perennial is to compare every plant in this website, starting from July 2022
...P-Evergreen A-L
...P-Evergreen M-Z
...Flower Shape
Evergreen Shrub
...Shrubs - Evergreen
...Heather Shrub
...Heather Index
......Erica: Carnea
......Erica: Cinerea
......Erica: Others
Evergreen Tree
...Trees - Evergreen

...P -Herbaceous
...Flower Shape
...RHS Wisley
......Mixed Border
......Other Borders
Odds and Sods

...RHS Wisley A-F
...RHS Wisley G-R
...RHS Wisley S-Z
...Rose Use - page links in row 6. Rose, RHS Wisley and Other Roses rose indices on each Rose Use page
...Other Roses A-F
...Other Roses G-R
...Other Roses S-Z
Pruning Methods
Photo Index
R 1, 2, 3
Peter Beales Roses
RV Roger

Soft Fruit
Top Fruit

Wild Flower and
Butterfly page links are in next row

Topic -
Butterflies in the UK mostly use native UK wildflowers.

Butterfly Species.

Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly Usage
of Plants.

Plant Usage by
Egg, Caterpillar, Chrysalis and Butterfly.

Wild Flower
...Flower Shape of all wildflower/ cultivated plants with Landscape USA Uses

7 Flower Colours per month and
UK Plant Uses
with its
flower colour page,
Site Map page in its flower colour NOTE Gallery
...Blue Note
....Scented Flower, Foliage, Root
....Story of their Common Names
....Use of Plant with Flowers
....Use for Non-Flowering Plants
....Edible Plant Parts
....Flower Legend
....Flowering plants of Chalk and Limestone Page 1, Page 2
....Flowering plants of Acid Soil Page 1
...Brown Botanical Names
....Food for

...Cream Common Names
....Coastal and Dunes
....Sandy Shores and Dunes
...Green Note

...Mauve Note
....Grassland - Acid, Neutral, Chalk
...Multi-Cols Note
....Heaths and Moors
...Orange Note
....Hedgerows and Verges
...Pink A-G Note
....Lakes, Canals and Rivers
...Pink H-Z Note
....Marshes, Fens,

...Purple Note
....Old Buildings and Walls
...Red Note
...White A-D Note
....Shingle Beaches, Rocks and Cliff Tops
...White E-P Note
...White Q-Z Note
....Number of Petals
...Yellow A-G Note
...Yellow H-Z Note
....Poisonous Parts
...Shrub/Tree Note
....River Banks and
other Freshwater Margins

Wildflower Plants.

You know its name, use
Wild Flower Plant Index a-h, i-p, q-z.
You know which habitat it lives in, use
Acid Soil,
(Chalk) Soil
Marine Soil,
Neutral Soil,
is a
is a
is a
Rush, or
is a
You have seen its flower, use Comparison Pages containing Wild Flower Plants and Cultivated Plants in the
Colour Wheel Gallery.

Each plant named in each of the 180 Wildflower Family Pages within their 23 Galleries may have a link to:-
1) its Plant Description Page in its Common Name column in one of those Wildflower Plant Galleries and will have links,
2) to external sites to purchase the plant or seed in its Botanical Name column,
3) to see photos in its Flowering Months column and
4) to read habitat details in its Habitat Column.

Adder's Tongue
Bog Myrtle
Cornel (Dogwood)
Crucifer (Cabbage/Mustard) 1
Crucifer (Cabbage/Mustard) 2
Daisy Cudweeds
Daisy Chamomiles
Daisy Thistle
Daisy Catsears Daisy Hawkweeds
Daisy Hawksbeards
Dock Bistorts
Dock Sorrels
Filmy Fern
Royal Fern
Figwort - Mulleins
Figwort - Speedwells
Grass 1
Grass 2
Grass 3
Grass Soft
Bromes 1

Grass Soft
Bromes 2

Grass Soft
Bromes 3

Jacobs Ladder
Lily Garlic
Marsh Pennywort
Melon (Gourd/Cucumber)
Orchid 1
Orchid 2
Orchid 3
Orchid 4
Clover 1

Clover 2

Clover 3

Peaflower Vetches/Peas
Pink 1
Pink 2
Rannock Rush
Rose 1
Rose 2
Rose 3
Rose 4
Rush Woodrushes
Saint Johns Wort
Saltmarsh Grasses
Sea Lavender
Sedge Rush-like
Sedges Carex 1
Sedges Carex 2
Sedges Carex 3
Sedges Carex 4
Tassel Pondweed
Thyme 1
Thyme 2
Umbellifer 1
Umbellifer 2
Water Fern
Water Milfoil
Water Plantain
Water Starwort

Topic -
The following is a complete hierarchical Plant Selection Process

dependent on the Garden Style chosen
Garden Style
...Infill Plants
...12 Bloom Colours per Month Index
...12 Foliage Colours per Month Index
...All Plants Index
...Cultivation, Position, Use Index
...Shape, Form

Topic -

All Flowers 53 with
...Use of Plant and
Flower Shape
- page links in bottom row

All Foliage 53
instead of redundant
...(All Foliage 212)

All Flowers
per Month 12

Bee instead of wind pollinated plants for hay-fever sufferers
All Bee-Pollinated Flowers
per Month

Rock Garden and Alpine Flowers
Rock Plant Flowers 53

...Rock Plant Photos

Flower Colour Wheel without photos, but with links to photos
12 Bloom Colours
per Month Index

...All Plants Index

Topic -
Use of Plant in your Plant Selection Process

Plant Colour Wheel Uses
1. Perfect general use soil is composed of 8.3% lime, 16.6% humus, 25% clay and 50% sand, and
2. Why you are continually losing the SOIL STRUCTURE so your soil - will revert to clay, chalk, sand or silt.
Uses of Plant and Flower Shape:-
...Foliage Only
...Other than Green Foliage
...Trees in Lawn
...Trees in Small Gardens
...Wildflower Garden
...Attract Bird
...Attract Butterfly
, 2
...Climber on House Wall
...Climber not on House Wall
...Climber in Tree
...Pollution Barrier
...Part Shade
...Full Shade
...Single Flower provides Pollen for Bees
, 2, 3
...Covering Banks
...Patio Pot
...Edging Borders
...Back of Border
...Adjacent to Water
...Bog Garden
...Tolerant of Poor Soil
...Not Fragrant
...Standard Plant is 'Ball on Stick'
...Upright Branches or Sword-shaped leaves
...Plant to Prevent Entry to Human or Animal
...Coastal Conditions
...Tolerant on North-facing Wall
...Cut Flower
...Potted Veg Outdoors
...Potted Veg Indoors
...Raised Bed Outdoors Veg
...Grow in Alkaline Soil A-F, G-L, M-R,
...Grow in Acidic Soil
...Grow in Any Soil
...Grow in Rock Garden
...Grow Bulbs Indoors

Uses of Bedding
...Bedding Out
...Filling In
...Pots and Troughs
...Window Boxes
...Hanging Baskets
...Spring Bedding
...Summer Bedding
...Winter Bedding
...Foliage instead of Flower
...Coleus Bedding Photos for use in Public Domain 1

Uses of Bulb
...Other than Only Green Foliage
...Bedding or Mass Planting
...Tolerant of Shade
...In Woodland Areas
...Tolerant of Poor Soil
...Covering Banks
...In Water
...Beside Stream or Water Garden
...Coastal Conditions
...Edging Borders
...Back of Border or Back-ground Plant
...Fragrant Flowers
...Not Fragrant Flowers

...Grow in a Patio Pot
...Grow in an Alpine Trough
...Grow in an Alpine House
...Grow in Rock Garden
...Speciman Plant
...Into Native Plant Garden
...Naturalize in Grass
...Grow in Hanging Basket
...Grow in Window-box
...Grow in Green-house
...Grow in Scree
...Naturalized Plant Area
...Grow in Cottage Garden
...Attracts Butterflies
...Attracts Bees
...Resistant to Wildlife
...Bulb in Soil:-
......Lime-Free (Acid)

Uses of Rose
Rose Index

...Bedding 1, 2
...Climber /Pillar
...Cut-Flower 1, 2
...Exhibition, Speciman
...Grow In A Container 1, 2
...Hedge 1, 2
...Climber in Tree
...Edging Borders
...Tolerant of Poor Soil 1, 2
...Tolerant of Shade
...Back of Border
...Adjacent to Water

Topic -
Camera Photo Galleries showing all 4000 x 3000 pixels of each photo on your screen that you can then click and drag it to your desktop as part of a Plant Selection Process:-

RHS Garden at Wisley

Plant Supports -
, 2, 3, 8, 11,
12, 13,
Plants 4, 7, 10,
Bedding Plants 5,
Plant Supports for Unknown Plants 5
Clematis Climbers 6,
the RHS does not appear to either follow it's own pruning advice or advice from The Pruning of Trees, Shrubs and Conifers by George E. Brown.
ISBN 0-571-11084-3 with the plants in Pages 1-7 of this folder. You can see from looking at both these resources as to whether the pruning carried out on the remainder of the plants in Pages 7-15 was correct.

Narcissus (Daffodil) 9,
Phlox Plant Supports 14, 15

Coleus Bedding Foliage Trial - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, Index

National Trust Garden at Sissinghurst Castle
Plant Supports -
Pages for Gallery 1

with Plant Supports
1, 5, 10
2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9,
11, 12
Recommended Rose Pruning Methods 13
Pages for Gallery 2
with Plant Supports
Plants 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Dry Garden of
RHS Garden at
Hyde Hall

Plants - Pages
without Plant Supports
Plants 1
, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

Nursery of
Peter Beales Roses
Display Garden

Roses Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13

Nursery of
RV Roger

Roses - Pages
V76,Z77, 78,

Damage by Plants in Chilham Village - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4

Pavements of Funchal, Madeira
Damage to Trees - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13
for trees 1-54,
14, 15,
16, 17, 18, 19, 20,
21, 22, 23, 24, 25,
for trees 55-95,
26, 27, 28, 29, 30,
31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
36, 37,
for trees 95-133,
38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45,
for trees 133-166

Chris Garnons-Williams
Work Done - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 13

Identity of Plants
Label Problems - Pages
1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

Ron and Christine Foord - 1036 photos only inserted so far - Garden Flowers - Start Page of each Gallery
AB1 ,AN14,BA27,

Plant with Photo Index of Ivydene Gardens - 1187
A 1, 2, Photos - 43
B 1, Photos - 13
C 1, Photos - 35
D 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
Photos - 411
with Plants causing damage to buildings in Chilham Village and Damage to Trees in Pavements of Funchal
E 1, Photos - 21
F 1, Photos - 1
G 1, Photos - 5
H 1, Photos - 21
I 1, Photos - 8
J 1, Photos - 1
K 1, Photos - 1
L 1, Photos - 85
with Label Problems
M 1, Photos - 9
N 1, Photos - 12
O 1, Photos - 5
P 1, Photos - 54
Q 1, Photos -
R 1, 2, 3,
Photos - 229
S 1, Photos - 111
T 1, Photos - 13
U 1, Photos - 5
V 1, Photos - 4
W 1, Photos - 100
with Work Done by Chris Garnons-Williams
X 1 Photos -
Y 1, Photos -
Z 1 Photos -
Articles/Items in Ivydene Gardens - 88
Flower Colour, Num of Petals, Shape and
Plant Use of:-
Rock Garden
within linked page

Topic -
Fragrant Plants:-

Sense of Fragrance from Roy Genders
Fragrant Plants:-
Trees and Shrubs with Scented Flowers
, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for an Acid Soil
, 2, 3, 4
Shrubs bearing Scented Flowers for a
Chalky or Limestone Soil
, 2, 3, 4
Shrubs bearing Scented leaves for a
Sandy Soil
, 2, 3
Herbaceous Plants with Scented Flowers
, 2, 3
Annual and Biennial Plants with Scented Flowers or Leaves
, 2
Bulbs and Corms with Scented Flowers
, 2, 3, 4, 5
Scented Plants of Climbing and Trailing Habit
, 2, 3
Winter-flowering Plants with Scented Flowers
, 2
Night-scented Flowering Plants
, 2

Topic -
Website User Guidelines

My Gas Service Engineer found Flow and Return pipes incorrectly positioned on gas boilers and customers had refused to have positioning corrected in 2020.

Copied from Aquadyne Drainage Page in

Ivydene Gardens Case Studies:
Aquadyne Drainage System to transport rainwater within garden ground area
to evergreen plants that can use it from
Ivydene Gardens Garden Construction Topic


Hard Landscaping

If the garden is large, split the construction into garden sections. Then, execute the following hard landscaping for each section (books from the Practical Projects part of the Library may assist):

  • Remove all redundant items of hard landscaping and soft landscaping from the site .
  • If access to the area permits, erect the boundaries (walls, fences or hedges). If your garden is very exposed, then Hortifence Windbreak will provide 58% shade and wind reduction instead of using either a solid fence or a wall. Remember to put up anti-rabbit fencing if required.
  • Excavate and lay base materials of paths, steps, patios and ground floors of garages, greenhouses, sheds or summerhouses.
  • Lay main electrical cables/irrigation water pipes along paths to junctions for beds, buildings etc.


Build each of the buildings such as garage, greenhouse, shed or summerhouse. You can use Porcupipe device which is designed to keep virtually any water gutter system clear and free from all kinds of debris including moss and leaves.


Build rock gardens, ponds (See Case 8 Creation of Pond), patios, pergolas, trellis --- The Gripple System with wire and 100mm vine-eyes with 35x8 Screw Eyes at the ends top and bottom of system is the fastest way to trellis fruit and vines or use Green Wall Wire Trellis Kits to do the same job ---, or frames.


Complete the patios, steps and finally the paths.



Soft Landscaping: Soil Conditioning

Before starting the planting, the soil must be conditioned. It is unlikely you will ever again have such a good opportunity to tackle a whole bed, and be able to make use of bulk deliveries of compost, if you have insufficient of your own. Spot treatments later on as you add plants will help, but if everything goes into a well prepared bed, it is more likely to thrive. Chemical fertilisers are no substitute for material which actually improves the structure of the growing medium. It’s a bit like taking vitamin tablets in substitution for eating fresh fruit and vegetables.

To convert a sand, silt or clay soil to a loam in order to provide the best condition for growing plants, together with improving its water-retentive properties, organic matter must be added to the soil (See Soil Texture), together with sand to a clay only soil or clay to a sand only soil.

After clearing the area of all perennial weeds and large stones, one of the following should be done.

  • In the ideal world, double dig the area with organic matter (garden compost, well-rotted farmyard manure, straw, hops, leaf mould or spent mushroom compost) which should be added at both levels of digging, in the autumn, (unfortunately, double digging is a very time-consuming procedure, so if you are paying someone, it will be expensive), or a more realistic option is to rotavate the area. Spread 10cm (4in) thick layer of organic matter and rotavate that in.
  • If time and money are very limited, then mulch the area with a 10cm (4in) thick layer of organic matter. Leave the ground to settle. If the manure is not well rotted, it is important to give it time to neutralise, or any plant you insert into it will get damaged. It takes about a month.


Plant the plants in the following order:-

Trees with their 0.61m (2ft) high stakes and ties,
Bulbs, and last


All plants need water to get established and so the designed submerged irrigation system is likely to be a worthwhile investment. Properly done, it means using water effectively, and not wasting it on bare earth or losing it by evaporation. Sprinklers and sprays are inefficient, and hoses or cans are hard work. If the ground is swampy or a bog then use Aquadyne to drain it for you before planting (example below).



Lay the irrigation system round the plants and place a 10cm (4in) thick mulch of Spent Mushroom Compost for Alkaline Soils (Chalk Soil) or Cow Manure for acidic soils on top, before watering the plants in.


Whilst this is about Cricket pitches, the benefits of Aquadyne are equally applicable to any surface that is prone to waterlogging:-


Livingston Cricket Club is bowled over by the Romans

 Cricketers playing at the Dresselrigg ground near Edinburgh no longer have to pack their wellies before taking to the field thanks to a revolutionary drainage system that can trace its roots back to the Roman occupation of Britain



The Aquadyne drainage system, installed at the Livingstone Cricket Club ground five years ago, has been designed to match a ground drying system found on a Yorkshire farm that was put down by the Romans.

Aquadyne’s James Arrowsmith explains: “The farmer and researchers from Newcastle University identified that the Romans had laid blackthorn briars in a trench and, to this day, it removes excess water by a wick and open cavity system.  The water trickles down along the surfaces of the ancientaquadyne3 briars without ever becoming clogged by sand and stones. 


“It was this discovery that led to the creation of Aquadyne.  It is produced from any plastic –  shopping bags and bread trays to flower pots and silage wrappers - and different types of plastic can be mixed together.   The Aquadyne panels sit just a few inches below the surface and the water trickles down through the cavities and, just like the Roman prototype, it never becomes clogged with sand or stone.”

Jim Wilson, the Head Groundsman at Livingstone Cricket Club, heard about the product and decided to use it to drain the outfield at the Dresselrigg ground.

“It was simple to install.  We used 3000 linear metres and didn’t damage the surface of the outfield.  Since it has been in place the ground has been transformed.  Regardless of what the weather throws at us, our ground dries out quickly, without surface cracking.  We are absolutely delighted with the result – in fact the ground has got better and better over the five years that it has been installed”.





The environment also benefits from this product because the panels are made from 100% post use recycled plastics which means that up to 2 tonnes of greenhouse gases are saved for every 200 panels produced.


Soccer and rugby pitches have also benefited from this unique drainage system and it is used extensively in golf clubs in the UK and the United States.

Individual panels measure 220mm x 45mm x 1 metre and have a proven flow rate of 18,000 millimetres of water per hour.  It can be quickly and easily installed without massive interference to the playing surface of sports pitches.


Econoplas Limited Dissolution Date was 18 October 2016.


I would recommend that is topdressed, a month after this Aquadyne Drainage has been installed.
A month after the next rain or irrigation of this area, topdress it again.
The sand in the topdressing will join with the clay and form a soil and help the percolation of the water to the Aquadyne.
You could use
50/50 Sports Renovation Mix in a Bulk Bag to create the better topsoil quicker with its sand and topsoil.
Topdress that area once every 2 years from the installation of the Aquadyne, to further improve the soil below the grass roots.


Glossary for Page

Trellis A latticework structure designed to support climbing plants.

Leaf mould Fibrous, flaky material derived from decomposed leaves, used as an ingredient in potting media and as a soil improver.

Mulch A material applied in a layer to the soil surface to suppress weeds, conserve moisture, and maintain a preferably cool even root temperature. In addition to organic materials such as manure, bark, and garden compost, polythene, foil and gravel may also be used (see also Floating Cloche)



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